Real reason for War in Middle East, Phony US Economy?


Padawan Learner
From: "Michael"
Date: Thu May 25, 2006 5:24pm(PDT)
Subject: Follow the (declining) dollar

When I spoke with Billy (Meier) at the center he said that at the heart of the
Iraq war, etc. was the concern over the fall of the dollar. Here's an
interesting article regarding the subject:

Vladimir Putin and the rise of the petro-ruble

By Mike Whitney

05/22/06 "Information Clearing House" -- -- ?If one day the world?s
largest oil producers demanded euros for their barrels, it would be the
financial equivalent of a nuclear strike?. Bill O? Grady, A.G. Edwards

On May 10, Russian President Vladimir Putin ignited a firestorm that
is bound to sweep across the global economy. In his State of the
Nation speech to parliament,, he announced that Russia was planning to
make the ruble ?internationally convertible? so that it could be used
in oil and natural gas transactions. Presently, oil is denominated
exclusively in dollars and sold through the New York Mercantile
Exchange (NYMX) or the London Petroleum Exchange (LPE) both owned by
American investors. If Russia proceeds with its plan, the ruble will go
nose to nose with the dollar on the open market sending several
billions of surplus greenbacks back to the United States. This could
potentially send the American economy into freefall; triggering a deep
recession and an extended period of hyper-inflation.

?The ruble must become a more widespread means of international
transactions,? Putin said. ?To this end, we need to open a stock
exchange in Russia to trade in oil, gas, and other goods to be paid for
in rubles."

Currently, the central banks around the world carry large stockpiles
of dollars to use in their purchases of oil. This gives the US a
virtual monopoly on oil transactions. It also forces reluctant nations
to continue using the dollar even though it is currently underwritten
by $8.4 trillion national debt.

Putin?s plan is similar to that of Iran, which announced that it would
open an oil-bourse (oil exchange) on Kish Island in two months. The
bourse would allow oil transactions to be made in petro-euros, thus
discarding the dollar. The Bush administration?s belligerence has
intensified considerably since Iran made its intentions clear. In fact,
just yesterday, Secretary of State Condi Rice said that ?security
guarantees were not on the table? regardless of any Iranian commitment
to stop enriching uranium. In other words, Washington will not provide
Iran a ?non-aggression pact? whether it follows UN Security Council
guidelines or not.

Surely, this is a sign that Uncle Sam is on a fast-track to war.

The United States must protect its dollar-monopoly in the oil trade or
it will lose the advantage of being the world?s ?reserve currency?. As
the reserve currency, the US can maintain its towering $8.4 trillion
national debt and $800 billion trade deficit without fear of soaring
interest rates or hyper-inflation. Trillions of greenbacks are
constantly circulating in oil transactions just as hundreds of billions
are stockpiled in foreign banks. In effect, the Federal Reserve is
issuing bad checks with every dollar printed on the assumption that
they will never reach the bank for collection. So far, they?ve been
right, and as the price of oil continues to skyrocket, the Fed just
keeps cheerily printing more worthless paper sending it to the 4
corners of the earth. Regrettably, if Russia or Iran goes ahead with
their conversion plan, then the bad checks will flood back to their
source and precipitate a meltdown.

America?s economic supremacy depends entirely on its ability to compel
nations to make their energy acquisitions in greenbacks. If the flaccid
dollar is not linked to the world?s most vital resource, then banks
will dump it overnight. This extortion-racket is the system we are
defending in Iraq, not ?democracy?. It is a huckster?s scam designed to
perpetuate American debt by forcing worthless currency on the
developing world.

In a recent article by Dave Kimble, ?Collapse of the petrodollar
looming?, the author provides the details of Russia?s importance to the
world oil market.

?Russia's oil exports represent 15.2% of the world's export trade in
oil, making it a much more significant player than Iran, with 5.8% of
export volumes. Russia also produces 25.8% of the world's gas exports,
while Iran is still only entering this market as an exporter
Venezuela has 5.4% of the export market.?

Obviously, it is not in Russia?s interest to trade with its European
partners in dollars any more than it would be for the US to trade with
Canada in rubles. Putin can strengthen the Russian economy and improve
Russia?s prestige in the world as an energy superpower by transitioning
to rubles. But, will Washington allow him to succeed?

A growing number of nations are now focusing on the empire?s Achilles?
heel, the dollar. Venezuela, Russia, Norway and Iran are all
threatening to move away from the greenback. Is this a spontaneous
uprising or is it a new type of asymmetrical warfare?

Whatever it is, Washington is bound to be reeling from the affects.
After all, war maybe possible with Iran or Venezuela, but what about
Russia? Would Bush be stupid enough to risk nuclear Armageddon to
protect the drooping dollar?

The administration is exploring all of its options and is developing a
strategy to crush Putin?s rebellion. (This may explain why Newsweek
editor and undeclared spokesman for the Council on Foreign Relations
(CFR), Fareed Zacharia, asked his guest on this week?s ?Foreign
Exchange? whether he thought Putin could be ?assassinated??!? Hmmm? I
wonder if we?ll hear similar sentiments from Tom Friedman this week?)

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the secretive organization of
4,400 American elites from industry, finance, politics, media and the
military (who operate the machinery of state behind the mask of
democracy) has already issued a tersely worded attack on Putin
(?Russia? Wrong Direction?; Manila Times) outlining what is expected
for Russia to conform to American standards of conduct. The missive
says that Russia is headed in ?the wrong direction? and that ?a
strategic partnership no longer seems possible?. The article reiterates
the usual canards that Putin is becoming more ?authoritarian? and
?presiding over the rollback of Russian democracy?. (No mention of
flourishing democracy in Saudi Arabia or Uzbekistan?) The CFR cites
Putin?s resistance to ?US and NATO military access to Central Asian
bases? (which are a dagger put to Moscow?s throat) the banishing of
Washington?s ?regime change? NGOs from operating freely in Russia
(?Freedom Support Act funds?) and Russia?s continued support for Iran?s
?peaceful? development of nuclear energy.

