Thank you everyone for your thoughts. It means a lot.
I was getting ready to leave yesterday for my Mom's house and when I called her she told me she wanted to go to her Naturopath to see what he thought.
I let her know whatever the decision was, that it should be in the best interest of Sadie, and not based on what we want. She said she didn't want Sadie to suffer either.
I got on the road and called to say I was on my way. She had just got back from seeing the Naturopath and he told my mom that he successfully treated people with Lymphoma with a protocol, and that since Sadie was still walking and able to going outside for the bathroom that she shouldn't put her down yet. She said she would be trying out this protocol to see how Sadie responds.
I was sad to hear this and I decided it would be best if I turn around and return home. I don't know that I agree since when a dog gets cancer it seems a lot to put her through and recover from. Yet, Sadie is under my Mom's care and she states she wants to try something. Although I think my Mom has an idea of how I feel, I haven't explicitly said that I disagree. I'm worried that it will either do little or extend her suffering.
The protocol her naturopath put Sadie on is for people, so I'm wondering if there are things on it that might be harmful for a dog.
Here's the protocol:
Flor.essence (detox for the body) organic burdock root, organic sheep sorrel herb, slippery elm bark, watercrest herb, turkish rubarb root, kelp, blessed thisle herb, red clover blossum (one cocktail)
pau D'Arco ticture (inner bark) tincture ,alcohol-free
drop vit D3
half capsule plant enzyme
bromelain, lactase, protease, papain
ester C, probiotic, flaxseed oil, organic chicken broth,
AHCC (this is the primary cancer fighter of the protocol)
I'm mostly concerned about the herbs and tinctures since dogs can't digest them.
He also recommended raw meat, and I was thinking of sending my mom some links to the 'what food do you usually feed your dogs' thread. My mom has familiarity with the forum, the Cassiopaea material and Laura's work, and she's been supportive.
Sadie is eating only a little. Last night she ate some rare steak, but wasn't interested in the raw ground meat. This morning she drank a lot of water and ate some scrambled eggs.