The first one. I don't know what to think about it. Could be faked. But there IS something weird about this:
Second one, equally strange:
Second one, equally strange:
Perceval said:First one has been explained as a gas tank rupturing. The second one is weird!
Laura said:Perceval said:First one has been explained as a gas tank rupturing. The second one is weird!
I don't believe that gas tank rupturing business. Just look at the darn thing over and over again.
Laura said:Perceval said:First one has been explained as a gas tank rupturing. The second one is weird!
I don't believe that gas tank rupturing business. Just look at the darn thing over and over again.
Ash Collam said:Coming from a medical professional and as someone who investigates the paranormal as well, I would like to point out to you and everyone here that is this man was having a seizure, he would have lost most to all of his motor skills. What does this mean? This means that if he was clearly having a seizure, his body would have gone down to the ground at approximately seconds and not minutes.
Also, since his motor functions seem to be clearly in working order from his standing, and his pointing, screaming, moderate head shaking but remains stiff, and my personal favorite, his full regain of function afterwards when typically a seizure victim needs a minute or so to be completely normal in case their is brain trauma. Furthermore, you bluntly explain a fog or haze inside a closed glass door in which moves as a temperature difference, well how are you going to explain a temperature difference behind a closed door, moves and then exits those same cold doors without so much as a movement to open them?
And to disprove your theory of reflections, the camera typically picks up someone's reflection, even when the girl came over to him, her own reflection was different from this supposed entity. Any reflections also tended to show up on only inanimate objects. Ignorance is the down fall of humanity, but yes if I recall, it is blunt disregard for facts and hatred that is the downfall of humanity. After all, thousands of human lives have been taken in the name of god, society, morals, and many more. Ignorance only breeds stupidity, but stupidity hopefully gives a lesson learned so that you don't make the same mistakes. Have an open mind to the possibility that there is the unexplained. What does this video technically prove? That there is the possibility of a life after our bodies perish and that the human soul can and would endure even after death.
p.s Those boxes moved off the shelf without a single gust of wind as well,and spirits can also cause temperature differences themselves, you know, just in case you want to cling to the ideology that everything can be medically explained and that when you die that's it, no more after party or heaven or hell. I can go on with this topic and deduct the bit by bit of explainations of both mysticism and science, but it would get long.
For RobbyDoom and the public that believe that they are always right and that the rest of the world are idiots. Last I checked too, These videos happened in Japan, a country that firmly believes in the unexplained, whom are actually beating our asses in many industries. Hmmm maybe there is something there to consider.. maybe opening your mind to a impossible leads to the possible.