
Hey Lukas
Sorry for your saddness. You are not alone in your search any more than many of us here on the forum and that is what brings us all together. This is my 'solitude survival kit'.
When I began my search I wanted desperately to share my journey with my husband but he is happy in his illusion, as are most, if not all of our friends and family.
Many times I have questioned the purpose of absolutely everything, including my happy marriage and the point I have come to thus far is this...
I continue on my own quest, knowing that this is right for me with the compassion that my friends and family make their own choices that are equally right for them. I do not force my beliefs or ideals on them and I expect the same in return.
While some friendships have not survived, mostly because I did try and bombard them with information that they didn't want to know, I came to learn that I really had no right to push my agenda on anyone no matter how obvious it seemed to me.
I am alone in this universe for sure but its no so lonely with you here too :hug: :hug: :hug:
fisheye said:
Hey Lukas
Sorry for your saddness. You are not alone in your search any more than many of us here on the forum and that is what brings us all together. This is my 'solitude survival kit'.
When I began my search I wanted desperately to share my journey with my husband but he is happy in his illusion, as are most, if not all of our friends and family.
Many times I have questioned the purpose of absolutely everything, including my happy marriage and the point I have come to thus far is this...
I continue on my own quest, knowing that this is right for me with the compassion that my friends and family make their own choices that are equally right for them. I do not force my beliefs or ideals on them and I expect the same in return.
While some friendships have not survived, mostly because I did try and bombard them with information that they didn't want to know, I came to learn that I really had no right to push my agenda on anyone no matter how obvious it seemed to me.
I am alone in this universe for sure but its no so lonely with you here too :hug: :hug: :hug:

Thank you for sharing this, youre will be right.

But sometimes I would like to talk about all the things that I can see. This let me feel alone.

I know, the man in the future need the same brain as me so we live and work together.
Sadness is inevitable if one is awake, but don't make it your constant companion. I am fortunate to have four people to talk with about "The Work", my husband, my mother and my two kids. I read a book awhile back, "Living With Kundalini" by Gopi Krishna. The book dealt with his struggles in awakening kundalini without a mentor (he found most of them to be charlatans), and the dark night of the soul in response to his awakening, which included mental as well as physical problems. You are alone in the sense that each person's experience is different, yet you are not alone in knowing that there are many struggling through these issues. Find out what brings true joy to your soul and concentrate on that when you are sad.
HI Lukas.
I think I always had a lot of this "loneliness feelings" since I was a child, I came to think that for me this was as well related to a research of self- importance,like: -"I'm different,I feel things differently,they don't understand me.....then I'm better then them".
I'm not saying that this is your case, just sharing my experience.
After all that I probably always searched for situations where I could stand out. that is taking me right now a great effort to review my friendships.
I'm still thinking, though ,that everyone is a master in a way, even if he`s not on a spiritual journey.
If you face a person or a situation maybe there's something to the end as the Cs say "everything is a lesson"
Thanks for sharing,I wish you can find or discover good companions for your path.
It sounds to me like you're in the deep middle or the tail-end of a "cocoon" period; a solitude which you're getting sick of. From the tone and content of your previous posts, I get the feeling that you are craving a girlfriend relationship.

As for not being able to share the work; I don't think it necessarily has to be all that bad, at least not all the time. . .

I tend to think that Gurdjieff's system is simply a highly accelerated, self-aware version of LIFE. From what the C's say, "All there is, is Lessons" it seems to me that everybody is in the business of Soul Work, (either building or decomposing), and thus, the basic act of interacting with Life is a means of doing the Work, and that we are all here, particularly on this planet, by choice to take part in that process. And as such, the choice has been made to learn.

With this in mind, I've found I CAN share the Work with regular folks. I point out lies and self-deceptions and I talk about the Ego and how mechanical behavior works, about "esoteric" matters like past lives and energy, etc., but all in a manner which is not preachy, but rather because I am interested in it and it sometimes comes out in my half of conversations. I long ago stopped caring whether or not people adopted my views. Not trying to convince anybody makes things a lot easier. I simply express my thoughts frankly and in the spirit of, "Hey, this is this cool thing I'm thinking of. . ." Of course, if I sense that people are uncomfortable or too delicate, I hold back, but that goes for any subject of conversation.

I find that people who are unconsciously drawn to the Work will place themselves in my company. I am fortunate enough to have many excellent friends. As they say, "Water seeks its own level". This seems to hold true. I know a lot of people who are actively Working on themselves without calling it so; people who, when they recognize mechanical parts of themselves which they don't like, will work to undo those programs. It's amazing how often I'll see this kind of difficult, painful work being done by people who have never heard of Gurdjieff, and how often I'll think to myself, "Wow. It's the same process, but they just seem to be doing it on their own, using different words for the various parts." --It's not everybody, of course; there are many who do not actively try to change themselves at all and who make no attempt at deliberate self-observation, who simply accumulate experience through painful life interactions, but I have met and continue to meet people who are a great deal more self-aware and active in how they develop themselves.

