Fits Bush To a T
Posted by: "Jack Sarfatti" � jack_sarfatti
Tue Feb� 6,� 2007 8:32� pm (PST)
I have not had time to read and think about this - comments? I am not
endorsing the POV below, I have only skimmed it very briefly, but it
looks like it deserves further attention. Evidence for ET attack on
Earth using nonlocal signaling - mind-control, psychotronics that the
Russians have been sending us messages about.
Begin forwarded message:
by Paul Levy
I have to confess – there’s a part of me that’s sick of writing
about George Bush. And yet, his mental derangement is so
interesting that I find myself continually wanting to unfold what
it is showing us. I see no reason whatsoever to not try and
illumine the malignant pathology that is animating him, especially
because it is having such an undeniable impact on all of us. If we
want to understand Bush’s sickness, all we need to do is
contemplate what he is acting out on the world stage, and realize
that, just like a dream, it is symbolically expressing what is
going on inside of him. Understanding more and more deeply the
psychological roots of what Bush is acting out on the world stage
only serves to empower us in dealing with him.
The figure of George Bush is “symbolically� reflecting something
back to us about ourselves. Symbols are the language of dreams.
Seen as a figure in a dream – a part of ourselves - that we have
all collaboratively dreamed up into materialization, Bush is none
other than an embodied reflection of a deep unconscious, wounded
and pathological part of ourselves. Seen as our dream character who
is ultimately not separate from ourselves, the figure of Bush is
symbolically expressing a process that is going on deep within the
collective soul of humanity. The figure of George W. Bush has been
dreamed up by us to embody the ignorant, sick, and mad part of
ourselves so clearly that it is as if he is a revelation, in human
form, of these pathological parts of ourselves.
For those of us who would say that to see Bush as our dream
character is “crazy,� I only have to point out that to not see Bush
as our dream character means to see him as an independently
existing being who is separate from ourselves and the field around
him. As all spiritual wisdom traditions make clear, to relate to
any part of the universe as existing in isolation from the rest of
the universe is not only not in alignment with the interdependent
and interconnected seamless nature of reality, but is a perspective
that is itself both a cause as well as an expression of genuine
Once we recognize that Bush’s pathology is a reflection of
something in ourselves, the pathology within ourselves becomes
available to be transformed through bringing it to the light of
consciousness. Recognizing Bush’s illness as our own is to
instantaneously initiate a change in ourselves towards greater
wholeness and integration. Because of the primacy of his role, we
are being asked by the universe to recognize something which is
being reflected back by, in and through the figure of George Bush.
Seen as a mass shared dream that we are all collaboratively co-
creating, we have dreamed up Bush as a symbol so as to see, and
hence, heal this sick part of ourselves. The figure of Bush is what
I call a “lucidity stimulator,� in that once we recognize what he
symbolically re-presents in ourselves, we have woken up to a more
expansive, healed and whole part of ourselves.
What I am pointing at needs some clarification so as to get it in
focus. Once we see what I am pointing at, however, everything
changes. There is a deeper, archetypal process that is re-
presenting itself all throughout the underlying unified and
unifying field of consciousness. This is to say that there is a
deeper, underlying process that, like a fractal, is expressing
itself in multiple dimensions or channels simultaneously –
collectively in the outer world, within ourselves, and through
certain people such as Bush who fully embody this deeper process.
Bush has become so unconsciously subsumed by this deeper dynamic
that he can be said to be a living incarnation of this deeper,
archetypal process in human form. Just like His Holiness the Dalai
Lama, who is considered to be an “incarnation� of the bodhisattva
of compassion “Avalokitesvara,� so embodies the quality of
compassion that he can be said to be the incarnation of this
quality in human form, Bush can be said to be just the opposite: an
incarnation in human form of an illness that exists deep within the
collective soul of humanity.
What I am pointing at seems so hard to understand, and yet, when we
see it, it is so obvious that we will never not see it again. Being
so completely taken over by these deeper forces, George Bush can be
said to be a personification, or materialization of these darker
forces crystallized in a human being. As if a symbol in a dream,
George Bush has been collectively dreamed up by all of us to
embody, and hence reveal to us a deeper, archetypal process that is
happening in the collective unconscious itself. This deeper process
transcends boundaries of inner and outer, which is to say that it
is not only incarnating through figures like Bush, but it is
manifesting in both the macrocosm (collectively) and in the
microcosm (ourselves), which are mirrors of each other.
Bush is possessed by the power-drive of what Jung calls the shadow.