America has never been a friend to Russia. It took full advantage of
the confusion following the fall of the Soviet Union and used it to
apply its neoliberal policies which destroyed the ruble, crushed the
economy, and transferred the vast resources of the state to a handful
of corrupt oligarchs. Putin single-handedly, put Russia back on solid
footing; taking back Yukos from the venal Khordukovsky and addressing
the pressing issues of unemployment and poverty-reduction. He is a
fierce nationalist who enjoys a 72% approval rating and does not need
the advice of the Bush administration or the CFR on the best path
forward for his country.

The US has purposely strained relations with Russia by putting more
military bases in Central Asia, feeding the turmoil in Chechnya,
isolating Russia from its European neighbors, and directly intervening
in its elections.

When the G-8 summit takes place next week, we should expect a
full-throated attack from the corporate media on Putin as the latest
incarnation of Adolph Hitler. Watch the fur fly as the forth estate
descends on its newest victim like feral hounds to carrion. (Putin?s
announcement that Russia would be converting to rubles HAS NOT APPEARED
IN ANY WESTERN MEDIA. Like the Downing Street Memo, the firebombing of
Falluja, or the ?rigged? 2004 elections, the western ?free press?
scrupulously avoids any topic that may shed light on the real
machinations of the US government)

Putin?s challenge to the dollar is the first salvo in a guerilla war
that will end with the crash of the greenback and the restoration of
parity among the nations of the world. It represents a tacit rejection
of a system that requires coercion, torture and endless war to uphold
its global dominance. When the dollar begins its inevitable decline,
the global-economic paradigm will shift, the American war machine will
grind to a halt, and the soldiers will come home. Maybe, then we can
rebuild the republic according to the lost values of human rights and
the rule of law.

Putin?s plan is set to go into effect on July 1, 2006.
Doesn't this just underscore the theory that the puppet leaders around the globe are working together to level the playing field in order to bring the the planet under the direct control of the royal families? It seems to me that all is going according to their plan. I have not seen nor heard anything to indicate that any world leader is doing anything other than following the script (including the present leader of Iran!)
IMO-I think this is royalty of a different type-and these "players" are looking to join a club way more exclusive than most imagine-and are being promised "big" pay-offs for their participation-won't THEY be surprised when the real "big shots" come out of the shadows and the "players" find they have been invited to a dinner in their honor-and they are the main course!

The thing that is real hard to believe is, that here in the USA, everyone seems oblivious to the impending meltdown-and act is everything is okey dokey-and little Johhnie and Susie are gonna grow up and have families and kids that go to college and life will just continue as it always nauseum.

Just boggles the mind that these people just do not SEE this...
As I'm sure you are well aware, people often see what they want to see, and deny anything that does not fit their personal reality. Given that the MSM reinforces this tendency by not reporting items that might change the public's world-view, and misreporting by going along with the US Gov. spinmeisters, it is no surprise to me that many people do not SEE what is going on.

However, very soon the fecal matter will hit the fan and there will be noplace to hide from the truth.

tschai said:
IMO-I think this is royalty of a different type-and these "players" are looking to join a club way more exclusive than most imagine-and are being promised "big" pay-offs for their participation-won't THEY be surprised when the real "big shots" come out of the shadows and the "players" find they have been invited to a dinner in their honor-and they are the main course!

The thing that is real hard to believe is, that here in the USA, everyone seems oblivious to the impending meltdown-and act is everything is okey dokey-and little Johhnie and Susie are gonna grow up and have families and kids that go to college and life will just continue as it always nauseum.

Just boggles the mind that these people just do not SEE this...
Well I wish it would be so that a house cleaning occur, it all may be wishful thinking on Our part. I really see no evidence that Ozzie and Harriet won't grow up and have little Ozzies and Harriets for hundreds of more years. The prophesied Earth changes and Wave and 2012 etc all may be our own delusion as is the Cometary Impact that we have not felt yet today. We have been waiting for a number of 'watershed ' moments of awakening for what seems like my entire life, and depending on the backroom deals, and machinations of the 'elite' we may be in for more of the same for a good deal more time ...Indeed perhaps forever. Why would any change be made? All is operating in the 'perfection' mode as far as the unseen powers are concerned. The more angst, the better. More Lizzie food. Why would we ever 'graduate'? Thats our wishful thinking. All the prophesy foretold by All sources is just so much wishful thinking. We shall see of course, and, I'm wishing it were so , but I'm beginning to feel like its all a load of bunk. All this foreknowledge, really just our wishes and speculations for a different outcome than what we are seeing in the present. All research aside, as if any amount of research into these matters could have any more validity than someones gut feeling. All the research' and I do use the term lightly, amounts to hill of ca ca. Its all someones opinion, on what happend, or what it means, all second hand PR of a spiritual or metaphysical sort. Even the 'science' facts are mostly rubbish as we find our science facts are based on faulty foundations. Our 'facts' are constatly being revised to fit into our new understandings. We know Squat about science and History. all one step above the witch doctor, if that. Those that say, don't know, Those that know, don't say.

