Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

25 May 2016 19:05
VIDEO: Russia to Give Crushing Response to Terrorists’ Ceasefire Violation
Russia is preparing to give a highly crushing response to the opposition and terrorist groups’ warning that they would break the UN-brokered truce in Syria.

Syrian opposition groups put out a statement on Monday, saying that they will no longer abide by a ceasefire agreement if the Syrian military doesn’t halt a major offensive on their positions in the suburbs of Damascus within 48 hours.

The signatories to the statement include Western and Turkish-backed rebel factions.

A statement by the Free Syrian Army (FSA), signed by nearly 30 other terrorist groups that operate across Syria, said that they would deem the ceasefire as having "totally collapsed" if the assault by Syrian government and allied Lebanese Hezbollah forces fighters did not cease within two days.

The signatories included Western and Turkish-backed groups operating on the main frontlines in Northern and Southern Syria.

The statement was issued after Syrian forces and allied fighters seized an extensive area Southeast of the capital on Thursday.

Now military officials say that the terrorist groups' threats which means non-commitment to the ceasefire will give Russia a pretext to intensify its attacks against the militants' positions.

"Russia is now preparing for a crushing response," they add; FNA repor

ISIL Burning Farms, Exploding Buildings While Retreating in Raqqa Battlefields
25 May 2016 19:54
Kurdish sources in the Northern territories of Raqqa province said on Wednesday that the ISIL terrorists have been ordered by their commanders to devastate buildings and farms before pulling forces back from the battlefields.

"The ISIL, who have lost key territories in the Southern side of the town of Ein Issa under the heavy large-scale operation of the Syrian Democratic Forces in the last 24 hours, burnt the farms and destroyed building in the village of Qartaj and in the small town of al-Fateseh before fleeing the battlefronts," the sources said.

"The ISIL did the same while pulling its forces back from the village of Namroudiyeh," the sources added.

Reports said earlier today that the Syrian Democratic Force (SDF), mainly Kurdish fighters, continued to drive the ISIL terrorists back from more positions in the Southern side of the town of Ein Issa and took full control over one more key village in the region, Kurdish sources said minutes ago.

"The SDF force hit the ISIL centers in the Southern side of Ein Issa and forced the Takfiri group to pull it fighters back from the village of Namroudiyeh after a tough battle," the sources said, adding, "The ISIL left behind scores of the dead or wounded members and fled the battlefield."

The SDF, in a large-scale operation, stormed the ISIL strongholds in the Northern part of Raqqa province and pushed the terrorists back from a key village and a small but strategic town.

The SDF fighters, who launched their large-scale operation from three directions on Tuesday evening, engaged in heavy clashes with the ISIL terrorists in the Southern side of the town of Ein Issa, which ended in the seizures of the small town of al-Fateseh and the village of Qartaj.

The ISIL left behind scores of the dead or wounded members and fled the battlefields to evade more casualties.

Over 12,000 of fighters, including the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) have participated in the operation, FNA reported.

Iraqi Army Troops Advancing towards Fallujah against ISIS: Cmdr. + VIDEO
25 May 2016 18:15
Iraqi soldiers and allied volunteer fighters have pushed towards Fallujah from areas to the south as part of an operation to liberate the city from the grip of the ISIS Takfiri terrorist group, says a commander.

Staff Major General Ismail al-Mahalawi, the head of the Anbar Operations Command, said on Wednesday that forces from Iraq's 8th Division, backed by tribal fighters, set out from the city of Amriyat al-Fallujah, south of Fallujah, and the al-Salam intersection to its southwest.

The offensive is being supported by air cover, Mahalawi added.

Early on Monday, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi announced the start of the long-awaited major operation to retake Fallujah in the western Anbar Province. Since then, the Iraqi military and volunteer fighters have managed to recapture several areas near the embattled city.

Six ceasefire violations reported in Syria in past day — Russian reconciliation center
on: May 25, 2016

The ceasefire regime has been generally observed in most of Syria’s provinces, with six violations reported in the provinces of Damascus and Latakia in the past day, the Russian center for reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria said in its regular daily news bulletin posted on the Russian defense ministry’s website on Tuesday.

A 72-hour regime of silence was imposed in Eastern Ghouta and Darayya in the province of Damascus from 00:01 a.m. on May 24, 2016.

Units of the Jaysh al-Islam group which aligns itself with the opposition conducted mortar and firearms fire at the Syrian army’s positions near the settlements of Douma, Haush Harabu, Haush al-Fara, Jobar and Zibdeen in the province of Damascus. The settlement of Kermel in the province of Latakia came under shelling from multiple missile launcher systems.

“No air strikes were delivered by the Russian air group and the Syrian air force at armed opposition group which have declared cessation of hostilities and referred their coordinates to the Russian or U.S. reconciliation centers,” the Russian center said.

Groups constituting the international terrorist organization Jabhat al-Nusra (outlawed in Russia) are continuing provocation aimed at disrupt the regime of cessation of hostilities, the Russian center said. During the day, fire was conducted from multiple missile launcher systems and mortars at the settlement of Handrat and Aleppo’s districts of Sheikh Maksoud, Salah al-Din and Khalidiya, the bulletin says.

Jabhat al-Nusra groups shelled the settlements of Hakur Takhtani and Kinsibba in the province of Latakia, and the settlements of Marj al-Sultan in the province of Damascus. In the vicinity of the city of Palmyra in the province of Homs, government troops repelled Islamic State groups to Mounts Jabal-Zgag and Jabal al-Gattar. In the province of Hama, government troops rebuffed Jabhat al-Nusra’s numerous attempts to seize an electricity plant located on Mount al-Makhrouk, the center said.

International Military Review – Syria & Iraq, May 25, 2016
Published on May 25, 2016
sToRmR1dR said:
Five gunmen supporting IS detained in North Caucasus — ministry

Saudi Arabia to assist jihadists in southwestern Russia

Three top commanders from the Caucasus Emirate, including the notorious Aslan Byutukayev and Muharram Saidov, have clandestinely met a representative of the Saudi intelligence to discuss a potential cooperation, the Tbilisi-based Azaval-Dasavali newspaper reported.

According to the report, the Saudi agent offered the terror group massive financial and military aid to help secede from Russia.

The jihadi organization, active in southwestern Russia, has considerably been impaired after its top leaders such as Aliaskhab Alibulatovich Kebekov, also known as Ali Abu Muhammad al-Daghestani, Magomed Suleimanov and kamil Saidov were killed in a precise operation by Russian special forces.

The Saudi Wahhabi ideology has served as the main dogma adopted by the salafi jihadists fighting the Soviet Union in the 80s of the last century.

Syrian Armed Groups Urge Russia to Halt Strikes Until Al-Nusra Front Routed

Russia has received a multiple appeals from militant groups in Syria for it to hold off on carrying out airstrikes against extremist positions in territories under their control until they have managed to force out the Nusra Front jihadists there, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said Wednesday.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – According to the spokesman, some of these militant groups are ready to provide their coordinates to the Russian reconciliation center in order to join the ceasefire once the terrorists have been forced out of the territories under their control.

"Over the past few days, the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the warring sides [in Syria] has received about a dozen calls from the leadership of armed groups in various Syrian provinces, particularly Aleppo and Damascus, asking [us] not to strike until they have completed their engagement with militants from the Nusra Front terrorist group," Konashenkov told reporters.

"With this in mind, it was decided to extend the period of work with separate militias on their accession to the ceasefire, engagement with the terrorists and definition of precise areas under their control, before [we launch] strikes on extremist positions," the spokesman added.

Syria has been mired in civil war since 2011, with government forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar Assad fighting numerous opposition factions and extremist groups. A US-Russia-brokered ceasefire came into force across Syria on February 27, but it does not apply to terrorist organizations active in the country, such as Daesh and the Nusra Front, both of which are outlawed in Russia.

Russia postpones airstrikes against terrorist-held areas in Syria

Russia will postpone airstrikes against militants in Syria, after being asked by several militant groups that are willing to join the ceasefire. The groups say they need time to drive Al-Nusra from their territories.

The Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria has received around 10 messages from the leaders of armed groups in Syria in a number of different provinces asking not to start airstrikes, according to Defense Ministry spokesman Major-General Igor Konashenkov.

The groups say they will look to drive Al-Nusra from specific areas and inform Moscow of Nusra-free territories so that Russian aircraft don’t target them.

Some of them are ready to provide us with coordinates and the areas which they control after they are fully cleared from terrorists, and further ensure that Syrian towns and army positions aren’t shelled from these areas,” said Konashenkov.

A decision has been taken to work with these armed groups that want to join the ceasefire.

On Monday, the Russian Foreign Minister and US Secretary of State John Kerry discussed the possibility of carrying out joint attacks on militant groups in Syria, following a proposal made by Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu.

We suggest to the US… starting on May 25, joint action of the Russian Air Force and the US-led coalition forces to plan and conduct strikes against the Al-Nusra Front, which does not support the ceasefire, as well as against convoys of arms and fighters crossing the Syrian-Turkish border,” he said.

However, the US was only lukewarm about Shogiu’s plan and said that no air raids would be carried out in conjunction with Moscow.

There is no agreement to conduct joint air strikes with the Russians in Syria. What we are discussing with our Russian counterparts ... are proposals for a sustainable mechanism to better monitor and enforce the cessation of hostilities,” State Department spokesman John Kirby said.

Shoigu said that on May 25, Russia would initiate airstrikes against any militant group it viewed as a terrorist organization.

A ceasefire in Syria, which came into force on February 27, does not apply to Islamic State or Al-Nusra Front, which makes it possible for Russia to carry out airstrikes against both terrorist groups.

Russia postpones airstrikes in Syria to allow armed groups to separate from al-Nusra

Over the past several days, Russia’s reconciliation center in Syria has received around a dozen appeals from the leadership of armed groups asking not to deliver strikes until the separation is over

MOSCOW, May 25. /TASS/. Russia’s Defense Ministry has postponed delivering strikes at the positions of gunmen in Syria until a number of armed groups have completed the separation of from the Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist group (outlawed in Russia), official spokesman for the ministry Igor Konashenkov said on Wednesday.

Over the past several days, Russia’s center for reconciliation in Syria has received around a dozen of appeals from the leadership of armed groups in various provinces, first of all in Aleppo and Damascus, asking not to deliver strikes until the separation is over.

"Taking this into consideration, a decision was made to extend the term of work with certain armed groups on their joining the ceasefire regime, separation from terrorists and defining exactly the areas controlled by them before beginning the strikes on the positions of gunmen," he said.

Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu earlier suggested that the United States and the international coalition should jointly deliver airstrikes on terrorists in Syria from May 25. He said Russia has the right to unilaterally carry out strikes on terrorists who have not joined the ceasefire in Syria.

The ceasefire brokered by Russia and the United States officially came into effect in Syria on February 27. This does not cover terrorist groups such as Islamic State and Jabhat al-Nusra, both outlawed in Russia, and other groups recognized as terrorist by the United Nations Security Council.

Syrian SDF Opposition to Review Russian Offer to Fight Daesh Together

According to spokesman Talal Selo the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the US-led coalition will review the Russian proposal to cooperate in fighting the Daesh terror group during the liberation of the Syrian city of Raqqa.

CAIRO (Sputnik) – The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the US-led coalition will review the Russian proposal to cooperate in fighting the Daesh terror group during the liberation of the Syrian city of Raqqa, SDF spokesman Talal Selo said Wednesday.

"The Syrian Democratic Forces General Staff, in coordination with the US-led international coalition, will decide whether to accept the proposal of cooperation with the Russians, or the operation will be continued only by us and the international coalition. The alliance [SDF] and the coalition will make a decision on the issue," Selo said.

He noted that it is difficult to set a time frame for the liberation of Raqqa because it depends on a number of factors. Selo added that the operation may also include the city of Deir ez-Zor as well as the northern outskirts of Aleppo.

The SDF announced its planned offensive against the Daesh "capital" of Raqqa last week and said it was ready to cooperate with Russia.

In response, Russian Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Russia was prepared to coordinate its efforts with the SDF as well as the US-led coalition to liberate the city. However, US Department of Defense spokeswoman Lt. Col. Michelle Baldanza told Sputnik on Tuesday that the Pentagon was not planning any joint operations with Russia.

Raqqa was seized by terrorists from Islamic State, a group outlawed in Russia, the United States and many other countries, in 2013.

Syrian Democratic Forces Free Strategically Important Town From Daesh

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) alliance has managed to take over a strategically important village near Raqqa during a liberation operation from Daesh terrorist group.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) alliance has managed to take over a strategically important village near Raqqa as part of an operation to liberate the Syrian city from the Daesh, Tackir Kobani, a SDF representative, told Sputnik Turkiye on Wednesday.

On Tuesday, the Kurdish-led forces with the assistance from a US-led international coalition launched an offensive to free the northern part of the Syrian Raqqa province from the jihadist group outlawed in the United States and Russia.

"Several villages were liberated from Daesh. We also managed to take control of a large settlement Kirtaca, located in the vicinity of Raqqa," Kobani said in an interview.

The representative added that aircraft of the US-led coalition were targeting militants from air, while the SDF has been striking positions of jihadists using heavy weapons.