Whatever. It's just a long way of saying that I don't think you necessarily have to keep the Work to yourself. Those who can't handle it get less of you than those who want more.

As for relationship loneliness. . .

I find it interesting that your avatar image is one which expresses severe isolation. That sort of identification is very curious to me in a "Chicken or the Egg" kind of way. A reflection can quickly become a reinforcement; a statement of what IS which we then subconsciously seek to adhere to, much like the Internal Dialogue is a means of our mechanical selves to establish the parameters of our reality cage. These things need to be interrupted if we want to alter our course through reality. You cannot create your own reality, but you can certainly change the way you interact with it, which is very nearly the same thing with one vital difference; it pays respect to God.

You truly want a relationship? You're ready for that responsibility and challenge level? Careful what you wish for. High loneliness is a loud call for others to come into your life, and so the opportunities will most likely arrive. I'd just advise you to be sure to have yourself together, because those aspects of yourself which are messy will define how other people are able to interact with you, and will determine the length and nature of those interactions. I've seen desperately lonely people nix potential relationships within minutes because they haven't worked out basic appropriate behavior; saying crass things, allowing mechanical manipulative nonsense to dominate their thought processes, turning away people because they aren't air-brushed magazine models, or what have you. But then, getting hurt by embodying that kind of painful stuff is all just part of the lesson plan. People do it until they learn not to. Or, as I've also seen, they wind up in relationships which appear designed for the express purpose of whipping that messy stuff out of their systems.

In any case, I do know what it is like to feel sad and lonely. It can be very difficult and all advice can sound flat and useless. But it's all process.

One comforting thing I would personally keep in mind during such times was that, "This life is a momentary spark in the middle of a journey which is much more vast. This period of alone-time is valuable. Even precious. Enjoy this short pause while it lasts."

Consider: there is a point where our thoughts will no longer be private; where telepathic communication will be the norm. (Well, already, our thoughts are not actually private, but we do have that illusion in 3D with each other.)

All the best to you!
You could try talking about as something psychological, I see the esoteric work as some psychological process.

Woodsman said:
Or, as I've also seen, they wind up in relationships which appear designed for the express purpose of whipping that messy stuff out of their systems.

I agree, because I'm one of those. It is not a hell but it's a complete adventure, its just amazing that in some way you hate those who have took that part of you, but in some way you admit that they maybe have sacrificed themselfs and helped you to fix yourself. It's just amazing how people appears just to make you learn, not to change you internally, just your behavior, your perception keeps equally. Thos year have been one of those, and have helped me to understand lots of things, one of them is that love is consciousness, a different level of vision and perspective... at least for me, all I wanted from other person, believing that I would be able to fill that empty part, was inside of me, it was there, that power, that "thing", I can't described just as loving hhoho because it is different it is just like energy, like a new part of yourself.
Hi Lukas,

Although the other person might have a shallow point of view, many of them have a warm heart. This is what helps me to get over such periods.

Road to hell is paved with good intentions, they have warm hearth but don't have knowledge, and that is what is important. Are they warm in their being or learned to be warm is another question? Can you really rely on that kind of people when things get ruff or they'll go with the majority of people? Warm hearth sadly isn't enough in this world.

Lukas, I think loneliness will make you stronger and more independent person. If you get deeper and deeper with work it will become normal thing eventually because you can't function normally if you don't distance yourself in some way from illusions and people affected by them. I think emotional distance is the most important and hardest thing because we are emotional beings and can very easily connect and have hard time letting it go after that, so that brings much of hurt, especially with people not familiar with the work because they don't understand what the true love is. Ir's better to ask yourself from where does that desire comes from, is it form of escape or does it feels good. Person who aspires to become true STO isn't concerned with this things, only serving. It will bring much pain and hurt accepting that but also and freedom in the end. I tend to keep a distance but also can sometimes fell in emotional trap, and then I see how I can feel emotionally devastated(because of my temperament) and hurt because of that emotional connection. So I prefer distance because I know I couldn't hand emotionally things that will come if I get to close connection , and I think others can't either just aren't conscious of it, but that's just my case. I know it isn't easy, it hurts much and I know if someone would ask me if I would do this life all over again I would think twice, which i didn't think 3 years ago when starting with all this, but there's no easy way and some hope remains in the end. Hold on there, we are all with you, we are all you better to say.
It's hard when you begin to learn the truth about this reality and try to share it with people you care about, and all you receive are blank stares. It's normal to want to share what you've learned with those you care about, but most people aren't ready to listen to the truth, because it's very disturbing. I know I've had to kill a lot of sacred cows to come to this point, and I'm only starting in the Work. But I've come this far because this is what I wanted. I was actively looking for this information. But most people are perfectly happy leading 'normal' lives, and when you try to share what you've learned with them, they don't want to hear it because it's disturbing. Learning that we are machines controlled by our programs, that psychopaths rule our world, etc., isn't something that is easy to accept.

