School Settles With Families of Students Who Died After Being Hypnotized


The Living Force
A Florida High School Principle who hypnotized Students and taught some Sports Athletes "self hypnosis" for pain management. The article relates three Student deaths but as many as 75 Students were hypnotized including Staff Members. After reading the article, I suspect there's more hidden - then is being reported? In Court Documents, he only served one year of probation - no jail time?

School Board Settles With Families of Students Who Died After Being Hypnotized by Principal

The families of three Florida students who died after being hypnotized by their then-principal will each receive $200,000 in a settlement with the school district.

The payout comes four years after former North Port High School Principal George Kenney hypnotized students Wesley McKinley, 16, Marcus Freeman, 16, and Brittany Palumbo, 17.

Though no explicit link tied the students’ deaths to Kenney’s hypnosis, the former principal admitted that he had hypnotized McKinley a day before the teenager killed himself in April 2011, the Herald-Tribune reported. Palumbo also took his life after being hypnotized.

Freeman died in a 2011 car accident after he hypnotized himself, a technique Kenney had taught him in order to help the quarterback concentrate and not worry about pain during games, according to court documents.

The 16-year-old football player was killed when he veered off a highway as he drove home from a painful dentist visit, the Herald-Tribune wrote. His girlfriend, who was also in the car and survived, said that Freeman got a strange look on his face before he went off the road, the paper reported.

An investigation found that Kenney had hypnotized as many as 75 students, staff members and others from 2006 until McKinley’s death. One student athlete recalled being hypnotized as many as 40 times to improve his concentration, the Herald-Tribune wrote.

Kenney was placed on administrative leave from North Port High School in 2011 and he resigned in 2012. He served one year of probation after pleading no contest to unlawful practice and was prohibited from practicing hypnosis without a license at the time.

The Sarasota County School District’s Board unanimously approved the settlement with a 4-0 vote on Tuesday, which will pay out a total of $600,000 to the three students’ families. The settlement was approved a week before the parents’ civil case against the district would have gone to trial.

“It’s something they will never get over,” Damian Mallard, an attorney representing the three students’ families, told the Herald-Tribune. “It’s probably the worst loss that can happen to a parent is to lose a child, especially needlessly because you had someone who decided to perform medical services on kids without a license. He altered the underdeveloped brains of teenagers, and they all ended up dead because of it.”

Kenney gave up his teaching license in 2013 under pressure from the Florida Department of Education and cannot reapply for another, the Herald-Tribune noted. He now apparently operates a bed-and-breakfast in North Carolina.

“The thing that is the most disappointing to them is that he never apologized, never admitted wrongdoing and is now living comfortably in retirement in North Carolina with his pension,” Mallard reportedly said.
angelburst29 said:

“The thing that is the most disappointing to them is that he never apologized, never admitted wrongdoing and is now living comfortably in retirement in North Carolina with his pension,” Mallard reportedly said.

The most telling part for me is the last statement that he felt no remorse whatsoever. Sounds a bit STS to me. Kind of a scary tale. :/
I don't think the guy did anything wrong and that is known to the authorities. They are just trying to palliate the situation and get the ignorant parents off their backs. Looks like it was a witch hunt to me.
angelburst29 said:
Though no explicit link tied the students’ deaths to Kenney’s hypnosis, the former principal admitted that he had hypnotized McKinley a day before the teenager killed himself in April 2011, the Herald-Tribune reported. Palumbo also took his life after being hypnotized.

Two kids in my high school both committed suicide. A brother and sister. Both hung themselves. It happens. Maybe both students above were being "treated" by this guy because they had problems, and he thought he was helping. Maybe he was!

angelburst29 said:
Freeman died in a 2011 car accident after he hypnotized himself, a technique Kenney had taught him in order to help the quarterback concentrate and not worry about pain during games, according to court documents.

The 16-year-old football player was killed when he veered off a highway as he drove home from a painful dentist visit, the Herald-Tribune wrote. His girlfriend, who was also in the car and survived, said that Freeman got a strange look on his face before he went off the road, the paper reported.

There are several things wrong here. First, who hypnotizes themselves while driving?! Second, dentist visits aren't supposed to be painful. There is a thing called anesthesia. And then, why would anyone in severe pain even think of driving a car? I mean, I would refuse to leave the dentist's office if I was still in pain. And I would certainly consider the fact that I shouldn't be driving immediately after such a visit.

Too many shady details, not enough important details overall, and way too much herding the reader towards a foregone conclusion...

I half expected to read that some people suspect Kenney hypnotized police into letting him go. Fortunately, hypnosis really doesn't work the way it does in Hollywood movies.
One more example of hystericization of society? It is sad that 3 youngsters passed away. It is unfortunate and terrible for the families. But to say that they died because the principal taught them hypnosis and used hypnosis on them some times to increase sports performance? Such techniques are widely used and accessible to the general public. One does not need a medical license to try hypnosis techniques.
obyvatel said:
One more example of hystericization of society? It is sad that 3 youngsters passed away. It is unfortunate and terrible for the families. But to say that they died because the principal taught them hypnosis and used hypnosis on them some times to increase sports performance? Such techniques are widely used and accessible to the general public. One does not need a medical license to try hypnosis techniques.

Exactly. Sounds more like Fundie-fanatics on the loose.
Yeah, when reading the article I kept thinking how on earth was hypnosis for sports performance going to push people to drive recklessly or commit suicide? I'm quite unconvinced that had anything to do with it. Plus, depressed teenagers do commit suicide from time to time, and others have driving accidents. Aaand hypnosis is not some type of super magic. As Mr Scott said:

Too many shady details, not enough important details overall, and way too much herding the reader towards a foregone conclusion...
Laura said:
obyvatel said:
One more example of hystericization of society? It is sad that 3 youngsters passed away. It is unfortunate and terrible for the families. But to say that they died because the principal taught them hypnosis and used hypnosis on them some times to increase sports performance? Such techniques are widely used and accessible to the general public. One does not need a medical license to try hypnosis techniques.

Exactly. Sounds more like Fundie-fanatics on the loose.

Thanks for the reality check. There is enough for us to sort out these days anyway. :rolleyes:

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