It sounds to me like you're in the deep middle or the tail-end of a "cocoon" period; a solitude which you're getting sick of. From the tone and content of your previous posts, I get the feeling that you are craving a girlfriend relationship.
As for not being able to share the work; I don't think it necessarily has to be all that bad, at least not all the time. . .
I tend to think that Gurdjieff's system is simply a highly accelerated, self-aware version of LIFE. From what the C's say, "All there is, is Lessons" it seems to me that everybody is in the business of Soul Work, (either building or decomposing), and thus, the basic act of interacting with Life is a means of doing the Work, and that we are all here, particularly on this planet, by choice to take part in that process. And as such, the choice has been made to learn.
With this in mind, I've found I CAN share the Work with regular folks. I point out lies and self-deceptions and I talk about the Ego and how mechanical behavior works, about "esoteric" matters like past lives and energy, etc., but all in a manner which is not preachy, but rather because I am interested in it and it sometimes comes out in my half of conversations. I long ago stopped caring whether or not people adopted my views. Not trying to convince anybody makes things a lot easier. I simply express my thoughts frankly and in the spirit of, "Hey, this is this cool thing I'm thinking of. . ." Of course, if I sense that people are uncomfortable or too delicate, I hold back, but that goes for any subject of conversation.
I find that people who are unconsciously drawn to the Work will place themselves in my company. I am fortunate enough to have many excellent friends. As they say, "Water seeks its own level". This seems to hold true. I know a lot of people who are actively Working on themselves without calling it so; people who, when they recognize mechanical parts of themselves which they don't like, will work to undo those programs. It's amazing how often I'll see this kind of difficult, painful work being done by people who have never heard of Gurdjieff, and how often I'll think to myself, "Wow. It's the same process, but they just seem to be doing it on their own, using different words for the various parts." --It's not everybody, of course; there are many who do not actively try to change themselves at all and who make no attempt at deliberate self-observation, who simply accumulate experience through painful life interactions, but I have met and continue to meet people who are a great deal more self-aware and active in how they develop themselves.
Whatever. It's just a long way of saying that I don't think you necessarily have to keep the Work to yourself. Those who can't handle it get less of you than those who want more.
As for relationship loneliness. . .
I find it interesting that your avatar image is one which expresses severe isolation. That sort of identification is very curious to me in a "Chicken or the Egg" kind of way. A reflection can quickly become a reinforcement; a statement of what IS which we then subconsciously seek to adhere to, much like the Internal Dialogue is a means of our mechanical selves to establish the parameters of our reality cage. These things need to be interrupted if we want to alter our course through reality. You cannot create your own reality, but you can certainly change the way you interact with it, which is very nearly the same thing with one vital difference; it pays respect to God.
You truly want a relationship? You're ready for that responsibility and challenge level? Careful what you wish for. High loneliness is a loud call for others to come into your life, and so the opportunities will most likely arrive. I'd just advise you to be sure to have yourself together, because those aspects of yourself which are messy will define how other people are able to interact with you, and will determine the length and nature of those interactions. I've seen desperately lonely people nix potential relationships within minutes because they haven't worked out basic appropriate behavior; saying crass things, allowing mechanical manipulative nonsense to dominate their thought processes, turning away people because they aren't air-brushed magazine models, or what have you. But then, getting hurt by embodying that kind of painful stuff is all just part of the lesson plan. People do it until they learn not to. Or, as I've also seen, they wind up in relationships which appear designed for the express purpose of whipping that messy stuff out of their systems.
In any case, I do know what it is like to feel sad and lonely. It can be very difficult and all advice can sound flat and useless. But it's all process.
One comforting thing I would personally keep in mind during such times was that, "This life is a momentary spark in the middle of a journey which is much more vast. This period of alone-time is valuable. Even precious. Enjoy this short pause while it lasts."
Consider: there is a point where our thoughts will no longer be private; where telepathic communication will be the norm. (Well, already, our thoughts are not actually private, but we do have that illusion in 3D with each other.)
All the best to you!