Roller Coaster Ride!


The Living Force
My one and only AWESOME roller Coaster experience happened 31 years ago.
I have been reflecting on it the past few days, since the last C's Session, and decided to share a few of my life memories and the Videos of the EXACT Roller Coaster with you all.

Back in 1989, when I did this, it was way out of my regular modus operandus!

I had not been in a relationship for several years, I was divorced/single, celibate, and very ok with that.
I didn't drink alcohol, I was always the designated driver.

Due to my responsibilities as a divorced Mom raising two sons, and employed at a very busy hospital, in a highly stressful and attention demanding job, I NEVER took risks.

During a Holiday week off, in the summer of 1989, I drove with my Mom(my Beloved, Profound, Beautiful Mom) to the city of Edmonton, AB. for a weekend visit with my youngest Brother and his Family.
My sons were with their Dad for the Court Mandated summer holiday 2 weeks, and I had no responsibilities or schedules.

One of the Medevac Pilots that I worked with was also in the city for the Weekend.
He was also living a rather "Monk like" life as well.
No drinking because he was on call a lot, and he hadn't had a girlfriend for years, due to his career choices.
He had started his aviation career as a bush pilot and flown Bush Planes up in the high North of Canada for most of his 20's.
When we met, he was the New Chief Pilot of the Emergency Medevac Service, and he had a lot of serious responsibilities.

We got together and hung out at the West Edmonton Mall, and had a Kinda sorta First Date.
We had a blast, and we both realized we REALLY liked each other.

He and I decided to Ride this "Mindbender Roller Coaster" together.( This has become our metaphor for our life together, 31 years strong!)
It is a Schwarzkopf triple looper, and is the world's tallest, longest and fastest indoor coaster.
It had been shut down for a while, because of a bad accident, which several of our mutual friends(EMT's and FireGuys) had been the first Responders attending, and told us all about the devastation.

But, we still bought the tickets, and took the RIDE.....

WOW! Crazy Fun! He screamed louder than I did, and it's true, putting your arms up in the air when going around the curves, and into the IS the closest feeling to an real "out of body experience"!

So, here it is, The MINDBENDER!!

5 years ago I drove on the "Silverstar" in a hint of madness. The roller coaster is located in the Europapark in Germany and is 73m high. You experience free fall for 3 seconds. Definitely crazy. When I watch the video, I feel sick again. :scared: But it was so much fun! :clap:

I didn't know I liked roller coasters until I got over my fears as a kid and went ahead and tried one due to family urging. It's been a while since I've been on one. We used to get season passes to Six Flags. Once you've been on some roller coaster coasters, it's like all the other rides are small potatoes. :-P As a side note, I wonder if there are roller coasters in 4D? You could make them even more compact with extra dimension? 🤔
I used to love roller coasters (and still do) until I flew an airplane upside down for the first time! Roller coaster on steroids except you get to control where it goes!

Unfortunately, as I’ve aged and with sinus issues, I can’t take much anymore before I begin to feel sick.

Perhaps knowledge of what may possibly be coming will make the current roller coaster less sickening?
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