Review: Spiritual School of Ascension

The "Spiritual School of Ascension" (site: seems to be an organization with many interesting parallels to the Cassiopaea/ Quantum Future Group- both organiztions seem to have started at roughly the same time (approx. 1998-1999); both organizations are primarily interested in the Ascension process; both groups are headed/founded by a husband and wife team; and some concepts are similiar. In fact, a comparison of these groups has already been made _ here. The evidence suggests, however, that this "school" is COINTELPRO.

Adpop said:
What is the channeling method?
Uncertain... but if you look at their (_ us page, the language suggests the author is some non-human entity , though the page is signed with the channel and her husbands' names! It says, for instance:
Earth is becoming a star. One day Earth shall shine bright much like your solar sun. [...] The process of ascension is not new, nor is it a rapid process. Earth has been increasing in vibration since your last ice age.
Perhaps these little slip-ups reveal the true source of the transmissions- the channel's subconscious mind. Or maybe shes just making it all up?
Adpop said:
What is the format?
The channel is taking dictation.
Adpop said:
How long has the channel been doing it, how did they start, do they channel multiple entities?
The channel, Karen Dandrich, has been channelling since 1997, though she claims to have had a walk-in experience in 1995. She channels multiple entities (Earth Mother, Solar Father, Great White Buffalo, Ancient Ancestors, etc.) and I'll let her explain how she started-
In 1995, following a walk-in of the soul known as 'Mila Sinoski' (also known as 'Lady of the Sun'), Karen was contacted by many Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchies of Earth and the cosmos upon the 'Inner Plane' and began her ascension process. Her gifts of clairvoyance and telepathy allowed her to study the energetic, emotional and physical changes that occurred within her form during the ascension process in great detail. She began to teach this information to others in November of 1996 and started to travel throughout North America offering her workshop known as the 'Ascension Intensive' in 1997.

In Late 1997, Mila brought forth a series of channeled material detailing the information of the ascension process so that others could begin to understand the biological and energetic changes that humanity faces in the years to come. The early articles were first published upon SpiritWeb and received great review. In due course, our website along with was developed and devoted solely to the ascension information and the 'Spiritual School of Ascension.'
Adpop said:
Does the channel comment on the material, research it, etc.?
Dandrich does not comment on the material and makes no effort to research it. In fact some of the earlier transcripts were deleted because they had become 'obsolete'. This is radically different than the scientific method of the QFS/SOTT team.
Adpop said:
Does the channel sell the material or offer other products or services associated with their channeling ability?
Adpop said:
Are there any other clues that indicate a relationship to or influence by other channels, groups, organizations, etc.?
If you count ego-feeding statements such as addressing the reader as 'beloved ascended human' and controlling statements like 'It is human nature to follow the truth of another. It is for this reason that finding a guru or teacher in order to be on the spiritual path is often deemed necessary.' as evidence of 4th density STS influence. I can find no outside terrestrial organizations however.
Adpop said:
What is the central message(s), if any? This will usually be repeated often.
The central message YCYOR. The article I quoted at the beginning comparing the C's to the SSOA says-
Alright, this sure feels good to think of beings helping us out there, but like the C's the KD-material warns us of these thoughts. If you want to ascend it is your own responsibility and not someone else's, not some guru or some high being in the skies. Ascending implies hard work and if you opt to wait for someone else to rescue you, you might not live through the impending changes.
I guess by hard work this author means intending real hard and meditating because this is what is the SSOA advocates-
Karen Dandrich said:
Ascension makes possible a new life to blossom that is disease free, pain free, and restores the ability for each to become the dreamer and the dream. Through ascension, one may learn to consciously dream weave and intend one's life, and then live to experience the life intended. This is the gift of ascension.
This is just another site that promotes sleep over seeing the world objectively. Two articles are even called _ The Power of Your Intent and _ I Intend to Ascend .I can see why the author of the Cassiopaea-SSOA comparison gave up on reconcileing them- their positions are polar opposites!

Edit- Forgot to mention the "language of light", it is explained as-
The Language of Light Glyphs are constructed on 144 concepts that are reflected in shape, color and tone. The tones are equivalent to the tones or vibrations of creation. Over time on Earth, the tones of creation became distorted and then destruction and separatism became prevalent on Earth. The Language of Light is the original glyphs, tones and vibrations utilized on Earth prior to the distortion. It is with great love and joy that we share these glyphs with those of you who are ascending at this time in history!

