Secret Rulers of the world


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
just seen this part, seems very interesting, especially alleged genetic disease that causes clawlike appearance of the little finger ( still have to check if this is true)
ups sorry , I don't' know how this happened
its totally wrong

the title of the film is the title of the thread and you can find multitude of its parts on you tube.
I haven't seen any other parts except for this one, and what caught my fancy was the notion that Vikings have actually sprang from Hebrew VI Kings and then established themselves as aristocracy throughout western world - pretty far fetched but not impossible
especially interesting is the part where it mentions Dupuytren's Contracture Disease which has been know to affect people of Viking origin and according to this film Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan suffered from it.
Is there any was verify this?

In any case here is the link again
I was a bit cautious after seing only one of the parts as there a re enough wacko conspiracy theories movies around, but after seeing few more parts I have concluded this documentary is very good general summary of everything that is wrong with our planet (appart from pretty irritating narrator's voice :) )
Therefore thumbs up

Btw this part deals with TV and I thought it was quite good

who would have thought slave labour in Aushwitz and rigged elections in Florida can be connected :/
for those who want to watch it from the begining here is the link to the first part (every part is aprox 10 mins long)
and then you can find consequtive parts on the side bar


or here
there is collection of all parts

Watching from the beginning, and currently on clip no. 11, i must say this documentary is quite interesting. I'm of a catholic christian background, and I know my parents and others steeped in the church's teachings would not be able to stomach or even acknowledge a quarter of the information in this.
Luckily, I have no sacred cows (none that i have discovered yet though) with regards to religion, especially christianity.

Thanks Deckard!
This is a fascinating video - I started watching and finished it all. Even after all I have read, I was still surprised at many of the things discussed! Fascinating, and definitely vectors for some research to confirm things it says. It touches on things from the Thirteenth Tribe to Psychopathy (but only briefly in the end).

I was personally amazed to find out that, while I knew the Vatican was it's own independent City State, the City of London and Washington D.C. are city states too. Also that the peace symbol was adopted from an ancient pagan symbol for death. Huh!

It is actually titled "Ring Of Power" by "Amenstop Productions" and can be seen on google video here in two parts, part 1 here - - and part two here - - very interesting and highly recommended.
Devar said:
It is actually titled "Ring Of Power" by "Amenstop Productions" and can be seen on google video here in two parts, part 1 here - - and part two here -
why it doesn't load further then 1:31:31, I tried from two different PC and it never loads beyond this point!? Any tips to solve this?
Deckard said:
Devar said:
It is actually titled "Ring Of Power" by "Amenstop Productions" and can be seen on google video here in two parts, part 1 here - - and part two here -
why it doesn't load further then 1:31:31, I tried from two different PC and it never loads beyond this point!? Any tips to solve this?
It's on youtube also: _
well after seeing the most of this 4 h documentary I cannot say everything is OK with it, there are some parts which are quite good like 9/11 part, or credit enslavement part and history of banksters (Rothschilds and others), also a lot of info on various instituions in USA and the world but then there are some theories which (at least to me) sound pretty lame, namely:

- Vikings and subseqently Danes are in fact Israelite tribe of Dan. She says after romans conquered Israel or Canaan- if you prefer
tribe of Dan and 6 kings (VI kings) left the country and pillaged and plundered all over from mediterranean to northern europe and in the end finally settled in danemark

Well I am no history expert but as far as I know there is at least 800 years gap between emergence of Vikings and Romans conquering Israel.
Yes there is a lot of mistery around Vikings origin but this is really streching it.
Maybe someone who has better knowledge on this subject can enlighten us.

In any case I think there is a lot of good info in this film mixed with some nonsense. If I am not mistaken even CS said that all Jesus-Mary Magdalene-Merovingian story is just a red herring

Plus I found this on the net and it just does not sound right:
The Producer is an experienced, award winning documentary filmmaker who, as a child, learned that her father was a member of the secretive cult of Freemasonry. She recalls many arguments between her parents over her father's secret meetings and the exclusion of women from the brotherhood. The Masonic ring that her father wore had been passed down from father to son over the generations. When she asked her father about the meaning of the letter "G" and the compass and square on his ring, she got no response. As an adult, she decided to investigate. That investigation grew into four years of intensive research into the identity and history of the diabolical globalists who she calls the "Ring Of Power". Their goal is one World Empire and one world ruler.
I made the effort to sit through the entire thing to the end. The end is always the important part where it is either all coming together or where it falls all apart.

I am glad I did.

In episode 26 just a few minutes in they sum it up clearly that the 300 families...

".... created through interbreeding conscious-less SOCIOPATHIC families that will stop at nothing to own every ounce of gold, every drop of water and every blade of grass on planet earth".

That sociopathic (=psychopathic) thing nailed it for me and has been my own hypothesis so far. Personally I think that the psychopathic DND has been engineered and seeded in ante diluvian times and that that is why lineages are soooooo important - to keep the Psychopath pure and alive.
They make that very case here in this docu.

After that it gets even more interesting up to the end as they lining up the future with references to "wearing the mask" etc. and giving SOLUTIONS. The solution part is normally always the part where they loose me. Not here.

For once I really liked the presented solutions:

Do your on research. Create your own think-tanks. Spread the word yourself. Cancel all credit cards. Withdraw all your cash, turn it into gold and keep it in your possession or hide it. Don't show up for war. Refuse to fight. Do not vote. (I think that is a real winner! Imagine a voting-turnout this year in the US under 5% or so - it would create an instant world crisis, which is exactly needed). BTW That is where they mention a "corrupt editorial system". Stop identifying with a flag! (Gurdjieff says stop identifying altogether). Reject Propaganda. Overcome Fear.

And the bottom line at the very end:
"If 300 INSANE families can figure out how to steel the world power and wealth and enslave the masses under one world empire then 300 SANE families can figure out how to stop them. (Which describes the group of 200 - OSIT).

Further I think the "lies" slipped in out of a lack of knowledge rather than cointelpro-intent, because overall there is an incredable collection of truth presented that is connecting a lot of dots and to a degree corroborates our own research.

...But maybe I am too gullible...
Did they use the word psychopathic or psychopath? Sociopathic and sociopath are NOT the same thing - there is a very real and very important difference between the two.
Did they use the word psychopathic or psychopath? Sociopathic and sociopath are NOT the same thing - there is a very real and very important difference between the two.

Could someone please tell me what the differences are? I looked in the glossary but only one of the four words is listed

Hi Dingo --

Dingo said:
Did they use the word psychopathic or psychopath? Sociopathic and sociopath are NOT the same thing - there is a very real and very important difference between the two.

Could someone please tell me what the differences are? I looked in the glossary but only one of the four words is listed

Try doing a search using the terms 'psychopath' and 'sociopath', and a number of threads will come up that discuss this. One good one is found here.

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