Fierce clashes with the Islamic State are currently underway in the Syrian village of Tilsemer, according to Kobani.

Raqqa has been under control of IS militants since 2013.

Operation Raqqa: A Chance for Russia-US Cooperation in Syria?

As the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), led by the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG), liberate a number of villages and settlements in the Raqqa neighborhood and take control of the strategically important settlement of Kirtaca, some suggest that the large-scale offensive might be a good chance for Russia-US cooperation in Syria.

Tackır Kobani, a representative of the SDF spoke to Sputnik Turkey about the large-scale three-pronged offensive, which was launched on Tuesday to liberate Syria’s third-largest city Raqqa, which has been the de facto ‘capital’ city of Daesh for over 2.5 years.

“Our forces continue to advance to the north of Raqqa under the aerial coverage of the US-led anti-terrorist coalition forces, which are conducting massive air strikes on Daesh positions in the region,” he said.

“A number of settlements and villages in the area have been liberated from the jihadists. We have also taken under control the large settlement of Kirtaca in the Raqqa neighborhood,” he added.

Tackır Kobani also said that the SDF, using heavy armaments, are currently encountering a fierce fighting with Daesh near the village of Tılsemer.

Fleeing from the villages the jihadists lay mines and set traps on the way of their retreat. However a large number of militants have been killed.

The civil population of the area is actively cooperating with the SDF in the operation, he added.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Tuesday that Russia is ready to coordinate efforts with US-led coalition and Kurdish forces in Syria on the liberation of Raqqa.

"Raqqa is one of the aims of the anti-terrorist coalition, just like Iraq’s Mosul. We are confident that these cities could have been liberated more effectively and faster if our military officials (of Russia and US) would have started coordinating their actions much earlier," the foreign minister noted.

On Friday, Russia proposed conducting joint airstrikes with the US-led coalition in Syria against an al-Qaeda-linked group al-Nusra Front and other factions, in an effort to seek more coordination with the West in the Syrian conflict.

The action would begin on May 25 and be coordinated with the Syrian government, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu told military and political leaders at a Defense Ministry meeting.

“We propose. . . a joint action between the Russian air force and the US-led coalition to plan and conduct strikes against the al-Nusra Front, which does not support the cease-fire, as well as against convoys of arms and fighters crossing the Syrian-Turkish border,” the Russian media quotes the Defense Minister as saying.

In reference to the above Sergei Lavrov commented:

"There is a chance now that such coordination will take place. We think that Russian Aerospace Defense Forces and the US-led coalition’s aviation should work synchronously, in coordination, and help those on the ground to really resist terrorist units. First of all, among them [forces on the ground] are, of course, armed forces of the Syrian Arab Republic, and, of course, different groups of Kurdish forces, including the armed part of the Democratic Union Party.”

According to Russia’s online newspaper, the Kurdish Democratic Union Party has announced that it is going to coordinate its actions both with Russia and the US.

The outlet notes that the Democratic Union maintains close contacts with Russia. Its co-chairman Salih Muslim has come to Moscow twice to coordinate his party’s inclusion into the Syrian peace talks in Geneva.

Security Source: Secret PYD-US General Meeting Threatening Raqqa, Hasaka Security

"The Americans under the cover of PYD are trying to expand the area under their control in the Northern part of Raqqa province that has been occupied by the ISIL since four years ago," the Arabic-language al-Waqt quoted an unnamed Kurdish security source as saying on Wednesday.

The meeting also indicates the new efforts by the US to create a buffer zone in Northern Syria.

"The truth is that Washington is trying to control Raqqa province under the guise of fighting the ISIL and in accordance with a secret security agreement that was signed between the US and PYD," the Kurdish source added.

On Tuesday, a senior Syrian military expert said Washington is trying to save the Takfiri terrorists in Raqqa province by delaying the Kurdish forces' military operations against the terrorist groups there.

"The main reason for the US' insistence on finding a political solution to the Syrian crisis is to shun coordination with Russia to combat the terrorist groups," Syrian Army's Retired Colonel Elias Ebrahim told FNA.

He reiterated that the US has deceived Syrian Kurdish fighters by rendering ineffective assistance to them. "This has taken place with the aim of delaying the Kurdish fighters' attacks on Raqqa while the Kurdish fighters are behind the Raqqa gates."

This comes as other sources say the Kurdish fighters' impending attack on Raqqa has been put on hold because the US is coordinating with the ISIL to leave Raqqa without any bloodshed in a bid to save the terrorist group for future fight against President Assad's government.

Kurdish sources in Northeastern Syria said earlier today that ISIL's movements and evacuation of its forces and military hardware from Raqqa and their deployment to Deir Ezzur and the oil-rich regions of Syria have increased the possibility of collusion between the terrorists and Western meddlers in Syria war.

"The ISIL has been transferring a large number of its forces and their heavy military equipment to the energy-rich regions in the Eastern Syria, mainly in Deir Ezzur and Eastern Homs, to save its revenues from smuggling of oil and gas," the sources said, adding, "The ISIL had previously made such decisions, including retreating from al-Houl and al-Shadadi in Hasaka where the terrorist group left the battlefields without any resistance against the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF)."

"The ISIL decision to leave capital of the self-proclaimed Caliphate for the SDF fighters and their American backers without resistance is in line with the US policy in Syria which opposes the Syrian government forces' rule and control over the country's energy-rich regions in Deir Ezzur and Homs," the sources added.

"The ISIL has thus far transferred 12 Hummer vehicles from Raqqa to Albu Kamal in Deir Ezzur and has deployed several US-made Abrams artilleries to the village of al-Hosseiniyeh Northwestern of Deir Ezzur," they added.

Informed sources within the SDF ranks announced on Saturday that the SDF fighters are preparing to launch a large-scale operation to end the ISIL terrorists' rule over the Northeastern province of Raqqa.

"The Syrian Democratic Forces that are mainly comprised of Kurdish fighters are ready to storm the ISIL terrorists' positions in the capital of self-proclaimed Caliphate," the sources said.

"In the meantime, the US warplanes dropped leaflets over the city of Raqqa on Thursday and demanded civilians to leave the city as soon as possible," they added.

Syria: ISIL Intensifies Evacuation of Own Families, Heavy Weaponries from Raqqa

"The ISIL is transferring its members' families to the Eastern countryside of the city. The group had previously transferred nearly 70 percent of its members' families to Iraq," Amer Huweidi said, adding, "Most of the administrative staff in the city have been evacuated from Raqqa and have been transferred to Deir Ezzur."

"The ISIL has also continued to send its military vehicles and heavy weapons to Deir Ezzur," he further added.

The sources also said that people in the city face shortage of food, drinking water and other necessary requirements for an ordinary life and have to wait in long lines to buy a piece of bread.

Report said earlier today that the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), in a large-scale operation, stormed the ISIL strongholds in the Northern part of Raqqa province and pushed the terrorists back from a key village and a small but strategic town.

The SDF fighters, who launched their large-scale operation from three directions on Tuesday evening, engaged in heavy clashes with the ISIL terrorists in the Southern side of the town of Ein Issa, which ended in the seizures of the small town of al-Fateseh and the village of Qartaj.

The ISIL left behind scores of the dead or wounded members and fled the battlefields to evade more casualties.

Over 12,000 of fighters, including the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) have participated in the operation.

Syrian Army Continues to Hunt Al-Nusra Terrorists East of Damascus

"Strongholds of the al-Qaeda-affiliated al-Nusra Front in al-Basatin region between Harasta al-Qantara and Bala came under the heavy shelling of the Syrian artillery," the sources said, adding, "The terrorist group suffered a heavy death toll in the attacks."

Reports said on Tuesday that the Army troops, tipped of by intelligence agents, dismantled a network of terrorist bombers inside the capital city of Damascus.

"Syrian security forces raided an apartment in al-Midan neighborhood South of Damascus and arrested 8 men on charge of planning bombing attacks," the sources said, adding, "Local residents had tipped off the police who in turn were swift to respond."

"Papers were found in the apartment suggesting plans to conduct terrorist attacks deep inside government-held neighborhoods of the Syrian capital," the sources added.

Russian, Syrian Warplanes Target ISIL Fuel Tankers in Aleppo

The Syrian and Russian air fleets tracked and targeted the ISIL convoy with over 20 oil tankers on a road connecting Afrin to Dar al-Izza, in which over half of the tankers were set ablaze.

In the meantime, several ISIL members were killed or wounded in the bombardments.

In relevant developments in the Northern province on Tuesday, the Syrian and Russian Air Forces targeted the terrorist groups' gathering centers in the Northern and Western parts of Aleppo province, inflicting heavy casualties on the militants.

The Syrian and Russian fighter jets bombed the terrorist positions in Kafr Hamra, Hraytan, Handarat and Castello in the Northern territories of Aleppo province, which not only claimed the lives of several militants but destroyed their military hardware in large scale.

In the meantime, strongholds of the terrorist groups in Kafr Naha in the Western part of the province came under the heavy bombardments of the Syrian and Russian air fleets, which ended in the killing or wounding of several terrorist.

Deadly suicide attack hit rebel-held area in northern Syria (Video)

At least 4 civilians were killed, scores others wounded as a suicide bomber blew his VBIED in an area located between the northern city of Azaz and Bab Al-Salamah border crossing with Turkey.

The resounding explosion took place in a relatively bustled area near a gas station.

No one has yet claimed responsibility for the attack.

Azaz, nearly 32 km to the north of Aleppo, is primarily under the control of Turkish-backed militants who regularly clash with Kurdish fighters.

Syrian Army Targets Terrorists' Oil Tankers in Idlib Province

The Syrian army's special forces, tipped off by the intelligent agents, tracked and targeted a long convoy of oil tankers driving on a road connecting the villages of Taladeh and Tarmaneen heading towards the terrorist-held regions in Northern part of Idlib, and inflicted major damage on the convoy.

Several guards of the convoy were also killed or wounded in the attack.

Earlier this month, the Syrian Army troops and popular forces pushed the terrorists of al-Nusra Front and Jeish al-Turkmen back from one more strategic height in the Northeastern parts of the coastal province of Lattakia opening a new gate to the Southern battlefields of Idlib province.

"The Syrian government forces carried out a fresh round of anti-terrorism offensives at Lattakia-Idlib border and captured the key hilltop of Hadada, which has given significant upper hand to the Syrian army and its allies to have easier and more rapid access to al-Najiyeh and Bdama in the Southwestern part of Idlib province," the sources said.

"Al-Nusra suffered a heavy death toll and fled the battlefield," the sources said, adding, "The seizure of the hilltop at the Lattakia border will increase the mobility power of the Syrian army in its imminent operation in Idlib province," they added.
I am starting to believe that the SAA is to small to secure all of Syria. Freeing occupied area's and keeping it secure are 2 different things. I hope they have enough manpower.

That's why I think it's a good idea that Putin and Team is keeping a lower profile at the moment while trying to swap as many sides into their coalition as possible. Keeping a lower military profile shows commitment to the negotiations, and that the Russians doesn't follow the American narrative of 'might makes right' The Russians are willing to listen.

After all the negations we will have a clear picture who is with the terrorist, or against them. After that, we might see more Russian action while they also support their new allies.
Russian Police Kill Five Daesh-Linked Militants in Ingushetia

Five militants, linked with the Daesh terrorist group, were killed and three others were detained during special operation in Ingushetia, accoridng to Russia's National Anti-Terrorism Committee (NAC).

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Five militants linked with the Daesh terrorist organization have been killed in a special police operation in Russia's North Caucasus Republic of Ingushetia, Russia's National Anti-Terrorism Committee (NAC) said Thursday.

"As a result of a special operation in the town of Malgobek and an anti-terrorist operation in the town of Nazran, five militants have been killed and three others detained after offering fierce armed resistance," the NAC said in a statement.

Lavrov to discuss Syria, energy with Gulf top diplomats

The Russian foreign minister will meet with his counterparts from Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait and Oman

MOSCOW, May 26. /TASS/. Syria and the oil and gas sector are expected to top the agenda of talks of Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his counterparts from Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait and Oman within the framework of the 4th meeting of the strategic dialog Russia-Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, known as the Gulf Cooperation Council, scheduled for Thursday.

Regional agenda of global dimension

Settlement of conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa, creation of prerequisites for the region’s transition from a protracted crisis to stability and sustainable development, and reliable security in the Gulf will be in the spotlight of the talks.

Russia’s Foreign Ministry said Moscow "places emphasis on deepening coordination between our countries in the sphere of counteraction to transnational terrorism and extremism, neutralization of other threats and challenges in the region and the launch of an inter-confessional and inter-civilizational dialog."

Syria is expected to dominate the meeting.

Energy and investments

"Besides, promotion of cooperation in trade and investments will be top priority at the coming meeting in the Russian capital," the foreign ministry said. "Russian economic operators are revealing growing interest in major projects, implemented and planned by the Gulf nations."

Reciprocal visits are on the rise along with dynamic and sustainable expansion of mutually beneficial ties, in particular in the sectors where Russia and the Gulf countries can use the potential of partnership to the maximum and augment each other’s economic possibilities, the ministry said.

Russia prioritizes the oil and gas sector, finance, energy, transport infrastructure, application of the most advanced Russian technologies, especially in the spheres of so-called "peaceful atom", space, tourism, culture and humanitarian contacts.

