Response to 4/9/11 session


Jedi Council Member
This thread is in response to the April 9th, 2011 session.
Did not want to write so much on that thread, so I placed it here.

It is comforting in a crazy way that we are experiencing many similar occurrences
that are brought to our attention in this session. It explains a lot for me as to
what I have been observing these last several weeks.

Having had not much time on the forum lately due to my current work focus. Been
doing a renaissance festival selling my art work. Having to be in the public with all
the many various personalities has been a great exercise for me to observe myself.
One exercise is done when someone comes into my booth and makes a statement
about my work. Whether it is perceived by me as a positive remark or a negative one.
How my initial reaction is and by taking a moment to think, then answer. Finding that
I am humbled by a compliment and find humor when some one has a negative remark.
Though my first thought/emotion is to be hurt by the neg comment, I realize that not all
people understand the time and creative energy put forth to do what I do. Nor how
expensive the materials are. Am I just falling into a sacred cow excuse? Fooling myself?
In this tough economic time in the US, there are those that will support my work and
have been making some money.

Also having come face to face with a manipulative craft coordinator who will tell
you anything just to make nice. Within the first weekend of this festival, I
realized that she lies just to shut you up. Boosts about things that do not
manifest. The politics of a festival like this is crazy and I quickly, thanks to
the work, got her game and have learned how to not allow myself to get swept
up with it. What will be will be is my new motto and make the best of what is
offered. Hard work to say the least. It has been close to 90 degrees every
weekend and definitely puts the irritation button on over drive. Found drinking
pure coconut juice/water with no added sugar to be very helpful. Though need
a full day of rest after the weekend. Then back to creating pieces to be sold
for the next weekend.

Regarding other psychic guarding, my music and tv entertainment has changed
much over the last couple of years. No longer can I expose myself to harsh music
or bs tv shows. My energy is quickly drained and emotions turn negative. Find
myself constantly talking at the news on mainstream media, so I watch little of it.
Only enough to hear what they are saying to be aware of what is going on.
Listen to NPR and read SOTT. Still emotions run high even though I know
how TPB have manipulated us all, it still raises frustration at how people
just can not see what is going on.

Dieting has been my main focus and I have to say, being on the road so much
and balancing my food intake has been a chore. I do make some food to take
with me for lunches so as not to eat the food at the fair. Having stood my ground
for the most part. Though when one is very tired, sticky and dirty those fast food
restaurants shine like an icon at you. Head for a restaurant that serves fresh
bacon and eggs or a steak and with a sweet potato and have that. The call for
unhealthy food is highest when my blood sugar levels drop and this is the time
for me to want to eat quickly anything available. The struggle is good for me
I believe, working on solidifying those iron filings.

This is the last weekend of this festival and then I have about a month till the next.
The next is a pirate festival. I found that themed shows work best for the type of
art I create. It is sort of a functional type of mixed media and fine art shows just
do not get my work, arts and craft shows either. They can be lots of fun and I get
to play dress up. And I am doing what I love to do.

So thanks to all for reading, wanted to update my status and put some response to
the new session. Any feed back is welcome. Will be off line until Monday.
Bluestar said:
It is comforting in a crazy way that we are experiencing many similar occurrences
that are brought to our attention in this session.

Exactly, my first thought was "Oh good, my friends are experiencing the same wacked out type stuff as I am" ...then my second thought was, "I really shouldn't be so happy about that." :cry:
Guardian said:
Bluestar said:
It is comforting in a crazy way that we are experiencing many similar occurrences
that are brought to our attention in this session.

Exactly, my first thought was "Oh good, my friends are experiencing the same wacked out type stuff as I am" ...then my second thought was, "I really shouldn't be so happy about that." :cry:

For me it was shocking to find we all were having the same experiences. But at the same time I was not that surprised, considering all the other phenomonon going on on this planet.
Reading you was really cool :) Courage for the challenge!

Don Juan then tells us that the "little petty tyrants," are further subdivided into four additional categories: one that torments with brutality and violence; another that does it by creating unbearable apprehension through deviousness; another which oppresses with sadness; and the last, which torments by making warriors rage. What we will be noticing is that the same Petty Tyrant can, at different times, operate through any of these modes.

