remote viewing predicts 2013 catastrophes?


Jedi Master
i came across this very interesting website that hosts information apparently from a group of experienced remote viewers. One of their projects was an experiment to 'see' what would happen from the year 2008 to 2013/14 on different points on planet earth.

I quote:
We at The Farsight Institute are currently engaged in a fascinating study using remote viewing to study climate and planetary change between the years 2008 and 2013. The initial results appear dramatic on a global scale, and our research does indeed suggest that major global change is a possibility between now and 2013. However, web site visitors are reminded that this is research, not certitude. Remember what Albert Einstein once said, "If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research, would it?" Web site visitors are encouraged to examine all of our results carefully, and learn with us as we complete this experiment in mid-2013. We will not fully understand these remote-viewing data until the experiment is completed at that time.

There is a video on the page that explains the mechanics of how the experiment was done, as well as the files related to it and the methodology.

This project describes change between the years 2008 and 2013 across nine geographical locations with a global spread. The locations are

Vaitupu, Tuvalu
Fort Jesus, Mombasa Kenya
Sydney Opera House, Sydney, Australia
Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
United States Congress Building, Washington, D.C.
Malé International Airport, Malé, Maldives
KITV Building, Honolulu, Hawaii
The Vehicle Assembly Building at Launch Complex 39, Kennedy Space Center, Merritt Island, Florida
Key West, Florida

This is what they saw:
In general, these remote-viewing data suggest the following types of physical changes across many of the above geographical locations by mid-2013:

Impacts from what appear to be large meteors leading to tsunamis and possible volcanism
Extensive and forceful flooding of coastal areas
Excessive solar radiation
Storms and other severe weather

In terms of the effects of these changes on humans, these data also suggest:

Massive self-organized relocation from coastal areas (refugees)
The breakdown of rescue or other notable governmental functioning
The breakdown of the food supply system
The breakdown of the vehicular transport system
Extensive loss of buildings near coasts

It looks like the RV-ers (remote viewers) are aware of multiple timelines and alternate realities, and attempted to remote view two separate futures depending on the actions top govts and the scientific community took around the world.
The two 2013 timelines examined in this study are

Timeline A: 1 June 2013, 12 noon target local time, following the timeline in which the leadership of the mainstream global scientific establishment continues to ignore or deny (1) the reality of the remote-viewing phenomenon, and (2) the existence of life not originating from Earth.

Timeline B: 1 June 2013, 12 noon target local time, following the timeline in which by the end of 2009 leaders of the mainstream global scientific establishment publicly recognize (1) the reality of the remote-viewing phenomenon, and (2) the existence of life not originating from Earth

The results of this study do suggest that there is a difference between the two timelines. These data suggest that the impact of planetary change is less severe for Timeline B as compared with Timeline A. This suggests that having the mainstream scientific community openly acknowledge the reality of remote viewing and life (even microbial) not originating on Earth may help ameliorate the impact of severe planetary change, perhaps by giving people a greater chance to prepare for the changes.

The authors also note what seem like unconnected world events that may be related to these upcoming changes:
Oddly, these results largely parallel recent warnings being issued by NASA relating to the dangers of severe solar storms anticipated around the years 2012 and 2013 that would threaten the global long-term use of electricity. NASA is not currently explaining exactly why these unprecedented and severe storms are anticipated, but the warnings themselves could not be more clear. Meteor impacts are not included in the current set of NASA warnings.

And finally, their take on seemingly disconnected events:
The U.S. Space Shuttle will launch its last mission in February 2011. At that time, NASA is entirely abandoning its government-funded manned spaceflight program. Given the investment that the U.S. has made in launching humans into space since the 1960s, this is odd, especially since private efforts to launch humans into space are years away, and currently unproven. It is as if the government does not anticipate being able to launch humans into space in the near future for reasons not currently stated.

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault is being sealed in 2011. This will allow the world to restart agriculture given a global catastrophe. The United Nations formally inspected the facility, which might seem odd for a Norwegian project. The timing of this project seems like a strange coincidence.