Oil prices cannot be excluded from the most relevant issues at the talks.

Earlier, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said Moscow might view a possibility of consultations with OPEC states. The talks have not been held since the meeting of oil producing nations in Doha, which failed to reach an agreement to freeze oil output at the level of January 2016.

Strategic dialog

Russia persistently calls for growth of multilayered ties with Arab states in the Gulf both at bilateral and multilateral levels.

‘We proceed from the fact that close cooperation with Arabian monarchies meets long-term Russian interests and helps to strengthen our positions in the Persian Gulf and in the entire space of the Middle East and North Africa," the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

Intense contacts with the Gulf Cooperation Council constitute inseparable part of Russian links to the Islamic world and facilitate the promotion of multilayered investments into the country’s economy on mutually beneficial conditions.

Russia "maintains intensive political dialog with the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, which tackles the most complicated processes unfolding in the world and in the region as well," it said.

Lavrov hopes Russia-Gulf Cooperation Council to give impetus to dialogue

Moscow hosts the fourth meeting of the strategic dialogue Russia-Gulf Cooperation Council on Thursday

MOSCOW, May 26. /TASS/. The dialogue Russia-Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, known as the Gulf Cooperation Council, has proved its efficiency, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Thursday.

"Some five years ago our meetings were kick-started in Abu-Dhabi, and today we are holding the fourth meeting," Lavrov said opening a meeting of the strategic dialogue. "Over the past years, the dialogue has proved its efficiency on global and regional issues." "We hope that this meeting will give impetus to our relations," he added.

"Since holding the previous round in 2014 a whole number of meetings have been held at the highest level between Russia and the states represented here, there were numerous phone conversations," the minister said. "During these contacts our work [of ministers - TASS] was highly assessed. We expect that we will justify the confidence of our leaders."

Moscow hosts the fourth meeting of the strategic dialogue Russia-Gulf Cooperation Council on Thursday. Russia’s Foreign Ministry said Lavrov plans to discuss settlement of conflicts in the Middle East and energy issues with counterparts from Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait and Oman.

Lavrov: Gulf states favor coordinated action of Russia, US-led coalition on Syria

Russia and the Arab states of the Persian Gulf stand for uncompromising struggle against terrorism

MOSCOW, May 26./TASS/. The Gulf Arab states have come out in favor of coordinated action of Russia and the US-led coalition on Syria, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Thursday after a session of the Russia-Gulf Cooperation Council strategic dialog.

"We’re unanimous that the threat of terrorism and extremism requires uncompromising counteraction to prevent the triumph of the plans nurtured by the IS, Jabhat al-Nusra, Al-Qaeda and similar groupings," the Russian foreign minister said.

"We once again drew partners’ attention to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s initiative to form a broad anti-terrorist front under the UN auspices, and within this context the participants in the session welcomed creation of an Islamic coalition by Saudi Arabia and came out in favor of stronger coordinated action of Russia and the US-.led coalition on fight against terrorism in Syria," the minister said.

Lavrov has pointed out that Russia and the United States have reached some progress in coordinating their operations on the battlefield in Syria but true coordination has not yet been established.

"This coordination has not yet been finally established. There is progress in coordinating actions already on the battlefield from the Syrian airspace," Lavrov said.

"But we’re moving slower than we would like to," the Russian foreign minister said.

According to the minister, the US has pledged to achieve separation of the Syrian opposition and Jebhat al-Nusra terrorist group (banned in Russia) soon but this has not yet happened.

"The effectiveness of the anti-terrorist operation in Syria is hampered by the situation when many groups of the so-called patriotic opposition are territorially mixed with terrorist groups, first of all Jebhat al-Nusra," Lavrov said at the session in the format of strategic dialogue between Russia and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). "Back in February this year, US colleagues promised us in the framework of ISSG (International Syria Support Group) and via other channels that they will soon achieve through their representatives the separation on the ground between patriotic opposition and Jebhat al-Nusra," he added.

"This has not happened so far despite the fact that the regime of cessation of hostilities came into force three months ago," the foreign minister noted. "Everyone who wanted to join the regime of cessation of hostilities has probably been able to do that many times already," he concluded.

Russia, Gulf states committed to ISSG decisions

It was also stated that Russia and the Arab states of the Persian Gulf are fully committed to the decisions by the International Syria Support Group.

"We reaffirmed our full commitment to the decisions that were made regarding the Syrian settlement within the framework of the ISSG and the UN Security Council," Lavrov said. "Under the Security Council auspices we supported the continuing process of the search for a settlement in Yemen, Libya and a number of other countries of the Middle East and northern Africa and discussed the situation in Iraq."

Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir said Riyadh appreciated Russia’s stance on Syria. He also pointed to identical points of view over the settlement prospects in Yemen and Libya.

Russia, Gulf Arab Nations Remain Committed to Syria Agreements – Lavrov

Sergei Lavrov said that Russia and Arab nations of the Persian Gulf reaffirmed on Thursday their commitment to agreements aimed at ending the war in Syria.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Russia and Arab nations of the Persian Gulf reaffirmed on Thursday their commitment to agreements aimed at ending the war in Syria, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.

"We have confirmed full commitment to the decisions on Syria that were taken by the International Syria Support Group and the UN Security Council," Lavrov said after a meeting with the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) in Moscow.

The Russian capital hosted a fourth round of Russia-GCC strategic dialogue on Thursday where the countries discussed the security situation in Iraq and backed the UN-led peace processes in Yemen, Libya and other turbulent countries of the Middle East and North Africa.

US Not Ready to Fight Terrorism Alongside Russian Air Force in Syria

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated that talks with the United States on coordination of military actions in Syria are going slower than Russia would like and Washington is not ready for real coordination with Russian forces.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Talks with the United States on coordination of military actions in Syria are going slower than Russia would like and Washington is not ready for real coordination with Russian forces, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Thursday.

"In regard to Russian-American coordination in the fight against terrorism, this coordination has not yet been formed completely. There is progress in terms of agreeing actions when already on the battlefield in the Syrian airspace, but we are moving slower than [Moscow] would like," Lavrov told reporters.

"At first, they were ready just for a mechanism to avoid incidents, then they agreed to establish a communication channel to exchange information about who had joined the ceasefire. But they are not ready yet for real combat coordination," he added.

Palestinian unity important for Palestinian-Israeli settlement — Lavrov

Lavrov confirms firm adherence to reaching a comprehensive, fair and stable settlement of Palestinian-Israeli conflict which envisages establishing the independent Palestinian state

MOSCOW, May 26. /TASS/. Russia and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) noted the importance of establishing the independent Palestinian state, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Thursday after the session in the framework of the strategic dialogue between Russia and GCC.

"We confirmed firm adherence to reaching a comprehensive, fair and stable settlement of Palestinian-Israeli conflict which envisages establishing the independent Palestinian state in universally recognized borders that would co-exist in peace with its neighbors," Lavrov said.

"It was stressed that soonest restoration of Palestinian unity is of principal importance in order to effectively move toward this goal," he added.

UN Syria Envoy to Inform UNSC Thursday on New Round of Intra-Syrian Talks

UN Special Envoy for Syria said that the date of the next round of intra-Syrian reconciliation talks will be announced once consultations are held with the UN Security Council.

BRUSSELS (Sputnik) – The date of the next round of intra-Syrian reconciliation talks will be announced once consultations are held with the UN Security Council, UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura said Thursday.

“I am going to discuss what would be the best options for the resumption of the talks. I am not in a position now, [until] after I'm briefed and consulted by the Security Council,” de Mistura said during a press conference in Brussels.

De Mistura repeated that an agreement from the intra-Syrian talks is still planned to be reached in August.

“The date of August is there and remains there. Does this mean we need to be in a hurry? The answer is yes,” de Mistura said.

Hmeymim Group Will Support Syria Opposition Moscow Platform Plan

According to reports, Hmeymim group will support the Syrian opposition Moscow platform's proposal to appoint five vice presidents in Syria's transitional government only as a part of a wider comprehensive peace settlement plan.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The Hmeymim group will support the Syrian opposition Moscow platform's proposal to appoint five vice presidents in Syria's transitional government only as a part of a wider comprehensive peace settlement plan, Tarek Ahmad, a member of the Hmeymim group, told Sputnik on Thursday.

"We will support this or any other proposal only if it includes a comprehensive approach towards solving the Syrian crisis and fulfills the UN Security Council resolution on war on terror and all conditions of Vienna talks rather than only a political aspect of the solution," Ahmad said.

The Moscow platform of the Moscow-Cairo-formed group proposed appointing several vice-presidents, deputies for Syrian President Bashar Assad, during the latest round of intra-Syrian talks in Geneva on April 13-27. The arrangement, which enables the formation of a transitional governing body, allegedly received a positive response from UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura. The Riyadh-formed High Negotiations Committee opposition delegation, however, ruled out the proposals, saying that Assad must go, and it is the "red line."

"We need to search for a complete package to end the war in Syria. That means that the Saudis, the Turks and the Americans and those who are behind them along with some European states should support fight against terrorism as the Russians always point," Ahmad stressed.

Damascus Cooperating With UN on Getting Aid to Besieged Deir ez-Zor

UN Special Envoy for Syria said that Damascus is actively cooperating with the United Nations on the provision of humanitarian aid supplies to the Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Damascus is actively cooperating with the United Nations on the provision of humanitarian aid supplies to the Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor, besieged by Daesh terrorists, UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura said on Thursday.

"[In Deir ez-Zor ] in fact, all the people have been reached with sufficient food for one month, and these are the joint operations with Russian pilots, WFP [World Food Program] planes, US funding and cooperation,…and a contribution from countries like the Netherlands, like Germany, like many others. There is no reason, no excuse that we should not be in a position of arguing strongly and pushing for having similar or equivalent… in order to reach every other civilian wherever inside Syria," de Mistura told reporters.

Syria has been mired in civil war since March 2011, with government forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar Assad fighting numerous opposition factions and extremist groups.

Some 200,000 people living under the Daesh-imposed siege of Deir ez-Zor are experiencing severe water shortages and a total lack of electricity, according to the United Nations.

In February, members of the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) agreed to a cessation of hostilities to ensure the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Syrian towns and areas besieged by Daesh, a militant jihadist group outlawed in many countries, including Russia. Regular UN humanitarian aid airdrops to Deir ez-Zor began in April.

As for Russia, it has been supplying food, medicine and construction materials to besieged and hard-to-reach areas in Syria since the beginning of 2016, and is also engaged in UN-led humanitarian efforts in Syria.

On Wednesday, a Russian military transport plane airdropped the latest portion of 21 metric tons of UN food supplies to residents of Deir ez-Zor, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.

US-Led Coalition Hits Daesh Near Palmyra Without Coordinating With Russia

US Air Forces Central Command (CENTCOM) Commander Gen. Charles Brown said that the US-led coalition against the Daesh striked targets in Palmyra without coordination with Russia.

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The US-led coalition against the Daesh has not been coordinating its airstrikes near the Syrian city of Palmyra with the Russian military, US Air Forces Central Command (CENTCOM) Commander Gen. Charles Brown told reporters on Thursday.

"For the strike in Palmyra, we do not do any coordination with the Russians, we don’t talk to them about what we are going to strike," Brown stated.

Russian military distribute 3,000 tonnes of food to villagers in Homs province

AL-QABU /Syria/, May 26. /TASS/. The center for the reconciliation of warring parties in Syria has distributed about 3,000 tonnes of humanitarian aid among the residents of the Al-Qabu village, in the Homs province, on Thursday. Besides, Russian military medics have deployed a mobile center there to offer assistance to all who need it, the center’s spokesman has told TASS.

"We’ve handed out about 3,000 tonnes of foods to local people in Al-Qabu, who really need support. Especially for children we brought various sweets - candies and cookies," the center’s official said. The food parcels distributed in Al-Qabu contained canned fish and meat, flour and cereals," he said.

The village’s elder, Mouhammad Ramadan, thanked Russia for supporting the Syrian people in the struggle against international terrorism for humanitarian assistance. He also said that a large share of arable land belonging to local farmers has been under the control of Jabhat al-Nusra militants for the past five years (terrorist organization outlawed in Russia).

"We do not use 75% of our land east of the community, because this is a high risk zone. It often comes under fire and raids by militants are frequent," Ramadan said.

According to the elder, the local civilians since the beginning of hostilities have no contact with the neighboring city of El-Kula, with a population of about 80,000, and the villages around it. The whole area is in the hands of Jabhat al-Nusra militants.

"Since the war began the militants have killed many of our people. Currently there are no contacts between our community and these villages. The city and the communities around have been in the militants’ hands for five years now," Ramadan said.

The forty-second G7 summit opened today in Japan. The United States’ allies met at the gates of the Japanese Shinto shrine of Ise, which was the first event in the framework of the summit. The participants plan to focus on economic issues and security.

US Satellites

In the late 1970's into the 1980’s, the name “G7” (Group 7) was used to distinguish the most economically developed countries of the world: the USA, UK, France, Germany, Japan, Italy and Canada. Now, the G7 no longer includes the seven most developed economies of the world, but merely resembles a group of US satellites. If the G7 were to be truly organized by measuring GDP, then its composition would include the United States, China, Japan, Germany, Britain, France, and Brazil.