The Language of Light is based on unity consciousness where there are no destructive thought forms. As one embodies all 144 glyphs of the Language of Light, one transcends all destructive patterns on all planes of reality: conscious, subconscious and unconscious and masters a fully conscious level of evolution.
Newage newspeak!
The work of Karen Danrich and her 'Spirtual School of Asinine' is certainly disinfo and seems likely to be cointelpro. I remember a while back one of her devotees, J. van den Heuvel, came to casschat, perhaps as a tarbaby, wanting to 'combine forces' so to speak.

Some interesting exchanges took place in these relevent threads:
"Comparison of the Laura Knight-Jadczyk material to the Karen
Danrich Material"
"TWAH3 (Thinking with a Hammer Exercise)"
"On Ascension, Descension, Earth and Humanity"
"On Wrong Assumptions"
"New Age Garbage"

After the episode was over, J. wrote the following on her website:

After reading chapter 3 (of the Wave) I noticed that the material really is too discordant with the Danrich material, so I stopped comparing because the differences simply turned out to be too big too bridge.

This comparison has led Ark of the Cassiopaeans site to make a so-called 'Thinking with a Hammer Exercise'. The material from this page are commented upon in the 'cassiopaeaboard-forum'
Maybe your onto something about the multiple personaality disorder.
Recently considered rare and mysterious psychiatric curiosities, Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) (previously known as Multiple Personality Disorder-MPD) and other Dissociative Disorders are now understood to be fairly common effects of severe trauma in early childhood, most typically extreme, repeated physical, sexual, and/or emotional abuse.
Karen Dandrich said:
Her childhood was often difficult and wrought with pain.
We also know that she sometimes slips into a "personality" without realizing it (reffering to humanity as you, as if she were not part of humanity). This also fits in with the format of the channeling. Hmmm... lets recap:
1. She claims to have had a "difficult childhood wrought with pain".
2. She contacts multiple entitities.
3. These entities do all of the "talking".
4. Sometimes these entites or thought patterns related to these entities come through without conscious awareness.
Ruth was correct however, when she said (on the TWAH thread) that only a competent psychiatrist can diagnose someone. I certainly am not a 'competent psychiatrist' and even if I was I could not diagnose someone by looking at their writings alone. I am merely pointing out that there is an interesting correspondance between a theory and our limited facts. In any case, the actual content of this site is definitely disinfo.
Kesdjan said:
Maybe your onto something about the multiple personaality disorder.
For those who haven't read the casschat threads Kesdjan is referring to a post I made where I said I thought Karen Danrich either had Multiple Personality Disorder or a lot of spirit attachments. Later on in the message board I said I thought it wasn't productive for the exercise we were doing to make this speculation. MPD is now more correctly call DID as Kesdjan indicated and anyone wishing to read more on this I highly suggest Martha Stout's Myth of Sanity. The dissiociative process seems to shed a lot of light on our mechanical behavior, our little 'i's, and their reasons for being... or non-being.

I think researching dissociation also opens up many useful questions regarding the minds of New Age channelers and what they are or are not in control of. Certainly those who aren't just copying material have trained themselves in one way or another to enter into dissociative states, which is the opposite of the process of critical channeling in the Cassiopaean experiment. Those New Age channelers who have had a particularly painful childhood (or even adults who've had some shocks too painful to burden) may have even been groomed, so to speak, to more easily enter into these dissociative states.

I doubt this specific process of channeling through dissociation is limiting to the New Age community. It brings to mind one news article of the day where Pat Robertson said God told him of a mass killing in the US in 2007.

Another likely theory is that they're all just completely full of it - and spreading their it all over the place to keep everyone asleep.
New Age Newspeak indeed. When I read stuff like, "Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchies of Earth and the cosmos upon the 'Inner Plane'" and "The Language of Light Glyphs are constructed on 144 concepts that are reflected in shape, color and ... tones of creation" without explanation, I have to think, "what does that mean?" Maybe they explain it somewhere, and I know I'm just jumping in here, but I sure hope the Cass material doesn't look that opaque to the casual reader.

From what you've reported, Kesdjan, it doesn't sound like there are any new concepts here -- that it could have been hodgepodged together consciously or unconsciously from any number of other sources, not that I can truly tell, mind you. I'm always suspicious of pure dictation. That's 4D's style and I would think more likely STS style (STO would answer only what is asked), and if YCYOR is the theme, this is probably STS or mixed, as most. Shane, I don't have the bandwidth to dig into the casschat discussions, but as you say, others seem to have come to a similar conclusion.
Hi guys - I am an ex-initiate of ascendpress, and to brush off their works as 'just another site which promotes sleep over seeing the world objectively" is very incorrect.

what you should have said, if you understood the works of ascendpress and the pure nature of dreamtime/dreaming/dream mechanism "this is probably the only site which promotes dream and dreaming to really see the world and ascension objectively".