U.S. and global debt. It is as if various governments are not expecting to have to pay back their debts, perhaps anticipating a global economic reset due to reasons not currently stated.

The devaluing of the U.S. dollar seems to be a trend that will stay. Moody, Standard and Poor, and Fitch have announced that they may be devaluing the rating of U.S. Treasury bonds (see NY Times article, 15 March 2010, as well as the editorial on 20 March 2010), and there have been discussions within the United Nations of the International Monetary Fund phasing out its dependency on the U.S. dollar. The governments seem to be acting as if the U.S. dollar will be replaced as the global currency.

Digging, digging is everywhere. The U.S. has no nuclear enemies, yet it is digging huge underground facilities in inhospitable regions difficult for the masses to reach. Why? See, for example, the facilities under Dulce. On the other hand, the Chinese tend to think collectively, and China is digging extraordinary subway complexes under most of its major cities in a crash program that seems odd in terms of timing and scope. See, for example, the NY Times article by Keith Bradsher, 27 March 2009. Subways are, of course, conveniently located underground tunnels, and such tunnels could house millions of people in an emergency.

NASA is now predicting that the Sun may generate unprecedented solar storms for a lengthy period in 2012-13. We cannot accurately predict Earth's normal weather a week in advance, and it is by no means clear how NASA can do this with respect unprecedented weather on the Sun years in advance. They are saying that we are more dependent on vulnerable computer technology now. But we had similar dependencies in 2001 and 1990 when previous 11-year solar cycles hit. What is different about the current cycle? Some might suggest that NASA is acting as if it has some extra information that is not currently stated.

More info at _ttp://
moksha said:
i came across this very interesting website that hosts information apparently from a group of experienced remote viewers. One of their projects was an experiment to 'see' what would happen from the year 2008 to 2013/14 on different points on planet earth.

U.S. and global debt. It is as if various governments are not expecting to have to pay back their debts, perhaps anticipating a global economic reset due to reasons not currently stated.

The devaluing of the U.S. dollar seems to be a trend that will stay. Moody, Standard and Poor, and Fitch have announced that they may be devaluing the rating of U.S. Treasury bonds (see NY Times article, 15 March 2010, as well as the editorial on 20 March 2010), and there have been discussions within the United Nations of the International Monetary Fund phasing out its dependency on the U.S. dollar. The governments seem to be acting as if the U.S. dollar will be replaced as the global currency.

Interesting information moksha. Although I haven't visited the website yet, the bolded statement has been on my mind for several months now as I watch money being printed faster than anyone can keep up with!
John! said:
Farsight? Isn't that Courtney Brown's website? He was the one behind the Hal Bopp Companion hoax. Check the transcripts for info on Courtney!
Thanks John for the heads up, I had not known earlier about Mr.Brown's connection to this website.

The C's have commented on Mr.Brown in relation to a book he had written that Laura was asking about. It seems he is an 'agent provocateur' who is acting on an agenda whose aim (i think) seems to be to disclose information about EBEs to the general population - but twisted for their own benefit, no doubt. It is interesting to note that the Cs mentioned that this person CAN remote view, suggesting that he is using his RV gift to further the agenda of his employers, the enigmatic 'nation of the 3rd eye'.

I think it may still be useful to glean how 'they' want to direct our thinking by checking his site in greater detail.

The link the relevant transcript session is here:
I think it is pretty fascinating stuff. As for what the Cs said about Courtney Brown:

23 Nov 1996 said:
Q: (L) Okay, let's move on to Courtney Brown. (T) We all
know who he is, and what he is writing about in regard to
remote viewing... what is it all about?
A: Vague.
Q: (T) Is the book Courtney Brown wrote, "Cosmic Voyage,"
concerning the Martian population...
A: It is true that there are underground bases on Mars, but
they are Orion STS.
Q: (T) Are there Martians as portrayed by Courtney Brown?
A: Not exactly. He is portraying the Orion STS as the
Q: (T) Is Courtney Brown a government disinformation agent?
A: More as an "agent provocateur."
Q: (T) Is he working for the government?
A: Not directly, and remember, the government is not one
Q: (L) Who is primarily backing Courtney Brown?
A: Rockefeller group.
Q: (L) And, is Mike Lindemann and company part of this
Rockefeller group at this time?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Linda Howe?
A: No.
Q: (T) Did Courtney actually do remote viewing to obtain the
information in the book?
A: Not really. Not needed.
Q: (T) Does this mean that the whole story is concocted on
his part?
A: Semi. Elements of it are factual.
Q: (T) Yes. I could see that there were factual elements. I
could also see that there was a LOT that was questionable.
that conflicts with EVERYTHING else that has come out from
other researchers. This is all totally twisted and
A: Close.
Q: (T) Is Courtney able to do remote viewing?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) But he did not use it with this book?
A: No.
Q: (T) So, the book was made up the way it is. It is a
story. Some factual information, some invented
information, some pure BS thrown in to fluff it out. So,
the book is NOT an account of work that has come from
remote viewing sessions?
A: No, but not needed.
Q: (L) You have said twice that remote viewing was not
"needed." Where did he get his information?
A: Secret sources. Agents of the nation "of the third eye."
Q: (J) What or who - is the "Nation of the Third Eye?"
A: Terran civilization under the surface.
Q: (L) Now, wait a minute. I remember that when they said
the Aryans were brought from Kantek, and that they were
"sturdier," or something like that, and I remarked that it
seemed that they would be less sturdy - and the C's
answered "on the surface." Now, that has always bothered
me. I don't think they meant "surface appearances." Have
the Aryans been glorified as the "master race" because
they are more suited to living underground?
A: Close. All types there are "Aryan."
Q: (L) Okay, is this a Terran underground civilization that
has been 'managed' by Orions, or did it develop on its
A: One at a time.
Q: (L) Did the underground civilization develop on its own?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is it managed or manipulated by Orions as well?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are these "managers" Orions from other densities?
A: Yes and no.
Q: (L) I don't understand. Are there some that are 4th and
some that are 3rd?
A: The human types there are "bi-density."
Q: (L) Holy Shiite Moslems!
A: Grays and Lizards are 4th density. They can "visit" 3rd
density, but they must keep returning to 4th in order to
Q: (T) Are you saying that the human/Aryan types can exist as
long as they want in any density?
A: In 4th and 3rd.
Q: (L) They can move back and forth, existing with equal ease
on either density?
A: Well, not with "equal ease," because 4th density is
easier, naturally.
Q: (T) So, the information Courtney Brown was given to write
this quasi fiction book, is about the Aryans and not about
the Martians?
A: "Martians" is easier to understand for the less well-
informed, not to mention any discussion of the densities!
Q: (T) Absolutely. Martians are easier to accept. A lot
easier to understand than densities! (L) Okay, Third Eye.
What is this?
A: That is what they call themselves when pressed for an
explanation by surface types, such as yourselves. They
were the inspiration for Masonic lore and Illuminati, too.
Q: (L) Does this "Third Eye" designation have a connotation
of third eye abilities as we understand them?
A: Psychic.
Q: (T) Does Courtney know he has been had?
A: He has not been "had." He is under the employ of those who
pull the levers, so to speak.
Q: (L) You said "pull the levers." Is Courtney Brown a robot,
Greenbaumed, mind-controlled, implanted, or any or all of
the above? (T) Or is he just foolish?
A: No. Not so foolish, he does not worry aout paying the
power bill. As Forest Gump said: "Stupid is as stupid
Q: (L) Are you implying that I am foolish or stupid because I
DO worry about paying the power bill?
A: No, we are not implying that you are stupid, or foolish,
for that matter... But, Courtney Brown is not either. Who
is he hurting? And, he has hit the jackpot with this one.
Knowledge can be procured by reading literature, then
analyzing it.
Q: (T) Is the time table that he has given correct?
A: Close.
Q: (T) So, the powers that be are going to follow this time
table and present the Aryans as Martians?
A: No.
Q: (L) Are the Aryans going to present themselves as
A: Initially. In order for the Terrans to get used to the
idea of EBEs.
Q: (T) But, they are not the good guys. Beware of Greeks
bearing gifts.
A: Some of the "good guys" are identical in appearance.
Q: (T) Is this a subterfuge on the part of the Aryans so that
they can slide in quietly and take over?
A: No, they do not need that at all. It is a way for the
"government" to introduce everyone to the new reality of
the existence of intelligent life all over the place, not
just here.
Q: (T) So, they have their own agenda, but it is not what
Courtney presented in the book.
A: It does not matter. The book is a somewhat altered "New
Reality 101."