The purely political nature of the group was demonstrated by the transformation of the G7 into the “G8” from 1997-2014 when Russia joined this organization during the years of its economic decline when it was under the largest US influence, only to exit it after reunification with the Crimea when it demonstrated full sovereignty and independence from the global hegemony.

Summit Agenda

The following questions are on the agenda of the summit in Japan:

1. Problems of the world economy and the reformatting of the world economic system in the context of the Trans-Pacific and Trans-Atlantic trade partnership. In reality, these two projects mean the creation of two economic spaces exclusive for the US in which the sovereignty of nation-states will be subjected to further erosion and the role and authority of multinational companies will be increased. The countries which will not comply with this system, first and foremost the BRICS countries, are to be economically ostracized.

2. Security issues and general problems in world politics. The G7 will declaratively pledge to fight terrorism first and foremost. The US will also force its allies to maintain their tough stance on the Ukrainian issue and on sanctions against Russia.

3. International conflicts in Asia have also been declared to be among the most important topics. The main issue in this context is the "threat" posed North Korea. Under this pretext, the US plans to increase its military presence in the Pacific region. In addition, the United States plans to consolidate the anti-Chinese position of the G7 countries on the South China Sea issue.

4. Issues of sustainable development, health, and food problems are also to be discussed but, in fact, this means that GMO’s will be lobbied and women’s positions in politics and the economy will be forcibly empowered.

Deepening confrontation

The position of the United States on a range of key international issues demonstrates the willingness of the US to opt for further confrontation with Russia. On the eve of the summit, European Union representatives opposed the lifting of the sanctions against Russia even despite the release of the Ukrainian war criminal Nadiya Savchenko upon which the EU and US had earlier insisted. The US has also toughened its rhetoric on Syria. In addition, the US will use the summit in Japan to put pressure on the country’s leadership for its recent desires to normalize relations with Russia.
Four Pilots Rescued After Navy Jets Collide Off North Carolina Coast (Video)

Four pilots in two Navy jets have been recovered after both planes crashed midair Thursday.

The U.S. Coast Guard responded about 25 miles off the North Carolina shore after receiving reports of a collision between the two planes.

According to the Coast Guard, the incident involved two F/A-18 jets, KTLA sister station WTKR in Norfolk, Va. reported. An initial investigation indicates there were two pilots in each jet and all four were recovered.

The incident was reported around 10:30 a.m. and a Coast Guard helicopter was dispatched from Coast Guard Air Station Elizabeth City to investigate.

There was no word on the condition of the pilots involved in the crash.

OREGON INLET, N.C. - Two Navy fighters collided off the North Carolina Coast on Thursday and a fishing boat rescued all four crew members, officials said.

Four pilots rescued after Navy jet collision off North Carolina coast

The two F/A-18F Super Hornets "were involved in a flight mishap" about 10:40 a.m., said Ensign Mark Rockwellpate, a Navy spokesperson.

A commercial fishing crew plucked four aviators, two from each aircraft, from the Atlantic Ocean about 25 miles east of Oregon Inlet, the Coast Guard said.

The survivors were hoisted into a HH-60 Jayhawk helicopter and flown to Sentara Norfolk General Hospital in Virginia. No information was immediately available regarding injuries, Rockwellpate said.

The crews were participating in a routine training mission off Cape Hatteras, the Navy said.

CNN affiliate WTKR in Norfolk reported that two of the crew members were able to walk to the hospital from the helicopter while the others were able to move themselves to awaiting stretchers.

The fighters are assigned to Strike Fighter Squadron 211, nicknamed the "Fighting Checkmates," based at Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach.

Despite the ongoing risks that the Lockheed Martin fighter jets will crash to the earth, the Pentagon plans to spend an additional $16 billion on another batch of F-35s.

Pentagon Delays F-35 Tests as Software Glitch Shuts Down Jets Mid-Flight

On Tuesday, the Pentagon finally acknowledged that the beleaguered F-35 fighter jet will not be ready for its final test phase until 2018 at the earliest, the latest in a series of setbacks for the expensive next-generation aircraft.

The last major test period before full-rate production, the initial operational test and evaluation (IOT&E) examines whether an aircraft possesses the requisite combat specifics, and ensures that a jet can fly operational missions as intended.

Due to software problems in the F-35, Pentagon officials have postponed the test date for six months past the August 2017 target date, out of an abundance of concern that the jet will not be ready. This is the second major delay in flight-readiness testing, placing the fighter jet an entire year behind schedule.

We believe that in order to get all 23 airplanes for the operational test fleet to a full 3F production-representative configuration, it is going to take us longer than anticipated," said Lt. Gen Christopher Bogdan, chief of the Joint Program Office (JPO). "That is merely a function of trying to get those older airplanes fully set to a complete 3F hardware and software capability so they can do IOT&E with production-representative aircraft."

Bogdan confirmed that the jets have also faced a series of ongoing software glitches that cause systems to shut down in midair, requiring a complete reboot, but said that the delays were traced to software upgrades and compatibility patches, rather than to defects in the F-35’s computer system.

Officials at Edwards Air Force Base challenged Bogdan’s assessment, in an interview with Defense News, saying that glitches in the F-35’s 3i software substantially delayed earlier testing rounds, "eating up a majority of the team’s schedule margin for beginning IOT&E."

The US military’s Joint Program Office continues negotiations with Lockheed Martin on the long-delayed ninth and tenth batches of F-35s, valued at about $16 billion, despite ongoing software-system issues that may prevent the jet from ever getting off the ground in a combat capacity.

The expansion of American arms exports leaves the military-industrial complex at risk of being overtaken by countries who scooped up defense secrets without the cost of research and development.

US Arms Industry Dead: World Bought American Weapons, Stole the Technology

On Tuesday, US defense industry analysts offered a report claiming that American military contractors will be overtaken in coming years by defense contractors in Israel, South Korea, and Brazil, marking an end to Western dominance over war profiteering.

The report, "Dynamics of International Military Modernization 2016," authored by Daniel Yoon and Doug Berenson from Beltway consultants Avascent blamed American military exports for the market threat, as countries buy arms at a cut rate to back-engineer US weapons technology.

"In many cases, these emerging players developed through diffused technology via prior export arrangements with Western suppliers, often through offset requirements and domestic industry participation," stated the report. In layman’s terms, foreign countries purchase US arms to steal American know-how, avoiding the burdensome taxpayer-subsidized cost of research and development.

The development occurs as the US military-industrial complex has shifted its focus toward exporting weapons to tyrannical regimes throughout the world, as a means to offset reductions in the size of the American war machine following the drawdown in Iraq and Afghanistan. According to the report, "in 2010, only 17% of defense equipment manufactured in the US was exported; by 2015, that number jumped dramatically to 34%."

US weapons-manufacturing expertise has been suggested as being in decline primarily due to Washington’s reticence to engage in war, opting instead to be the Walmart of weapon retailers for the world.

The situation is exacerbated by the Obama Administration’s trigger-happy approach to sell arms, often including troubling "offset requirements" making it easier for the nascent domestic defense industries of countries to "absorb suppliers' technical expertise."

In addition to the rapid growth of weapons manufacturing expertise in Israel, South Korea, and Brazil, the US contends with other leading arms exporters, including Russia and China, who offer high-end military technology. Analysts also suggest that the American military-industrial complex will soon forfeit market share to other nations, including Japan and India.

The report claimed that Israel may soon become the world’s premier supplier of radar, missile, and drone technology, noting that the country’s unmanned aerial vehicles are competitive with US hardware.

Brazil, by contrast, looked to occupy the lower-tech echelons of the market, at a cut-rate price exploiting a niche in light attack aircraft thanks to a partnership with Saab to produce the Gripen fighter.

American military superiority is thought to be endangered by the growing export of defense technology throughout the world, leading some analysts to worry about the future of the US weapons industry, and the safety and security of the country.

Military tensions heightened between China and the United States as the Obama Administration looks to clamp down on Beijing’s influence along the Pacific Rim.

Beijing Tells America to Leave South China Sea After Intercepting Spy Plane

On Thursday, China’s defense ministry asserted that it acted within the rules of engagement after American officials criticized Beijing for a "provocative” and “unsafe" intercept of a US surveillance aircraft over the South China Sea last week.

A Pentagon spokesperson alleged that two Chinese fighter jets undertook an illegal intercept of an American spy plane during "a routine US patrol" over international airspace, heightening the risk of military miscalculation in the hotly contested region. The Chinese J-11 fighter jets flew within 50 feet (15 meters) of the US EP-3 aircraft, just east of Hainan Island.

Chinese defense ministry spokesman Yang Yujan took exception to the recounting of events, telling a monthly news briefing that the Chinese fighter pilots acted professionally and in line with international rules.

The encounter was triggered when a US Navy ship sailed close to a disputed reef, causing Beijing to scramble fighter jets to prevent an encroachment.

This is not the first time that Chinese jets have intercepted American spy planes. In 2014, a Chinese fighter pilot flew acrobatic rings around a US surveillance aircraft to usher it away from China’s waters.

Unlike the 2014 incident, last week’s intercept of an American plane comes during a critical breakdown in US-Chinese relations, with the Obama Administration attempting to contain the Chinese as well as facing an ongoing international dispute over the Spratly and Paracel archipelagos.

On Monday, US President Barack Obama began a weeklong Asian tour with a stop in Vietnam, confirming to President Tran Dai Quang the end of a five-decade arms embargo. The visit to Hanoi was followed by three days in Japan that will conclude Friday with the first visit by an American head of state to Hiroshima, the city that was destroyed by a US atomic bomb in 1945.

In addition to exploring a policy of China containment by strengthening Pacific Rim alliances, the Obama Administration seeks to dispatch anti-missile systems to South Korea under the guise of preventing a threat from North Korea, but with a consequence of rendering Beijing’s regional nuclear deterrent ineffective.

The moves to contain China’s regional influence come amid accusations by Washington that Beijing is militarizing the South China Sea by installing military aircraft hangars in the Spratly and Paracel Islands. China claims most of the South China Sea territorial waters, through which $5 trillion in ship-borne trade passes annually, over competing claims by the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan, and Brunei.

Russian Geographical Society (RGS) member Alexey Pochernikov said that the expedition in Russia’s Bolshoi Tyuters island in the Gulf of Finland discovered parts of the plane coincide with the technical description for the Soviet Pe-2 bomber.

Expedition Identifies Crashed WWII Soviet Plane on Bolshoi Tyuters

The crashed World War II-era Soviet plane located on Russia’s Bolshoi Tyuters island in the Gulf of Finland, found by a Russian Geographical Society (RGS) expedition, is a Petlyakov Pe-2 bomber, RGS member Alexey Pochernikov told Sputnik on Thursday.

The expedition is the fourth to be carried out by the RGS to several Gulf of Finland islands, and is sponsored by the Russian Defense Ministry and the Leningrad Region administration. Some 100 Russian servicemen and 20 units of military equipment are taking part in the expedition alongside volunteers and Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency journalists.

On Wednesday, the RGS expedition on Bolshoi Tyuters located the site of the wreckage. An expedition member cautioned that finding the remains of all of the plane's crew members is unlikely.

The Pe-2 was a mass-produced Soviet light bomber that played an important role World War II. The plane was used as a heavy fighter, a reconnaissance aircraft and a night fighter. Its first flight was conducted in 1939, and it entered into service in 1941.

Bolshoi Tyuters was occupied for three years by Nazi forces and detachments equipped with autocannons were stationed across the island.

An international Russian-German expedition has also been exploring the islands of Bolshoi Tyuters and Gogland, seeking to find the remains of fallen Soviet and German World War II soldiers, and exhume them before reburying on the mainland. The remains of over 120 German soldiers are estimated to be on the islands, according to the German War Graves Commission.

India is working on robot soldiers who can replace humans in the battlefield, but there are a number of ethical issues which need to be overcome first.

India Working on Own Version of Battlefield Terminators

Research on Artificial Intelligence in India is largely under the control of the government R&D establishments, and they target three strategic areas.

The Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (CAIR) run by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) is the central agency working on AI in India. It focuses on using AI based robots for nuclear, biological and chemical environments (NBC), advanced battlefield warfare and ‘big data’ analysis.

As Dr VS Mahalingam, a former CAIR director says, “Data analytics part is the main task now.” He points out that while it is correct to say that data analysis is all about having higher computational power, he also holds that AI-based robots will be able to ‘sense’ and interpret their own data locally.

In a hazardous environment, AI robots are the best option for providing damage assessment, collecting samples of contamination, and even evacuating survivors.

CAIR is working on robot soldiers who can replace humans on the battlefield, but India is still struggling with the ethical issues involved. Is it right to give guns to highly developed robots? What will be the impact of such decision-making by robots in the heat of combat?

According to Dr Mahalingam, fielding robots in highly sensitive environments like battlefields is still about two decades away. But in the meanwhile, areas of data analytics for ‘Big’ data, data mining and such other functions are already being taken over by AI.

Its application in areas like healthcare, assembly line manufacturing are only going to rise. And as an area of evolving technology there will be ever more break-throughs with newer applications.
Over the past few days, a sensation spread across the world as American mercenaries, Kurds, and even US Marines were supposedly on the offensive towards ISIS’ “capital” and preparing for a decisive assault on Raqqa.

