But what else did he say in that speech?
- confirms the ´successful hunt to bring OBL to justice´ (that OBL was killed goes without questions and that murder without trial is justice neither)
- congratulates the armed forces and intelligence for this success.
- ´I believe that SOME of these practices, especially waterboarding. (not ALL of these special interrogation techniques)
- Against the moral and ideas of ´a nation known for his defenses of human rights´: this makes a mockery of human rights. Is except waterboarding and some other practices all else what the US does for Mc Cain OK and justified to defend human rights?
- He quotes acts and Geneva conventions that prohibit the cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment of captured combatants whether there are in uniform or not. So what does that makes of the killing of OBL, unarmed (captured?) and not in uniform? Killing is ok but waterboarding is not?
- OBL was brought to justice´
- He especially worried that torture of others will make it more possible that Americans will be tortured by others. No so much torture is the issue, but torture of Americans (as he supposed has been tortured during the Vietnam war).
- Al Qaida tortures American soldiers in the most imaginable way. I have not seen prove of the fact that Al Qaida is torturing American Soldiers. This last statement seems to contradict what he says previously: American soldiers might be tortured one day. Are they now or are they not?
- ´One day we might be at war with another state which treats US soldiers with the standard we have set.´
- ´Torture does damage to the national and historical reputation of the US.´ Right, what reputation is he talking about?
- ´´To inspire other nations to embrace American Values´.
- ´This is NOT about the terrorists, it is about us.´ McCain does not care about the torture of terrorists, about the pain and agony . For him you can bring them to justice like OBL has been brought for justice (kill and dump him) It is about the IMAGE. (the Mask of Sanity)
- ´He ´understands´ why the measures where approved and does not condemn, but ´admires the dedication of those who tortured in their zeal to protect their country, be with the victims of terrorism and show the determination of the US to pursue justice tiredlessly´
- ´Nobody should be prosecuted for using these techniques (torture) in the past.´
- There should be no revisiting of the policy of not prosecuting acts (torture).of the past
- When he claims that the info that lead to OBL was gained by waterboarding is false, he makes a revealing hiccup ´There is so much disinfo- misinformation being fed in such an essential and central debate.´ (does not finish this sentence)
- The lead came from another detainee in another country (he does not say when (earlier then August?) or which country. (Does he implies torture should be done in other countries then the US, where the good image of the US cannot be tarnished?)
- We did not get the info from a detainee in US custody. We got it from a detainee in custody in another country (in other words: let somebody else do the dirty work?)
- The US got false info from waterboarding (maybe the technique is not the right one? Maybe that is what he really want to say) (in the beginning of the speech he makes clear that is not against ALL enhanced techniques).
- ´All we got through waterboarding was a confirmation of information that was already given to us´. (So before August. Was August the confirmation of something that was already known?)
- The best information (third source) came from a CIA detainee (in the US or not the US is not said) obtained by standard interrogation (not coercive)
- Another revealing hick up ´It was not enhanced techniques that got us the maji – major leads´ (does this mean magic – or majestic)
- Will oppose any attempt to legalize a return to waterboarding or other methods of interrogation.. this because ´It hurts our country´(not the people subjected to the torture)
- Returns to the Iraq war where information gathered after torture of a person in Egypt lead to the false info on the WMD of Saddam Hussein, which led to the invasion of Iraq. (it was not the US who gathered the false info, but those torturing Egyptians and the US believed it – nice try Mc Cain)
- Halfway his speech he starts repeating the same speech (in a slight different wording) added with further examples and explanations.
- It was ok to kill OBL as he was a mass murdered. Anyway, he comes a third meaningful slip ´If had been captured we would eventually have received – he would have eventually received the ultimate sanctions for his terrible crime. (What doe this hick up means:: if he had been captured we would have received the ultimate sanctions for this terrible crime (of capturing not killing him)? Or does he wanted to say: we would have received order to kill him? Orders from who?) In the same sentence MC Cain says that justice is anyway a done deal: why go though a process, OBL was gonna be dead anyway.)
- Further repetition. Then comes the moral of the speech: IT IS ABOUT THE VERY IDEA OF AMERICA. (I was hopeful it would be about the suffering and the pain of the human being being tortured, but no: it is about an IDEA (not a feeling).
- ´I am convinced that Islamic terrorist would destroy us if they can obtain the weapons to do so.´ (as the US does – unfortunately the US has the weapons to do so).
- ´OBL lived long enough to see the Arab spring´ (how his fellow (US supported) criminals got ousted?) (Mc Cain mentions Tunisia, Egypt and Syria, not Lybia, Bahrain and Yemen)
- America should be example of justice under the law equal for all. Each individual should receive respect for their basic human dignity.
- And then in the next phrase: ´I don't care about the lives of terrorists. They earned their terrible punishment in this live and the next (in hell?)
- ´We fight not for a tribe, not for a land, not for a king, or for a twisted interpretation of an ancient religion. We fight for an idea.´ (this is pure Zionism: destruction of nations, of the leaders of those nations, and its religions (Christianity and others). The fight is for Zionism (the psychopaths agenda).
- ´American are different, stronger and better.´
So basically not one word was said about the victims of torture. Terrorist are no individuals and can be killed. It is all about warning that this kind of torture should not be done by Americans (but maybe by others) as it brings dangers that one day people might see the MASK of SANITY on the true face of the psychopathic nature of the American leaders of today. After this kind of sickening speech MC CAIn surely qualifies as one of them.
A few additional aspects seem to point in the psychopathic nature of Mc Cain
- hick ups in his speech in the most telling and revealing moments
- repetition of ideas over and over again. It took him more then 20 minutes to say something that can be said much better and much More to the point in 5.