So, with all of that, I'd say that there is some usefulness in this Courtney Brown work. I wonder what the future would be like if the people of the planet got a handle on psychopathy and found a way to deal with it, remove pathological individuals from power, and propagate TRUTH. Those alternative scenarios were based on really silly questions.
I came across a reference recently of the 'Nation of the third eye' in John Keel's book Our Haunted Planet. It was in relation to MIB's and their mysterious black cars that appear and disappear in true high strangeness fashion:

Dr. James E. McDonald, a meteorologist from the University of Arizona, and other investigators later tried to check out the identity of these visitors (MIB's). Again, they drew a complete blank. Despite their credentials and uniforms, these men were apparently impostors. Numerous other witnesses have also reported visits from men in big black cars, usually Cadillacs, with peculiar purplish glows lighting their interiors. There are even a number of witnesses who claim to have been temporarily kidnapped in such automobiles. They have described strange psychedelic lights on the dashboard which caused them to fall into hypnotic trances.

Some of these phantom vehicles have a special insignia printed on their doors - a triangle with a bolt of lightning passing through it. In other cases witnesses said the symbol was the classic triangle with an eye with an eye - the ancient symbol for the deity - and the MIB identified themselves as "agents for the Nation of the Third Eye". Such stories are rarely given wide circulation and are almost never published. So it is quite interesting that so many far-flung witnesses manage to come up with the same identical details.

One of the first clues that a ufo flap was about to break on Long Island in the spring of 1967 was a series of random reports describing strange Oriental or Gypsy-like entities parading across people's lawns in the middle of the night. One man living on an isolated farm near Melville, New York, said he saw a metallic disc hovering a few feet above one of his fields in broad daylight. A ladder was hanging down from it, he said, and as he watched, it was retracted back into the object, and the whole thing flew off soundlessly A few days later, he answered a knock on his door and was surprised to see a Gypsy lady standing there. She was dressed in a long gray gown and wore sandals. Her skin was a deep olive, and her eyes had an oriental cast. She was about five feet, four inches tall, and her hair was so long and "so black that it looked dyed".

"I have traveled a long way," she said in a low, accented voice. "May I have a glass of water? I must take a pill."

He gave her the water, and she took a round, green pill, thanked him, and left. He was puzzled that there was no car in sight. He lived on an isolated back road and visitors, especially visitors traveling by foot, are very rare. "I have traveled a long way" is an old Masonic pass phrase and is frequently used in these contacts. Sometimes the simple phrase, "What time is it?" or "What is your time?" is substituted. The pill-taking ploy is also a common procedure. When a most peculiar being visited a family in Cape May, New Jersey, early in 1961, he also took a pill. He too had "traveled a long way," and after conducting an inane interview with the family, he stepped into the night, got into a black Cadillac, and drove off with the lights out.

I've probably quoted way too much here but wanted to convey the scenario in which the reference to 'the Nation of the Third Eye' was given by Keel.
Timeline A: 1 June 2013, 12 noon target local time, following the timeline in which the leadership of the mainstream global scientific establishment continues to ignore or deny (1) the reality of the remote-viewing phenomenon, and (2) the existence of life not originating from Earth.

