Remote Viewing, Project Stargate and the UFO Phenomena


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I just watched a video presentation by Paul O'Connor about Controlled Remote Viewing (or CRV for short). This interesting video is 1.5 hours long and can be seen here:

Paul O'Connor gave a detailed briefing on CRV at The 6th International Irish UFO Conference, Boyle, Ireland in October 2009
PAUL O'CONNOR (IRELAND) - is a trained Remote Viewer and is Director and project manager of 'PSI: Pure Stream Information' the first registered company in Europe offering professional Remote Viewing services to the public and others. He will give an introduction to Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV) the de-classified top-secret project Stargate', using CRV to investigate the UFO phenomena. His Presentation will be entitled "Remote Viewing, Project Stargate and the UFO Phenomena".

Paul opens with definitions of CRV:
Remote Viewing - "A term incorrectly used to describe forms of clairvoyance or telepathy which involve the psychic ability to access and provide information about people, places, objects or events."
Controlled Remote Viewing - "The scientifically developed, trained, mental ability to access and provide accurate information, regardless of distance, shielding or time, about people, places, objects or events inaccessible through any normally recognized means."

Originally called Coordinate Remote Viewing, CRV uses a set of specific protocols that were developed in the laboratory, tested in research and operational work, and the results databased to identify accuracy levels.

It is not necessary to be a psychic to learn CRV. People with damage to the frontal lobe of the brain, or have strong emotions to certain beliefs like religion do not make good remote viewers. Different people have different biases making them good at particular types of remote viewing.

Next he discusses how CRV works. Normally the subconscious mind and the subconscious mind cannot communicate with each other. The subconscious operates at about 40m bits/sec while the conscious operates at 16 bits/sec. (no citation given on these numbers). The conscious mind is kept busy allowing the subconscious to access the remote viewing information. This allows the subconscious mind to utilize the physical body to communicate to the conscious mind.

All remote viewing cannot be taken as true. It is used as a layer of information. It is best used with more that 2 remote viewers and identify commonalities in the information. I found it interesting that only a case number is given to the remote viewer who is then requested to write down what he is able to view.

One important protocol to remote viewing is that the subconscious builds a duplicate of the information and views the duplicate in order to avoid detection or being sensed such as by animals or other beings.

He then goes into the history of CRV that begins around World War II with Hitler. He mentions four of the early remote viewers including "the Father of Remote Viewing" Ingo Swann.

Paul talks about some present uses of CRV as a supplemental source of information:
Military - search for WMDs and the search for Saddam Hussien.
Police - research "cold cases" and work with the "Assigned Witness Program."
Civilian - Missing persons, Archaeological research, diagnostic tool to find faults in aircraft, medical diagnosis and research, forecasting stocks and market trends, oil and mineral exploration, and anomalous phenomena such as UFOs, etc.

It is this last item that interests Paul the most. He discusses remote viewing done on the Moon where the information says there is a mining operation on the dark side of the Moon. There was information that a life form was sensed on the planet Mars near the famous face structure. He also discusses some other findings.

Next he talks about UFO Alien Classifications. He groups them in a two by two matrix:

Friendly Unfriendly
non-psychic Trades technology (not very creative) Avoids humans (we are a threat)

psychic Support our development Hates humans
(weak PSI but unlimited range) (strong PSI but limited range)

Paul ends the discussion with a clip of an actual remote viewing session he performs. He notes that he doesn't require any preparation. He can turn it off and on like a switch. He feels that is important especially when four star generals are waiting on an answer. Some other remote viewers do require some sort of preparation time.

I thought it was an informative presentation even though I certainly cannot agree with all of his assertions.

Thank you for your impressions of the video – watched it too and tried to transcribe it out while listening (defiantly missed some and added words, so not exactly verbatim); there was a few things that were noted by you and expanded upon in this transcript that some forum members will key on; Grunbaum is one such - have included this transcribed interpretation below.