So depending on the efficiency of the 'machine' we may see some or no change in our lifetime. Things being what they are, will probably remain exactly as they have been. just a normal progression of usury with not too much consciousness, in short More Of the Same. After all IF there are control systems beyond us like STS vs STO it serves them no purpose to end their feeding ground. They Love it the way it is. All the prognostication that IT MUST/WILL be different is just so much polly anna frufru. A Great Science fiction story with no basis in reality. I would like to hope its real and change would be Thrust upon the sleeping mass, but really I see little hope of that. Damn Depressing, i'd say that.
Well, I think you raise some good points - but have you ever considered that even if all the 'spiritual and mystical' aspect of the research conducted by Laura, signs and other genuine seekers is COMPLETELY meaningless, things simply CANNOT continue on the course that they are for a significant period of time. That is to say, even in terms of purely materialistic science, there are insufficient resources, too many people, and to many potentially stochastic and devastating impacts of the human population to consider. It's interest that you bring up the Eric Julien prediction which failed to materialise, because one of the purposes of such (likely)disinformation (and all STS prophecies with dates attached) may be to discredit all predictions of such events by STO sources. Basically a 'honey trap' scenario.

What's the use of sitting on the fence?, sure we could be COMPLETELY wrong (which seems extremely unlikely, probably we are wrong about certain things) but all we can do is try and make genuine efforts to find the truth. Where's the free will when proof and certainties are available to us all?
Ben said:
Well, I think you raise some good points - but have you ever considered that even if all the 'spiritual and mystical' aspect of the research conducted by Laura, signs and other genuine seekers is COMPLETELY meaningless, things simply CANNOT continue on the course that they are for a significant period of time. That is to say, even in terms of purely materialistic science, there are insufficient resources, too many people, and to many potentially stochastic and devastating impacts of the human population to consider. It's interest that you bring up the Eric Julien prediction which failed to materialise, because one of the purposes of such (likely)disinformation (and all STS prophecies with dates attached) may be to discredit all predictions of such events by STO sources. Basically a 'honey trap' scenario.

What's the use of sitting on the fence?, sure we could be COMPLETELY wrong (which seems extremely unlikely, probably we are wrong about certain things) but all we can do is try and make genuine efforts to find the truth. Where's the free will when proof and certainties are available to us all?
I saw this and thought it was very well said:

"Todays problems stem, in part, from leaders who are ill-prepared to address complex issues. They're inadequately trained in the realities of global change, yes. More tragically, they lack understanding of human resourcefulness, imagination, resilience and wisdom -- in themselves and in others. They live from the limited field of awareness. The state of the world reflects this in a most dangerous way."

Jean Houston, Ph.D. or email
I don't understand exactly what point you are trying to make, Efields. I disagree with that quote because I disagree with its assessment of the nature of the world's leaders, I think the most important decision makers act within a greater field of awareness than we do. That is to say, the awareness of their psychological difference from 'normal' people and how to exploit this in order to control the populace. The state of the world indeed reflects their actions.

We, however, have a different motivation and a different approach when it comes to making sense of the world.
I see them as far less savvy than you do. I think you give them far too much credit. They are asleep at the wheel A greater field of awareness? You see Bush smarter than us? Oh Brother. He's a puppet for his asleep buddies These psychopaths have a very Limited field of awareness, hence their actions make perfect sense. He's dumbed down to the max, as are most.

The Man In The Glass
When you get what you want in your struggle for self, and the World makes you king for a day;
Just go to the mirror and look at yourself, and see what that man has to say.
For it isn't your father or mother or wife whose judgment upon you must pass;
The fellow whose verdict counts most in your life is the one staring back from the glass.
Some people might think you're a straight-shootin' chum and call you a wonderful guy;
But the Man in the Glass says you're only a bum if you can't look him straight in the eye.
He's the fellow to please -- never mind all the rest! -- for he's with you all the way to the end;
And you've already passed your most dangerous test if the guy in the glass is your friend.
You may fool the whole World down the pathway of years and get pats on-the-back as you pass;
But your final reward will be heartache and tears ... if you've cheated the Man in the Glass !

I wonder what the Cassiopaeans would make of this conversation. Is this The Wave from another researcher?

This I would think goes way beyond the scope of 'Our Leaders'... way way beyond

From: "Dex"
Date: Fri May 26, 2006 0:06pm(PDT)
Subject: Interview with DonD Pt 1 (2003)

