Russia, China veto UN Security Council resolution on Syria

David Topi

Jedi Master
As seen in almost most MSM just a few minutes ago

This is something that was expected, at geopolitical level, Russia and China have always made counter-balanced moves to stop west (USA, Europe), and in this case, I am happy that at that level, they "stopped" basically the invasion of Syria in the coming weeks as a prelude (my guess) to prepare the war against Iran. Not that it is not going to happen anyhow.

But you know, sometimes I do wonder, if we already have a world government, if this is just "acting out" the orders from "the above", wouldn't it be the expected result that all major powers in the planet (controlled by the same "PTB") would simply move ahead in the same direction?

Could there be that even at the higher level, there is even a "discussion" and different points of view about how to play the cards at "political" level?

That would not surprise me either. However, I really thought every member at the UNSC today were going to vote "yes" to move on into syria, paving the way for the rest of the wild cards to be played soon.
David Topi said:
...But you know, sometimes I do wonder, if we already have a world government, if this is just "acting out" the orders from "the above", wouldn't it be the expected result that all major powers in the planet (controlled by the same "PTB") would simply move ahead in the same direction?...

Perhaps there is greater "food value" in having all these differences?

I would be tempted to say that everybody moving in the same direction would be "too obvious," but it should be apparent by now that many people aren't paying all that much attention, no matter how obvious it is. (Thinking especially of US political campaigning.)
The main thing all this warmongering does is keep the attention of the public, distract them from Earth Changes, keep them at each other's throats, divided, confused, fearful. There IS a One World Government and all of them are in on the farce.
Laura said:
The main thing all this warmongering does is keep the attention of the public, distract them from Earth Changes, keep them at each other's throats, divided, confused, fearful. There IS a One World Government and all of them are in on the farce.
and indeed it does all the above very well. If so, the bigger the earth changes that need to be covered, the biggest the distraction they need to create. Now the economic crisis, the war, the olympics, and whatever they may have in store. It really takes a cold head to see this objectively.
I dont think its called a "Theatre of war" for nothing. I always think of it being we the audience go to see a play at the theatre , boo the baddy , are rooting for the good guys and gals.The play finishes.Audience go home.Bad guys and hero actors are in the green room backstage after the performance having a beer and a good laugh together.

And yes i would agree with its all about feeding big time during the process.
On this subject, I was reading yesterday mornings local newspaper. It is a Gannet subsidiary. The one article that caught my attention was that ratcheting up of saber rattling against Iran by Israel. My question is ,why now? The article stated that Iran was moving it's nuke program underground and it would be more difficult to attack if it was not done by this summer. There has to be some other reason. I have not been keeping up on this one as of late so if someone could shine a light for me that would help. I agree with what Laura said above, but still think Israel is a bit of a wild card. Nice new avatar pic Laura.
David Topi said:
But you know, sometimes I do wonder, if we already have a world government, if this is just "acting out" the orders from "the above", wouldn't it be the expected result that all major powers in the planet (controlled by the same "PTB") would simply move ahead in the same direction?

Perhaps the bad guys often fight among themselves for status, position, control, etc? Interrupting your opponent's supply line is a pretty old tactic.
Megan said:
David Topi said:
...But you know, sometimes I do wonder, if we already have a world government, if this is just "acting out" the orders from "the above", wouldn't it be the expected result that all major powers in the planet (controlled by the same "PTB") would simply move ahead in the same direction?...

Perhaps there is greater "food value" in having all these differences?

I would be tempted to say that everybody moving in the same direction would be "too obvious," but it should be apparent by now that many people aren't paying all that much attention, no matter how obvious it is. (Thinking especially of US political campaigning.)

Yes, today's world tis a veritable buffet that would satisfy even the most discriminating culinary tastes of the lizard overlords.
Laura said:
The main thing all this warmongering does is keep the attention of the public, distract them from Earth Changes, keep them at each other's throats, divided, confused, fearful. There IS a One World Government and all of them are in on the farce.