However before starting with this ancillary transcribed impression, this CRV subject seems highly strange indeed, OSIT, which does not deny its existence as there is compelling evidence to this end. But it feels so damn uncomfortable; perhaps expected by one in 3d without understanding a world of people with psychic abilities yet. When first looking at this post what came to mind was just how similar (how the same) it is to a book called ‘Psychic Warfare’ edited by John White. Wanted to respond initially but started searching a few things here in the forum on December 7th and this led to a bit of strangeness which I wrote about below, not really knowing what to think – here is what was going on that night;

The other night while looking at the post by ‘Nicholas’ on CRV (Controlled Remote Viewing – high strangeness subject), this got me thinking about this CRV viewer named Swann discussed also in a post of 2006. After reading, this then made me recall a book whereby Swann is discussed with his ties to Hubbard of scientology et al, in a chapter written by Scott Rogo; who I then see is referenced also here on the forum in another post D Scott Rogo murder as having been murdered; good grief, that’s not good at all – no answers? This also links at the bottom to another post by Author Margaret Press who seems to be writing a book on this. However, after this I then in the search mode put in the name of John White Dis-information: a philosophical perspective, who edited this book I have that featured the chapter by Scott Rogo on Ingo Swann in “Psychic Warfare’ 1988, only then to see that he was possibly posting on the forum as a guest in June 2006 and September; if that was he, however there is no empirical evidence of this, so coincidence only. He did give this link of his initial thread – which now reads “…missing or off limits.” Tried to find – no such luck.

Anyhow, thought it a strange roundabout way to see these threads all possibly linking together. The book, PW, discussed above is written by a collaboration of people (12) including Bearden-the Colonel (Scalar stuff mostly), Alexander (the Colonel – strange man with quite a history), Stacy of Mufon (self confessed to be CIA disinfo – unless that is disinfo) and a host of others from Washington/California points. I recall of Bearden and of his connection/associations all the way to Ira and his cadre. This book PW was given to me; flipped through it years ago and it has sat on the shelf with a kind of very uncomfortable eeriness; however, never tossed it out, feeling that it should be looked at more closely one day. However, now I am not so sure, it all seems very foreboding; undoubtedly riddled with disinformation and it mirrors the O’Connor video in many ways and possibly too the Hal Puthoff/Russel Targ book of 1976 called ‘Mind Reach’; have not read.

Paul O'Connor (PO) Video (linked above in Nicholas’s Post);

Much of what O’Connor discusses, it seems to be rght out of a book written in 1988 called Psychic Warfare, as discussed above.

Tried to transcribe video – here is the gist of what was said – not verbatim but tried to get it close, added a word direction where it was not clearly heard; [] = mine.


PO - Project Star Gate – SRI Stanford Research Institute @ California – black ops/ Project Dr. Grunbaum Hitler project [does this not sound familiar - interesting it is shown here with seemingly declassified material he was presenting?]

O’Conner says this is all Declassified info now – [humm]

PO - Talks about Soviet/US era and remote viewing or now called CRV (different method).

PO – discusses SRI – Hal Puthoff [scientologist] /Russel Targ – published a book called ‘Mind Reach’ [1976] which caused quite a stir.

PO – discusses a new formed a group (SRI); Ingo Swann (father of remote viewing), Pat Price (police viewer), Joe McMongeagle (Military), Keith Harary (Psychologist – military?)

PO – discuses Coordinate Remote viewing – [Was this initially a leak-back to Russian sources, AKA disinfo. Conterintel or was it real? If so to the later why expose, why have these people with > top security status writing books and taking so candidly?]

PO - Discusses name being changed from remote to controlled

PO - Talks about not just what target you remote view, but when in time. Pat Price references when viewing something that was, but is no longer there – past/future – moving backwards and forwards in time getting information difficulties.

PO - Says CRV was used in the search for WMD in Iraq – [good job there] Then says that the CRV team put up info on the chamber where Saddam H was found hiding. [so why not Bin Ladden] sheek**

PO - Talked about civilian use, police –Cold Cases - assigned witness program – Lyn Buchanan.

Civilian – Missing Persons, Joe McMongeagle + Lynn Buchannan
Archaeological Research: “Project Mobius”
Diagnostic Tool: Boeing, Software Co. etc.
Medical diagnostics and Research
Forecasting Stocks and market Movements
Oil and Mineral Exploration
Anomalas Phenomena: UFO, non physical, etc.

PO - Talks about WWW. and life forms – alien greys.

PO - discusses Hal/Price/CIA - Earth Bases; Mount Perdu (name in French for lost) in the French Pyrenees, Zimbabwe, Mt Haze in Alaska, Mt Zeil in Australia.

PO – then talks about fellow, Skip Atwater – “Captain of my Ship, Master of my Soul” book, who was commanding officer in Fort Mead – got military views to look at earth bases.

PO - then talks about Lynn Buchanan (who Paul O'Connor trained under) and his book “Seventh Sense” about military targets – UFO’s - Lynn says that what he was asked to RV was the event over tunguska in 1908 in Siberia and it was a UFO vessel rigged to explode (altimeter device – slave trade ship) - He says he believes it was a meteor, but that it was only a temporal view in time he was picking up – thinks it was a parallel type event.