Syrian General Staff officer: American-Kurdish-SDF "offensive" on Raqqa is an information war bluff (RT)

The Pentagon was clearly the author of this sensation. It was reported that, specifically for the effectiveness of this mass-scale assault, on May 21st the head of the Central Command of the Armed Forces of the USA, General Joseph Votel, secretly visited Syria and discussed plans for the liberation of Raqqa from the terrorists with the “Syrian Democratic Forces” (SDF). This was followed by a statement that the militia’s offensive would be actively supported by the US-led coalition’s airstrikes.

Yesterday, it was reported that the Kurds had already liberated “as many as” 3 villages, and that ISIS terrorists were allegedly retreating under the onslaught of YPG fighters in the northern province of Raqqa.

A source in the Syrian General Staff told Russian Spring’s war correspondent in Syria that the information obtained by intelligence agents and UAV’s clearly indicates that we are dealing with nothing more than a big bluff, since no such “huge force”, as it was dubbed by the media, has been deployed to this front.

“Despite the loud PR campaign, there is no such large-scale offensive on Raqqa. The SDF’s groupings have indeed grown and fighting has intensified, but there is nothing unusual in this. For months already, the Kurds have been fighting with ISIS in Raqqa province, slowly trying to move forward. But there is no indication that they are now, or will soon be, nearing the administrative center of the Muhafazah. At this rate, this could go on for years,” the officer of the Syrian Arab Army said.

The source found it difficult to answer why such a fuss has been made, and suggested that this might have something to do with the US presidential elections or the desire to conceal some other operation or inaction.

The officer also added that the “Syrian Democratic Front” does not possess sufficient forces for a large-scale offensive on ISIS’ “capital,” and, despite media reports that US Marines are deployed near Raqqa, it is obvious that the US is never going to leave hundreds of its soldiers to die in an assault on such a well fortified city.

Information war, PR, and videos from the battle scene A week ago, international media gladly picked up the sensation of the beginning of the operation to liberate ISIS’ capital, and naturally daily contributed to such informational fuss surrounding this alleged large-scale offensive.

It should be recalled how after the arrival of the head of the US Armed Forces Central Command, even the SDF continued the “strong” assault on the internet, creating a youtube channel called “press center” which apparently was done in order to prove the “seriousness” of their intentions and the scale of events.

Footage was published which was supposed to convince everyone that a large force was being sent to Raqqa. But there is no such large-scale force in the video - only a few ancient Soviet tanks, carts with machine guns, and dozens of poorly equipped Kurds angrily screaming something in their language.

In the following videos, which the media loudly called “the first footage of the fighting in Raqqa’s outskirts,” once again no such “large-scale” combat operations are evident. All that is there are the same ancient tank, cart, and a few dozen fighters, again shouting slogans.

Reality At the time, it was indeed known that in the northern province of Raqqa near the village of Ayn Isa, firefights between Kurdish defense units and ISIS were ongoing. It was reported that yesterday ISIS militants blew up 3 cars filled with explosives, as a result of which the Kurds suffered casualties.

Meanwhile, the air forces of the American coalition continue to bombard positions of the terrorist grouping in the outskirts of ISIS’ “capital.”

According to Arab media sources, the strikes of the coalition have hit a national hospital, a municipal stadium, and a field hospital in Raqqa.

It has also been reported that fighters of the “Syrian Democratic Front” are continuing to shell the positions of terrorists, and a few militants have been taken prisoner.

The Russian Defense Ministry is considering the possibility of building a base for units of the Pacific Fleet on the Matua Island in the Kurils chain, Commander of the Eastern Military District Col. Gen. Sergei Surovikin said Friday.

Russia May Build Pacific Fleet Base on Matua Island in Kurils Chain

According to Surovikin, the Russian military and the Russian Geographic Society are currently conducting a joint expedition to the Kurils chain, which involves six ships and over 200 participants. The Matua Island hosts three airstrips dating back to World War II.

"The main goal of the expedition is to study the possibility of basing Pacific Fleet forces there," Surovikin said at a meeting with the district's senior commanders.
Multinational "Swift Response" and "Saber Strike" maneuvers will take place in Germany, Poland, and the Baltic States for one month.

US-led military exercises start in the EU Judging by the nature of the exercises, the Pentagon will practice combat strikes on a simulated enemy with the subsequent capture of the territory. The exercises suggests the flight of mobile groups from the US to Europe, drawing air strikes, tactical raids, and the landing and maintenance of electronic cyber warfare.

Swift Response 82nd Airborne Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team of the U.S. Global Response Force will make a 10-hour flight across the Atlantic, including refueling, and will be dropped off by parachute near the Polish city of Torun. British and Polish paratroopers will jump to the designated area too. At the same time, 173rd Airborne Brigade, headquartered in Germany, will conduct assaults in northern Poland. The exercises will be completed on June 26th. More than 5000 military personnel from Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, and the United States will participate.

Saber Strike Before June 22nd, 13 countries of NATO will carry out complex exercises in the territory of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. In addition, a raid of armored vehicles and manpower will be made 2,200 km from Germany to Estonia. The exercise will include air support from the United States. Thus manoeuvres Swift Response and Saber Strike will intersect with it.

The geopolitical context Based on the previous activity of NATO, signing new agreements with Sweden and a number of Middle Eastern countries, as well as Washington's political statements, these maneuvers are directed against Russia. At the same time, they are not a simple show of force, but are preparing for a possible large-scale aggression or provocation.

Russia's possible answer The Russian Foreign Ministry has repeatedly stated that it would respond to the expansion of NATO and the current escalation with the appropriate measures. Russia launched three additional divisions westbound. There is also an intensive retooling of the Russian army with more sophisticated weapons. However, the most impressive deterrent remains unconventional weapons - nuclear. Russia is ready to apply both strategic and tactical nuclear weapons, depending on the threat.

The forty-second G7 summit opened today in Japan. The United States’ allies met at the gates of the Japanese Shinto shrine of Ise, which was the first event in the framework of the summit. The participants plan to focus on economic issues and security.

The US consolidates the G7 against Russia and China

US Satellites In the late 1970's into the 1980’s, the name “G7” (Group 7) was used to distinguish the most economically developed countries of the world: the USA, UK, France, Germany, Japan, Italy and Canada. Now, the G7 no longer includes the seven most developed economies of the world, but merely resembles a group of US satellites. If the G7 were to be truly organized by measuring GDP, then its composition would include the United States, China, Japan, Germany, Britain, France, and Brazil.
The purely political nature of the group was demonstrated by the transformation of the G7 into the “G8” from 1997-2014 when Russia joined this organization during the years of its economic decline when it was under the largest US influence, only to exit it after reunification with the Crimea when it demonstrated full sovereignty and independence from the global hegemon.

Summit Agenda The following questions are on the agenda of the summit in Japan:

1. Problems of the world economy and the reformatting of the world economic system in the context of the Trans-Pacific and Trans-Atlantic trade partnership. In reality, these two projects mean the creation of two economic spaces exclusive for the US in which the sovereignty of nation-states will be subjected to further erosion and the role and authority of multinational companies will be increased. The countries which will not comply with this system, first and foremost the BRICS countries, are to be economically ostracized.

2. Security issues and general problems in world politics. The G7 will declaratively pledge to fight terrorism first and foremost. The US will also force its allies to maintain their tough stance on the Ukrainian issue and on sanctions against Russia.

3. International conflicts in Asia have also been declared to be among the most important topics. The main issue in this context is the "threat" posed North Korea. Under this pretext, the US plans to increase its military presence in the Pacific region. In addition, the United States plans to consolidate the anti-Chinese position of the G7 countries on the South China Sea issue.

4. Issues of sustainable development, health, and food problems are also to be discussed but, in fact, this means that GMO’s will be lobbied and women’s positions in politics and the economy will be forcibly empowered.

Deepening confrontation The position of the United States on a range of key international issues demonstrates the willingness of the US to opt for further confrontation with Russia. On the eve of the summit, European Union representatives opposed the lifting of the sanctions against Russia even despite the release of the Ukrainian war criminal Nadiya Savchenko upon which the EU and US had earlier insisted. The US has also toughened its rhetoric on Syria. In addition, the US will use the summit in Japan to put pressure on the country’s leadership for its recent desires to normalize relations with Russia.

Aid groups are warning that at least 50,000 civilians are in danger of being “caught in the crossfire” in Fallujah as it is subjected to constant US-led air strikes along with artillery barrages, and forces loyal to the Washington-backed government of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi along with Shia militias encircle the central Iraqi city.

Thousands of Civilians in Danger as US-backed Forces Mount Offensives in Iraq and Syria

The predominantly Sunni city, which is about 40 miles west of the Iraqi capital of Baghdad, has been occupied by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) since January 2014. It has now been targeted by the Iraqi government as part of a desperate bid to contain mounting political opposition from within Baghdad’s impoverished Shia population as well as from militia groups, including those aligned with the Shia cleric Moqtada al Sadr.

Within the last month, crowds numbering in the thousands have twice stormed Baghdad’s Green Zone, the heavily fortified seat of the Iraqi government. On the second occasion, on May 20, security forces repulsed the protesters with live fire, killing four and wounding hundreds.

Along with denunciations of the government for rampant corruption and a failure to provide essential services, the protesters have condemned it for failing to secure the capital from terrorist attacks, which have killed at least 200 this month, most of them in poor Shia neighborhoods.

Iraqi officials have claimed that the terrorist attacks have their origin in ISIS-controlled Fallujah, and the offensive is designed to show that it is doing something to halt these atrocities.

While the US military is providing air support for Iraqi government troops advancing on Fallujah—and denying it to the Shia militia forces of the Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Units), which work closely with Iran—Pentagon officials have made it clear that the siege of Fallujah is seen by Washington as a diversion from the principal strategic target in Iraq, the much larger city of Mosul in the north.

“You do not need Fallujah in order to get Mosul,” US Army Col. Steve Warren, the spokesman for the US military forces in Iraq and Syria, told the Reuters news agency in a telephone interview.

Nonetheless, Washington is supporting in Fallujah precisely the type of murderous siege that it has accused the government of President Bashar al-Assad of waging against areas controlled by the Western-backed Islamist “rebels” in Syria.

At least 21 civilians were reported killed in the US-led bombardment of Fallujah on Monday and Tuesday.

The population of Fallujah, which was the scene of bloody US sieges in 2004, has been subjected to bombardment for the last two years. Government forces have cut off supply routes to the city, depriving it of food, health care and other basic necessities. There are reports that substantial numbers of civilians are on the brink of starvation.

The Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq, a militant Sunni organization formed in 2003, denounced the new offensive against Fallujah as “an unjust aggression, a reflection of the vengeful spirit that the forces of evil harbor against the city.” It reported in a statement that 10,000 Fallujans have been killed or wounded by government bombs and shells over the past two years.

While staying in Fallujah may entail starving to death, those who flee risk being killed by either ISIS or Iraqi government forces. As few as 80 families have managed to flee Fallujah.

The United Nations refugee agency has expressed concern over Iraqi government forces separating men and older boys from women and children, taking them to the Habbaniyah Military Base for “security screening.”

While the siege of Fallujah tightens in Iraq, a simultaneous offensive has been reported in the area north of the ISIS-held Syrian city of Raqqa.

Backed by US air strikes and accompanied by US special operations “advisors,” a force of several thousand fighters have begun advancing 30 miles to the north of the city. The Pentagon has described these fighters as belonging to the Syrian Democratic Forces, which is overwhelmingly dominated by the Kurdish People’s Protection Forces, or YPG.

The offensive was prepared by a secret visit to the Kurdish-controlled region of Syria by General Joseph Votel, the head of US Central Command, which oversees the US wars in the Middle East and Central Asia. Votel met with both Kurdish commanders and some of the hundreds of US special operations troops now on the ground in Syria.

The visit prompted an angry response by the Turkish government, Washington’s NATO ally, when Votel visited Ankara immediately after his unannounced foray into Syria.

Gen. Yasar Guler, the deputy chief of the Turkish General Staff, reportedly warned Votel against reliance upon the YPG, which Ankara fears will consolidate an independent Kurdish entity on its border. Instead, he proposed that Washington intensify its support for “moderate” Islamist rebels, forces which are largely dominated by either ISIS or the Al Nusra Front, Al Qaeda’s Syrian affiliate.

The group Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently, which regularly denounces ISIS atrocities against the city’s population, reported that US warplanes had dropped leaflets over the northern suburbs of the town, warning their inhabitants to flee the area.

The group pointed out, however, that there were no safe areas or access routes for such an exodus, adding via Twitter that the US reliance on the Kurdish dominated Syrian Democratic Forces to wage the offensive had pushed “a lot of people to join ISIS to defense of their city.”

Just as in Mosul and other predominantly Sunni areas of Iraq where the Iraqi army is seen as a hostile occupying force dominated by Shia interests, so in Raqqa, the SDF is seen as a hostile force dominated by Kurdish interests. In both areas, the local population fears, with reason, that they will be subjected to ethnic cleansing and driven from their homes.

In Iraq, there is already the example of Ramadi, the capital of Anbar province, whose “liberation” entailed the destruction of at least 70 percent of the city’s buildings. Since ISIS was driven out in December of last year, less than 15 percent of Ramadi’s previous population has been able to return.