Dan Burisch: Is this DonDep? I have control of Dr. Burisch?s sys. I can patch you through in a few minutes.
DonDep: yes it is. How will I know it?s him?
Dan Burisch: He is waiting for a late interrogatory and believe me you will. He?s not happy. When he signs in you will see the switch code. I can establish video and possibly audio if you wish?
DonDep: I don?t have a cam here, but if this messenger feature allows me to see, I?ll wish it, yes.
Dan Burisch: Very good. I have him at his desk. He has no idea whatsoever that you will be on, he thinks it?s an interrogatory reply so be gentle with him when you tell him. He is skittish. Standby for just a couple.
DonDep: Hi good to finally see you.
*Dan Burisch: Who?
DonDep: This is dondep, who has practically memorized every word of your interview with Bill Hamilton
Dan Burisch: standby
.[Dan picks up a phone, I?m watching him on a webcam
Dan Burisch: I have been informed that this is a legit authorized call. Uh, dondep..I heard your name once but that?s it...How?d you find me?
DonDep: I thank you for your courage, and many of your fellow humans out here would like to know what side in the fracture of the Committee of the Majority you are on. [I?m still not seeing Dan, but typing furiously
..StarryEyes is telling me what the video is doing.]
DonDep: You are a hero to many many people out here and across the globe.
Dan Burisch: standby I need a sip of Joe. [Dan and his coffee! Everpresent!]
Dan Burisch: Okay...well that?s nice..hero I am not...they lie in Arlington.
DonDep: We know how hard you?ve been working on Lotus, and the Ganesh, and if I understand correctly, there are 2 factions fighting for the soul of this planet.
Dan Burisch: At least 2.
DonDep: How?s BJ? She last emailed me on July 29
Dan Burisch: I am aware of 2, comprising one hostile and the other the J-Rods from ret./Brothers from Orionis.
Dan Burisch: I haven?t heard from her in well over a year.
Dan Burisch: See me, you have video?
DonDep: Do you believe the J-Rods are "good"? Or could they be subservient to a selfish group, higher than they?
Dan Burisch: Do you have video?
Dan Burisch: I like to know these things.
DonDep: I?ll give you my band?s website URL if you?d like to see me. I can see you, but have no cam here.
Dan Burisch: I can?t surf at will, but thanks.
Dan Burisch: As to your questions...
Dan Burisch: The J-Rod to which I was assigned was a humble traveler, given a mission. he fulfilled it to his best and gave his life to it.
Dan Burisch: He was good, and did not fool me or anything like that.
Dan Burisch: They are us.
Dan Burisch: There does exist a faction that wants to open Pandora?s Box, now.
Dan Burisch: They are selfish and arrogant.
Dan Burisch: They are also racists.
DonDep: Tens of thousands, probably hundreds of thousands, are familiar with your story. My wife and I are even now in Canada, trying to stay safe and undead over your story. We are also involved with the story of zetatalk; are you familiar with it?
Dan Burisch: Thanks for the adrenalin rush...first time I have shook in months!
Dan Burisch: Nancy Lieder?
Dan Burisch: PX and all that?
DonDep: There is a strong strain of christian-based fundamentalism that is framing any interaction with ETs as "fallen angels". Yes, Nancy Lieder.
Dan Burisch: They aren?t fallen angels.
Dan Burisch: No more than we, as humans, are.
DonDep: No-one else talks about majestic other than in your story. Yes, I know they?re not "fallen angels"
Dan Burisch: I don?t understand, I thought MJ was a big thing to muse over?
DonDep: You work for MJ, and Nancy claims she telling the truth? in your opinion?
Dan Burisch: Have I worked for Majestic, you mean?
Dan Burisch: Do I?
Dan Burisch: Is that the q?
DonDep: You claimed you knew "darn well" what majestic was up to, on several fronts.....does your work go to the folks who run majestic?
Dan Burisch: Ya.
Dan Burisch: The CotM broke apart, so we are back to the 1950?s with the chain O Command.
DonDep: thanks. I had asked to make sure they didn?t have a gun in your back if we were lucky enough to hear from you.
Dan Burisch: Let me check...
Dan Burisch: [he?s looking around to see what?s behind him; no gun, of course, so he makes a huge grin and whatever ice there was melted at this moment]
Dan Burisch: Nope not at the moment!
Dan Burisch: Later? After this conversation? Who knows?
DonDep: A faction has intruded on our forum thread, stating that CotM was divided into 2 groups of 16
Dan Burisch: They can?t eat me that?s cannibalism (sp?)...
DonDep: One group, headed by "J", with your help, is being ?recalcitrant?
Dan Burisch: If the term...
DonDep: They are hiding the Ganesh (or Lotus?) in the Ark
Dan Burisch: recalcitrant means that he is not willing to hand over the Lotus, before an agreement to which the rogue J-Rods may be bound...
Dan Burisch: yes.
DonDep: Which the other group is sending a team into 2004-2005, after the (what? cataclysm?) to find it.
Dan Burisch: They are bargaining to have an increased abduction rate to 10,000,000 per year, plus the Lotus prior to the T9 treaty being signed.
DonDep: what should the rogue J-rods be bound by, and why are they ?rogue??
Dan Burisch: I know of that...
Dan Burisch: They are abducting individuals worldwide, without the permission of the present?s Human authorities. They
DonDep: We are being given to understand that the treaty is only to be signed by the faction that wishes to keep the populace in the dark, with no ?Disclosure?
Dan Burisch: are also the culprits in many of the cattle mutilations.
Dan Burisch: The ones not committed by drug companies, etc.
Dan Burisch: No, no, no...
DonDep: The other faction wishes to be announced and conduct peaceful your opinion, why has there been no disclosure as of yet, or is that planned?
Dan Burisch: The treaty is establiished netween the remnants of the worldwide human authority (previously run by the CootM)....stand by...I can only type so fast...
DonDep: okay, i?ll keep quiet for a bit....can you speak to the Planet X-Nancy Lieder situation also?
Dan Burisch: ...okay...
Dan Burisch: Let me back up to find where we were...
Dan Burisch: No, there is no disclosure least to my knowledge. Continuing...
Dan Burisch: But, in a sense, it is happening anyway...
Dan Burisch: By the time anyone figures out what I am doing (large populace wise)...the course will already have been taken, by humanity.
Dan Burisch: You have to understand...what I have told people, while being true, will probably not make a bit of difference, after the course has been taken,.
Dan Burisch: The purpose of the treaty, that is,
Dan Burisch: the purpose of involving the rogue faction of J-Rods...
Dan Burisch: Hey I have a quick question...okay>
Dan Burisch: ?