And of course, the purpose of the petty tyrant in our lives is to teach us detachment. It is a challenge to deal with impossible people, but by doing it, we acquire sobriety and serenity. In short, out of the fire comes light.

From :

Which one is yours?! ;)
Hi, Bluestar!

Regarding food. . .

Boy, do I hear you!

I'm stunned by just how difficult it is to maintain a healthy diet, (re, "eat real food") when you leave home base. Doing so just shows how much work one has had to do in order to control their strategic enclosure wrt diet. One of my rules is, "If it isn't free range, then it's torture, and I'd rather suffer than be complicit in such things." I have sometimes broken that rule, "Oh, you're out of vegetarian pizza? Um, um," (line-up behind me, low blood sugar, impatient server), "Okay, I'll have the pepperoni". It's so easy to slip!

Even the veggie pizza is toxic with carbs and god knows what else, but at least it isn't torture!

So what I do is spend an afternoon making a big stew from ingredients I acquire myself, jar it up and refrigerate. I can usually fill several mason jars. Then when it's hit-the-road time, I pack it up with insulated cooling packs in a travel bag and that's my food for the duration. Any time I find myself in a location with a fridge, I'll store there or ask the hotel or B&B staff to keep my food for me. Any raised eye-brows and I'll just explain, "I have strict dietary requirements". People are usually quite helpful, and if they ask about why, you get into the subject, usually with really attentive listeners. Where it gets tough is when you find yourself invited out to an eating establishment.

Anyway, it sounds like you've got a really interesting job!

Good luck at your big show! I hope it goes well for you! :)
Woodsman said:
Where it gets tough is when you find yourself invited out to an eating establishment.
Nah, you can just be drinking, you have rules so you can just drink all the hour.

Or you can say no instead of accepting.

celtic said:
Guardian said:
Bluestar said:
It is comforting in a crazy way that we are experiencing many similar occurrences
that are brought to our attention in this session.

Exactly, my first thought was "Oh good, my friends are experiencing the same wacked out type stuff as I am" ...then my second thought was, "I really shouldn't be so happy about that." :cry:

For me it was shocking to find we all were having the same experiences. But at the same time I was not that surprised, considering all the other phenomonon going on on this planet.

What I have found is an affirmation to my ideas and thoughts I was having, I mean, I was feeling like something was oppressing my emotions and even aware of a lot of things and with discipline it was kind of fun because its like that the world or the people is a little child trying to manipulate you and make you angry or sad, in whatever way the child could, and you see the child trying so hard to make you sad and angry but it can't. And I knew this was happening because I was feeling again depressed and I was like "dude you have experienced this, don't repeat it". And just because from nowhere there was a problem.

But again, the hardest part is the diet. Today the people from the house wanted to eat pizza... and there was no real food on the refrigerator, just eggs and hamburger meat. So I had to eat pizza...

And the most amazing thing I'm living today it was related to a dream when I woke up and felt my sickness, my body was so weak, and I'm living one of my clearest moments in my life, like unlocking something in my mind. Very fun very fun.

Ah and by purpose my mother had a dream that she was in a house and by the window she saw the sea and big waves and over the waves was lot of big ships and an army with lots of people coming to the beach and she asked to my grandfather if he was prepared, because she knew they didn't have good intentions, and she don't know anything about the wave or the material Laura offers.
Guardian said:
Bluestar said:
It is comforting in a crazy way that we are experiencing many similar occurrences
that are brought to our attention in this session.

Exactly, my first thought was "Oh good, my friends are experiencing the same wacked out type stuff as I am" ...then my second thought was, "I really shouldn't be so happy about that." :cry:

Yes, I agree it is not something I am celebrating. It was just a confirmation that I was not alone and that in itself was a sort of comfort.

know_yourself_1234 said:
Reading you was really cool :) Courage for the challenge!

Don Juan then tells us that the "little petty tyrants," are further subdivided into four additional categories: one that torments with brutality and violence; another that does it by creating unbearable apprehension through deviousness; another which oppresses with sadness; and the last, which torments by making warriors rage. What we will be noticing is that the same Petty Tyrant can, at different times, operate through any of these modes.

And of course, the purpose of the petty tyrant in our lives is to teach us detachment. It is a challenge to deal with impossible people, but by doing it, we acquire sobriety and serenity. In short, out of the fire comes light.