The unfolding US-backed offensives in Iraq and Syria expose the catastrophe into which decades of US imperialist wars have plunged the entire region. The divide and conquer strategy employed by the US occupation in Iraq deliberately stoked sectarian tensions that have riven the country. Similarly in Syria, Washington and its regional allies have backed sectarian Sunni Islamist militias in a war that has claimed at least a quarter of a million lives.

Whatever the tactical victories achieved against ISIS, they will only exacerbate these divisions. US imperialism will continue its attempt to exploit them to further a military intervention whose underlying aim is not a struggle against terrorism, but rather the assertion of US hegemony over the Middle East and its immense oil wealth.

Since the end of the Cold War, the United States of America has systematically violated the prohibition against the threat or use of force contained in the UN Charter and the Kellogg Briand Pact. It has carved out a regime of impunity for its crimes based on its UN Security Council veto, non-recognition of international courts and sophisticated “information warfare” that undermines the rule of law with political justifications for otherwise illegal threats and uses of force.

Appeal from U.S. to World: Help Us Resist U.S. Crimes

Former Nuremberg prosecutor Benjamin B. Ferencz has compared current U.S. policy to the illegal German “preemptive first strike” policy for which senior German officials were convicted of aggression at Nuremberg and sentenced to death by hanging.

In 2002, the late U.S. Senator Edward Kennedy described post-September 11th U.S. doctrine as “a call for 21st century American imperialism that no other nation can or should accept.” And yet the U.S. government has succeeded in assembling alliances and ad hoc “coalitions” to support threats and attacks on a series of targeted countries, while other countries have stood by silently or vacillated in their efforts to uphold international law. In effect, the U.S. has pursued a successful diplomatic policy of “divide and conquer” to neutralize global opposition to wars that have killed about 2 million people and plunged country after country into intractable chaos.

As representatives of civil society in the United States, the undersigned U.S. citizens and advocacy groups are sending this emergency appeal to our neighbors in our increasingly interconnected but threatened world. We ask you to stop providing military, diplomatic or political support for U.S. threats or uses of force; and to support new initiatives for multilateral cooperation and leadership, not dominated by the United States, to respond to aggression and settle international disputes peacefully as required by the UN Charter.

We pledge to support and cooperate with international efforts to stand up to and stop our country’s systematic aggression and other war crimes. We believe that a world united to uphold the UN Charter, the rule of international law and our common humanity can and must enforce U.S. compliance with the rule of law to bring lasting peace to the world we all share.

This will be sent to all the world’s national governments. You can sign as an individual on this page. To sign as an organization click here.
angelburst29 said:
The US consolidates the G7 against Russia and China

G7 Agrees to Extend Sanctions Against Russia in June

The G7 has decided it will extend sanctions against Russia in June, British Prime Minister David Cameron said Friday.

IS-SHIMA (Japan) (Sputnik) – The G7 has decided it will extend sanctions against Russia in June, British Prime Minister David Cameron said Friday.

“On Russia, the G7 has agreed on the vital importance of sanctions rollover in June. Ukraine is the victim of Russian-backed aggression. We must never forget that fact. And the G7 is clear that existing sanctions must remain in place until the Minsk agreement is fully implemented. I believe that is an important decision,” Cameron said at a press conference after the G7 Summit in Japan.

The second day of the G7 summit in Japan’s Ise-Shima started on Friday, May 27.

Another "circus" by Empire!
Al-Nusra Front in Syria gets daily weapons supplies from Turkey - Russian military - Video
Published time: 27 May, 201610:54
Brief Intro.
Terrorist group Al-Nusra Front is receiving daily arms shipments across the border from Turkey, the Russian General Staff says. The Al-Qaeda offshoot used the truce between government forces and moderate rebels in Syria to regroup and renew hostilities.

Al-Nusra Front remains a major destabilizing factor in Syria, Lt. Gen. Sergey Rudskoy told journalists on Friday.

“Damascus is being continuously shelled from Eastern Ghouta. There were numerous attempts to capture power station near Homs and block the road connecting Aleppo and Damascus. The flow of trucks carrying weapons and ammunition from Turkey continues, with border crossings reported on daily basis,” he said.

International Military Review – Syria,
May 27, 2016 (Arab, Ger Subs)
South Front
Two days ago, the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) elite shock troops – the Tiger Forces – deployed to northern Aleppo; these government troops are tasked with slicing through the rebel defensive lines in western Aleppo and severing the insurgent supply line to Aleppo city. Meanwhile, regular ground troops of SAA’s 67th Brigade of the 18th Division and the SAA’s 60th Brigade of the 11th Division are expected to advance into ISIS turf east of Palmyra en route to the besieged city of Deir Ezzor. They are backed by elements of the Desert Hawks Brigade, one of the units that helped to liberate Palmyra earlier this year. | Al-Masdar News

Rebel frontline collapses in northern Aleppo – Map update By Chris Tomson - 27/05/2016
Al-Masdar News
Late last evening, ISIS captured a further two villages from rebel forces in northern Aleppo; namely Kafr Kalbeen and Kaljibrin. Effectively, rebels loyal to Jaish al-Mujahideen have had their supply line to the insurgent stronghold of Mare’ (Marea) entirely cut off by the Islamic State.

Four other rebel-held villages in northern Aleppo were also seized by ISIS yesterday afternoon, thus posing a significant threat to the border city of Azaz. Meanwhile, the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) elite assault troops – the Tiger Forces – have been deployed to Rityan and al-Zahraa, northwest of Aleppo city. Their commander-in-chief Major General Suheil al-Hassan is tasked with breaching the rebel defensives at the ‘Anadan Plains; the latter area represents the only supply route for Islamist insurgents to the provincial capital of Aleppo.

Last winter, the Tiger Forces spearheaded a campaign in eastern Aleppo which ousted the Islamic State from 50 villages around the formerly besieged Kuweiris Airbase. A full zoomable map of northern Aleppo is available here.

Trucks Carrying Weapons For al-Nusra Front Arrive From Turkey Daily

Head of the Russian General Staff told journalists that trucks carrying weapons for the al-Nusra Front cross from Turkey into Syria daily. This allows the terrorist group to continue attacking local targets.

Lt. Gen. Sergey Rudskoy said in his press briefing on Friday that weapons and ammunitions are continuously being delivered to the al-Nusra Front terrorists in Syria, allowing them to engage Syrian government forces and hindering the fight against Daesh in the country.

"The never-ending flow of large trucks from Turkey carrying weapons and ammunition crosses the Turkish-Syrian border. This constant feed of live forces and weapons allows terrorists from the Nusra Front to continue their provocative shelling and make advances on Syrian government forces, which diminishes [government military] activity against Islamic State terrorists in other areas," Rudskoy said during a briefing.

Rudskoy also added that the US has acknowledged that the heaviest fighting is centered around areas where the al-Qaeda affiliated al-Nusra Front is most active.

"Everyone knows, and our US partners admit that the biggest hot spots of active military operations are those parts of the Syrian Republic where the al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorists from the al-Nusra Front run rampant."

So far, according to Rudskoy, the US has refused to conduct joint operations against terrorist groups in Syria, which has led to an escalation of the conflict.

The al-Nusra Front terrorist group hampers the ceasefire efforts in northern areas of Syria, the Russian General Staff said Friday.

"It is very clear that the terrorist group Jabhat al-Nusra, active in the regions of Aleppo and Idlib, is the main obstacle to expanding the ceasefire regime to northern areas of Syria," Sergey Rudskoy, chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the Russian General Staff, said.

Moreover, the Al-Nusra Front has used the 'period of silence' to partly restore its combat capability. Rudskoy told reporters.

Earlier, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu offered to conduct joint air strikes against terrorist groups in Syria, but the Pentagon declined the offer. However, The Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry says Moscow hasn't ruled out a possible joint operation in the future.

Russia Increases Strikes on Illegal Oil Transport Routes in Syria

Russian air forces increased strikes on illegal oil production sites in Syria since May 20, Russian General Staff said Friday.

Russian warplanes have increased airstrikes against illegal oil production sites and oil smuggling routes in Syria since May 20, head of the Russian General Staff Lt. Gen. Sergey Rudskoy said Friday.

According to him, Moscow and Washington have agreed on the need to decrease the economic potential of the terrorist groups Daesh and Al-Nusra.

"The discussion on the issue has been held among top experts. Since May 20, we have increased airstrikes against illegal oil production sites and smuggling routes to Turkey," Sergey Rudskoy said.

"Unfortunately, aside from their persistent requests not to hit al-Nusra Front targets due to the fact that units of the so-called 'moderate opposition' could be nearby, our American partners have not taken any decisive steps," he added.

Despite the agreement between the United States and Russia, the issue of drawing out zones controlled by the so-called moderate opposition and terrorists in Syria remains open, Chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the Russian General Staff Sergei Rudskoy said Friday.

“Despite the agreements reached between the United States and Russia, the issue of drawing out zones controlled by the ‘moderate opposition’ from territory occupied by Nusra Front militants has not been agreed upon, which won’t allow for an effective fight against this terrorist organization. The question arises as to when the American side will take measures on separating formations from the ‘moderate opposition’ from the territory occupied by Nusra Front militants, and they finally tell us the coordinates of these regions,” Rudskoy said during a briefing.

The United States' negative response to Russia's proposal of joint operations against terrorists is leading to the escalation of military conflicts in Syria, Chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the Russian General Staff Sergei Rudskoy said Friday.

On May 20, Russia offered the United States to keep working with the "moderate opposition" on its joining the ceasefire agreement and separation from the Nusra Front, and also offered to deliver airstrikes against the terrorists together but "the response received from the United States, despite the positive evaluation of our activity, doesn't provide for joint actions against terrorist organizations leading to the escalation of military conflict," Rudskoy said.

Meanwhile, Syria-bound trucks loaded with weapons for Al-Nusra Front terrorists are arriving in Syria, the head of the Russian General Staff said.

Acting in Syria's provinces of Aleppo and Idlib, the Al-Nusra Front terrorist group (banned in Russia) is the main obstacle to the implementation of ceasefire agreements in Syria, Sergay Rudskoy said.

"It is obvious that the al-Nusra Front terrorist group, active in the Aleppo and Idlib provinces, is the main obstacle to the further expansion of the ceasefire and reconciliation in Northern Syria," Rudskoy said.

Moreover, Turkish artillery units continue to shell communities and Kurdish militia positions in Syria, the General Staff chief said.

"Turkish artillery continues shelling Syrian border settlements and Kurdish militia positions," he said.

However, Rudskoy emphasized that not only Russia, but "colleagues from other countries observe the development of the situation in the areas under the control of the terrorist group."

Terrorists are continuing to shell Damascus and tried to block the road leading from the capital to Aleppo many times, Chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the Russian General Staff Sergei Rudskoy said.

"Systematic shelling of Damascus from the territory of eastern Ghouta continues. Terrorists tried to capture a power plant in Homs and block the road connecting Aleppo and Damascus many times," Rudskoy said.

Militants continue attacks on the Sheikh Maqsood and Zahraa neighborhoods in northern Aleppo, the chief of the Russian General Staff told reporters.

"Militant groups managed to take over al-Eis, Khan Tuman and Zerba which were previously under control of the government troops. In northern Aleppo, militants continue to attack Sheikh Maqsood and Zahraa neighborhoods, the offensive against Khandrat is continuing," Rudskoy said.

At the same time, a total of 60 armed groups in Syria have stated that they accept and adhere to the ceasefire regime, the Russian General Staff said Friday.

"Sixty armed groups have stated that they have accepted and follow the ceasefire conditions," Sergey Rudskoy, chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, told reporters.

The situation in Syria has improved considerably, shelling has decreased, and civilians are returning, Chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the Russian General Staff Sergei Rudskoy said Friday.

"Overall, the situation in Syria has improved considerably. Shelling has decreased, and peaceful life is returning to regions where hostilities stopped entirely. The population is receiving humanitarian aid and the war-ravaged infrastructure is under reconstruction. The number of settlements to sign the reconciliation agreement is growing. To date, their number has reached 120," Rudskoy said.

Syria's New Constitution to Be Agreed by Syrians

Syrian President Bashar Assad’s Administration said that any project on Syria’s new constitution would be drawn up by the Syrians themselves and not by outsiders.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Syrian President Bashar Assad’s Administration has refuted statements appearing in the press of an alleged project on the country’s new constitution.

"There has been no draft constitution for Syria presented yet. Everything that’s circulating in the press on this topic is untrue," Assad’s Administration said.

The administration said that any project on Syria’s new constitution would be drawn up by the Syrians themselves and not by outsiders.

"There won’t be any project on the new constitution for the Syrian Arab Republic presented from abroad. Only the Syrians can come to agreement on it. After that, the project will be put into a referendum," the president’s administration said in a statement.

Syria has been mired in civil war since 2011, with government forces loyal to Assad fighting numerous opposition factions and extremist groups.

At the March proximity talks on Syria's reconciliation, the negotiating sides reaffirmed their commitment under UN Security Council Resolution 2254 to produce a draft constitution, including a framework for a government transition, by August of this year.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2254, adopted in December 2015, established an 18-month road map for government transition. The process aims to advance the resolution of the five-year conflict in the war-torn country.

