Richard Chanfray/Count Saint-Germaine transmutes gold on Spanish t.v.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
This man claimed to be the 18th century ‘alchemist’ Count Saint-Germaine and claimed to perform the alchemical transmutation of lead into gold in a television studio.

The video is in Spanish, with no English subtitles, so I can’t really understand what’s going on. But one thing’s for sure: Chanfray doesn’t strike me as the charismatic spellbinder Saint-Germaine was portrayed as.

The guys speaks french, in the beginnings he claims to have spent his youth in Saint-Germaine's castle... at some point he says regarding philosopher stone : " I could retieved it .../... I won't reveal here the composition in front of cameras because I ignore it , I've found it.../... I can't reproduce it, I haven't strong enough knowledge to do it, maybe my master( Fulcanelli wich he claims to meet) will give me this possibility..."
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