Scifi Channel - Alien Seige, anyone else catch it?


The Living Force
Was on last night, i happened across it whilst in the midst of video games and left it on in the background.

Briefly, it had the same plot as V, except the aliens were after a quota of humans to ship back to their homeworld. They needed them to provide the raw materials for a treatment against this disease that was wiping out their population. There's a cover story and the human gov't co-operates, a resistance forms, and fights back when they realize their family members are being taken.

The whole show reaked of current political dogma, there's one point where a young resistance fighter and an older gov't general are talking and the convo gets heated to the point where the general adamantly states, "I just do what my government tells me to do son!" to which the rebel states "I do what my conscious tells me to do, General." There's also alot of "ends justifying the means" and one of the alien leader guys has a crisis of conscious when he realizes that his mission to save his own people requires the death of another group. He also observes unnecessary violence and destruction on behalf of his superiors and finds it questionable.

Ultimately the humans win, kill all the aliens, and everything's fine again. They mentioned ~7 million were killed throughout the movie.

Nothing new, but it's political overtones are reminiscent of the news.
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