DonDep: okay
Dan Burisch: If you decide to share any of this with anyone...
Dan Burisch: Fix my typos!
DonDep: absolutelyyy!!!
Dan Burisch: the purpose of involving the rogue faction of J-Rods...
Dan Burisch: is to hold them down on two fronts...
Dan Burisch: The first front is of lesser hold them down to an agreed upon abduction rate and the list I was on when a boy and it happened to me in 1973.
Dan Burisch: The second...
Dan Burisch: They MUST promise to not interfere (MIBS) with representatives of foreign governments...
DonDep: They must promise to not send MIBs to foreign gov?ts?
Dan Burisch: They have been planting the seeds of discontent with their places in the world, in order to obtain their assistance with present-time research into the neurological deficit...that is how they do the communications...
Dan Burisch: The MIBS are aliens.
Dan Burisch: well...ET?s, not really aliens.
Dan Burisch: In return, the governments have
Dan Burisch: been obtaining technology from them.
Dan Burisch: Stargate technology.
DonDep: Stargate technology, to move across the universe? or access other dimensions?
Dan Burisch: We (meaning the U.S.) must root out and find the stargates that are manmade. Yes, to access vast distances...and with that technology goes time access as well.
Dan Burisch: In 2012, the Sun will shower the earth with waves of energy, bound to the Einstein-Rosen Bridges that are clumped together at the Galactic equator.
DonDep: is this the same group of et?s that "gave" us the saucers and then sat back and laughed as our war machine tried to use them, fallingflat on their face?
Dan Burisch: All of the natural stargates will turn on...and as they say in Hollywood...
Dan Burisch: Well...yes, kind of.
DonDep: is one of the stargates in Iraq?
Dan Burisch: Two.
Dan Burisch: We have 1 of them.
Dan Burisch: All of the natural stargates will turn on...and as they say in Hollywood...
Dan Burisch: something wonderful will happen.
Dan Burisch: What that means...I don?t really know.
Dan Burisch: But, if we do not capture and disable the manmade ones...
Dan Burisch: the record books read that we will undergo a tragedy.
Dan Burisch: 4bill at minimum dead.
DonDep: why must we disable the manmade one?
DonDep: ones?
Dan Burisch: The excess energy from the activated stargates was theorized by the folks from the future to have been a main cause of a pole shift, first
Dan Burisch: magnetic, then geophysical.
DonDep: so how does the Ark and Planet X fit into this scenario?
Dan Burisch: The Ark is being built in the United States. Where? I shouldn?t say to you.
Dan Burisch: It is the progentor of the ones that go to the moon and Mars.
Dan Burisch: progenitor.
DonDep: I learned from good-hearted people close to you that you finished the project for the Ark back on Dec 4; (typo excused)
Dan Burisch: The remaining peoples will comprise that group which will lead, through microevolution, to becoming J-Rods.
Dan Burisch: My portion is complete. Biospherics work mainly.
DonDep: And who becomes the Orion group? Not the elite, planning their escape this very moment?
Dan Burisch: But, the model is due at the end of 2004.
Dan Burisch: It is not just the elite, so to speak that will be going.
Dan Burisch: People from every continent have been chosen.
Dan Burisch: Because of J?s work,
Dan Burisch: many of the rich/power brokers have been excluded.
Dan Burisch: They have been chosen from all fields of endeavor.
Dan Burisch: As for PX.
DonDep: Dan, is it possible that the group that signed this unconstitutional treaty with the elitists that control the ET-related projects is quite possibly not have our best interests in mind? Is there any really good reason we will never see official Disclosure?
DonDep: oh go back to px first
Dan Burisch: Nancy is very correct that PX is "Out there."
Dan Burisch: It is something very different than what she has interpreted though.
DonDep: that?s what many of us thought
Dan Burisch: PX is the gateway to the center of our galaxy.
DonDep: we knew she wasn?t completely nuts
Dan Burisch: It is tied with "something wonderful", but I don?t know what that means. I believe, that William Henry is correct in that regard.
DonDep: so is it a ?brown dwarf?? a celestial object? or something more akin to a black hole? a massive stargate?
Dan Burisch: More akin to an oval mass of energy that acts as a stargate.
Dan Burisch: The DCTP, familiar with that concept?
DonDep: will it cause a pole shift in the very near future, as she claims?
DonDep: yes, familiar with it quite a bit! hot topic for thousands rigfht now!
Dan Burisch: The electromagnetic pole shift is already underway.
Dan Burisch: You can track that from geomagnetic observations of magnetic north.
DonDep: we are applying our collective consciousness to how we can have free will simultaneously with this time travel fact
Dan Burisch: The action of free will is a certainty, but the actions of the paradox seemlessly overlay reality upon it.
DonDep: how can the future be established and we still have free will?
Dan Burisch: overlays
DonDep: does that mean that there are alternate realities in which we?ve made different decisions?
Dan Burisch: We chose to act, and reality plays itself out as a stack of cards.
Dan Burisch: That I don?t know.
DonDep: so nothing to add to what you said in the video about the DCTP?
Dan Burisch: I hope so, would like to know that I have erased a few mistakes that I can think of.
Dan Burisch: Which video?
DonDep: Since I?m speaking for so many at the moment, I?m trying to make sure I get the check list in order (the one with BJ and Bill) [referring to the video I have; just reading his post as I finished this sentence]
Dan Burisch: There was a video created after that.
Dan Burisch: I find out that J allowed my passage to it.
DonDep: There was??? I thought I was your worldwide biographer! lol
DonDep: Can your friends that arranged this arrange for that too?
Dan Burisch: You are not aware that one was completed for Bill Hamilton that William Gazeki did?
DonDep: No, was not!
Dan Burisch: This was before the CotM broke apart.
Dan Burisch: Yes, a long one.
DonDep: Can I simply ask Bill for it? Does he have that one Too?
Dan Burisch: It was being set for some kind of public relase they said...hollywood types!
Dan Burisch: release
Dan Burisch: He owns it.
Dan Burisch: That?s what he told me that day.
DonDep: Perhaps an effort to plug the leak the first one created.....and which I fear for my very life in transcribing it
Dan Burisch: It was done in a motel room with full sound studio like apparatus...and those horrible lights.
DonDep: Sounds too ?produced?. People may not trust it....
Dan Burisch: I was asked simple question during it.
