Session 12 September 1998

Jupiter is about 44,423 miles to its center.

Saturn is about 37,449 miles to its center.

C's said that at Earth's center is a crystalline ammonia core. We can hold that as a hypothesis. Nothing in our science mentions a crystalline ammonia core for earth.

Jupiter according to our science is about 86% hydrogen, 13.6% helium, the rest: ammonia, water, methane, sulfides, other gases. But that is all based on the level of our science. Our science only speculates about Jupiter's core and much of the inner layers. I can bet that our science has a lot wrong about what is inside that 45,000 miles of Jupiter's atmosphere.


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How do you know that google and what you looked at is correct?

Sure I don’t know.

I tried to look for alternatives source but it seems only NASA explored Jupiter.

According to wiki
The composition of Jupiter's atmosphere is similar to that of the planet as a whole.[2]Jupiter's atmosphere is the most comprehensively understood of those of all the gas giants because it was observed directly by the Galileo atmospheric probe when it entered the Jovian atmosphere on December 7, 1995.[29] Other sources of information about Jupiter's atmospheric composition include the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO),[30] the Galileo and Cassini orbiters,[31] and Earth-based observations.[2]

NASA sent a prob in 1995 to collect data. I find this intriguing from wiki about the Galileo project
It was already well known that the atmosphere of Jupiter was mainly composed of hydrogen, but the clouds of ammonia and ammonium sulfide were much thinner than expected

it seems to me that scientists already know the composition before they launched the exploration. But it does not tell how they can know in advance.

I am not sure what does C mean by “dominant gas” but wiki does tell ammonia plays a key role for the color difference of the Jupiter atmosphere.
Maybe this helps to answer your question. The C´s on where our consciousness goes, when we dream:
Hi Breo, Thanks for commenting, sorry lately I do not have much notion of time, at the moment I am in a very intense period emotionally of family and personal nature, related to the dream at first I had a strong feeling of thinking about physical death, it is strong, I think maybe there is a natural rejection to think about it, on the other hand is strange this immaterial side, of dreams or thoughts, years before my father's death, I had another peculiar dream, I was not at my parents' house where I used to live, I was traveling and my father was sick in bed, then my father and I connected through a dream in the same day, I dreamt that he was going to pick me up at the airport, he and I met at the airport, that is, we both saw each other in this place and the next day I talked to my parents' house and my mother told me that my father also had a dream where he saw me at the airport.

I found this part very interesting, thank you Laura, C's and all the people involved in sharing this work, I've taken a quick look and I can't find a more neutral definition of "hyperkinetic" online beyond being a cognitive problem, I wonder if it is deliberate to present this concept information in this way, because obviously the pharmaceutical industry benefits from selling drugs for children.
Well, beyond that, lately I have felt that existence in this 3D is quite complex, personally I feel that having the experience of pain makes have rejection, although pain, physical or emotional, is something very strong that perhaps could create a refusal to learn the lessons we have to go through, perhaps it also offers opportunities to see into the depths of our interior for universal truths.
I wonder if you can really have a broad enough human perspective without dying, to expand your being to a cosmic level, or maybe this is part of shifting from 3D to 4D. I don't know if the previous thought is well articulated, it's just that for the moment I have felt that the experience of "feeling" can be very intense, and it has brought me the sensation of "pain", but it has also made me think a lot at the same time how sometimes we ourselves can refuse to "feel", even without realizing it, like an automatic response.
A: We are timeless, so therefore, timely as well!! Gravity is the foundation of all material existence. Therefore, gravity waves are of instantaneous imprint, as they rule all time in extant by nature.

Q: (A) But I am confused because if gravity waves are instantaneous, then how come we are waiting for a gravity wave that is coming...

A: The instantaneous nature of it is that which is perceived if one has the necessary equipment. After all, you know by now that gravity has the feature of "bending" time, space, light, etc.

Q: (A) So the wave that is supposed to come is NOT instantaneous. (L) Are you talking about The Wave? (A) The Wave. (L) I don't think they ever said it was a gravity wave.

A: Correct Laura.