Timeline B: 1 June 2013, 12 noon target local time, following the timeline in which by the end of 2009 leaders of the mainstream global scientific establishment publicly recognize (1) the reality of the remote-viewing phenomenon, and (2) the existence of life not originating from Earth

Just as a minor and funny exercise (or not?!) did any disclosure of remote-viewing phenomenon, and the existence of life not originating from Earth happen in the end of 2009?

I found the following:

December 2009 - Alien life certain to exist on Earth-like planet, scientists say - _

November 2009 - Vatican Holds Conference on Extraterrestrial Life - _

October 2009 - Official disclosure of extraterrestrial life is imminent - _

The only reference to remote viewing in that time frame, i found, was that the film, "The Men Who Stare at Goats" had it's opening weekend on the 8 of November.
Laura said:
So, with all of that, I'd say that there is some usefulness in this Courtney Brown work. I wonder what the future would be like if the people of the planet got a handle on psychopathy and found a way to deal with it, remove pathological individuals from power, and propagate TRUTH. Those alternative scenarios were based on really silly questions.

I wonder about this same "alternative good scenarios", but our system is just to much about $, full time job no time to "think", junk food, bad tv, media.
Thanks for the info,as always, I am just reading some of his books online, and he makes sense in some things and there were "red flags" in some of his other ideas, especially about the greys being the good guys. Another MAJOR red flag(also the very first one, reading his material) was that CB was relying on government (as in secret..) / military programs and trainers in order to access this information. The rabbit-hole does go deep indeed!

Laura said:
I think it is pretty fascinating stuff. As for what the Cs said about Courtney Brown:

23 Nov 1996 said:
Q: (L) Okay, let's move on to Courtney Brown. (T) We all
know who he is, and what he is writing about in regard to
remote viewing... what is it all about?
A: Vague.
Q: (T) Is the book Courtney Brown wrote, "Cosmic Voyage,"
concerning the Martian population...
A: It is true that there are underground bases on Mars, but
they are Orion STS.
Q: (T) Are there Martians as portrayed by Courtney Brown?
A: Not exactly. He is portraying the Orion STS as the
Q: (T) Is Courtney Brown a government disinformation agent?
A: More as an "agent provocateur."
Q: (T) Is he working for the government?
A: Not directly, and remember, the government is not one
Q: (L) Who is primarily backing Courtney Brown?
A: Rockefeller group.
Q: (L) And, is Mike Lindemann and company part of this
Rockefeller group at this time?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Linda Howe?
A: No.
Q: (T) Did Courtney actually do remote viewing to obtain the
information in the book?
A: Not really. Not needed.
Q: (T) Does this mean that the whole story is concocted on
his part?
A: Semi. Elements of it are factual.
Q: (T) Yes. I could see that there were factual elements. I
could also see that there was a LOT that was questionable.
that conflicts with EVERYTHING else that has come out from
other researchers. This is all totally twisted and
A: Close.
Q: (T) Is Courtney able to do remote viewing?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) But he did not use it with this book?
A: No.
Q: (T) So, the book was made up the way it is. It is a
story. Some factual information, some invented
information, some pure BS thrown in to fluff it out. So,
the book is NOT an account of work that has come from
remote viewing sessions?
A: No, but not needed.
Q: (L) You have said twice that remote viewing was not
"needed." Where did he get his information?
A: Secret sources. Agents of the nation "of the third eye."
Q: (J) What or who - is the "Nation of the Third Eye?"
A: Terran civilization under the surface.
Q: (L) Now, wait a minute. I remember that when they said
the Aryans were brought from Kantek, and that they were
"sturdier," or something like that, and I remarked that it
seemed that they would be less sturdy - and the C's
answered "on the surface." Now, that has always bothered
me. I don't think they meant "surface appearances." Have
the Aryans been glorified as the "master race" because
they are more suited to living underground?
A: Close. All types there are "Aryan."
Q: (L) Okay, is this a Terran underground civilization that
has been 'managed' by Orions, or did it develop on its
A: One at a time.
Q: (L) Did the underground civilization develop on its own?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is it managed or manipulated by Orions as well?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are these "managers" Orions from other densities?
A: Yes and no.
Q: (L) I don't understand. Are there some that are 4th and
some that are 3rd?
A: The human types there are "bi-density."
Q: (L) Holy Shiite Moslems!
A: Grays and Lizards are 4th density. They can "visit" 3rd
density, but they must keep returning to 4th in order to
Q: (T) Are you saying that the human/Aryan types can exist as
long as they want in any density?
A: In 4th and 3rd.
Q: (L) They can move back and forth, existing with equal ease
on either density?
A: Well, not with "equal ease," because 4th density is
easier, naturally.
Q: (T) So, the information Courtney Brown was given to write
this quasi fiction book, is about the Aryans and not about
the Martians?
A: "Martians" is easier to understand for the less well-
informed, not to mention any discussion of the densities!
Q: (T) Absolutely. Martians are easier to accept. A lot
easier to understand than densities! (L) Okay, Third Eye.
What is this?
A: That is what they call themselves when pressed for an
explanation by surface types, such as yourselves. They
were the inspiration for Masonic lore and Illuminati, too.
Q: (L) Does this "Third Eye" designation have a connotation
of third eye abilities as we understand them?
A: Psychic.
Q: (T) Does Courtney know he has been had?
A: He has not been "had." He is under the employ of those who
pull the levers, so to speak.
Q: (L) You said "pull the levers." Is Courtney Brown a robot,
Greenbaumed, mind-controlled, implanted, or any or all of
the above? (T) Or is he just foolish?
A: No. Not so foolish, he does not worry aout paying the
power bill. As Forest Gump said: "Stupid is as stupid
Q: (L) Are you implying that I am foolish or stupid because I
DO worry about paying the power bill?
A: No, we are not implying that you are stupid, or foolish,
for that matter... But, Courtney Brown is not either. Who
is he hurting? And, he has hit the jackpot with this one.
Knowledge can be procured by reading literature, then
analyzing it.
Q: (T) Is the time table that he has given correct?
A: Close.
Q: (T) So, the powers that be are going to follow this time
table and present the Aryans as Martians?
A: No.
Q: (L) Are the Aryans going to present themselves as
A: Initially. In order for the Terrans to get used to the
idea of EBEs.
Q: (T) But, they are not the good guys. Beware of Greeks
bearing gifts.
A: Some of the "good guys" are identical in appearance.
Q: (T) Is this a subterfuge on the part of the Aryans so that
they can slide in quietly and take over?
A: No, they do not need that at all. It is a way for the
"government" to introduce everyone to the new reality of
the existence of intelligent life all over the place, not
just here.
Q: (T) So, they have their own agenda, but it is not what
Courtney presented in the book.
A: It does not matter. The book is a somewhat altered "New
Reality 101."

So, with all of that, I'd say that there is some usefulness in this Courtney Brown work. I wonder what the future would be like if the people of the planet got a handle on psychopathy and found a way to deal with it, remove pathological individuals from power, and propagate TRUTH. Those alternative scenarios were based on really silly questions.
Ten Thousand Roads (TKR) Remote Viewing and Dowsing Project

October 25th 2009 Remote Viewing training session:

Describe the individual who is the 'official' top political leader of the USA as of May 11, 2013.

Marv (Paul Bisson): Ah man now I'm worried...I actually viewed that Mission but clean forgot to post my results. Basically my data matches Rev's in many ways that I have a big flash of particles, a force of nature colliding with something, along with impressions of a kind of 'pandora's box' scenario and the sense of something being unleashed, along with drowning, suffocating, a 'destructive force' etc. Final impression is of a release of small grey dust like particles that do reeal damage. I actually thought the target was gonna be 'what killed the dinosaurs'.

source: _
Very interesting thread! I'll be sure to check it out from home in more detail. Thanks for sharing! :)
FarSight Remote View, Comets and secuence of events before the wave

Hi, I were reading something about a group of remote viewers (I think they were ten) that in 2008 targeted some cities to remote view them in the future, the target day is or was 1 June 2013. The motivation was to study climate changes but the results were more of what they spect. So, the thing is that they saw two different futures... both with the buildings targeted destroyed in more or less grade. I left the link for you to read.