Dan Burisch: Can two different realities exist at the same time?
DonDep: I hope you were as authentic and impassioned on that one as you were on the original!
Dan Burisch: I said sure.
DonDep: so it was scripted?
Dan Burisch: Gazeki asked how can that be proven or some sort, as "where can that be found?"
Dan Burisch: Bill Hamilton and some English man asked questions.
Dan Burisch: Alan Gudaitis from Nev. Mufon was present, as
DonDep: So to go back to the Secrets of the Universe, that you are the keeper of....what is the Ganesh to be used for? (Tell me what I can say to Bill that will let him know you and I discussed this!)
Dan Burisch: well as Ron Garner, Bill?s friend and head of, of all things,...
Dan Burisch: Stargate productions!
DonDep: lol!!!!
Dan Burisch: I am no keeper of such things...I look and humbly ask God to see.
Dan Burisch: God is the keeper.
DonDep: OF ALL THINGS! Yes, you are a humble man and a hero, would that the rest of us could be as such.
Dan Burisch: The Ganesh can?t be used! I fight everyday...
Dan Burisch: No, you live by faith, yes?
DonDep: Yes. Love gives me unconscious faith.
DonDep: And your many friends out here feel the same, believe me.
Dan Burisch: Then you are more blessed than me, as are the rest...I live knowing what I have faith needed now.
DonDep: Have you seen a holograph of our future, then?
Dan Burisch: Yes.
DonDep: Will a catastrophe happen before year?s end? I can keep that confidential if need be, we have but a month or so anyway.
Dan Burisch: I can give no more than I have given, with respect to the future. I am sorry. What I have seen I know can be changed.
DonDep: Then we do have hope! We can change the future with our free will, correct?
Dan Burisch: If I breathe it, it can help it come to pass, what you ask, because
Dan Burisch: I would literally be laying a timeline on a timeline with the information and that would be wrong. Yes, the catastrophe does not have to come to pass...
Dan Burisch: If it doesn?t,
Dan Burisch: the J-Rods (and out other half) that exist in the future will continue in this reality, but time shifted to the present.
Dan Burisch: So the DCTP says.
Dan Burisch: That is why I am fighting so hard.
Dan Burisch: But there exists people that would try to tunr this into a technology that
Dan Burisch: turn
Dan Burisch: would be akin to grabbing the fruit of the Tree of Life.
Dan Burisch: I can?t help them, whatsoever.
Dan Burisch: If I do, I would also be grabbing, and I fear those consequences a 1000 found greater than a gun to my back.
Dan Burisch: Or even one discharged.
Dan Burisch: The Lotus is a natural thing.
Dan Burisch: It isn?t something that some Frankenstein?s laboratory cooked up.
Dan Burisch: It exists all around us.
Dan Burisch: We are part of it, and it, us.
Dan Burisch: Every mote of dust emits the particles, naturally.
Dan Burisch: It is the driving force, through the Creator (Blessed be He)
Dan Burisch: that moves life on earth forward to His will.
Dan Burisch: The Ganesh Particles...
Dan Burisch: are those modes of transportation whereby the actions of
Dan Burisch: the Divine One hands through and over the Daat, a piece of the Supernal.
Dan Burisch: As we are God, He is us.
Dan Burisch: The Tree of Life is what we are.
Dan Burisch: Not just Humans, but the entire experience of life.
Dan Burisch: The Ganesh Particles have been there all along.
Dan Burisch: They hide themselves under bent waves of electromagnetism, and flicker out of existence, back across the Daat, with little effort.
Dan Burisch: The crude laboratory protocols of today, limit, by their very nature, the ability to find them.
Dan Burisch: The sifting, sorting, etc.
Dan Burisch: I found them by a process of elimination.
Dan Burisch: I mean, I was kind of told they were there ( )
DonDep: Thankfully for that; my wife and I are tired of dodging surveillance teams and phone taps; we are only trying to do what any human should do to help the rest of humanity. And I KNOW that there is a ?dark force? that wants the Fruit for itself; we are all trying hard to discern which side is which, which is good, and why the PTB are hiding the truth about ET from us. Many of our fellow humans may be stunned with the realization of ET as more than a myth, but the rest of us have been dumbed-down for so long we need a collective exclamation to wake up to the Creator, and the hierarchy between It and Us. Do you think the Lotus, the Ganesh Particles, are a world-seed then? (Told by Chi?ielah?)
Dan Burisch: Where did you get that name?
DonDep: From one of the non-J faction that spoke to the assemblage on the forum I represent,
DonDep: I was told it was the name of your friend from the Clean Sphere.,
Dan Burisch: Well, I promised the J-Rod that I would never speak his name, so onward...
Dan Burisch: The Ganesh Partciels, as best I can understand them
Dan Burisch: (particles)
DonDep: I was also told that the forum is being used to play out the conflict between these two factions and so we would have a hand in history. a spiritual think-tank, if you will, for humanity
DonDep: You never spoke the name. He won?t blame you
Dan Burisch: have seed earth since the inception of life here. They are much more (if you can believe it) than that though, in my opinion (hypotheses follow)...
Dan Burisch: Let me speak to that...
Dan Burisch: if they are playing out some game there (forum?) it is not for the benefit of humanity...
DonDep: the entity also said you are surrounded by a ?light being? that ?doesn?t have their best future in mind?
Dan Burisch: Which side started it, and what was the person?s name?
Dan Burisch: The comments I mean?
DonDep: another entity is possibly responsible for this conversation taking place, who shared some of your recent Interrogatories with us
Dan Burisch: The name of the one that started all these comments?
DonDep: the entity called itself "IMINVSBL", and the antagonist?s name was "Peace"
Dan Burisch: IMINVSBL is the name of the person that used to threaten me, during the writing of Eagles Disobey.
Dan Burisch: ...and BJ Wolf.
Dan Burisch: ...and Butch Howell.
DonDep: "IMINVSBL" stated the "diplomatic opposition" was going into 2004-2005 to find your ?project?
Dan Burisch: ...and Robert Charles..
Dan Burisch: They have already tried that. I am aware. They have paid the consequence for grabbing at the fruit.
Ben said:
I disagree with that quote because I disagree with its assessment of the nature of the world's leaders, I think the most important decision makers act within a greater field of awareness than we do. That is to say, the awareness of their psychological difference from 'normal' people and how to exploit this in order to control the populace. The state of the world indeed reflects their actions.