As that is the nature of our dreams.

Everything dreams, including the planetary consciousness - and this is also what Karen Danrich channels.
The bulk of their work is about the karma dynamic, the clearing principle and anchoring specific communing channels.

It is these specific communing beings that mentor each individual to ascension.

A school, or organisation cannot do this, but what an authentic ascension school CAN do, is to help and assist others to channel the correct sources (AND define the many incorrect sources, that all jump in and say what we want to hear).
Channeling has become highly suspect for this reason.

The dream (lucid dreaming and vision) is now the modality for counsel and direction. The inner work is directed through the dream and other spiritual tools.

oKa said:
Hi guys - I am an ex-initiate of ascendpress,
I was wondering why you are an ex-initiate. You seem still quite fond of their work. Why'd you split?

oKa said:
and to brush off their works as 'just another site which promotes sleep over seeing the world objectively" is very incorrect.

what you should have said, if you understood the works of ascendpress and the pure nature of dreamtime/dreaming/dream mechanism "this is probably the only site which promotes dream and dreaming to really see the world and ascension objectively".
It wasn't brushed off. It was researched on several occasions. The research resulted in a presentation of data and reasoning - which seems quite valid. You have not presented any data or reasoning, only belief (noise) stated as fact.

oKa said:
The dream (lucid dreaming and vision) is now the modality for counsel and direction. The inner work is directed through the dream and other spiritual tools.
Were you directed to come to this forum?
oKa said:
what you should have said, if you understood the works of ascendpress and the pure nature of dreamtime/dreaming/dream mechanism "this is probably the only site which promotes dream and dreaming to really see the world and ascension objectively".
Dreams can be helpful sometimes, but only marginally so. To understand the world, you need to do research and network, not dream.
oKa said:
As that is the nature of our dreams.
The nature of our dreams is subjective, and very often it is irrelevant psychobabble. Sometimes they could be useful and have relevance to waking life, but even then it is a matter of correctly interpreting them, which is also subjective and difficult to get "right". They can give you a hint about your personal situation/issues that you may want to address, assuming you manage to interpret it correctly, and assuming the dream wasn't just senseless psychobabble. Relying on dreams to understand objective reality is, as evidenced by millions who try this, pretty fruitless. I think it's just another example of people wanting free lunch - instead of doing the hard work of research and networking and the Work on self, they think they can just fall asleep and get all the answers from dreams. But there is no free lunch.

oKa said:
Everything dreams, including the planetary consciousness - and this is also what Karen Danrich channels.
What is the planetary consciousness and what makes you say that it "dreams"?

oKa said:
It is these specific communing beings that mentor each individual to ascension.
What makes you think anyone need a mentor to do what is natural - learn and progress?
oKa said:
A school, or organisation cannot do this
Why not? This forum is an organization/network designed to help us all learn and progress, and it's working wonderfully. Not to mention we have the Quantum Future School that also works very well. So according to evidence and experience, I'd say this is incorrect - an organization can do this.
oKa said:
The dream (lucid dreaming and vision) is now the modality for counsel and direction. The inner work is directed through the dream and other spiritual tools.
The inner work is done consciously while awake. It needs no "direction" because the direction is already chosen by the act of doing the Work. What it needs is a collinear network to speed things up and to keep the person (and everyone else in the network) from accidentally going astray (changing direction). STO does not "direct", nor does it "counsel" when none is needed, when you're not truly asking in the right way. Instead what you get is STS that is eager to do all of the above, and if you're not already healthy psychologically and know the modus operandi of both, you won't know the difference.
oKa said:
Hi guys - I am an ex-initiate of ascendpress, and to brush off their works as 'just another site which promotes sleep over seeing the world objectively" is very incorrect.
No offense, however your post seems to strongly reinforce that this site does indeed promote sleep over seeing the world objectively.

oka said:
what you should have said, if you understood the works of ascendpress and the pure nature of dreamtime/dreaming/dream mechanism "this is probably the only site which promotes dream and dreaming to really see the world and ascension objectively".
The 'world' cannot be seen objectively through dreams; this statement is wholly contradictory. The 'world' cannot be seen objectively unless one is fully conscious and fully awake - unless one can See. One cannot learn to See while dreaming; be it figurative or literal.