To quote Jung, “A man who is possessed by his shadow is always
standing in [and obscuring] his own light, and falling into his own
traps….And if there is no doorstep for him to stumble over, he
manufactures one for himself and then fondly believes he has done
something useful.� It could not be more obvious that a military
solution in Iraq is no longer possible. Being offered a potential
solution to the quagmire in Iraq by James Baker and the Iraq Study
Group, Bush is choosing to do exactly the opposite of what is
recommended, which can only make a bad situation worse. Literally
creating endless destruction, he is deluding himself into thinking
he is doing something good. To quote author James Carroll, “George
W. Bush is the impresario of unnecessary violence.� Our president
is mad as a hatter, and it is our responsibility to do something
about it.
Bush is suffering from a form of madness in which the pathological
core of his psyche has co-opted all of the healthy parts of his
psyche into its service. Jung commented on this age-old pathology
when he said that “…an unknown ‘something’ has taken possession of
a smaller or greater portion of the psyche and asserts its hateful
and harmful existence undeterred by all our insight, reason, and
energy, thereby proclaiming the power of the unconscious over the
conscious mind, the sovereign power of possession.� Jung is not
talking about being possessed by a “demon� in the sense that demons
are objectively existing entities that take us over, but as an
inner, “psychological� phenomenon to which we all are susceptible.
It is particularly dangerous when the person so possessed is in a
position of power such as Bush, where he can act out his pathology
on the world stage.
The word “demon� is related to the word “daemon,� which is a
transpersonal (beyond the personal) energy that can literally take
over a person (or a group, or nation). George Bush has literally
become possessed by what the ancients would call a “demon.�
Referencing Dante’s “Inferno� to make this same point about Bush,
noted historian Webster Tarpley says, “…in cases of particularly
heinous betrayal, the damned soul departs from the body and
descends directly into Hell. The body remains alive, but it is
operated by a demon during the rest of its natural life span.
Something similar happened to Bush when he betrayed his oath of
office…The demon has been in control ever since.� In falling into
utter self-deception and denial, ultimately George Bush has
betrayed himself, but he has certainly betrayed all of us in the
process. He is a genuine traitor.
We should get over our modern-day prejudice against words such as
“demons.� What the ancients called demons are what psychologists
call “autonomous complexes.� These are split-off parts of the
psyche that, due to trauma, have become so dissociated that they
possess us from behind, beneath our conscious awareness. Repressing
these split-off parts of ourselves, we become unconsciously taken
over by them, which is to say that these complexes autonomously
act themselves out through us destructively via our unconscious.
When someone becomes taken over by these autonomous complexes as
completely as Bush has, the complex develops a seeming life of its
own and incarnates itself through the person. The person so taken
over has now become the unconscious complex’s (or demon’s)
instrument. By embodying this dynamic, they can be said to be the
incarnation or revelation of this unconscious process in human
form. A hidden psychological process that exists deep inside the
collective unconscious is showing itself to us through the actions
of the person so possessed, of which George Bush is a perfect
illustrative example.
Being possessed by a demon, Bush himself has become the literal, as
well as symbolic incarnation of this deeper process in human form.
Paradoxically, the underlying pathology that has taken over Bush is
the “problem,� while simultaneously, in its self-revelation of
itself through him, is openly displaying to us its nature so as to
become transformed and “re-solved.� Everything depends upon if we
recognize what it is revealing to us.
A true symbol in a dream which unites both opposites, the figure of
Bush includes both the darkest shadow while simultaneously infused
and encoded with the lucidity stimulating light of consciousness
itself. Encoded in the very manifestation of the demon that is
coming through Bush is the key to its transformation, integration
and healing. Bush is the embodiment of the demon, while
simultaneously reflecting back to us how to exorcise the very demon
within ourselves of which he is the revelation. Bush has gotten
dreamed up by us to embody this demon who exists inside the
consciousness of all of us and who “haunts� the entire field of
humanity. Like Jung says, when an unconscious daemonic content is
ready to be integrated, it always appears physically, which is to
say it gets dreamed up into seemingly objective, material form so
that we can see it in order to ultimately transmute it.
To say Bush himself IS evil is not quite accurate and is to confuse
the personal and the archetypal, for evil is a transpersonal energy
beyond and of a higher dimension than the merely personal. By being
so possessed, Bush is an “instrument� for evil, which is very
different than “being� evil. He is simply a completely deluded
human being who, due to his ignorance, has allowed himself to be
used by darker forces to incarnate their power-hungry agenda. If we
concretize Bush as being evil, we are ultimately doing the same
psychological act (projecting the shadow) that we are reacting to
in Bush, which is to unwittingly fall into being instruments of the
very evil we are reacting against.
