Anne's latest, The Secret Daughter, has been a fun read so far - all the old characters, including the elderly Lady Scattergood. Across the shared communal park, also sees the troublesome Milly, a little older now as she makes the rounds - does she have a secrete beau that she is hiding from mommy?Sadly, I now finished all Stella Riley books and have just started the Brides of Bellaire Gardens series by Anne Gracie, and saw that the latest book in the series, The Secret Daughter, will be released in December of this year.
The first part of Anne's book takes place in France, with Zoe, the sister of Clarissa and Izzy. There is an backstory for Zoe here in France, with the Great Terror that took out her family, so she is searching for answers. Therein, she meets up with a traveling British vagabond, who like her, is a painter. All is going well until Zoe unravels the unseen that shows another side of the man she had met that does not sit well, so she flees.
Will leave it there so as not to reveal more.
Will leave it there so as not to reveal more.
Concerning Mary Jo Putney's Fallen Angels, had enjoyed all these books (each has a different theme where she maintains the characters from the other books in the series). Will also read her Uncommon Vows, and chose her book called The Marriage Spell, which apparently has a paranormal angle.