Romantic Fiction, Reality Shaping and The Work

Well, I got the 5 Anne Gracie books, from the ones in the spreadsheet.

Until now I have not read anything, so these days I will make the effort. I must say that although I have not read anything yet, I have been able to start feeling or perceiving effects similar to those described by you, although by different means (mostly movies). So the call of attention is there.

On the other hand, yesterday I opened a thread regarding those emotions that sometimes we cannot describe because of the lack of meaning in our language. Maybe, maybe I can be helpful too.

I have read the last two books of "the Survivors Club" from Mary Balogh a few days ago and made a pause because those books made a lot of things resurface. Imogen's plight brought tears my eyes more than once, I could really identify with her fear of trusting and being vulnerable again. I was also amazed by her wisdom, courage and independence. She really seems like a force of nature while staying human at the same time.

Dora I came to love, and I was really moved by her, by how she refused "the easy way" in order to care for her family and then leading an independent albeit lonely life. Her marriage felt like a blessing from life for staying true to herself. It reminded me of the C's saying in substance that all will be well...eventually. She and Georges felt like different parts of me.

It was strange to identify with a male character so much, and see so much of myself in a fictional character who's miles away from my own life's circumstances. Georges powerlessness in his first marriage struck a chord in me, and I started to have very dark fantasies about what I would have done to his first wife, had I been a man of wealth and privilege like he was (meaning I could have gotten away with being an absolute a**hole). No amount of "Your Grace" would have made me feel gracious toward her. My first reaction when I read was that, at the very least, I would have turned her in. After making her rue the day she was born. Which made me feel guilty. It really upset me. I've known for a while that I am not all sparkles and rainbows, but seeing your shadow is never a nice thing.

It disturbed me for several days, mainly because I expect to feel powerless in the future, with comets, plagues, dictatorship & co. Becoming an heinous, murderous, sadistic psycho when put under pressure is not how I want to answer the challenges ahead.

It also made me think at what kind of person I would have been if I had been born male, if I had been born in a family of wealth and privilege. Would I have turned into a good man? If I had power over people, would I use it? I probably came back as a female this time around, in a family of modest means to understand once and for all that power doesn't reside in brute force, in wealth, privilege, or any other materialistic thing. It is found in our own being and no one can take that from us unless we let them.

Sermoning myself with threats of karmic retributions should I go astray wasn't helping me at all. It felt like a childish thing to do. I want to be a good person, not a meek one who obeys the rules simply out of fear of punishment. So instead I tried to understand how I could do better, what leads people to act the way they do, what's the best way to respond (and not to react) to situations that are beyond my control, while staying true to my principles. For the first time I didn't reject those dark parts of me. I accepted that it was also "me", but that they would not have a seat at my table, so to say. For the first time I felt a huge relief, like " ah! Finally you see me!". I felt all fragile and teary, but also warm and somehow comforted.
I am going to make a pause, I want to read Timothy Ashworth's book and then I shall read "Only beloved" again (the 7th book), to put a closure to this inner turmoil! And then I'll continue with other stories 😊
Hey Rolaae, just to clarify, this thread isn't about romantic fiction in general. The books we are reading in this project are listed here:
Romance Novel List

It has been advised in this thread not to branch out to other authors, or even different books by the same authors, as not all historical fiction is the same. Even the same authors have written books of varying quality.

Among many historical romance books Laura has read she specifically selected the ones in the spreadsheet for us. Links to audio/digital versions are provided, but if you can find those titles in thrift stores - even better :-)

See this post by Laura for example:
Okay thanks for clarifying. Okay this is specific for authors recommended. I've must have chimed(communicating) in not knowing. And interrupt the flow of continuing thread related.
Okay thanks for clarifying. Okay this is specific for authors recommended. I've must have chimed(communicating) in not knowing. And interrupt the flow of continuing thread related.

That's okay Rolae :-) From your previous post I gather you do enjoy reading romantic fiction. If so, I think you would enjoy this project too. Do consider joining us! :read:

This thread was discussed in the August 15th 2020 session:

(L) I have started this thread "Using Books to Imagine a New Reality" (Using Books to Imagine a New Reality) about my reading materials. I hesitated to even bring it up because it's something that can so easily be misunderstood - and apparently it WAS misunderstood almost immediately by some people. However, I have speculated a little bit on the thread about the effects of reading particular literature. Am I on the right track with this?

A: Yes indeed!

Q: (L) Okay. Is there anything you would suggest further about this thread?

