Sadie girl

Sorry to hear this Shane. You have my condolences. :hug2:

She really seems like a sweet dog and a smart one too because she found you!
:cry: I am so sorry Shane :(
My dog had a cancer too :(
Pass Sadie big hugs from me ... :cry:
Thank you everyone for your thoughts. It means a lot.

I was getting ready to leave yesterday for my Mom's house and when I called her she told me she wanted to go to her Naturopath to see what he thought.

I let her know whatever the decision was, that it should be in the best interest of Sadie, and not based on what we want. She said she didn't want Sadie to suffer either.

I got on the road and called to say I was on my way. She had just got back from seeing the Naturopath and he told my mom that he successfully treated people with Lymphoma with a protocol, and that since Sadie was still walking and able to going outside for the bathroom that she shouldn't put her down yet. She said she would be trying out this protocol to see how Sadie responds.

I was sad to hear this and I decided it would be best if I turn around and return home. I don't know that I agree since when a dog gets cancer it seems a lot to put her through and recover from. Yet, Sadie is under my Mom's care and she states she wants to try something. Although I think my Mom has an idea of how I feel, I haven't explicitly said that I disagree. I'm worried that it will either do little or extend her suffering.

The protocol her naturopath put Sadie on is for people, so I'm wondering if there are things on it that might be harmful for a dog.

Here's the protocol:

Flor.essence (detox for the body) organic burdock root, organic sheep sorrel herb, slippery elm bark, watercrest herb, turkish rubarb root, kelp, blessed thisle herb, red clover blossum (one cocktail)

pau D'Arco ticture (inner bark) tincture ,alcohol-free

drop vit D3

half capsule plant enzyme

bromelain, lactase, protease, papain

ester C, probiotic, flaxseed oil, organic chicken broth,

AHCC (this is the primary cancer fighter of the protocol)

I'm mostly concerned about the herbs and tinctures since dogs can't digest them.

He also recommended raw meat, and I was thinking of sending my mom some links to the 'what food do you usually feed your dogs' thread. My mom has familiarity with the forum, the Cassiopaea material and Laura's work, and she's been supportive.

Sadie is eating only a little. Last night she ate some rare steak, but wasn't interested in the raw ground meat. This morning she drank a lot of water and ate some scrambled eggs.
Hi, Shane.

I'm so sorry to hear about Sadie. Fwiw, it seems like the protocol is worth a try if Sadie isn't currently suffering too much. It sounds like your mother is pretty savy with canine needs so hopefully that reassures you some. I don't think she wants Sadie to suffer needlessly either but maybe this will be of some help. I think it will be pretty clear when Sadie's ready to go. Big hugs to you, Sadie and your mom.
Black Swan said:
Hi, Shane.

I'm so sorry to hear about Sadie. Fwiw, it seems like the protocol is worth a try if Sadie isn't currently suffering too much. It sounds like your mother is pretty savy with canine needs so hopefully that reassures you some. I don't think she wants Sadie to suffer needlessly either but maybe this will be of some help. I think it will be pretty clear when Sadie's ready to go. Big hugs to you, Sadie and your mom.

Thanks Black Swan, that's helpful. I do think my mom has a good sense when it comes to dogs, I was/am just worried. The cancer hasn't gone into her organs yet so we will see.

I was thinking about sending her some DMSO for internal use (small amounts), but I don't know if it would be appropriate given the things she is already taking. Also, my Mom does have some transdermal magnesium, and I was going to suggest that she apply it to her skin; from what I understand dogs experience magnesium deficiency as well as humans. The third thing I just started thinking about was Vit. C IV injections, if it is available.
Hi Shane, sorry I saw your message just now, I know how it is in these situations - every hour counts.
Do you know how many lymph nodes are involved?
From my experience lymphoma is one of the most common causes of death in domestic dogs. Usually it is detected very late when the dog becomes pretty sick and there is very little that can be done at this stage.
I know this may sound harsh but its better to tell you like it is so you dont get your hopes up too much. Its best to keep the positive outlook but be aware of gravity of situation. I never had much success treating this Cancer homeopathically. At best I managed to prolong the dogs life for some limited time.

Having said this it certainly doesn't hurt to try this protocol. I agree with naturopath, there is no need to rush with euthanasia at this stage. This is something you can always do and as long as the dog is comfortable and not in too much pain you can put it off.

I am not at all familiar with many of the things from his protocol but if you know his qualifications and reputation it will certainly not hurt to try it. The cancer will surely kill her and most of these supplements sound ok to me. Dogs metabolism is similar enough to ours or if anything more resilient so I think if this protocol is safe to use in humans it should be safe to use in dogs. Dogs are much better handling herbs and tinctures then cats so it think it should be ok.

It is imperative you put her on raw meat diet. Do not force feed her as long as she takes some small amount of good quality food with her supplements.
Vitamin C is available as IV and IM solution but I avoid giving it as injection as it is very painful. Its a good idea to give it to Saddie in tablet form, it may help the circulation and availability of the other components from the protocol.
DSMO surely will not hurt if given internally. Again injections are very painful.
I hope this helps.
Good luck and keep us updated.
Thank you Herr Eisenheim. I appreciate your advice and I'll pass it on to my mom. Although I'm not sure, I think I was told that all of Sadie's glands have cancer in them. My mom was also told that her organs did not have cancer in them and were functioning fine. I talked to my mom before going to bed last night and she said Sadie threw up the food she had eaten yesterday morning and wouldn't eat anything else throughout the day. My Mom expressed a lot of concern for her last night, and I got the sense that Sadie didn't respond to the protocal. We should know more today.
Last night my mom increased the dose of vit C and also applied some transdermal magnesium to her glands. This morning she told me she could see the swelled glands go down after the vit C. My mom also applied some of the magnesium to her back and legs and said they both were able to sleep through the night after some stressful few days. Sadie was given some raw grass fed organic liver this morning and my mom said she ravenously gobbled it down. Some of the Vit C was added in with the liver as well as some of the other parts of the protocol.
This past Saturday my Mom called me and told me that Sadie wasn't doing too well. She had a bit of an upswing for a few days, had started eating more and had more energy. However, there was a sharp decline in towards the end of the week. I asked my Mom if she thought it was time and she did. So I went to visit her Sunday and Monday. Monday my mom made the appointment to euthanize Sadie.

When I went to visit, Sadie was extremely weak but she still got up to see me. I honestly didn't think she would make it through the night when I arrived. She had lost most of her muscle mass, her coat was dry and disheveled, she had very belabored breathing and her heart was beating so fast. She smelled very very sick. She ate a little though that night and kept it down. The next day she looked a little better but she was extremely tired. She tried to eat but couldn't keep it down. It's so aweful to see how cancer takes something from the living, even while their still alive. Even so there would be times when I saw pieces of Sadie when she was outside sniffing around or when she would lift her paw to have her belly scratched. It was also really amazing to see the bond between my mother and Sadie. As tired as the little girl was, she would still follow my mom from room to room and look for her when she moved.

About an hour before the appointment on Monday Sadie stood up and I took her outside. It seemed she had a burst of energy as she walked around our property. She walked and walked and walked. I had the sense that she might have been trying to walk into the woods to die, as I've often heard stories like that. she would lay down periodically, but for a good hour she was just walking around.

She was a wonderful dog and I'll miss her greatly. I'm happy she got to spend the last year of her life with my mother. I know Sadie loved it there. She's in peace now. Love you little girl.

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