Red Ice - Swedish COINTELPRO?


Jedi Council Member
I've noticed that there's a Swedish website that deals with alternate news and esoterica called Red Ice, found at red-ice(dot)net. I've been looking through the material they have, and the podcasts, and the whole thing is a bit weird.

First of all, they (or at least the website owner, Henrik Palmgren) promote a lot of "celebrity" folks like John Kaminski, Judy Andreas, Jay Weidner and David Icke, many of which we have recently dealt with in this thread:

Kaminski is listed as a columnist, and articles from Szymanski, Tsarion and loads from various authors at, much of it of questionable quality. The list of topics is sort of curious:
Magick, Zionism, Illuminati... sounds sort of familiar, doesn't it?

They are also linking to some other sites that I find VERY questionable, such as which is a Swedish forum that promotes Alex Jones/Blood/Rense and that gang. Then again, Cassiopaea and SOTT are also linked on the larger link page, so it's a very mixed bag.

The question then naturally arises: is this yet another COINTELPRO site? Considering the ideas and people it promotes it is a definite possibility. Then again, I have listened to some of the podcasts, and my impression of Henrik is that he is a guy who doesn't question anything at all. Ever. His guests can say pretty much anything, and he'll just go "ooooh, yeah!" and you can almost see his big eyes as he worships the words being delivered to him. Maybe he's just not the discerning type, and that's all there is to it.

I tried contacting him to see what they were about, but no luck. I tried various other ways of finding out more about him and the website, but no luck.

If anyone knows more about this site and its owners, I would be interested to hear about it!
I´we had the experience that we swedes are a bit behind in the objective world department, I mean if you look at the "most famous" (subjective..) sites they dont really mind facts and sources that much. Ofcouz it might just be that I haven´t found or searched hard enough to find a good swedish site(exept enannanverklig... ^_^) , but still. My latest project have been reading´s conspiracy forum and they are just stuck in the mud as far as I can tell, really really stuck. is just a tad better but still lack the critical mindset.
Hi Foofighter
I was just wondering how long the site has been in operation.If its a new site it could be a do gooder who doesnt really have that much of a clue. Even letting them know may make them feel a little touchy,self defensive and so on.

I was given the name of a new site " which is set up by a musician from mersyside (liverpool). The person who runs the site is known by a very good friend of mine,and I dont recall the persons name,though i am assured by my friend that i would know him if i saw the person.

Anyway i noticed that he is advertising Alex Jones a lot so i wrote a quick post in the forum there with a quick link to a posting regarding Alex Jones as shill which is on this forum.There has been no response,but neither has the post been removed.

I seem to be the only person to have posted there.

Also in Liverpool a new 9 11 truth organisation has been set up and they had David Shayler talk there about 3 weeks ago.

Now they are both very new and it is only that they lack information re how to spot cointelpro and so on.Still it is a good example of when an uninformed do gooder can do more harm.
I remember coming across the red ice site several years ago; it stuck in my mind mostly because they had SotT listed in their links section. When I did my report on Carolyn Evers and a little research on bbsradio, I noticed red ice radio was one of their programs. However, Red Ice is no longer broadcasting on their station:

RedIce website said:
We have resigned from
We are currently working on setting up our own feeds
and begin broadcasting live from our studio
Much more information about this is coming...
It would be interesting to know why they resigned.

There does seem to be some interest in Vincent Bridges from both Henrik Palmgren and his brother, Fredrick, who helps maintain the site. The Red-Ice 'people' links section lists Bridge's blog and on Fredrik's site, Occult of Personality (http:(dbl slash)rochester92.vox(dot)com/) there is an appropriately titled blog, "What was Baphomet" that features Weidner's and Bridge's book, "The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye".

There seem to be a lot more obvious red flags surrounding Fredrik than Henrick, so perhaps Fredrik is just a portal of attack - I don't know though. The sense I get from Henrik's site is that he's just collected anything and everything he can find on conspiracy, paranormal, ufo's, etc. and posted it all up on his site, which makes for a lot of noise.
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