From what I've learned the good Senator would need to more carefully check his lineage to determine his 'Jewishness' as to be truly Jewish in ethnicity, one's mother must be of that persuasion.
However, let's not forget our old 'pal' Joe Liberman who came soooo close to being the sitting U.S. Vice President has been defeated within his own party for re-election in November. How did THIS man of the people handle stating he will run as an independent !!!
But I digress, and more to the point made, why did Allen AND his audience react so vitriolically??
Indeed, why does EVERYONE gasp when the term ' jewish' is used. Could it be that we have become so indoctrined to fear being labelled 'racist' that to even THINK the term 'jewish' gives us pause and cause for alarm. How does it happen that 5 or 6 million Americans ( the recently reported Jewish US population ) has caused such fear - and revulsion - in that part of the population that takes time to become informed??.
Well, I for one say ' Good on ya' ' Peggy Fox. ( The news Journalist doing the asking ) I don't believe the question is racially based any more than the article's quoted "comment " that stipulates an Irish background.
The Jewish 'Lobby' in the U.S. has all of us on alert. Trouble is, their rhetoric is starting to catch up with them. More and more, citizens are starting to question the undue influence afforded to this 'demographic.' We saw the horrendous response to the two Israeli ( IDF ) soldiers who were CAPTURED behind enemy lines in Lebanon. Our ' live action ' abilities drove home the point that the Israeli government cared little for innocnet lives. Indeed, there has been questions of 'atrocities', war crimes' and 'crimes against humanity' leveled against the Israeli government. By such sacrosanct bodies as the UN and Amensty International. No wonder we're fed up!!
There are times when it is good to be proud of one's race. Apparently, that time is not at hand for the Jewish candidates seeking (re) election come November. Some would say.....not soon enough!!
However, let's not forget our old 'pal' Joe Liberman who came soooo close to being the sitting U.S. Vice President has been defeated within his own party for re-election in November. How did THIS man of the people handle stating he will run as an independent !!!
But I digress, and more to the point made, why did Allen AND his audience react so vitriolically??
Indeed, why does EVERYONE gasp when the term ' jewish' is used. Could it be that we have become so indoctrined to fear being labelled 'racist' that to even THINK the term 'jewish' gives us pause and cause for alarm. How does it happen that 5 or 6 million Americans ( the recently reported Jewish US population ) has caused such fear - and revulsion - in that part of the population that takes time to become informed??.
Well, I for one say ' Good on ya' ' Peggy Fox. ( The news Journalist doing the asking ) I don't believe the question is racially based any more than the article's quoted "comment " that stipulates an Irish background.
The Jewish 'Lobby' in the U.S. has all of us on alert. Trouble is, their rhetoric is starting to catch up with them. More and more, citizens are starting to question the undue influence afforded to this 'demographic.' We saw the horrendous response to the two Israeli ( IDF ) soldiers who were CAPTURED behind enemy lines in Lebanon. Our ' live action ' abilities drove home the point that the Israeli government cared little for innocnet lives. Indeed, there has been questions of 'atrocities', war crimes' and 'crimes against humanity' leveled against the Israeli government. By such sacrosanct bodies as the UN and Amensty International. No wonder we're fed up!!
There are times when it is good to be proud of one's race. Apparently, that time is not at hand for the Jewish candidates seeking (re) election come November. Some would say.....not soon enough!!