re: Unfriending People in Realtime

Lisa Guliani said:
The cord is cut.

I can really relate Lisa. I just now had a close friendship of 30+ years end because someone I loved, who used to be a staunch supporter of religious liberty and freedom for ALL people...suddenly became a rabid Israel supporter?

She used to be Pagan, but now she's Jewish because her mother was? She's suddenly lost ALL sense of reason....probably because she says she's taking pills for "depression" She used to be an expert at critical thinking, now she's little more than a Zionist propaganda parrot. It's absolutely heartbreaking to see someone you love go down like that.
Yes, it is. I can tell you one thing: pills for depression aren't going to improve her thinking process. If anything, they make it more difficult to think clearly. Not just opinion, but based on past experience .
Lisa Guliani said:
Yes, it is. I can tell you one thing: pills for depression aren't going to improve her thinking process. If anything, they make it more difficult to think clearly. Not just opinion, but based on past experience .

I know, when she told me she was taking anti-depressants I realized what had happened to her...and it makes me cry. She used to be one of the sharpest, most intelligent people I know. Now she's just stopped thinking at all....she just parrots whatever the mainstream media tells her. Drugs and Facebook have become her new reality.
Guardian said:
Lisa Guliani said:
Yes, it is. I can tell you one thing: pills for depression aren't going to improve her thinking process. If anything, they make it more difficult to think clearly. Not just opinion, but based on past experience .

I know, when she told me she was taking anti-depressants I realized what had happened to her...and it makes me cry. She used to be one of the sharpest, most intelligent people I know. Now she's just stopped thinking at all....she just parrots whatever the mainstream media tells her. Drugs and Facebook have become her new reality.

Can relate to that one. Though most of the long time friends that have left my life did so by stopping any communication, there were a few that got 'on fire' for a cause and gave me the 'boot to the head' treatment, as in "If you aren't with me, you're against me, go away or I'll make you sorry." :(

Friendships are seldom forever. Very few people can accept the changes in someone over a long time.(Or the lack of any change at all.) The older we grow, the broken clock in our heads seeks out consistency...something that 'works' or is 'steady' that can be held on to when it appears the world is breaking down into unfamiliar, tiring, Change. For some, it's religion or a religious 'conviction' PETA, or Veganism, where the line between religion, politics, and 'lifestyle' blurr. It can be superficial or deeply rooted...'out of the blue' or seen from a distance.

It hurts to realize how rare it can be for people to 'grow up' and still find common ground that can withstand all that.

That doesn't make it impossible, just painful when it surprises you.

:hug2: :hug2: :hug2: Hang in there ladies....
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