Like the figure of Mercury was for the ancient alchemists, Bush
(seen as a symbol) is a conjunction of opposites: the darkest evil
inseparably united with the liberating light of consciousness
itself. Symbolically, who is George Bush? Will his madness destroy
the planet? Or will it precipitate a global awakening? This is
analogous to the question in quantum physics: “is light a wave or a
particle?� How our universe manifests depends upon how we dream it.
Bush’s acts are truly “diabolical,� whose inner meaning is that
which “separates and divides.� The antonym to the word “diabolical�
is “symbolic,� whose inner meaning is that which “unites.� Seeing
the deeper, diabolical aspect of Bush’s agenda is itself to be
seeing with symbolic awareness. Recognizing that the figure of Bush
is as if a symbol in a dream is to non-locally dis-pell the
diabolical polarization in the underlying field. In recognizing the
demon who has taken over Bush, we take away the power from this
same demon who lives within ourselves. Seeing the demon who is
possessing Bush, we become potential exorcists, as our realization
empowers us to dis-spell the darkness both within the seemingly
outer field, as well as within ourselves.
Because Bush is so completely possessed by a split-off part of
himself, he compulsively acts out his dissociation in a negative,
and hence destructive manner. He is so taken over by an unconscious
part of himself that it is as if he has no choice in the matter, as
if he is compelled to act out his unconscious destructively, as if
he can’t not create destruction. To quote Maureen Dowd of the New
York Times, “We don’t know if human beings have free will. We just
know that human beings in Washington appear not to.�
Bush is truly a menace to all of us, including himself. He is so
completely taken over by his unconscious that it literally compels
him to do its bidding. Paradoxically, though supposedly the most
powerful man on the planet, Bush himself has the least amount of
internal freedom of anyone. Because he is an obedient slave to
these more powerful forces, he will in no way voluntarily change
his course towards a positive, and more constructive direction.
Like a Manchurian candidate, Bush is truly a victim of mind-
control, having fallen prey, at the very least, to the poisonous
potential of his own mind. He has become bound and captive to his
own capacity for darkness and destruction. We have to take
responsibility for coming to terms with the indisputable fact that
our president is mentally, emotionally and spiritually incapable of
leading anyone anywhere. He has the “anti-Midas� touch, destroying
everything he gets involved in.
Bush’s seemingly never-ending incompetence is at the same time
camouflaging the underlying evil intent of the powers-that-be whose
agenda he serves. Some people think that Bush is not incompetent,
and that all the destruction he is wreaking, both domestically as
well as around the world, is part of a greater plan to establish a
new world order and impose full-spectrum dominance upon the entire
planet. If this is indeed the case, this only confirms that Bush is
possessed by a demon, for who in their right mind would do such a
thing but someone who is truly an agent of darkness? It should be
pointed out, however, that both could be true: Bush is totally
incompetent, and his incompetence is being used to hide and further
the underlying nefarious agenda of the powers-that-be which animate
Bush is truly a Luciferian figure, as by being an agent of
darkness, he is unwittingly revealing the light by contrast. The
figure of Bush is a fully materialized revelation of an illness
pervading the entire field of consciousness. Being a non-local
field phenomenon, this malady potentially afflicts any one of us at
any moment. The pathology that Bush is embodying is simultaneously
being acted out by millions of people in their households or
workplaces world-wide, as it is truly a sickness that afflicts the
whole human family. Our awareness of our susceptibility to this
contagion not only generates humility, but acts as an inoculation
against its pernicious effects. When enough of us recognize how the
collective illness we are suffering from works through our
unconscious, we can unite together like T cells to heal the cancer
that is infecting the greater body politic.
To recognize what the figure of Bush is revealing to us IS to have
an expansion of consciousness in which we realize the dream-like
nature of reality To have an expansion of consciousness and
recognize that we have all dreamed up Bush to reflect back our own
madness is to snap out of our trance of interpreting our experience
literally, and recognize that our universe is a living oracle, an
unfolding revelation which, like a dream, is speaking symbolically.
Seen as our dream character, Bush is simply a compelling case study
who reveals the structure and dynamics of a collective psycho-
spiritual malady that pervades the entire field of consciousness.
Seen as a symbol in this mass shared waking dream that we are all
having, the figure of Bush is (potentially) a “lucidity stimulator�
who is unwittingly revealing to us an asleep part of ourselves, and
is hence, waking us up.
Paul Levy is an artist and a spiritually-informed political
activist. A pioneer in the field of spiritual awakening, he is a
healer in private practice, assisting others who are awakening to
the dream-like nature of reality. He is the author of “The Madness
of George Bush: A Reflection of Our Collective Psychosis,� which is
available at his website www(dot)awakeninthedream(dot)com. Please feel free
to pass this article along to a friend if you feel so inspired.
Jack Sarfatti
"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called
research, would it?"
- Albert Einstein