Rense Article Fuels the Intimidation Machine

What a shock that he reacted in such an open, upfront and positive manner - how these types hate it when the light of truth, or even inquiry, shines into their little dark caves, and under their little dark rocks. Pitiful.
What's that they say, "scratch them a little"? A "legend" is a terrrible thing to waste! Another cointelpro agent exposed!

Thank you for the courage to stand up!

There's only one credential that Rense and all other's like him are required to possess to be the right person for the job--and that qualification can't be earned no matter how arduous and difficult the preparation. One must be a member of the most elite of elite clubs--the Psychopath Club--one can only be born into this club. Ah, it's quite a star studded membership roll that makes up this club. All the best liars, murderers, cheats and villains belong--and the very best one's nobody has even heard of!! Mediocre sociopath's and schizoid's needn't even bother to apply.
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