PO – discusses the Apollo missions – after the public space program – Lynn – Apollo 19 & 20 [?] (off the books space flights and about receiving space metal awards not acknowledged – says they were given Target – manmade, secret, darkness, degrading, layers in soil, move command, 2 lines he saw – long, Space Craft on moon – see youtub for pictures of tube type vessel or this video – says military have high grade photos.

PO – talks about Helium 3 – Sun spewing out H3; lots on surface on moon for nuclear fusion material - future mining – what does first moon base look like – future event description – Plastic/Duck-tap built in crater, low PSI – easy environment to create – checked with other sources who studied this as being right.
PO – discusses Mars – structures/faces, Swann - RV accessing problems, talks about forces that are blocking RV – gives headache – other gets a picture from a view within a section of a pyramid there – sees high grade photo earth photo later and confirms.

PO – again discusses Lynn – Data base specialists – late 80’s he was asked by black ops to (because of high classification status) look at UFO phenomenon; describes types; 2 types - friendly’s and non friendly’s of which of the friendly’s you have the psychic and non psychic. Non psychic friendly’s are traders of things which we reverse engineer etc. he say they are not very creative and we are as a race and they are delighted to get improved items back as part of the swap. The unfriendly/un-psychic’s Avoid us, don’t like us and unless absolutely necessary will meet with us. The Psychic un- friendly’s hate us, despise us and want us dead as opposed to the Psychic friendly’s who support our development. The problem with the UFP types is that they have limited PSI range but strong. The FP types has weaker PSI but unlimited range – space politics; we need to increase our PSI so we can work with FP types in our development.

PO – then Shows web site of Lynn Buchanan’s.
PO - Then he says there is a lot of crap on the internet on CRV – written by people who think it is all about psychics, astral traveling; this is RV as opposed to CVR defined by the controlled military science. Then did experiment with CRV and monitor with a viewer who looked (CRV) at work done by person that did art work and had concerns about copy write etc. [CRV copy write – ok]. Gave target Coordinates – started drawing Complex ideogram, “strange words, space, vertical, tall, thin, tree like, conifer trees, small, distant, Greek, columns, temple….feels like a temple or religious container, impression of cheering, voices, multiple voices…”move 45 degrees to left”, something round, vertical, cylindrical column, impressions of something here, here, here, things here as he points and draws – biological ideogram. Priest like, robed figures in a certain group, something at the site feels threatened, godlike, not god but deity like. Powerful thing illuminating, not shadowy, but dark and light…” There was more the CRV’er calls an end to session and does a summery – feedback from picture in envelope was similar – big stone decorative columns on either side of a stone table with seated personas in robes, like priests etc.

Q&A – link is in the intention (could not hear Q well). i.e. ‘tasking’ - is the weapon used in the murder of such and such and date, then assign it a target number. Go and get Joanne to go and view it – this is the link and it is then up to viewer.

Q – I am under the Impression that the RV or CRV program was shut down, you’re saying the program has gone black and... No the program was shut down in 1995 …initially transferred from the DIA to CIA and they did not want it from the end of cold war, budgets being slashed, did not want this stuff, this strange stuff from the 70’s…CIA ignored last 23 years and said it was a lot of crap. Argued to re-examine but CIA dumped the program – purely political.

Q – [Could not hear Q] - To paraphrase the question - if it is that effective why did it not go to other agencies to use. I don’t know what is going on in other agencies but it is out in the public – allows plausible deniability.

Q – [Again difficult to hear Q - something about Swann and continuance] …Lynn says that no, he does not see other agencies using this. Every government in the world has some psychic viewing, …mafia, drug cartels, Vatican team looking for artefacts, information gathering etc.

Q [Can’t hear Q] - …he needs to find someone who believes him…

Q – 2012 timeline, what’s with that… – again I have not looked at it, it’s in the future and there is no feedback – …timeline. Let’s look at how people live - World population significantly reduced, different relationship to its environment to which we are in. (Discussed in Project 2050 in Joe’s McMongeagle book). [did not read this].

Q …Specifically on 2012 – not to my knowledge – some looking at medical histories -outburst of people with increased creative and psychic conditions – gen-o - followed by conflict and war, look back to the pattern of history you see this – gen-o – tied into past historical event.

Q …How do you prepare – PO - some like tea, …, acid trips, … but the military generals were strict…

Q ...who does it not work for – PO - people with brain trauma; conscious awareness is affected and people with belief judgements and discernment problems. …had unbelievers who came out after sessions thinking quite differently.