A: The books you suggest ought to be priority.

Q: (L) Any other questions about that topic? I mean, I've read bunches of them and there's a lot of them that I would not recommend or suggest to anybody.

(Andromeda) Yeah, it's not just any book in that category.

(L) Some are just not appropriate. But there are some that have a specific dynamic and plot line and so forth. I finished one today that's absolutely EXCELLENT! Absolutely excellent. It's called, "Dancing with Clara". Well, it's just a really interesting book.
Hey Rolaae, just to clarify, this thread isn't about romantic fiction in general. The books we are reading in this project are listed here:
Romance Novel List

It has been advised in this thread not to branch out to other authors, or even different books by the same authors, as not all historical fiction is the same. Even the same authors have written books of varying quality.

Among many historical romance books Laura has read she specifically selected the ones in the spreadsheet for us. Links to audio/digital versions are provided, but if you can find those titles in thrift stores - even better :-)

See this post by Laura for example:
I read the opening thread and have obtained the authors recommended. Your link 'Romance Novel List' is not at least for myself not connecting. Is there a spread sheet link I can click on that is provided? Thanks
That's okay Rolae :-) From your previous post I gather you do enjoy reading romantic fiction. If so, I think you would enjoy this project too. Do consider joining us! :read:

This thread was discussed in the August 15th 2020 session:
To reply to you comment I have not to my memory read romantic novels or fictions.
I read the opening thread and have obtained the authors recommended. Your link 'Romance Novel List' is not at least for myself not connecting. Is there a spread sheet link I can click on that is provided? Thanks

That's weird, it opens OK on my end, I just double checked. I downloaded it in Excel for you. Please see it attached below. Let me know if it opens now.

To reply to you comment I have not to my memory read romantic novels or fictions.

I'm sorry I misunderstood you then. I though you were referring to buying similarly themed books in thrift shops since you wrote about them on this thread. In that case, do read through this thread to get an idea of why we are undertaking this reading project, and to see if it's something you'd like to do with us.


That's weird, it opens OK on my end, I just double checked. I downloaded it in Excel for you. Please see it attached below. Let me know if it opens now.

I'm sorry I misunderstood you then. I though you were referring to buying similarly themed books in thrift shops since you wrote about them on this thread. In that case, do read through this thread to get an idea of why we are undertaking this reading project, and to see if it's something you'd like to do with us.
Okay I had to install play store open up a Gmail account then install a Kindle. Okay . I was referring to esoteric and other knowledgeable books including ghost and spirit possessions like James Van Praagh, "Ghost Among Us",, Jess Stearn- Edgar Cayce Adventures into the Psychic" Hans HolZer, " Ghosts of New England",, Aeschylus, The Oresteia. Portal of the Wind. And others. By the way, I'm not reconditioning this thread not in my grasp nor power🤗 to do so nor recommending any of these. I'm just slightly clarifying about what books in more detail I have pick up at thrift stores. Certainly having a romantic relationship with ghost is not something the healthy person wants nor come home to and feel like a sane Human Being. I think
The first book of "Devil Riders" series - "The Stolen Princess" was really good.
Although the theme of the book was not very bright (see spoiler for further infos :-) ), it was a very brightly and humorous written novel.
Humorous situations and witty dialogues along with deep insights to the characters - the book is great.

Princess Callie had to escape her kingdom because of murder attempts on her 7 yo son who is also the crown prince.
She runs away undercover when she meets Gabriel, who offers her shelter and help.

Callie lived her whole life in a golden cage, "breed" by her cold and ambitious father to be a royal wife and then treated equally cold by her royal husband.

Gabe damaged by the unloving mother who used him as a pawn in her games to define his father, later seeking confirmations and acceptance by pleasing others, because he thought that otherwise people won´t love him.

So Gabe want´s to please and take care of Callie, while Callie wants her independence and to find herself.

Luckily they had Harry, Gabe´s half-brother, with them - he was like a proxy between them, a great inside to help Callie to understand Gabe. If he wasn´t there, this would be a much longer novel. :-D

I´m now already on 1/3 of the second book - "His Captive Lady".
I couldn´t put the book down yesterday.
Harry and Helen´s background stories broke my hearth. The characters emotional descriptions were so real and deep that my hearth wept for them both.
Now let´s see now it unfolds..... :read:


As for dealing with all the craziness in the world; I noticed some kind of detachment about the things going on and my feelings about it.
I read the news but I don´t freak out. I do get angry but that doesn´t last for long, I accept the situation and I have a feeling that whatever happen, there is a solution for it.
We have here a good and quite big network of very smart people and when I look at this, there is basically a solution for any issue what might come along.
There is very little that really deeply shocks or surprises me these days.