Taking that into account, I was listening the last Cliff High´s wujo from heres the link (first one E13):


and he is talking about this experiment, as I understand he made an analisis with his data and found that a posibility could be a meteor impact before the target day (1 june 3013), and I think this is something really important to have in mind for the next few months. Also, he said that the future is always changing and it is hard to put a date to any event unless it is in a short time.

Asuming that the "year 0" or "new era" as the C´s said is going to be around jun/jul 2014, and asuming that "year 0" or "new era" means BE in 4D (maybe I stay behind)

Session Date: June 20th 2009

Laura, Ark, Don D, Jason, A**, Joe, Allen B, C**, G**, Scottie

A: 5 more years! 2 go! 0 new year!

Q: (L) And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Poinonia

Q: (L) And where do you transmit through?

A: Cassiopaea

Q: (L) Is there any particular reason you made the announcement about 5 years to go?

A: Just reminding you.

Q: (L) You normally have never been date-specific.

A: This is not "day" specific but close enough for horseshoes.

Q: (Joe) A lot of the New Agers are gonna be disappointed in 2012.

A: 2012 is a distraction. We have repeatedly talked about the open nature of the future. It is always open until the probabilities begin to collapse, such as now. But macro-collapses take some "time".

Session Date: July 6th 2010

Laura, Andromeda, PoB, Belibaste, Burma Jones, Psyche, Atriedes, Perceval, Ailén

Q: (L) So you say "that would be telling", yet you have told us that somewhere maybe in June or July of 2014 will be Year 0 of a new era. So, are we to assume that something is going to intervene that will stop the leak and sort things out on this planet?

A: Oh indeed.

That would mean that the comet cluster is very near, and that could fit with the session were the C´s where pointing about the secuence of events that will take place before and after the wave, Visa --> Comets --> Wave --> Christ arrive:

October 16, 1994 Frank, Laura, V

Q: (L) Now, I have compared certain passages of Revelations to the work of Immanuel Velikovsky, were those sections accurate in what they describe?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And those are events that will transpire after the Lizzies have done their thing, after the Visa is in place, and before or after Christ returns?
A: Before.
Q: (L) So the cluster of comets is going to come before the return of Christ??
A: Yes. But return is just one event not the whole thing.
Q: (L) Is there going to be massive disruption on the planet and maybe a lot of people transitioning out of the body simultaneously because of the interaction of this cluster of comets and the earth.
A: Close.
Q: (L) And, shortly following this event, Christ will return?
A: As part of the whole.
Q: (L) That is going to be part of the cluster of comets activity?
A: After.
Q: (L) What is Christ going to do after he returns?
A: Teach.
Q: (L) How many people are going to be on the planet to receive this teaching?
A: Open.
Q: (L) May we assume there will be six billion?
A: Assume as you please.
Q: (L) You keep saying that the return of Christ is a part of the whole as though there is some important thing that I am missing the question to discover. Consider that question asked... tell me what it is I am missing, please.
A: Obvious if you have been paying attention.
Q: (L) And that is...?
A: The transition to 4th density.
Q: (L) Is the transition to 4th density going to happen before the comets or after?
A: After.
Q: (L) Is the interaction of the comets and the planet earth going to....
A: Precede the transition
Q: (L) So, the comets are going to make a mess of things and then the transition is going to come as Christ comes?
A: Before.
Q: (L) The transition will happen and we will all be standing around glazed in the eyes or whatever, wondering what to do with ourselves, because we are finding ourselves in a new estate we have not been in before, and then Christ comes?
A: More or less.

I think that all this information may be linked or it is related but may be not. What do you think?
Hi Dreamgod,

The subject you brought up was already being discussed. Post merged. :)
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