From :

Which one is yours?! ;)

It was definitely about detachment. This weekend was the last of this ren fair and the busiest. Thank the universe it was a success for me.

The patrons for the most part were very cordial and friendly. The few that were "petty tyrants" enabled me to not react to their words or energy. I did not rebut with a snide comment or even have a thought of one. Though a few people made me chuckle. Example was a group of young girls that came into my booth/shop. I greeted them with a smile and some humorous introduction to my art. Two out of the three were very complimentary. The third girl(about 15-17 years of age) made a comment to her friends that the art looked "demonic". My partner was a bit caught off guard and I just smiled and said "out of the mouth of babes, so little they understand." Then let it go. If afforded the opportunity I would have explained some of my intention in the work, but was not so what's the use? I needed to save my energy for others that came in.

Regarding the craft coordinator, I went above her head and introduced myself to the new craft coordinator and the owner of the fair. Thanked him for allowing us to be part of it because I was truly grateful for the opportunity. And made it very clear I would like the chance to attend his show again next year as a "paying" vendor. Being it was free for us to be there this year, I gave him a gift of my art as a payment, felt I needed to balance the energy because I did make some money. Did not shun the first coordinator, thanked her for allowing us to be there and just basically will not believe anything she says. It was all good lessons.

Regarding food, I did not purchase a single food item at the fair. Brought some chicken breasts, some dried fruit and some almonds. Water and coconut juice. The funny story about food was on the way home we stopped at a place for something to eat, I was starving and had a two hour drive before home. I ordered eggs and bacon. Told the server that I was allergic to wheat so please no bread. Did not want the crumbs on my plate. She asked me if white bread had wheat? She thought I was talking about whole wheat bread. My partner said, all bread had wheat in it, the woman gave a puzzled look, then we said flour, flour was made out of wheat. She said ok, no bread. Then she asked if I wanted a waffle. I said no and we all had a good chuckle.

Ok, so it is difficult to live our lifestyle if on the road. The work is part of the lesson to not fall into the "well, this is all I have to eat or this is all I can do" There appears to always be an alternative. It may not be the easiest, but who said the work would be easy? Temptation is all around, the food at the fair smelled delicious. Yelling at the craft coordinator that I caught her in her lies would have made me feel better, instead I warned others vendors of her promises and suggested they take what she says with a grain of salt. Not maliciously, but a suggestion.

The hardest part of these last four weeks was being away from my husband who was at home taking care of our dogs. Good lession in seperation and doing this on my own with my new partner. We do work well together and I am sharing with her my journey with this work and the things I learn here.

So apologize for a long post, wanted to get more of this whole lesson down. Thanks for reading.
Good idea about the food. Just avoid the things don't help so much.

But, why do you think those things are not easy?? I see them like... fun, I mean is better to have a boring life don't you think so? You have a big purpose and you are reaching it with each step.

In december when I went with my mother to celebrate christmas and new year, between those days she was always offering me bread and coffe, or milk with chocolate, but answering a gentle "no".
Bluestar said:
This weekend was the last of this ren fair and the busiest. Thank the universe it was a success for me.

Glad to hear it was a success, Bluestar. I used to do art fair shows in college, they can be a lot of fun, especially when sales are good! :lol:

[quote author=Bluestar]
I ordered eggs and bacon. Told the server that I was allergic to wheat so please no bread. Did not want the crumbs on my plate. She asked me if white bread had wheat? She thought I was talking about whole wheat bread. My partner said, all bread had wheat in it, the woman gave a puzzled look, then we said flour, flour was made out of wheat. She said ok, no bread. Then she asked if I wanted a waffle. I said no and we all had a good chuckle.

This made me chuckle too. It still amazes me to find people who know so little about such basic things. And at the same time, scarry!! I eat a few meals out during the week, and it's always ham and eggs or bacon and eggs. It seems to be the best choice & I don't feel hungry the rest of the day.

Congratulations on your self control when dealing with petty tyrants. That is real progress! Onwards and upwards. :cool2:
[quote author=Bluestar]
I ordered eggs and bacon. Told the server that I was allergic to wheat so please no bread. Did not want the crumbs on my plate. She asked me if white bread had wheat? She thought I was talking about whole wheat bread. My partner said, all bread had wheat in it, the woman gave a puzzled look, then we said flour, flour was made out of wheat. She said ok, no bread. Then she asked if I wanted a waffle. I said no and we all had a good chuckle.