I'm also curious as to how you found this forum, oka, since if your first few posts are any indication, this forum runs rather contrary to your take on the 'world'.
Oka said:
what you should have said, if you understood the works of ascendpress and the pure nature of dreamtime/dreaming/dream mechanism "this is probably the only site which promotes dream and dreaming to really see the world and ascension objectively".
In all esoteric literature there is an underlying theme- "waking up". But what do they mean by waking up, afterall, I'm wide awake right now typing this, how can I be "asleep"? As we have seen, through long and difficult observation, our everyday awareness is not very objective. We lie to ourselves, we buffer ourselves from reality. We do not like things that "hurt" us. When someone critisizes us we instantly take offense, regardless of whether the criticism was valid. We ignore the horrors of wars, plagues, and famines, because they make us feel "bad". In this way we live in a dream. Our general take on the issue here, and this is after RESEARCH, is that we live in a kind of cacoon universe. Let's say dreams are the innermost world in our cacoon. This level is completely subjective, anything can happen, there is no direction to anything. The next level is "waking consciousness", our everyday experience. This level is exactly the same as the dream level, except there will be consequences- you are not completely unfocussed. You still however do not possess a consistent direction, you go along with whatever "likes" you have at each point in time. You see, you have contradictory "likes" and "dislikes" because you constantly lie to yourself, as shown above. Now it sometimes happen that impressions from a higher "world" can reach you in a lower world. As an example, you can receive a tactile impression of your blanket around your body. But in your dream, you may interpret it as anything. I do not know why you say our dreams are pure- certainly they are most often nonsense. The problem is one of interpretation.
Oka said:
The inner work is directed through the dream and other spiritual tools.
Hopefully you can see by now that these are only ancillary. It is necessary for the work to be done in a group, that is with feedback. By telling the group about such experiences, they can tell you what your assumptions about it are, what your prejudices about it are. If you are persistent in this process eventually you will be able to go beyond dreaming and see the real world. But, if you are happy with living in dreams, this forum is not really for you.
I left for two reasons .. one i was manifesting a uterine cancer that i had to concentrate on to heal (to do the karmic work i had learnt about on ascendpress's site)
and two, because i had read about the 'inner work' and all it entailed - and now had to do this on my own.
aka i had learnt the tools to ascend - now i had to put them into practise.

The dreams - they are much more than one supposes. Mainly because the average persons dreaming, who has yet to clear karma, is filled with 'karmic issues'.

Also many are not interpreting their dreams correctly.
They are highly symbolic. They are messages from many 'Communing Sources'.
e.g. i am now guided to study specific crop circles - a specific one, I will ask questions of, and the answers will be given to me (as a visionary concept or as a 'literal phrase') from which i will ask more questions.

So to many who say the Dream is a lessor spiritual tool, is very incorrect. One just has to know how to use it to get the answers FROM THOSE WHO HAVE THE WISDOMS OF ALL THAT IS (more than you, more than me).

There are many who think it will be a physical body or work that will raise the consciousmind - by 'physical researching' sciences etc - this is not so, it is the upper dimensions that guide us these understandings.

oKa said:
It could be that dreams can sometimes help in improving ourselves. However, as it's has been found with many people here, it is not a primary means. The primary means is effort. If you think work is not so helpful but prefer to 'ascend in dreams' then as anart said this is probably not the forum for you. Most here do not want answers handed to us in dreams but want to learn, understand, and implement our lessons. This does not happen without work.

Direction from higher dimensions may very well be communicated in dreams. So what. This is not learning and so does not lead to growth, and not only that, there is no will. When being directed by something other than yourself, manipulation is easy. Do you not think those of a self serving higher dimension could control your dreams?
Shane said:
Do you not think those of a self serving higher dimension could control your dreams?
Exactly. Not all "guidance" received may be in the person's best interest. As T. Illion wrote in "Darkness over Tibet":

T. Illion said:
My talks with these wise men, which are recorded in my earlier book, reflect a certain degree of understanding of the vital problems of Life and Death, spiritual crimes, Salvation and Eternity, and many of my readers will have wondered how the author arrived at a degree of understanding which made these spiritual contacts possible.

Let me say, then, in this connection, that real understanding in spiritual matters is the result of much bitter fighting, of suffering, spiritual agony and soul passion. Life itself would have no meaning if there was no fighting on all planes, if all was smooth and monotonous. Everything fights in nature. Every plant fights to get more sunlight. Every animal fights for food; the angels themselves fight. Constant struggle on all planes to which it has access is the birthright of the creature. Woe to him who wants to put himself on a level with the Creator and escape fighting! [...]