It is really kind of interesting how the news developed, there is on the one side all the topics about coldness and weather and then suddenly on the other side sprang up the news about Syria (the massacre), the unfortunate soccer incidence in Egypt, beside some other demonstration in the same country and demonstrations in Russia and last but not least the war-mongering about Iran. And I could imagine that it easily distracts people and keeps them confused and then choose to go back to sleep due to the information overload of bad and insecure news.
David Topi said:
Laura said:
The main thing all this warmongering does is keep the attention of the public, distract them from Earth Changes, keep them at each other's throats, divided, confused, fearful. There IS a One World Government and all of them are in on the farce.
and indeed it does all the above very well. If so, the bigger the earth changes that need to be covered, the biggest the distraction they need to create. Now the economic crisis, the war, the olympics, and whatever they may have in store. It really takes a cold head to see this objectively.

The odd thing about this is: when we changed the SOTT category system last year, we did it because we came to the conclusion that Earth Changes were more important than all the political shenanigans which were so obvious a drama (even if they do get in there and bomb the hell out of people, kill a few million here and there). We also noted that the plans for persecuting people with different political ideas were being laid and implemented, so we thought it was the better part of valor to remove our focus from "Middle East Madness" and "Axis of Evil" as we had defined them (the Axis being the U.S., UK, and Israel.)

Okay, we thought we had done something that would act protectively for our continued work.

Guess what? When we were being interrogated by the Toulouse police, the fact that we did this change of categories and took the focus OFF of politics was brought up and taken as the sign of being a CULT!!! Anybody who focuses on Earth Changes, reports on earthquakes, fireballs, keeps a list of same, focuses on weather changes, etc etc, is, in their minds, an "apocalyptic end times cult"!!!

I was just flabbergasted. It was clear that, at some level, somebody had gotten upset that we STOPPED focusing so much on politics and warmongering and started focusing on the planet and health.

So, if anything ever demonstrated that we are on the right path, that whole police investigation, the questions they were asking, the stand that MIVILUDES has taken, did it. After all, they KNEW that the guy making the accusation against us was a fruitcake pedophile and they COULD have just said "yeah, yeah... run along home and stay out of trouble." They have the ability to know that those accusations were bogus. But instead, they chose to make a federal case out of it and harass the hell out of us.

That means that as long as we were just ranting about politics and war and Palestine vs Israel and on and on, we were only worth grifter type attackers such as Vinnie Bridges, Jay Weidner and gang. It was only when we turned our focus on the Earth Changes and HEALTH that we had earned "official attention."

What MIVILUDES is against tells me quite clearly what they do NOT want people to know.
That's a fascinating summary Laura.

Also makes me think of the aggressive, sometimes violent, reactions of people when the truth is pointed out about diet and health, the truth about climate change and earth changes, stripping away the disinfo (also about the ubiquity of chemtrails), etc.
If this is a cult then I want a ticket to some far off place where we can all live off the land :P. Laura I did not think you were related to Jim Jones when I ran across your work. Some may think it is a cult but then again it is Sunday today and many go to their local cult hangouts,bow their heads,ask for forgiveness for their sins. Then pray for a better world, demanding their god to FIX things.
SeekinTruth said:
That's a fascinating summary Laura.

fully agree. And I am really surprise that the french do have a special department or whatever for "cults monitoring", gosh, that is the weirdest thing I thought I was going to hear about our neighbours. But again, we live in weird times, I guess that there may exist something similar here in Spain that we are simply not aware of.

Time to spread more awareness about Earth changes, I guess I will open a new section on my blog to publish articles in spanish about it. Let's see how it evolves.
Laura, this is fascinating. About the importance to talk about health and earth changes. Thank you for this information, this is primal information.

About what is happening in the world, all the possible wars that are coming sometimes I see all this like a play, a play of Shakespeare: everything is there, all the characters, all the populace, all the situation. It is an extraordinary spectacle and we are the spectators and we can do nothing to change the spectacle. It is a very violent play, many people are dying, we see suffering. But the Kings and Lords are there, we see what they do, how villain they are... The play was written long time ago...

By that I don't mean that we have to be placid spectators. In the ancient times spectators where able to participate in the play they were seeing by shouting, vociferating, exchanging words with the actors... ;).

So I see all the politicians like actors, everyone. And what is happening in the world like a big play.
Yeah, it looks like SOTT's focus on the really important issues has got the PTB absolutely frothing at the mouth! I was strongly in favor of this change of focus because it was easily evident that these were actually the important issues. As Laura mentioned, it is really nice to be able to tell from the 'feedback' that we are on the right track! Doesn't always make things any easier though...
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