Ant22 said:Avala said:I'm risking to sound strange now, but isn't it normal for Sun to look like that at the dusk? It is usual look of Sun for the dusk time, at least where I live. There are some variations, but it goes from dark yellow to red.
Hi Avala, it's quite hard to describe the difference between normal orange shade to the sky at sunset and the colour of the sky yesterday, but it certainly did look - and feel - different. And, well, weird. :)
The images you shared do look like a normal sunset here too and if the sky yesterday had looked like this I don't think we would have noticed anything unusual. To begin with, it was the strangeness of the colour of the sun that prompted Jenn to look into the reasons for it. Otherwise she'd have posted that she was curious about the colour of the sun at dusk in general.
Palinurus said:You're right. Only this wasn't dusk or dawn but mid afternoon (in the UK) and mid morning (in the Netherlands) with unusual dusty, misty and cloudy skies.
Exactly. It was around 3pm when I first noticed it and although London experiences a lot of cloudy weather there was a difference between the phenomenon yesterday and regular cloudy skies.
Hi Avala, it was 11:30am when I saw the sun so it wasn't dusk or dawn. There was a thin layer of cloud which meant that I could look directly at it to see the colour. I have seen a colour similar to that before but not at that time, and not when the sun is that high in the sky. Because it was abit cloudy the sky had a very faint orange glow, like I was wearing my blue blocking glasses outside . What surprised me was that I only saw one person taking a photo, everyone else was going about their business and walking through the town seemingly oblivious!