OWNED: Victoria Nuland Totally Shut Down by Matt Lee with One Question

An oldie but a goodie

This one is worth taking out of the vault.

In case you missed it, back in 2012, the wicked witch of the West, Victoria Nuland, was State Department spokeswoman (and a lot less mean and hideous looking, to be honest - I guess years of doing evil does that to you).

She gave a ringing endorsement to a report by Human Rights Watch condemning supposed detention centers of the Syrian government where, they would have us believe, children are tortured in ways so horrible she just can't bring herself to mention them.

Matt Lee's retort is so devastating, so simple and so blatantly exposes the double standards and propagandistic nature of US public policy positions, that Nuland could do nothing but confess to her own hypocrisy.
sToRmR1dR said:
An oldie but a goodie

This one is worth taking out of the vault.

In case you missed it, back in 2012, the wicked witch of the West, Victoria Nuland, was State Department spokeswoman (and a lot less mean and hideous looking, to be honest - I guess years of doing evil does that to you).

She gave a ringing endorsement to a report by Human Rights Watch condemning supposed detention centers of the Syrian government where, they would have us believe, children are tortured in ways so horrible she just can't bring herself to mention them.

Matt Lee's retort is so devastating, so simple and so blatantly exposes the double standards and propagandistic nature of US public policy positions, that Nuland could do nothing but confess to her own hypocrisy.

I am sorry, don't mean to be judgmental but she is and idiot servant. And a A-1 Número uno lier
The European Council extended EU restrictive measures against the Syrian authorities until 1 June 2017, according to official statement.

EU Extends Sanctions Against Syrian Authorities Until June 2017

European Union sanctions against Syrian authorities will be extended by one year, the European Council said Friday.

"On 27 May 2016, the Council extended EU restrictive measures against the Syrian regime until 1 June 2017. This decision is in line with the Council conclusions of December 2014 which affirmed that the EU would continue imposing and enforcing sanctions targeting the regime and its supporters as long as repression continues," the Council said in a statement.

The sanctions include an oil embargo, asset freezes, export restrictions and travel bans.

The processes associated with NATO's military buildup, the number of various maneuvers increased near Russia's western borders.

Russian border guards note intensified NATO activity at country’s borders

Russia’s border guards have noted the increased activity of NATO structures near the Russian borders.

"The processes associated with the NATO military buildup and conducting maneuvers in the vicinity of our western borders have intensified," head of the Border Guard Service of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) General Vladimir Kulishov told TASS in an interview, answering a question in which conditions the situation on the border was forming in 2015.

Terrorism In general, according to him, the situation on the border "was influenced by the risks of the emergence of hotbeds of tension at the state border caused by terrorist activity, the activity of criminal groups aimed at organizing channels and schemes of illegal migration, drug trafficking, illegal cross-border movement of goods and cargoes, plundering of aquatic biological resources". Thus, according to him, "the risks of terrorist activity in the Caucasus region persist".

In 2015, a total of 24 members of gangs were neutralized in the border area in the course of joint operations with the regional security agencies, more than 30 weapons caches were liquidated.

Ukraine and Crimea "The threat of penetration into Russian territory of members of Ukraine’s radical right-wing and extremist organizations, as well as the smuggling of weapons and ammunition still exists on the Russian-Ukrainian state border", the Border Guard Service chief said.

According to him, "the attempts to isolate the Crimean Peninsula and provocations against Russia’s maritime economic facilities in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov" had a negative impact.

Central Asia He said among other negative factors was the threat of drug trafficking, especially at the Russian-Kazakh border section, where the main barrier to drugs from Afghanistan is located. In addition, he said, the attempts to smuggle drugs at the north-western border section have intensified. Also, he said, the border guards pay attention to poaching of aquatic biological resources in the Far East, in the Caspian Sea and the Sea of Azov.

The Russian Border Guard Service chief also touched upon Russia’s response measures to the economic and trade sanctions introduced against it by the West. "The taken response measures aimed at restricting the importation into Russia of certain types of agricultural products have stimulated an increase in cross-border illegal activities of various criminal groups and individuals who were engaged in illegal movement of goods and cargoes across the state border. In 2015, the border authorities suppressed more than 280 attempts at smuggling into Russia of fruit and vegetables, meat, dairy products and alcoholic beverages," he said.

In an exclusive interview for Sputnik, Syrian Democratic Union Party co-chair Salih Muslim discussed the ongoing operation to liberate the Daesh capital of Raqqa, the overall political and military situation in the region, his party's contacts with the US, Russian and Syrian governments, and the Kurdish side's hopes for the Geneva peace talks.

PYD Leader to Sputnik: Raqqa Liberation 'Vital' to Syrian Kurdish Interests

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) has begun a major, three-pronged offensive to liberate the northern Syrian city of Raqqa from Daesh (ISIL/ISIS) terrorists. An eclectic collection of Kurdish, Arab, Assyrian, Armenian, Turkmen, Circassian and Chechen militias, the SDF includes forces from the YPG People's Protection Units. The YPG is the armed wing of the Democratic Union Party (PYD), a political structure which established its control over much of northern Syria (otherwise known as the Rojava) after the withdrawal of the Syrian army from the area in 2012.

In an exclusive interview for Sputnik Turkey, PYD co-chair Salih Muslim spoke about a number of issues, including, first and foremost, the vital importance the Kurdish leadership places on liberating the de-facto Daesh capital of Raqqa from the terrorist group.

Muslim emphasized that the city is not only Daesh's political capital, but also a critically important military and logistical center for the terrorists. "This is a constant threat to all of Rojava," he said. "Therefore, the decisive liberation of Raqqa from the jihadists is vitally important for the Rojava. The goal of this operation is to eliminate the threat emanating from the area. The operation had been planned for long time."

"Another important task," Muslim explained, "is to break the link between Raqqa and other territories occupied by Daesh."

Asked to comment on reports suggesting that the operation is currently limited to liberating only the northern part of the city, the PYD leader said that this was not an indication that the terrorists would be allowed to maintain a foothold in the rest of the city permanently.

"Right now we're talking about the north of Raqqa. The scale of the operation is dependent on the decisions of SDF command. Whether gradually or all at once, the threat needs to be eliminated in any case. The operation may be carried out in several stages. This is the first stage, where the main forces are committed to liberating northern Raqqa and the roads and approaches into the city."

Asked whether plans exist to incorporate the city into the Federation of Northern Syria, a recently declared autonomous federation in northern Syria being led by the PYD, Muslim emphasized that "there is no talk of Raqqa's incorporation" at present.

"The military units will liberate the city, after which control will be transferred to civilian leadership. This is what happened in Sheddadi, al-Hol, and Tell Abyad." Civilian leaders in the city, Muslim said, would be responsible for city management and for representing the interests of the local population. "Public representatives will discuss the issue, and then make the decision on whether to stay autonomous or to join any other entity."

At the same time, the PYD leader noted that "we do have our own project of autonomous governance. This project, the Federation of Northern Syria, is spreading across the country. The project is being actively discussed, with discussions to last for 6 months, after which a decision will be made on whether to form a parliament which will decide on how external relations will be maintained, and how this entity will function. A constitution will be created."

"This project," Muslim reiterated, "has been developed not only for the Rojava, but for the whole of Syria. We believe it is necessary to implement it throughout the country. If the parliament in Raqqa considers our project acceptable, it too can join."

Asked whether there are any concrete plans at the moment to liberate the Daesh-controlled Aleppo region towns of Manbij and Jarabulus, Muslim indicated that no such plans exist at this time. "But from the political point of view, of course this needs to be done. We do not know exactly when these operations can be carried out; it depends on the combat capabilities and readiness of the military forces."

[...] Asked to comment on the absurdity of the fact that the US continues to reject Kurdish participation in the Geneva talks, despite Kurdish-US military cooperation against Daesh on the ground, Muslim explained that the Kurdish side "does not believe in the paradigm 'all or nothing'."

"We consider that we can cooperate together up to a certain point, to support interaction, and then go our separate ways. I consider it a positive thing that at the moment there is a joint struggle, coordination against Daesh. It's possible that at some point the parties, either the Kurds or the Americans, will see a political benefit from their interaction. So far that has not happened. This does not mean that the Kurds will never participate in the Geneva talks. We do not look at it as an 'all or nothing' proposition. This is politics."

US military convoy consisting of 420 soldiers and 224 units of equipment has entered the territory of the Czech Republic to participate in the Saber Strike-2016 exercises in the Baltic states, local media reported Friday.

US Military Convoy Enters Czech Republic for Saber Strike Drills

The US convoy is divided into nine groups due to safety concerns and traffic issues, the Tyden newspaper said.

The military drills are set to last on the territory of the Czech Republic until Monday, when the US convoy will head to Poland, according to the media outlet.

The convoy’s transfer aims to train armies participating in the exercises held May 27- June 22 to respond quickly to a potential crisis and to instantly deploy soldiers and weapons in case of emergency.

Saber Strike is a US-Europe set of cooperative military training drills conducted annually since 2010. Participating nations this year include Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, as well as Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Slovenia, the United Kingdom and the United States.

The Russian side is aware of the importance of the role played by the Kurds in the Syria's settlement process, it has a real vision of the situation in the region, according to Salih Muslim, co-chairman of the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD).

Kurds Admire Russia’s ‘Clear Vision’ of Situation in Syria

Moscow has a real understanding of the situation in the war-torn Syria and is aware of Syrian Kurds’ importance in the reconciliation process, Salih Muslim, co-chairman of the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD), told Sputnik.

While the Kurds are the largest ethnic minority in Syria, none of their representatives have been invited to the intra-Syrian negotiations, the latest round of which took place in Geneva on April 13-27.

Russia has been calling on the United Nations to invite Syrian Kurds to the proximity talks on settlement of the five-year civil war in Syria.

The Saudi foreign minister has insisted again that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad must quickly step down from power as part of a political transition in the violence-torn country.

Saudi FM urges Assad departure as part of transition in Syria

Riyadh’s position on Assad “has not changed” and the Syrian leader “should leave, as soon as the transition period starts,” Adel al-Jubeir told journalists upon his arrival in Moscow on Thursday.

Jubeir is in Moscow to participate in a ministerial meeting between the representatives of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states and Russia.

During his visit, Jubeir also met with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov to discuss the conflict in Syria.

The Saudi official voiced opposition to Moscow’s stance that those attending Geneva peace talks "must truly represent" the Syrian nation.

“I would also like to say that we disagree with the position of Russia on the issue of members of the delegation at the Syrian talks.

"We believe that the only legitimate representative of the Syrian people at the talks should be the Riyadh Group,” said Jubeir, referring to the Saudi-based opposition, called the High Negotiations Committee (HNC).

Lavrov, for his part, underscored that “the fate of Syria should only be determined by the Syrian people,” stressing that elections should take place “under strict and close international control.”

On Thursday, UN envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura said there are no plans to resume peace talks over the next two or three weeks.

De Mistura told a closed UN Security Council session that more progress was required to strengthen a ceasefire in Syria and deliver humanitarian aid before the negotiations can resume.

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said that Europe cannot move forward or ensure compliance with international law while caught in a vicious circle of sanctions, militarization and Cold War rhetoric.

Europe Cannot Move Forward While Caught in 'Vicious Circle of Sanctions'

Europe cannot move forward while caught in a vicious circle of sanctions, militarization and Cold War rhetoric, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras told Sputnik.

"I don't believe that we can move forward or ensure compliance with international law while caught in a vicious circle of sanctions, militarization and Cold War rhetoric," Tsipras said.
Interesting development considering this is happening at the start of the US Memorial Day Holiday weekend? U.S. Special Forces photographed wearing Islamic State and Jabhat al-Nusra/al-Qaeda badges on ISIS frontline in Syria!

New Turkish-U.S. Quarrels About Syria (Photos)

Some 300 U.S. special forces illegally invaded Syria to support the Syrian Kurds of the YPG organization. The Turks see the YPG as a sister organization to the Kurdish PKK guerrilla in Turkey which area designated terrorist organization while they are fighting for autonomy within Turkey. Only yesterday six Turkish security personal died during fights with the PKK. To Turks the YPG are terrorists.

Yesterday the U.S. special forces screwed up mightily by displaying the insignia of the "terrorists" while combating the Islamic State. Leading U.S. media though try to calm the situation down by misleading their readers.

To mollify Turkey over the cooperation with the YPG the U.S. attached some Syrian Arab mercenaries to the Kurdish units and designated the gang the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). A current operation, probably just a diversion, is to move these forces from the north-eastern Kurdish area of Kobani towards the Syrian capital of the Islamic State in Raqqa. The Kurds do not have any interest in taking Raqqa as they would be unable to hold it and the Arab attachment to them is way to small to give it a try. What the real target of this operation is, except the western public, is yet unknown.

The U.S. special forces leading the YPG were caught on camera yesterday. They were obviously in combat even though the official Pentagon position is that these are just advisors and trainers. They also screwed up the U.S. relations with Turkey.

Here from pictures taken by an AFP photographer. (2 Photos)

One U.S. special force soldier wears a green badge with a red star on his upper arm. A soldier on the other picture has a yellow badge with the red star and the letters YPG. Both are long known YPG insignia. You can buy them as lapel pins from Alibaba.

