Jedi Council Member
This thread is in response to the April 9th, 2011 session.
Did not want to write so much on that thread, so I placed it here.
It is comforting in a crazy way that we are experiencing many similar occurrences
that are brought to our attention in this session. It explains a lot for me as to
what I have been observing these last several weeks.
Having had not much time on the forum lately due to my current work focus. Been
doing a renaissance festival selling my art work. Having to be in the public with all
the many various personalities has been a great exercise for me to observe myself.
One exercise is done when someone comes into my booth and makes a statement
about my work. Whether it is perceived by me as a positive remark or a negative one.
How my initial reaction is and by taking a moment to think, then answer. Finding that
I am humbled by a compliment and find humor when some one has a negative remark.
Though my first thought/emotion is to be hurt by the neg comment, I realize that not all
people understand the time and creative energy put forth to do what I do. Nor how
expensive the materials are. Am I just falling into a sacred cow excuse? Fooling myself?
In this tough economic time in the US, there are those that will support my work and
have been making some money.
Also having come face to face with a manipulative craft coordinator who will tell
you anything just to make nice. Within the first weekend of this festival, I
realized that she lies just to shut you up. Boosts about things that do not
manifest. The politics of a festival like this is crazy and I quickly, thanks to
the work, got her game and have learned how to not allow myself to get swept
up with it. What will be will be is my new motto and make the best of what is
offered. Hard work to say the least. It has been close to 90 degrees every
weekend and definitely puts the irritation button on over drive. Found drinking
pure coconut juice/water with no added sugar to be very helpful. Though need
a full day of rest after the weekend. Then back to creating pieces to be sold
for the next weekend.
Regarding other psychic guarding, my music and tv entertainment has changed
much over the last couple of years. No longer can I expose myself to harsh music
or bs tv shows. My energy is quickly drained and emotions turn negative. Find
myself constantly talking at the news on mainstream media, so I watch little of it.
Only enough to hear what they are saying to be aware of what is going on.
Listen to NPR and read SOTT. Still emotions run high even though I know
how TPB have manipulated us all, it still raises frustration at how people
just can not see what is going on.
Dieting has been my main focus and I have to say, being on the road so much
and balancing my food intake has been a chore. I do make some food to take
with me for lunches so as not to eat the food at the fair. Having stood my ground
for the most part. Though when one is very tired, sticky and dirty those fast food
restaurants shine like an icon at you. Head for a restaurant that serves fresh
bacon and eggs or a steak and with a sweet potato and have that. The call for
unhealthy food is highest when my blood sugar levels drop and this is the time
for me to want to eat quickly anything available. The struggle is good for me
I believe, working on solidifying those iron filings.
This is the last weekend of this festival and then I have about a month till the next.
The next is a pirate festival. I found that themed shows work best for the type of
art I create. It is sort of a functional type of mixed media and fine art shows just
do not get my work, arts and craft shows either. They can be lots of fun and I get
to play dress up. And I am doing what I love to do.
So thanks to all for reading, wanted to update my status and put some response to
the new session. Any feed back is welcome. Will be off line until Monday.
Did not want to write so much on that thread, so I placed it here.
It is comforting in a crazy way that we are experiencing many similar occurrences
that are brought to our attention in this session. It explains a lot for me as to
what I have been observing these last several weeks.
Having had not much time on the forum lately due to my current work focus. Been
doing a renaissance festival selling my art work. Having to be in the public with all
the many various personalities has been a great exercise for me to observe myself.
One exercise is done when someone comes into my booth and makes a statement
about my work. Whether it is perceived by me as a positive remark or a negative one.
How my initial reaction is and by taking a moment to think, then answer. Finding that
I am humbled by a compliment and find humor when some one has a negative remark.
Though my first thought/emotion is to be hurt by the neg comment, I realize that not all
people understand the time and creative energy put forth to do what I do. Nor how
expensive the materials are. Am I just falling into a sacred cow excuse? Fooling myself?
In this tough economic time in the US, there are those that will support my work and
have been making some money.
Also having come face to face with a manipulative craft coordinator who will tell
you anything just to make nice. Within the first weekend of this festival, I
realized that she lies just to shut you up. Boosts about things that do not
manifest. The politics of a festival like this is crazy and I quickly, thanks to
the work, got her game and have learned how to not allow myself to get swept
up with it. What will be will be is my new motto and make the best of what is
offered. Hard work to say the least. It has been close to 90 degrees every
weekend and definitely puts the irritation button on over drive. Found drinking
pure coconut juice/water with no added sugar to be very helpful. Though need
a full day of rest after the weekend. Then back to creating pieces to be sold
for the next weekend.
Regarding other psychic guarding, my music and tv entertainment has changed
much over the last couple of years. No longer can I expose myself to harsh music
or bs tv shows. My energy is quickly drained and emotions turn negative. Find
myself constantly talking at the news on mainstream media, so I watch little of it.
Only enough to hear what they are saying to be aware of what is going on.
Listen to NPR and read SOTT. Still emotions run high even though I know
how TPB have manipulated us all, it still raises frustration at how people
just can not see what is going on.
Dieting has been my main focus and I have to say, being on the road so much
and balancing my food intake has been a chore. I do make some food to take
with me for lunches so as not to eat the food at the fair. Having stood my ground
for the most part. Though when one is very tired, sticky and dirty those fast food
restaurants shine like an icon at you. Head for a restaurant that serves fresh
bacon and eggs or a steak and with a sweet potato and have that. The call for
unhealthy food is highest when my blood sugar levels drop and this is the time
for me to want to eat quickly anything available. The struggle is good for me
I believe, working on solidifying those iron filings.
This is the last weekend of this festival and then I have about a month till the next.
The next is a pirate festival. I found that themed shows work best for the type of
art I create. It is sort of a functional type of mixed media and fine art shows just
do not get my work, arts and craft shows either. They can be lots of fun and I get
to play dress up. And I am doing what I love to do.
So thanks to all for reading, wanted to update my status and put some response to
the new session. Any feed back is welcome. Will be off line until Monday.