Q: (L) If I remember correctly, they said it was a wave of 'hyperkinetic sensate.'

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What does hyperkinetic sensate mean?

A: Your being merging with hyperspatial energy.

Q: (L) Cool!

A: Matter/antimatter. One features atomic particle based matter, the other features pure energy in conscious form. Gravity is the balancing binder of it all.
Thanks for posting this session - it was … dense!

As to the methane/ ammonia core: I’,m reading a book by Thomas Gold The Deep Hot Biosphere - The Myth of Fossil Fuels.

The author makes a good point that hydrocarbons (oil and gas) are not of fossil origin (organic matter deposited and ‘fossilized’ in the sedimentary strata), but mostly methane from deep underground that seeps upwards through igenous rock fissures and is condensed and chemically altered to all the other hydrocarbons we use in daily life. That is also one of the reasons for the pheomenon of ‘replenishing’ oil wells. Some Russian scientist independently proposed the same theory at about the same time, but unbeknownst to him (as at the time it was hard to access scientific material from the Soviet Union).

So the fact that the core of our planet is mostly methane and ammonia ties nicely into this theory - we are literally sitting on an ocean of oil (Gold proposes that our oil reserves, if we only drilled igneous rock at sufficient depth would last for another 500’000 years even if consumption increases as it has in the past). But because geologists don’t subscribe to this theory, nobody drills into igneous rock, but Gold did in Sweden - he found oil at a depth of around 7km, but not in commercial quantities. But it proved his theory, because according to common wisdom he found oil where no oil should have been found.

Finally the experiment had to be abandoned, because the drills using water as drilling fluid (to not contaminate the drill hole with oil which is normally used) clogged up with a dense paste they identified as a derivative of graphene.

I guess this is another example of scientific dogma - but I wonder if the Russians have taken this theory on board at least partially, and if this is the reason they found so many oil fields in the Arctic.
Thanks for posting this session - it was … dense!

As to the methane/ ammonia core: I’,m reading a book by Thomas Gold The Deep Hot Biosphere - The Myth of Fossil Fuels.

The author makes a good point that hydrocarbons (oil and gas) are not of fossil origin (organic matter deposited and ‘fossilized’ in the sedimentary strata), but mostly methane from deep underground that seeps upwards through igenous rock fissures and is condensed and chemically altered to all the other hydrocarbons we use in daily life. That is also one of the reasons for the pheomenon of ‘replenishing’ oil wells. Some Russian scientist independently proposed the same theory at about the same time, but unbeknownst to him (as at the time it was hard to access scientific material from the Soviet Union).

So the fact that the core of our planet is mostly methane and ammonia ties nicely into this theory - we are literally sitting on an ocean of oil (Gold proposes that our oil reserves, if we only drilled igneous rock at sufficient depth would last for another 500’000 years even if consumption increases as it has in the past). But because geologists don’t subscribe to this theory, nobody drills into igneous rock, but Gold did in Sweden - he found oil at a depth of around 7km, but not in commercial quantities. But it proved his theory, because according to common wisdom he found oil where no oil should have been found.

Finally the experiment had to be abandoned, because the drills using water as drilling fluid (to not contaminate the drill hole with oil which is normally used) clogged up with a dense paste they identified as a derivative of graphene.

I guess this is another example of scientific dogma - but I wonder if the Russians have taken this theory on board at least partially, and if this is the reason they found so many oil fields in the Arctic.

i have read this before and i note this so i can find it again. or is there a better trick??
How do you know that google and what you looked at is correct?
I found another occasion (session 2001 oct 31st ) where C mentions planet core is made of ammonia crystalline.

Q: (A) What is the main thing that is important, and that is lacking from this model?
A: Crystalline ammonia core.
Q: (A) Everybody thinks that the core is a crystal iron; that's the present thinking. Say it's an ammonia core: is an ammonia core in all planets with magnetic fields? Is this so?
A: From this perspective, no but from the perspective of organic life, yes.
Q: (A) When we speak about crystalline ammonia, do you mean a new kind of crystalline ammonia that is not yet known on Earth to our scientists?
A: More or less.
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