But here is how the New York Times prefered to explain them:

Several of the American troops were seen wearing patches with the United States flag, while others also wore the patches of the Syrian Kurdish and Arab units, a common practice among commandos as a sign of solidarity and partnership, Colonel Warren said.

There were no patches of Arab units. There ain't any. These are purely long term YPG symbols.

The Turks are not amused that U.S. special forces work with groups designated by Turkey as terrorists:

“It is unacceptable that an ally country is using the YPG insignia. We reacted to it. It is impossible to accept it. This is a double standard and hypocrisy,” said [Foreign Minister] Çavuşoğlu on May 27.

He advised the U.S. troops to also wear Islamic State and Jabhat al-Nusra/al-Qaeda badges. (He could have truthfully added: "That is what Turkish special forces do.")

Another movement against Turkish plans is underway. In the north-west of Syria Turkish supported "rebels" are holding Azaz and several towns near the Turkish border against the Islamic State on the eastern side and Kurdish forces on the western and southern side. Last night the Islamic State took (map) several towns and villages from the "rebel" side in that enclave and might soon be able to eliminate all Turkish supported forces there. Turkey had big plans for the ragtag forces there including defeating the Islamic State and a renewed march towards Aleppo. Those illusions are now gone.

Expect some crazy but serious Turkish reaction in response to this double whammy. Turkish relations with the U.S. are likely to further deteriorate.

Some other recent developments:

•The Kurds moving towards Raqqa are now said to have reoriented to move north towards the Turkish border. This is unconfirmed and I doubt its veracity.

•"Moderate rebels" in Aleppo city have shelled government controlled areas throughout the last nights. Some reaction to this will be needed but the Russian imposed ceasefire seems to hold government forces and their allies back.

•Hizbullah as retracted some forces from Syria because it expects a rather imminent Israeli attack on south Lebanon. I do not see any signs for such an attack but the replacement of the Israeli defense minister by the radical Lieberman does point to a more aggressive Israeli stand.

The current situation in Syria appears very unstable. The U.S. rejection of working with Russia against terrorists of al-Qaeda is endangering the current barely holding ceasefire. Everyone seems to wait for a big move by one of the other sides. Stay tuned for some explosive developments.

US Special Forces operatives have been photographed fighting alongside the Kurdish militia in northern Syria in a drive against the Islamic State-held city of Raqqa. The Pentagon insists the Americans are there in “advise and assist” capacity only, however.

Caught on camera: US Special Forces on ISIS frontline in Syria (Photos)

A photographer for Agence France-Presse (AFP) took pictures of the American special operatives in what The Washington Post identified as the village of Fatisah, roughly 30 miles (48 km) north of Raqqa. Kurdish fighters from the People’s Protection Units (YPG) – part of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) fighting against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) in northern Syria – identified the men as Americans.

Armed men in uniform identified by Syrian Democratic Forces as U.S. Special Operations forces walk in the village of Fatisah in the northern Syrian province of Raqqa on May 25.

First images emerge of U.S. Special Operations forces in the fight to retake Raqqa

Just days after the U.S. military and an alliance of Kurdish and Arab groups announced the beginning of their offensive to retake Raqqa, the Islamic State’s de facto capital in Syria, images have emerged of what appear to be U.S. Special Operations forces fighting near the front lines.

The pictures, as distributed by Agence France Presse, indicate that the troops were identified as American by the group they are supporting, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). The images were taken near the Syrian village of Fatisah, roughly 30 miles from the city of Raqqa. According to the photographer there were more than a dozen U.S. troops accompanying the SDF.

The troops have all the hallmarks of America’s clandestine warriors: low profile helmets, a smattering of non-traditional small arms and camouflage patterns consistent with special warfare units. In one image a trio of U.S. forces are clustered around what appears to be an advanced Mk.47 40mm automatic grenade launcher. The system, built by General Dynamics, is primarily used by Special Operations units and has not been widely sold outside the United States.

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies engaged in the clashes with ISIS in the Southern side of al-Sha’er oilfield in the province of Homs. Militants reportedly suffered a heavy death toll and an ISIS vehicle carrying a large volume of ammunition and explosive devices exploded. Separately, the pro-government forces re-took the hill of Tal Sawanah near the al-Sha’ar gas field. Clashes are ongoing in the area.

War on Syria: Major Military Operation against Islamic State (ISIS) in Raqqa (Video)

By South Front

SAA artillery units reportedly shelled al-Nusra Front’s concentration centers in the al-Basatin area in East Ghouta. Earlier, the loyalists dismantled a network of terrorist bombers inside the capital city of Damascus.

In the Yarmouk Refugee Camp, clashes are ongoing between ISIS and Al Nusra militants. ISIS sources argue that the group seized the camp from the Al Qaeda affiliate. This can not be confirmed independently, yet.

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), supported by the US-led coalition, have liberated at least 6 settlements in the operation ongoing in Northern Raqqa – Ayn Issa, Al-Qantari, Al-Fatsah, Bir Sadr, Bin Hammud, Abu Kabra, Matmasraja – and an electricity station near Tal as-Saman. There are reports that some “American fighters”, apparently US special operation forces, are among SDF ranks. They coordinate the military operation.

ISIS media outlet Amaq News reported late Wednesday, 28 SDF troops have been killed by a suicide truck attack in Northern Raqqa. No more information is available.

Reports appeared on May 25 that Russia will postpone airstrikes against Al Nusra-held areas in Syria because it’s asked by some militant groups that are willing to join the ceasefire. The armed formations argue they need time to drive Al-Nusra from their territories.
angelburst29 said:
Interesting development considering this is happening at the start of the US Memorial Day Holiday weekend? U.S. Special Forces photographed wearing Islamic State and Jabhat al-Nusra/al-Qaeda badges on ISIS frontline in Syria!

New Turkish-U.S. Quarrels About Syria (Photos)

I wonder, if the Pentagon's head of Central Command of the Armed Forces, General Joseph Votel, gets to keep "his patches"?

Photos of US special forces wearing the insignia of the Kurdish YPG militia while fighting ISIS in northern Syria have put the US in hot water with Turkey. The Pentagon denies American troops are engaged in combat, and has told them to lose the patches.

US troops fighting ISIS to remove 'inappropriate' Kurdish patches after Turkish complaint

“Wearing those YPG patches was unauthorized and inappropriate, and corrective action has been taken,” spokesman for Operation Inherent Resolve in Baghdad, Colonel Steve Warren, told the Pentagon press corps on Friday. “We have communicated as much to our military partners and military allies in the region.”

Photos of US soldiers wearing Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) insignia were taken on Wednesday by AFP journalist Delil Souleiman in the northern Syrian village of Fatisah. The area is roughly 30 miles (48 km) north of Raqqa, the “capital” of the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL).

“It is not acceptable for US soldiers to wear YPG terrorist arm badges. This is double standards, two-faced,” Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said Thursday, in response to the photographs.

US Special Forces have a “long and proud history” of wearing such patches of their allies around the world, from Afghanistan to Latin America, in order to “connect with those they are training,” Warren explained, echoing Thursday’s comments by Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook. However, he explained that the practice has not been formally authorized by the military.

“There’s political sensitivities around the organization that patch represents,” Warren explained, adding that Turkey is an important NATO ally and that the Special Forces operatives needed to “understand the larger strategic context.”

“The patches were in fact not authorized. We’ve made the correction. Everybody’s moving on,” Warren said. He did not specify what manner of “corrective action” was involved.

There are about 300 US special operatives in Syria, according to the Pentagon. Most of them are embedded with the so-called “Syrian Democratic Forces” (SDF) in the north, a group encompassing the YPG and a coalition of Arab tribal militias. Warren had previously stated that the US operatives were focused on providing advice and assistance “particularly to the Syrian Arab component of the forces.”

“We understand Turkey’s concerns, and we continue to discuss this and other concerns Turkey has regarding Daesh and issues in northern Syria,” State Department spokesman Mark Toner told reporters Friday, using another name for IS.

When reporters asked why none of the US soldiers was photographed wearing an Arab patch, Warren tried to dodge the question.

“The internet is full of pictures, the majority of them either fake or wrong,” he said. “There’s been one situation where we have confirmed they were legitimate pictures of American service members in Syria. Only one. And that was yesterday. It was difficult to tell who they were with, exactly.”

To his knowledge, US special operatives were not in combat anywhere in Syria. He rejected as “completely inaccurate” the reports of operatives in Fatisah firing TOW missiles at IS positions, based on claims of Kurdish fighters.

“They’re deep behind enemy lines, aren’t they?” he added as a caveat. “We may not have perfect fidelity what happens every hour of every day out there, in the wilds of Syria.”

While the US Special Forces are required to stay in areas “where enemy contact is unlikely,” Warren pointed out that CPO Charles Keating IV, the Navy SEAL killed in northern Iraq in early May, was three miles behind the lines when his convoy was attacked by IS.

On Friday, the spokesperson for Operation Inherent Resolve condemned the move as "unauthorized and inappropriate" and said that "corrective action has been taken.

US Punishes Troops Who Wore Kurdish Gear for Safety at Behest of Erdogan

On Friday, Turkey blasted the United States after images were posted online showing US Special Forces in Syria wearing the insignia of a Kurdish group, opposed by Ankara, in a show of solidarity with the only fighters who have consistently repelled Daesh advances on the ground in northern Syria.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said during an international conference that it was “unacceptable” for US soldiers to use patches depicting the logo of the YPG – the Kurdish People’s Protection units.

The minister said that he conveyed his disfavor to US officials in Washington and Ankara, as well.

Cavusoglu also condemned the early Pentagon explanation, that the patches were worn in a limited circumstance, to ensure the protection of the soldiers.

"In that case, we would recommend that they use the patches of Daesh, al-Nusra and al-Qaida when they go to other parts of Syria and of Boko Haram when they go to Africa," the Turkish spokesman declaimed. "To those who say they don’t consider the YPG to be the same as these terrorist groups, this is our response: this is applying double standards, this is being two faced."

YPG fighters are viewed by Ankara as an extension of the Kurdish Workers’ Party, or PKK, which is labeled a terror organization by Turkey, the United States, and the European Union, but not by Russia and the United Nations.

The Obama Administration, in contrast, views the Kurds as being instrumental in the effort to turn back Daesh in Syria. The much-celebrated Kurdish fighters have excelled above all fighting forces in the country, successfully liberating large areas of northern Syria from violent extremists.

On Thursday, Pentagon Press Secretary Peter Cook explained that US Special Forces have in the past "worn insignia and other identifying marks with some of their partner forces and what I will say is that special operations forces, when they operate in certain areas, do what they can to, if you will, blend in with the community to enhance their own protection, their own security."

[...] On Friday, Colonel Steve Warren, the Baghdad-based spokesman for Operation Inherent Resolve backtracked on comments made by Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook in justifying the patches, saying, "Wearing those YPG patches was unauthorized and inappropriate, and corrective action has been taken. We have communicated as much to our military partners and allies in the region."

US Special Forces are not engaged in battles in Syria, according to the statement of Operation Inherent Resolve spokesman Col. Steve Warren.

Pentagon Denies US Troops Fighting in Syria Amid Release of Photos

US special operations forces, who are on an advise and assist mission in Syria, have not engaged in combat, Operation Inherent Resolve spokesman Col. Steve Warren said in a briefing on Friday.

US media reported on Thursday that some photos taken on May 25 in Syria show US military allegedly fighting near the front lines during an offensive to retake Raqqa from the Daesh.

"At this point none of them [US Special Forces] has been engaged in Syria," Warren stated. "They are deep behind enemy lines."

In April, US President Barack Obama announced the deployment of additional 250 military personnel to Syria to provide support to local forces fighting the Islamic State jihadist group, outlawed in the United States and Russia.

Despite Washington’s apparent reluctance to directly engage Daesh forces on the ground, servicemen described by the Syrian Democratic Forces as US special operations forces were caught on camera fighting alongside the Kurdish militia in northern Syria.

Peekaboo! US Military Personnel Spotted Near Raqqa (PHOTOS)

US President Barack Obama declared in April that he doesn’t intend to conduct a ground offensive against Daesh (ISIS/ISIL) forces in Syria, but at the same time remarked that the US military contingent deployed to the country to assist local militant groups in fighting against the terrorist movement will be increased to 300 servicemen.

However, the people depicted on these photographs don’t look like military "advisers and instructors" staying out of combat engagements like Obama apparently intended. Instead, they look like front line operatives, armed, prepped and ready for action.

The pictures were taken in the vicinity of Raqqa, the so called capital of Daesh, which is currently the target of a major offensive launched by Kurdish forces and members of other militant factions opposing the Islamist terrorists.

Some of the US servicemen were also apparently seen wearing Kurdish insignias on their uniforms. Whether they do it to avoid friendly fire or to obfuscate their true allegiance remains unclear.

Also, in an apparent attempt to avoid attracting too much attention to their movements and to blend in with the local fighters, the US operators use Toyota pickup trucks for transportation and to move their equipment. The ubiquitous vehicle is often used by local forces both as a transport and as a mobile weapons platform, as it is less likely to stand out than US military hardware.
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