
Buddy said:
Jason (ocean59) said:
There probably isn't any one single right answer (how could there be?) - but more likely several different factors all combined together. Osit.

I agree. Who wants a "single right answer"? That is soooo classical (not-quantum speak). :D

I agree and for me, at this time, E. E. has brought tremendous help in my life. :hug2:
Laura, seems like there's a lot of conjecture and mis-info on this subject.....could this be a question for the next Cs session?.."Clarification"....but Happy New Years to all (not to worry)
MnSportsman said:
My thinking is to interpret the phrase, "help is on the way", is that the "We are you in the future", phrase is not just limited to those who are physically/actively participating in the Cassiopean Experiment, but includes any, & all. Thus, all of us are part of the, "We are you in the future". Even though not all of us are privy to the channeling , ( Laura chose to ask for more, worked for it, & thus she received, &, fortunately...she has also shared...), but IMO we are part of the whole ALL, (Including the "Wave", this "realm change" that is, as we have been informed, approaching.)
It seems to me that any "reinforcements" ( or any "like" definition) is the merging of all of us with ourselves. If I am correct (in my own personal interpretation), we all have parts of us throughout all densities (7 is my understanding through what I have so far read.), but we are only "aware" of the particular density we currently occupy. At realm change, those densities will meet. That in that instant, will be the "illumination" of the what, the who, the where, we "are". Then we proceed from there. A recognition of what is, what was, & what is to be. Call it what you like, but it seems to me that it will be a culmination. Where we proceed at that particular "culmination", may be determined by where we need to be, based on our "lessons".

For me, at this time, my perception is, "You" are your reinforcement.

I still have much to learn. Just my "take"...

This follows along my interpretation as well- I rather "get" that each individual exists at all points in many different "times" until merged with the "One" at 7th Density-and we are all responsible for our own lessons, and that there are those that "help" us (such as Laura et al) and what we choose to learn from them is up to us- I admit I have a ton of work to do on myself and have vowed to get cracking...and part of that work is to learn to communicate with our higher "selves" that have already progressed-the C's have indicated that this is not only possible but imperative if we are to grow as individuals-and many here have already made tremendous strides in that way, and contribute so very much to our benefit (the EE program for example) A BIG THANK YOU! TO ALL who share their knowledge and experience on this Forum!

as far as STO "troops" coming to save the day- I wouldn't count on it (outside help) I really believe it's all on us at this point-and it is better that way, I.M.O. we will learn so much more if we "do" ourselves
C's told us that different groups of "aliens" are already here, at both sides, STO and STS.

Intervention by beings from higher densities would be violation of free will. Spacecraft landing and wake up humanity, or something like that, would be violation of the surounding environment which already give opportunity to work different lessons.

I think "help is on the way" means that Earth is on the way to encounter with the new cosmic conditions, changed environment on the planet and permit to activating our hitherto hidden capabilities.

As in the experiments with Kozyrev`s mirror with sending information at a distance, but in the new environment it would can be done without any machines, as an example, I don't know what really could be.

However, much depends also on what level we will be and to what extent we will be able to interact the new environment.
Reinforcements are coming from. From outside or inside of our being? That's what you get? Every time we open the forum, there is a recharge of information that reinforces, somehow, with enough energy or low, depending on our own availability, to broaden the understanding of truth.
Are we expecting fireworks and dramatic episodes of science fiction, but, if the "fire of truth" as we have familiarized the C's is laconic, with the right words. However, each person has their own reception and reinforcement that intensifies exponentially each of us. Have imagined the amazing energy load shared knowing this information and evidence, "is on its way" every time we share in the forum?
I did Reiki years ago and my teacher used to talk about all the different guides and ascended masters and archangels that she was regularly in contact with. The thing is, I didn't doubt for one second that she was seeing them or talking with them. I even used to feel disappointed that I wasn't experiencing the same. Now, looking back I can recognise that I also felt a vague discomfort which I now understand to be "warning bells" but at the time I couldn't explain it. I couldn't explain the nagging doubt so I ignored it. I mean, after all, she was such a good person and in my judgement, sincere. And when I was lying on the plinth ("abduction table" :lol:) with my eyes closed I became aware of an external light and I opened my eyes to see she had just walked past. It was quite convincing! Anyway, given what I've learned here I would indeed be very wary of any superhero 4d "sto" friends appearing to guide me. This kind of thinking reminds me of the whole christianity salvation meme. In spite of the fact that Jesus is supposed to have said that salvation lies within, the church has twisted that into "salvation lies in Jesus" (read "salvation lies without").
A very good quote from one of the sessions that I read tonight that I think is very relevant to this topic is the following:
Q: (L) Okay, the question has arisen: at the time of the transition to 4th density, is there going to be any assistance to those who are newly arrived in that density, or does the knowledge of that density come automatically?
A: Neither. When one arrives in 4th density, it is one’s choice to find one’s way just as it is in the other densities. There is no one waiting there to assist you. That would be an illusion. It is you assisting yourself as you choose to do it, the way you choose to do it.
The full article is here

Also, there was a very good article on SOTT some time back which would, I think, be good to read in the context of this topic. Unfortunately, I can't find the article! If anyone reading this knows which one they might link to it please! It talks about how much "christian" thinking has influenced western civilization, particularly Hollywood which provides us with so many of our memes and how so many films use the christian saviour myth as their main theme thus conditioning even non´believers to accept the whole "miracles and one saviour" notion. Anybody know which article I'm referring to? I'd love to read it again!
I think you mean this article right, Don Genaro? By the way, it was originally published in the Dot Connector Magazine before being carried on SOTT.
Thank you very much- indeed that's the very one. Much appreciated (and recommended!)

...For instance, in the movie Armageddon, Bruce Willis punctures arrogance and snobbery at NASA with his no-nonsense can-do attitude, because he has an oilman's knowledge of life, while NASA experts only have college degrees. This is the twelve-year-old Jesus in the Temple arguing with the teachers there, "and all who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers" (Luke 2:47). Bruce then destroys the incoming asteroid, saving us all from the sting of death in a self-sacrificing ball of flame, and the entire population of the Earth then rejoice at their salvation. His team (i.e. the Apostles) are all treated as heroes - even though they'd been complete misfits before, or even out-and-out rogues. We don't have to do anything - we just gawp at the pictures on the screen while Bruce Willis does the actual work: that's the vicarious part of the "vicarious crucifixion". The whole thing is a Gospel story from start to finish...
Yes, this whole monotheistic shtick and the hijacking of the True Paleochristianity, etc. has had SUCH a detrimental effect on humanity. This expectation of saviors is so dis-empowering, and in combination with everything else done to us for millenia to dumb down and weaken us in every way, it's no wonder that so few make the efforts we make here to pull our buns out of the fire.
Remember for a while during the 2008 campaign, Barack Obama was using "We are the ones we've been waiting for" as a slogan? It would be cool to re-co-opt that as a slogan; get it back out there for everyone waiting for someone or something to realize that it's on all of us if we want to successfully take this thing to the next level.
SeekinTruth said:
I think you mean this article right, Don Genaro? By the way, it was originally published in the Dot Connector Magazine before being carried on SOTT.

Just a heads-up. This article doesn't seem to be available anymore!
Don Genaro said:
SeekinTruth said:
I think you mean this article right, Don Genaro? By the way, it was originally published in the Dot Connector Magazine before being carried on SOTT.

Just a heads-up. This article doesn't seem to be available anymore!

The link seems missing but you still can find the article here:

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