So you end up alone with this knowledge, even though you'd like to share it with the people you care about, but they aren't ready to hear it. They prefer to live comfortable lives, even if they have to believe in illusions to do so. And it is their right. If they aren't ready, you can't force them. Yes, it is very lonely. I really wish I had someone close to me who I could talk about these things to but I don't. But at least there are like-minded people on this forum. :hug:
Rose said:
It's hard when you begin to learn the truth about this reality and try to share it with people you care about, and all you receive are blank stares. It's normal to want to share what you've learned with those you care about, but most people aren't ready to listen to the truth, because it's very disturbing. I know I've had to kill a lot of sacred cows to come to this point, and I'm only starting in the Work. But I've come this far because this is what I wanted. I was actively looking for this information. But most people are perfectly happy leading 'normal' lives, and when you try to share what you've learned with them, they don't want to hear it because it's disturbing. Learning that we are machines controlled by our programs, that psychopaths rule our world, etc., isn't something that is easy to accept.

So you end up alone with this knowledge, even though you'd like to share it with the people you care about, but they aren't ready to hear it. They prefer to live comfortable lives, even if they have to believe in illusions to do so. And it is their right. If they aren't ready, you can't force them. Yes, it is very lonely. I really wish I had someone close to me who I could talk about these things to but I don't. But at least there are like-minded people on this forum. :hug:

thanks for support this world means lots for me.
You have right about sharing and other thinks
it is good to know that there is a forum like this.
because at this point it is only place where we can talk open about our reality about thing that we see, discovery program etc.
world and even comets ...
Lukas said:
Rose said:
It's hard when you begin to learn the truth about this reality and try to share it with people you care about, and all you receive are blank stares. It's normal to want to share what you've learned with those you care about, but most people aren't ready to listen to the truth, because it's very disturbing. I know I've had to kill a lot of sacred cows to come to this point, and I'm only starting in the Work. But I've come this far because this is what I wanted. I was actively looking for this information. But most people are perfectly happy leading 'normal' lives, and when you try to share what you've learned with them, they don't want to hear it because it's disturbing. Learning that we are machines controlled by our programs, that psychopaths rule our world, etc., isn't something that is easy to accept.

So you end up alone with this knowledge, even though you'd like to share it with the people you care about, but they aren't ready to hear it. They prefer to live comfortable lives, even if they have to believe in illusions to do so. And it is their right. If they aren't ready, you can't force them. Yes, it is very lonely. I really wish I had someone close to me who I could talk about these things to but I don't. But at least there are like-minded people on this forum. :hug:

thanks for support this world means lots for me.
You have right about sharing and other thinks
it is good to know that there is a forum like this.
because at this point it is only place where we can talk open about our reality about thing that we see, discovery program etc.
world and even comets ...

Yes. It is an indescribable feeling knowing there is a safe haven here. It is a comfort. Because many of us have spouses, friends, family, etc...that we won't share the Work with because of the havoc it would cause. Most of us (to my knowledge) "go it alone" out here in the world. I agree...I am grateful to be able to come here, and I am thankful for the SOTT team and all they do. We in this together.
Lukas said:
Sitting on the balcony looking at the passing train I think of it that I'm sentenced to solitude apart from virtually anyone on this board, I can not speak on subjects about which I think, however, and sometimes I'm afraid.
Worse, even I do not have chances to normal relationship because I know that I will not give advice to live in the illusion - any normal relationship to the children's families seeking work in this world without looking at what is ...
just do not know if I have this feeling of loneliness that is just such a moment longer ...

These alone, but you don't see only, the selfish solitude. In the words of a songs, I will summarize:

"I'm looking for a voice in me
to help me well to discern,
because my mind is a dress that looks bad.
What has been, where is the error?
Who has condemned me to the terror of a black and white mind?

Where is my place?
I'm not like others
I know how to think!
I am alone and I have fear.

The rejection is my conviction.

Where is my freedom?
I will seek a future for me.
Going to cost me!
but without love, i can't."
(without light, knowledge)

"I made friends with loneliness,
who would have thought everything that she taught me.
Today smiled remembering the lesson
that life with patience taught me.
Nothing there, under the sun that has not solution,
never a night beat the sunrise."

Once a person told me "Solitude is good, provided, you do not seek her."
What does happiness in this world? When the Solitude arrived by itself, I believe now, just is the time to stay with yourself. And that deafening silence, only was the lack of "the inner voice."

In this short life in what is called "normal life" or better, the illusion... may be the most pathetic and useless life. I accept, certainly, I am useless to maintain the illusion.

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