Reflections - people


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Em want to shear me observation

I have just back from meeting with me old room mate because I heaven seen about 4 month and must back from here :) the dot connection magazine and Political Ponerology book that I have give her to read.. We meet with here "new" "friends" with is from new room mate, I have fled so wired there are talking about money, sex and their behaviour as a animal no higher sense.. I was with me girl and he fell it too. That "omg" or we are other that that people or they are normal and We are just "not normal".

We make EE,detox, and reading in free time playing board games.. to alot about future ant "NOW", programs that we found in ours self.

It was a "shock" as they were asleep only thinking about satisfy their senses.

I'm not writing too much in forum but reading it I have lots of thing going on - now I'm full healthy fond a job.

I'm wondering If you have similar view of current state of mind of people behaviour?
Bobo said:
I'm wondering If you have similar view of current state of mind of people behaviour?
Yep Bobo,

The people i have the opportunity, to most closely examine, are my biological relatives brother, sisters, mother, etc. It's the same really, absolutely no awareness of anything that doesn't concern their little lives, and if they do mention anything of current events in the world, it is always what the MSM regurgitates down their throat.

Firmly asleep people are, everyday i am reminded of the quote "Just like it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be in the days of the coming of the son of man. People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all."

Nothing can be done FOR another, all is choice and the results of same.
Me too. The people I see around me, some good friends, are part of the Matrix. They are very rigid, and lately I saw one of my friend like void of soul. It was a strange impression, they came to see us and he was just capable to talk about money. And his wife, a doctor, just talked about death. She was sucking my attention and energy talking, I was concient of this. During the weekend that they came, last autumn, I felt very bad, very... sick. Some friends (that I think are in this forum) in Facebook gave me the answer: my friends were defending the Matrix. Till then I was unable to grasp this notion then I had the insight. Even my dog was sick, when my friends were there. The day after I had a strange physical sensation, like if someone gave me a drug. This sensation of being drugged last 12 hours. So yes, some people are here just to take your energy and just to talk about what the Matrix wanted to talk: money, sex, material, objects.

Then there are the others, people I talk to, anywhere because I love to talk to people. And then again I see their obstinacy to defend the Matrix. They are zombies, skeletons. They just repeat what they listen at the TV. And if you try to give some different point of vue they almost wanted to punch your nose.

Finally I don't care anymore. I continue my little life, learning and having fun learning. So you see, you are not alone.
Same Bobo, and in the not too distant past this reflected back from the mirror, yet there was great denials of the awareness of the view. Even today this requires constant vigilance of self and it is easy, imo, to fool oneself.

Of friends and the acquainted, it seems the same with exceptions, but also as i’m not in their shoes, can’t completely know of their internal struggles to wake, even though appearances when in groups often say mechanical things, perhaps just to fit in and may not be their truer thinking. Without a network, attempts at transformation of awareness can have many roadblocks.
voyageur said:
Same Bobo, and in the not too distant past this reflected back from the mirror, yet there was great denials of the awareness of the view. Even today this requires constant vigilance of self and it is easy, imo, to fool oneself.

Of friends and the acquainted, it seems the same with exceptions, but also as i’m not in their shoes, can’t completely know of their internal struggles to wake, even though appearances when in groups often say mechanical things, perhaps just to fit in and may not be their truer thinking. Without a network, attempts at transformation of awareness can have many roadblocks.

I was thinking, reading your words, of the immense solitude of people that are in this void, this mechanical circle: money, couple, house, kids, job, money, couple, house, kids, job... I was remembering the sadness of my friend, that I saw in his eyes. It is true, we are not inside them, we can not judge them. Yes, sadness, solitude. Separation. The network can save us. Is saving us. Is saving me.
loreta said:
voyageur said:
Same Bobo, and in the not too distant past this reflected back from the mirror, yet there was great denials of the awareness of the view. Even today this requires constant vigilance of self and it is easy, imo, to fool oneself.

Of friends and the acquainted, it seems the same with exceptions, but also as i’m not in their shoes, can’t completely know of their internal struggles to wake, even though appearances when in groups often say mechanical things, perhaps just to fit in and may not be their truer thinking. Without a network, attempts at transformation of awareness can have many roadblocks.

I was thinking, reading your words, of the immense solitude of people that are in this void, this mechanical circle: money, couple, house, kids, job, money, couple, house, kids, job... I was remembering the sadness of my friend, that I saw in his eyes. It is true, we are not inside them, we can not judge them. Yes, sadness, solitude. Separation. The network can save us. Is saving us. Is saving me.

Knowing that we perceive people and everything through a conditioned interpretation, a great part of what we receive seems to be a reflection of our state of being.
If we understand that we are kind of dreaming awake, I guess there is no use to try to awaken anybody who wouldn't be able to see it, in this all-sleepers land.
But we can meet fellows who are in the know, aware and willing to learn and share, like members of this forum. Networking is a great opportunity then.
Sometimes I feel it's not enough though and think that having meetings with real of you folks would be quite interesting. Easier said than done...
voyageur said:
Of friends and the acquainted, it seems the same with exceptions, but also as i’m not in their shoes, can’t completely know of their internal struggles to wake, even though appearances when in groups often say mechanical things, perhaps just to fit in and may not be their truer thinking. Without a network, attempts at transformation of awareness can have many roadblocks.
Exactly voyageur,

It is interesting, because from my observations, when conversing with ordinary people, and a little bit of essence starts to shine through, i can see & feel it, but as soon as that happens, it seems like there is a mechanism within to cancel that out, and they recur back to their programming.

The scientist in me is fascinated by this observation, so i take every opportunity to observe such dynamics, and apply the lessons derived to my own struggle in becoming man without quotes.
[quote author=bngenoh ]
It is interesting, because from my observations, when conversing with ordinary people, and a little bit of essence starts to shine through, i can see & feel it, but as soon as that happens, it seems like there is a mechanism within to cancel that out, and they recur back to their programming.

The scientist in me is fascinated by this observation, so i take every opportunity to observe such dynamics, and apply the lessons derived to my own struggle in becoming man without quotes.

Seems also in our modern world of stimulus, that there are so many everyday distractions (social, economic, political et al - matrix's) on people, unlike our ancestry, that being absorbed in these matters or more importantly vectored by disinformation, plays on this internal essence that you identify - the real soul, and as an observer it is hard to see the truer core of a person, let alone within ourselves. Like loreta & Esote discuss too:

loreta said:
...the immense solitude of people that are in this void, this mechanical circle: money, couple, house, kids, job, money, couple, house, kids, job... I was remembering the sadness of my friend, that I saw in his eyes. It is true, we are not inside them, we can not judge them.

Esote said:
Knowing that we perceive people and everything through a conditioned interpretation, a great part of what we receive seems to be a reflection of our state of being.
If we understand that we are kind of dreaming awake, I guess there is no use to try to awaken anybody who wouldn't be able to see it, in this all-sleepers land.

It takes great focus and considering and even then - being here on the forum, doing some inner work tells us why in so many ways, osit.
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