SCENICC: Soldier Centric Imaging via Computational Cameras


The Living Force
FOTCM Member

DARPA, the Pentagon’s research branch has unveiled the Soldier Centric Imaging via Computational Cameras effort (SCENICC). This technology features a suite of cameras that digitally capture a kilometer-wide, 360-degree sphere, representing the image in 3D onto a wearable eyepiece. This means that you’ll be able to see around you, behind you, and zoom in 10x easily. All this can be done hands-free, so you’ll keep your hands free to do more important things, such as holding guns or something. The pictures you see aren’t limited to what is around you, as they envision a networked optical sensing capability, fusing images taken from nodes worn by collections of soldiers and/or unmanned vehicles. Sounds freaky, and the good news is that it’s designed to be lightweight, weighing in less than 700 grams (1.9 pounds) for the entire system, inclusive of the battery that is good enough to last over 24 hours.


Official site:

Thanks Ellipse. This article was posted on awhile back. :)
Hmm. does that device in the third eye have this
"Battlestar Galatica", sweeping laser-droid-eye by
any chance?

Creepy dead/ly machines.
Ellipse said:
kilometer-wide, 360-degree sphere, representing the image in 3D onto a wearable eyepiece.

Interesting that the image is projected in 3D. We know that 3D in the cinema promotes a state of dissociation. If this 3D technology does the same, and the wearer is remote-controlling some kind of battle droid, then it's only going to result in one thing – more and more deaths. Perhaps it's been designed as a way to dissociate soldiers from their conscience (if they have one).
Vulcan59 said:
Thanks Ellipse. This article was posted on awhile back. :)
:oops: I forgot to use the search engine.

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