We, however, have a different motivation and a different approach when it comes to making sense of the world.
Exactly. If the pathocrats are operating on a lower level of awareness, how are they able to maintain their positions of power and to amass and control more and more wealth and resources for themselves?

As Lobaczewski details, the pathocracy has a very refined and broad scope of awareness - a psychological knowledge of how to exploit and manipulate others that is almost "supernatural". If anything, it is the other ~80% of people that make up the lower levels of the hierarchy that are lacking in awareness.

C's session 020824 said:
Q: (A) Right. But there are other spy satellites; some other countries may know that this story with flight 77 crashing at the Pentagon is...
A: At those levels, there is only one "Master."
Q: (L) Those levels? What levels?
A: Levels that can hand down orders to bury or suppress.
Q: (L) So you're saying that even, for example French, Russian, Chinese satellites that might have noticed something, that there is some level of control that can order such information to be buried or suppressed...(A) And the order will be respected? Why?
A: Those who are at that level have been bought and paid for by both giving knowledge of upcoming cataclysmic vents, and promised survival and positions of power after. It is not difficult to realize the there is a body of such types in positions of power already. Power is not only attractive to such types, they are the kind most easily corrupted by it.
Perhaps they are more aware of the machinations of the machine and manipulation and corruption Yes they are more aware of that. However they are not at all aware of the esoteric levels of existence. They are aware in a pedestrian low level sense. They are aware of how to break things further, not how to function os a spiritual level. Blockheads such as they should not be considered aware. The are brilliant on their subversion of power. Not in understanding of spiritual awareness I speak of. So yes they are more aware than the humans population how to be a Nazi. Not more aware how to be a Saint. Double so when they espouse the collective dogma of a connection with their God. They use their religion in a subversive power robbing way, as do all Organized religions. Not in a building up, adding to lesson mankind's burden, way as do spiritually aware beings.

They are able to maintain their positions of power as the System is totally broke. Anything not serving the neocon masters is quickly suppressed and the proponents neutralized, i.e.:disposed of.

No sane person could gaze at our world and believe enlightened, aware, individuals are involved at any level that has any power to affect any change. In fact, quite the contrary. Only the most dense who have pledged allegiance to the Neocons are progressed up the ladder. Any later found to harbor awareness are disposed of, dispatched to the ethers. This world bears the scars of being run into the toilet by a long chain of yes men with no thoughts of their own ala true awareness. Any really aware individuals who somehow have circumvented the hierarchy have been assassinated, lest they upset the status quo. When I look at the power structure of our world, I'm sorry I see no awareness.
I think we are talking about 2 different things here, in a way, because we have a different perspective on who actually makes decisions and controls things here on the BBM. For example, you say "When I look at the power structure of our world, I'm sorry I see no awareness" you make the assumption that it is possible for you to 'look at the power structure'.

The C's (as in the transcript Ryan posted) have provided some information as to the nature of government, using the phrase "all is one". Is Bush operating wth much awareness of anything at all?, no. Is Bush a key decision maker?, no. Behind the scenes some factions of humanity have awareness of cyclic cataclysms, and may in fact be in contact with 4th density sources. I'm not referring to esoteric or even objective awareness here, because these people have pretty clearly made their choice when it comes to the manner in which they serve creation - ie. they are strongly STS and suffer from wishful thinking in accordance with this.

I think this subject has been covered in much more detail in many places in this forum, and in the transcripts. My original post to you, Efields, was not about this topic. You replied with a quote which I did not agree with rather than addressing the content of my original post and so we are now having a discussion about one limited aspect of your first post. That's fine, but I think this has been covered elsewhere much better than I could do.
I posted this on my blog today.

The appointment of the Goldman Sach's executive as Secretary of the Treasury was also coverd there today as it appears that he is just going to try to "bail out" the dollar before the Yin or the Euro takes over. He is a TRADER who the PTB "thinks" can buy them a bit of time. What's been going on the money markets is hysteria for about a month. The US press covers nothing at all about what is really going on. I have to relay on and for real information. The trillions being spent on the war by the US has eaten up any "leverage" the US might have.

* # * # * # * # * # * # * # * # *

Sent by email and being posted every where.


Military Men Who Oppose Neo-Con Warmongering Under Attack
By Michael Piper

For generations, Republicans were strong supporters of the American
military. But now that top military men are in open rebellion against the
armchair civilian war hawks-the hard-line pro-Israel ideologues who
directed President George Bush to order an invasion of Iraq and
who now want war on Iran-the angriest voices condemning the
military are from GOP circles.

Following the lead of the neo-conservatives, who are viewed as fanatics
but still dominate the Bush administration and key GOP policy groups,
many GOP loyalists are declaring war on the battle-tested generals,
admirals and other military heroes who are saying, "Enough is enough."