It also helps me talking to my kids.
They ask about all sort of things, from current situation and viruses to death and point of life.
And somehow by talking to them and explaining them things, it´s like repeating and explaining things to myself over and over again and reminding myself on why we are here.
And by calming them, I also calm myself.

I had a common cold 3 weeks ago; triggered probably by the trip I had. I had no energy whatsoever until last Friday.
Then I´ve got a switch and I´m now full of some new fresh energy.
I don´t remember last time I did so much in so little time.
I manage to do everything; my job, my readings, cooking, cleaning,... all without breaking a sweat.
...I hope it will last.... :-D
I read the last book of Anna Harrington - If a Lady lingers to check her style of writing. This is a small book and felt that I like Balogh's introspective narrative style.

I enjoyed reading Survivor's club first book The proposal. I enjoyed the practical nature of Love, Balogh tend to convey. Particularly, "Come to my world" portion, Love as "not just give only and take what others give to sustain their own body/being". In the past, I have seen examples of reality where social class behavioral differences that created havoc's of couple's instinctive love, marriage and duty, when the reality sets in.
I've finished Balogh's 'Huxtable series' and enjoyed them all although I thought Stephen's bride a bit flat. Lots of tears and laughter accompanied the reading.
Then on to Campbell's 'Sons of Sin' series with Penelope and Cam playing hard on my nerves for their long breath in denying their true selves.

It's very obvious that I use the books to dissociate from increasing stress at my workplace where more and more people affected by lockdown and this mountain of global bullshittery come in and I must join that crazy dance at least to a degree.
I have no idea how I would fare in this situation without these books as a constant reminder of the power of love and truth.

I just started Balogh's Survivors Club series with "The Proposal' and as early as on p.49 I'm daydreaming about a way this horrible Mrs.Parkinson may come to a quick end or a mysterious disappearance. No spoilers, pls. ;-D
I'm currently reading that one (fourth book), and like it too so far. But my favorite of the series so far is the third book. I found the plot to be quite creative, and I liked the fact that the characters were honest with each other from the beginning. It was heart-warming to see how they got to know (and love) each other.

Anne Gracie is still my favorite though. :-) But Balogh's plots and psychology sure are something!

I just finished that one, too. It hit me like a ton of bricks. In general I tend to 'hold back' in public - wear a mask, like both protagonists do. In retrospect, I see my mask-wearing as an unconscious 'Aquarius' behaviour. Then I learned about external considering, and I thought that my mask-wearing was a form of that. Now it is probably a mix of conscious and programmed behaviour. More likely the latter.

The book hit me like a ton of bricks, because this book taught me about freedom from masks. All the more necessary to ponder in this age of the virus and its associated enforced rituals. I was shown how I wear a mask because I care very deeply what other people think, and don't want to 'make waves' - although I have been earnestly practicing having disagreements when they arise.

Masks, or false personalities, also cover pain. I've seen that I cover my pain and don't always express it in a group setting. I grieve solo. Partially this is because I don't necessarily trust other people - the mess of a social situation where I live has bred that in me. So this is reasonable. Partially it is simple fear of vulnerability, which is rooted in vanity - wanting to appear that I have it together.

In this book, I saw that there is much more work to do - and also, that the shedding of masks and programs and false personalities can lead to a deep love.

In these Balogh books, Love is almost like a 'strange attractor' - it exists as a hidden character, reaching into the present lives of the characters from a beautiful future, and starts pulling the hearts of the two people, arranging their lives and interactions in such a way that they stumble right into that future of love - quite the cosmic drama.

What a Soul-filling exercise.
In these Balogh books, Love is almost like a 'strange attractor' - it exists as a hidden character, reaching into the present lives of the characters from a beautiful future, and starts pulling the hearts of the two people, arranging their lives and interactions in such a way that they stumble right into that future of love - quite the cosmic drama.
I finished the 4th book of the Survivors Club, my favorite series so far. Previous series had one or two outstanding books, but for me and so far, each of the Survivors Club books is outstanding in and of itself. In a sense, they're all so irreversibly damaged, but somehow, it's okay. Love conquers all, despite physical disabilities and differences.

I like how you put it above, it is very apropos.
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