It's amazing how clueless people are about food - especially food service workers! At every restaurant where I've mentioned that I'm allergic to dairy, the server warns me that there are eggs in a dish. Cows don't lay eggs...
anart said:
[quote author=Bluestar]
I ordered eggs and bacon. Told the server that I was allergic to wheat so please no bread. Did not want the crumbs on my plate. She asked me if white bread had wheat? She thought I was talking about whole wheat bread. My partner said, all bread had wheat in it, the woman gave a puzzled look, then we said flour, flour was made out of wheat. She said ok, no bread. Then she asked if I wanted a waffle. I said no and we all had a good chuckle.

It's amazing how clueless people are about food - especially food service workers! At every restaurant where I've mentioned that I'm allergic to dairy, the server warns me that there are eggs in a dish. Cows don't lay eggs...


One of my favorites: After telling the waitress that I had a life or death allergy to tree nuts, she went back to the kitchen and brought me a piece of pie covered in oily black walnuts. I stared at the pie, and then at my lunch companion who's mouth fell open.

My friend pointed to the walnuts and said "What do you think THOSE are??"

The waitress just beamed at us and said: "Oh! I asked the chef, and he said those were FILBERTS."

That was a turning point for my friend, she never believed me when I told her how ignorant wait staff were about food allergies. :rolleyes:
Gimpy said:
The waitress just beamed at us and said: "Oh! I asked the chef, and he said those were FILBERTS."

That was a turning point for my friend, she never believed me when I told her how ignorant wait staff were about food allergies. :rolleyes:

And apologies for the continued hijacking of this thread - but just recently I was at a restaurant and asked them where they got their Florida Grouper, was it from the Gulf coast of Florida? The waitress said, "Oh, I heard the Gulf is cleaner now than it's ever been because they've been cleaning it so much". I just looked at her and said, "that's not true" and ordered a salad...
anart said:
[...] The waitress said, "Oh, I heard the Gulf is cleaner now than it's ever been because they've been cleaning it so much". .....

anart said:
[quote author=Bluestar]
I ordered eggs and bacon. Told the server that I was allergic to wheat so please no bread. Did not want the crumbs on my plate. She asked me if white bread had wheat? She thought I was talking about whole wheat bread. My partner said, all bread had wheat in it, the woman gave a puzzled look, then we said flour, flour was made out of wheat. She said ok, no bread. Then she asked if I wanted a waffle. I said no and we all had a good chuckle.

It's amazing how clueless people are about food - especially food service workers! At every restaurant where I've mentioned that I'm allergic to dairy, the server warns me that there are eggs in a dish. Cows don't lay eggs...


LOL X 10000000

Well sometimes people don't know, that's what I say what I want and what I don't want, and if the put it on the table, I just don't eat it.
anart said:
It's amazing how clueless people are about food - especially food service workers! At every restaurant where I've mentioned that I'm allergic to dairy, the server warns me that there are eggs in a dish. Cows don't lay eggs...

Gimpy said:
One of my favorites: After telling the waitress that I had a life or death allergy to tree nuts, she went back to the kitchen and brought me a piece of pie covered in oily black walnuts. I stared at the pie, and then at my lunch companion who's mouth fell open.

My friend pointed to the walnuts and said "What do you think THOSE are??"

The waitress just beamed at us and said: "Oh! I asked the chef, and he said those were FILBERTS."

That was a turning point for my friend, she never believed me when I told her how ignorant wait staff were about food allergies. :rolleyes:

It is so true. I worked in the food service industry for 5 years, 4 star level and it is uncanny how even the chef's are unaware. A patron came in allergic to dairy and asked if the sorbet had dairy, I asked the executive chef and he said "sorbet was dairy free" But I checked the label before I served it and sure enough, it had dairy. Can you imagine if I served it to this person and they went into an allergic shock?

cubbex said:
LOL X 10000000

Well sometimes people don't know, that's what I say what I want and what I don't want, and if the put it on the table, I just don't eat it.

Just not going to pay for food from a restaurant if I can not eat it. :O

It is a good lesson in patience and external consideration...

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