Although none of the military men have yet said "No more wars for Israel,"
their rhetoric in writings and public utterances says essentially that.

Conservatives roundly denounced former Marine Gen. Anthony Zinni as
an "anti-Semite" for noting that pro-Israel neo-conservatives were the
driving force behind the Iraq war and that everybody in Washington knew it.
Zinni knew what he was talking about: he formerly commanded all
U.S. forces protecting Israel in the Middle East.

More recently, another retired Marine, Lt. Gen. Greg Newbold,
former director of operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, wrote
in Time that the Iraq war was "unnecessary" and that the
rationale for war by those whom he called "the zealots" made
no sense. Newbold's choice of the word "zealots" was loaded.
The term arises from the legend of the Zealots-an ancient
sect of Jewish fanatics.

Newbold quit the service four months before the Iraq invasion,
in part, he said, because he opposed those who exploited the
9-11 tragedy "to hijack our security policy"-referring to
the zealous neo-con fanatics. He added:

"Until now, I have resisted speaking out in public."

But, he said, "I've been silent long enough."

What particularly disturbed Newbold's critics was that
he said he was speaking out "with the encouragement of
some still in positions of military leadership."

He also struck out at what he called "the distortion of
intelligence in the buildup to the war"-a slam at the neo-conservatives
and their Israeli allies who shoveled up garbage, disguised as "intelligence,"
and used it to justify the war.

Newbold brandished his anger at the armchair war hawks,
most of whom never served in the military, saying, "the
commitment of our forces to this fight was done with a
casualness and swagger that are the special province of
those who have never had to execute these missions-
or bury the results."

Newbold's statements received much media attention,
so the neo-cons fired back. Perhaps the most telling
attack on the generals came from Stephen Herbits,
a former top executive of the Seagram liquor empire,
the fiefdom of World Jewish Congress chief
Edgar Bronfman, a major patron of Israel.

This longtime Bronfman henchman was appointed by
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to make "heads roll"
in the military, screening all Pentagon promotions and
appointments, implementing the agenda of enforcing lockstep
Zionist control of the American war machine.


Writing in the April 20 edition of the egregiously
pro-Israel Washington Times, Herbits urged the media
to start to investigate military leaders who dared to
take on the administration.

Herbits said it would be "a service to this country when
the media digs a bit below these attacks to examine the generals."
Herbits is obviously calling on spy agencies such as the
Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a conduit for Israel's Mossad,
to come up with "data" on the military men and provide it
to the media to bring the dissidents into line.

But cracking the whip over the entire military will be tough.

On April 18, David Broder, senior Washington Post commentator,
revealed that some months ago after he wrote of how
Rep. Jack Murtha (D-Pa.)-a former Marine colonel who
served in Vietnam-had called for U.S. withdrawal from Iraq,
Broder was contacted by a Pentagon officer who gave his
name and rank and then said: "This is a private call.
I am not speaking officially. But I read your column, and
I think it is important for you to know that Jack Murtha
knows us very well and speaks for many of us."

This is no secret to those who know official Washington
since Murtha has been a leading Capitol Hill voice for
the military for years. And this is what makes pro-Israel
Republican attacks on Murtha so disingenuous: they paint
Murtha as a "pacifist," "defeatist," "liberal" ideologue.
He is anything but that.

For its own part, in an April 18 editorial, titled
"The Generals' Revolt," The Washington Post said
"the rebellion is problematic" and "threatens the
essential democratic principle of military subordination
to civilian control-the more so because a couple of the
officers claim they are speaking for some still on active duty."

That same day, a lead editor of The Washington Times
Tony Blankley-an advocate of all-out war against the Muslim world-
declared that generals still in service who may be planning
to quit together in protest against Bush policies may be
"illegally conspiring."

Not content with accusing American military leaders
of being seditious, Blankley followed up the next day
with a repetition of his smears, calling for a court of
inquiry to determine whether the military leaders
are guilty of insubordination.

Echoing Blankley, shrill pro-Israel agitator
Charles Krauthammer, a psychiatrist by profession,
not a soldier, blustered on April 21 with a column in
The Washington Post crying of "The General's Dangerous Whispers."

In the end, though, what's most interesting is that
prior to the explosion of reports in the mainstream
media about the dissatisfied generals-four years
after American Free Press first broke the story at a
national level, even before the invasion of Iraq-
the April issue of America's oldest and most respected
magazine, Harper's, featured a provocative cover story:
"American Coup d'Etat: Military thinkers discuss the unthinkable."
This was one month after Harper's-in another cover story-
called for the impeachment of President Bush.

Clearly, some people in high places are not happy with the
pro-Israel internationalism of the Bush regime.
(Issue #18 & 19, May 1 & 8, 2006)

posted by Lady Broadoak @ 5/31/2006 12:05:00 AM 0 comments
article is in french
Interview of Silvia Cattori with Daniele Ganser on secret NATO forces, false flag operations, Iraq, 911 ...
Daniele Ganser is a prfessor of contemporary history at Bale University, and author of 'Secret armies of NATO'.
That's an interesting article, CarpeDiem, containing allegations I'd not heard about before -- and it's potentially big trouble, if true, too. It provides a view of the incredible depth of "contingency planning" that went on by the PTB and certainly still does. It suggests that it is the intelligence agencies that have the real terrorist sleeper cells in all these countries -- ordinary nationals who believe that they are "patriots" and aligned with true patriotic leadership, and who probably get a big thrill out of being the "secret weapon of democracy" or something. How easily they must be manipulated to do virtually anything, and likely without needing pay, without recognition, in total secrecy!
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