Hi guys,

I just came across this article tonight while doing my news round up, and I found it curious and interesting.

Pyramids on Mars and slender humanoids: CIA declassifies ‘Project Stargate’ document

In a 1984 experiment, a psychic described his vision of what Mars was like a million years ago.

Although a manned mission to Mars has never been sent, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) devised an alternative method of exploring the red planet 40 years ago.

During the Cold War, the CIA collaborated with the Stanford Research Institute to conduct top-secret research related to paranormal phenomena, specifically ‘remote viewing’, in order to gather important military information from its adversaries.

According to scientist Mahadeva Srinivasan, remote viewing, also known as extrasensory perception, is the ability of a person to acquire information about remote geographic targets otherwise inaccessible by any known sensory mode.

The Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) took over this initiative in the mid-1980s, renaming it ‘Project Stargate’. Experts say that the ideas behind the programme were so radical that they were kept secret for several years. However, some details have come to light thanks to the Freedom of Information Act.

A declassified CIA document details a remote viewing experiment conducted in 1984 as part of the Stargate project. This involved asking a psychic to describe his vision of what Mars was like a million years ago.

After using his alleged psychic abilities, the interviewee told the experimenter that he had seen large pyramidal structures and ancient monuments that appeared to have been artificially constructed. He also told of atmospheric conditions on the red planet, such as strong winds and dust storms.

At one point, the psychic claimed to have seen tall, thin humanoids, who appeared to be in a kind of hibernation or suspended animation. He also said that these individuals were forced to live underground due to environmental changes, such as violent storms.

‘They are ancient people. They are dying, they are past their time or their age,’ the psychic said, noting that these beings were very philosophical and were looking for “a way to survive”, but were unable to do so.

The document does not explain why the US intelligence services were interested in knowing details about Mars' past, showing only the transcript of the interview between the psychic and the experimenter.

For those curious, here's a link to the document alluded to in the article
Joseph McMoneagle was the remote viewer that did the Mars target (video is at the exact timestamp):

He is most known for describing a top-secret Soviet submarine with a great amount of detail or predicting where Skylab will fall. Highly recommend the podcast episode above with him; albeit long, he's a very down-to-earth guy with great stories to tell. From what I remember, he even was tasked on Skinwalker Ranch and accurately described the surroundings and people being on the ranch. With one addition, he perceived a small, 4-foot person among them, who is bald, and he couldn't tell how old he is.

If we are discussing Stargate, Pat Price's papers related to Project 8200 have been published by Daz Smith recently. These were handed to Hal Puthoff (both Puthoff and Price were Scientologists) of Stanford Research Institute and have been kept unpublished since 1973. Pat Price died suddenly and mysteriously. Papers can be downloaded in the link below; I recommend reading the introduction first.
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Here's the latest upload from a session conducted by the Hellfire Remote Viewing Club:

Exploring the Varna Man

Here's a brief over view of the target of the session:

The Varna Necropolis (Bulgarian: Варненски некропол), or Varna Cemetery, is a burial site in the western industrial zone of Varna (approximately half a kilometre from Lake Varna and 4 km from the city centre), internationally considered one of the key archaeological sites in world prehistory. The oldest gold treasure and jewelry in the world, dating from 4,600 BC to 4,200 BC, was discovered at the site.

"The discontinuity of the Varna, Karanovo, Vinča and Lengyel cultures in their main territories and the large scale population shifts to the north and northwest are indirect evidence of a catastrophe of such proportions that cannot be explained by possible climatic change, land exhaustion, or epidemics (for which there is no evidence in the second half of the 5th millennium B.C.).

The gold artifacts from the Varna Chalcolithic necropolis are assumed to be the "oldest gold of mankind" according to their total volume and quantity.

I thought this was an interesting target considering it's not a well-known archaeological period or site correlating with the more well-known "hot spots" like Gobekli Tepi, Easter Island, Atlantis etc.

Considering how late the date this site is attributed to (6600 BCE), I was surprised how many parallels there were to their Younger Dryas remote viewing session.

A few highlights:

- Cavernous underground underground spaces linking to surface structures.
- Luminous, non-physical beings that interact with the physical humans of the Copper Age culture.
- Bigfoot-like creatures.
- Dimensional explosions with movements akin to time travel.
- Emotional undertones of sadness, hope and reflection.
- Gongs emitting sound or energy waves.
- Disk-like structures passing between passing between states and impacting biological processes with plasma-like energy.
- Underground, or hidden species.

Overall, I thought this was one of the better RV sessions I've come across.
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