Reporting on abnormal sleep patterns and/or nightmare occurrences


Jedi Master
Last night, I woke up at 2h15 EST and have not been able to fall back asleep until way past 4h am. This is unusual and I can't link it to anything I ate or have done.
But I would not write just for that...
The problem is, my son also woke up during that time. And when we all got up that morning, my daughter and my partner reported having a nightmare, but they don't remember it. My daughter said it was a really bad nightmare. She always has her crystals under her pillow when she sleeps.

I have not found a thread where people report strange sleep incidents like this. They are mostly all separate threads. It would be interesting to find if there are regional patterns or if those are mostly isolated incidents.
I'm not seeking advice since there are so many factors and variables at play, I don't think we will ever find a precise answer. But if anyone wants to chime in or report their own experiences, go ahead!

Factors I eliminated:
- food or other ingested substances, exercises, hormones, TV or movies,

Factors that could play a role:
- EMF, electromagnetism, HAARP, 4D tampering
I have not found a thread where people report strange sleep incidents like this.
Some people describe sleep issues in this thread, if you didn't see it already. :-)

like this post here: How are you feeling?
I have been noticing an elevated amount of nightmares lately as well. I have had run-ins with the lizards dozens of times this year. Some of them extremely vivid, other times less so. This is in conjunction with the amount of dreams that are seemingly important increasing.. Ones of a karmic nature, others that seem to be more like training for the 4th density.

I think this is one of the effects of the wave. Strong karmic imprints that need to be resolved, energy that needs to be balanced.. that sort of thing.. perhaps at the same time there is a growing desperation from 4th D STS to harvest as much energy as they can, or perhaps even on the 3rd density astral level, entities are also feeling the momentum of the wave and are in a state of desperation themselves.

I would imagine there are a lot of people on this forum who are targets for 3rd/4th D STS, extending across many realms.

I think the most important thing to remember is the more you know, the less of a target you are. Knowledge protects!;-D
In my first post I said "they don't remember their nightmare" which is a mistake. It's only my partner who does not remember.
I asked my daughter if she remembered her nightmare. She told me she doesn't have them too often, but when she does, she wakes up really scared and sweating, and whatever the narrative, she always gets killed by the bad guy/guys. 😲!?
That surprised me because I can't remember one dream where the bad guys got me. Not once. I always outrun them, weaseling my way out through anything I can conjure. I'm going to look into that to see if there is some meaning to it.
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