On my travels I have met some of the highest spiritual entities incarnated in the flesh, and not only those working for the Creator but also those working against him.

Even the fires of hell have their mission. They destroy man if he is weak, but if he is strong they purify by burning the dross away. [...]

Spirituality actually is a very stormy ocean. The currents of life are interwoven, and Good and Evil, Light and Shadow, are within a hairbreadth from each other.
oKa said:
There are many who think it will be a physical body or work that will raise the consciousmind - by 'physical researching' sciences etc - this is not so, it is the upper dimensions that guide us these understandings.
oKa, the only problem with this - people lie. There is no reason to assume that beings from other worlds cannot and do not do the same. In fact, we have plenty of evidence on this forum alone that this is in fact the case, but more evidence in the rest of the accompanying websites if you care to take a look. So just as we do not believe when a person tells us something on their word, neither should we, if we care about the truth, believe anyone or anything else on its word. As a result we have no choice but to critically and carefully test every bit of information that we get, regardless of where (or what dimension) it comes from. This means, if some source is making scientific statements, we have no choice but to prove or disprove them using science - to see whether they are true and describe objective reality, or not. How can we do anything else if we are interested in the truth?

Would you not agree? After all, knowledge means understanding how objective reality works, not believing someone on their word. I'm not against any knowledge from "out there", but it does not become knowledge until I KNOW that it is true - until I have a way to verify it for myself. Until then, it is merely a statement someone or something made, its validity or usefulness being unknown.
Allow me to put my ascending experience in this way.

I first learnt that it is the upper dimensions that know the Universal Truths. On Earth - EarthMother, the Nature Realms, Elementals and our Solar One Source... and even 8th dimensional transcended ancestors (that have recently 'been released' .. the higher dimensional realms had long been 'pulled away from Earths core' (by the Anu and their 'electrical programme')

Not all these beings are telepathic, nor should we trust any channeled message - as you have seen and discerned for yourself most are pure deceptions by the 'false gods/ascended master brigade' (ascendpress). Most channeled messages are either ascended masters or fallen angelics/Lucifer, Budharas, Wesas ( revealed by Freedom Teaching/keylontic .
These are the message of fluff and deceit - 'there is nothing to do' ..'you are already it' BS. So people do nothing, change nothing.

We now know of these (because Terra and our Nature guides tell us so, through the dream )- that we have pastlife attachments to most of these old false gods .. these are karmic attachments, and are 'enablers'... causing our true spiritual guides to stand aside and allow this interference.
So they (our spiritual guides of Nature and Terra) sincerely desire we investigate any attachments we may have with these ancient parasites (our spiritual guides help us to investigate, understand and complete/detach/erase) .. this is called the inner WORK (and it is hard work, a struggle in fact) . A conscious action between the self and a non-physical authentic ascension guide - which one must pendulum and muscle-test constantly at first, to make sure this is the real deal, and not a deception.

(but in all honesty, there is no dark entity/ false god, that is going to help you release karma. This is one of the inner tests of integrity of ones spiritual guides)

We first must discern EXACTLY who has the higher knowledge we require. To raise the consciousmind - to ascend.
Ascension is learnt - but we must have the correct teachers.

Even though the works of ascendpress are authentic and integral to ascension - these works are the jumping off point for all questions to our own spiritual guides and mentors.
(after kicking out all the non-ascending entities that invade our field - especially when one starts the ascending journey.. they latch on like leeches, or well 'serpents' as that is what they are)

Tools are used, many tools not just one or two, and they are all used in conjunction with each other - and the dream, lucid dreaming are very integral tools for the ascending initiate to use.

Those who place no importance on the dream, or the messages - are not experiencing the dream to its full capacity to guide and mentor, nor are they interpreting them correctly. Or in fact, remembering any. It is as one has a tool, which is a set of correct interpreting questions, and another tool, a pendulum or muscle-test to get to the answers - THEN the dream takes off for the initiate.
Your guides now know, you mean business - and they can start their collaboration in earnest.

Every sincere action and EFFORT to commune and collaborate is rewarded .. experience is the clincher. Put a journal and pen beside your pillow, i can tell you are all sincere spiritual seekers, allow a 'flow' to start - intend a flow to start.
And it will.
Ask a question before retiring.
You will be very surprised at the content xx


No these are not my 'beliefs/noise, stated as fact' Shane .. these are my facts experienced, and become Truth. Workable, usable Truth for Ascension.

Many Blessings to you All.
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