Session 13 October 2001


FOTCM Member
October 13, 2001
Ark and Laura, Barry T.

Q: Hello.
A: Hello.
Q: And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Loriea.
Q: And where do you transmit through?
A: Cassiopaea.
Q: My first question: People are talking about, and are concerned about, what is to be the proper attitude, or the proper action - if any - or behavior, or response to the current situation in the world: terrorist activity, the increasing controls of the government, that sort of thing. In other words, they are wanting to know if they should take action, or if they should just observe. Or, should they be guided by their individual situations. People are concerned. Can you respond to these concerns?
A: Most people will not be harmed in direct ways.
Q: If most people will not be harmed in direct ways, does this mean that the idea that the United States may become the target for an all out... (A) Before you ask, "most people" is an imprecise term. "Most people" could be just over half. That leaves a lot of room for "people" being harmed. (L) Can you be more precise?
A: Force will not get out of hand yet.
Q: (A) Which I read as a "negligible number of people will be harmed" in global terms. (L) Is it true that only a negligible number of people will be harmed in the upcoming period?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) But, of course, if one is among that "negligible number," it can be up-close and personal. Can you give us - do we dare ask for a number? (A) No, because then we would have to specify the country and work our way through all the details. You see, four thousand is still negligible in global terms. (B) Will the primary harm to people be psychological?
A: Partly but also real strictures.
Q: (L) Do you mean greater control and loss of freedoms? Is this stricture going to be physical, or a stricture on our freedoms, or a combination of both?
A: Both.
Q: (L) Is there going to be a witch hunt in this country for people who the government wishes to identify as being potential terrorists, or anti-American, like the McCarthy era?
A: First there will be controls by laws. Then more force.
Q: (L) Is all of this going to culminate in some plan that is being activated at the present time? Is this all directed to a specific outcome by the powers that be, so to speak?
A: Mostly; but unexpected twists and turns from opposing forces.
Q: (L) And who are these opposing forces? Are there good guys, or is it just like another "gang," as in global gang wars? Using "gangs" metaphorically here.
A: 4th density STO will manifest help for some 3rd Density groups.
Q: (L) Do any of those 3rd density groups that are going to be helped include us? {Laughter.}
A: Close.
Q: (L) BT wants to subtract himself from the question to see if that narrows it down? In other words, do you mean that help will come to Ark and me in particular, excluding others?
A: Same as a group.
Q: (L) {Raspberry at BT!} See, same thing! Okay, so there are going to be twists and turns. Can we know any of the highlights of these twists and turns in our global or national situation? It sounds like an interesting show? Is it better that we don't know? If the STO forces are planning something, maybe it's better that we don't know so that it remains a surprise. Is that true?
A: Close. Just know that help is near.
Q: (L) I think that BT and I have a question that we discussed earlier. We want to know if Terri Burns and Vincent Bridges have been in cahoots since as early as September 9th and 10th?
A: He was planning. She fell into plans later.
Q: (L) Were they in communication with each other throughout this past month?
A: Yes.
Q: Were they in communication with each other before TB came here to visit?
A: Yes.
Q: Did TB come here with the intent of acting on VB's behalf?
A: Yes.
Q: (B) Was she doing it consciously?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Well, that's not nice. (A) Well, remember, doing something consciously only means part of the consciousness. Another part was playing games. One part of the consciousness can set a goal, and then turn off. (L) Is TB one of Andrija Puharich's "whiz kids" who were programmed as "agents" many years ago?
A: A different branch.
Q: (L) What is our best response? What response from us will produce the best STO result in the end?
A: Ignore them.
Q: (L) Well, that is what we thought up to the present. Next question: Is the anthrax that has been contracted by several people around our country a terrorist act against our country by foreign terrorists?
A: No.
Q: Where did the Anthrax come from?
A: U.S. government.
{This proved to be correct. The anthrax strain was produced in U.S. gov laboratory.}
Q: (L) That's not very nice. (A) Well, the "U.S. Government" can mean any of many parts that all fight with each other. (L) Okay, when you say "U.S. Government," is that the government that we consider to be our government, or is that the secret government - some maverick branch that is operating without the approval of our elected officials?
A: Latter.
Q: (A) Well, that's imprecise. I am sure that at least one elected official is in on it. Certain questions have more or less known answers. What we know is that it comes from some part of the U.S. government. A maverick part. We don't know, and I don't know if we want to know from which part. (L) Probably not. (A) So, probably when they start to look for tracks of the Anthrax, it will certainly point somewhere abroad - to Afghanistan or somewhere else. (L) Right. That will give the government a reason to go and bomb somebody else. (A) So, is this reasoning correct? (L) Are they going to try to blame it on some foreign element?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, if they are going to try to blame it on some foreign group, can we have any idea of which group?
A: Iraq.
Q: (L) Are we ultimately headed toward bombing Iraq?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Notice however, one complication: groups all over the world, as we are now noticing, have started protests against America. People are going to the streets in Europe to protest. So, in order to avoid this protest, probably America will have to produce some new evidence. Maybe an explosion of anthrax - maybe something completely new. (L) Is that something that is going to happen?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And what might be the next major act of terrorism be that will... (A) It may be somewhere in Europe to convince the European countries. (L) So, whoever is protesting the most is the one that is likely to get hit in some way. (A) But, on the other hand, it may not be easy for America to produce something there, since it is much easier to produce "terrorist" events in America where they have complete control of everything. (L) If they try to do it elsewhere, they are liable to get caught.
A: France may be hit next with nuke.
Q: (L) Well, that's not friendly! (A) Well, that may make sense. There is this connection between the Afghans and Algerians and France. Algeria has already terrorized France in the past, so that may be the set-up. (L) That would certainly get their attention. Is there going to be an outbreak of terrorism on the 31st of this month as has been circulating on the internet grapevine?
A: Not likely.
Q: This Sollog guy made predictions about a certain series of events a few years ago. He claims that he predicted the plane hitting a big building, followed by the death of the Pope, followed by the death of a sitting American president. If this is true, he did make a "hit" on the "big building," and we certainly have a very aged Pope who is likely to go at any time now. That leaves the question of an American President dying in office. Is there any likelihood of that happening in the next year or two?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Likelihood can be 1%. (L) Okay, is there a high probability of that?
A: No.
Q: (BT) Well, the thought that went through my mind, in such a scenario, is related to Cheney. Could he be part of the maverick group pulling the strings?
A: Close.
Q: (L) He may not even be conscious of it. I have the idea that most of them aren't. They are just like everyone else: manipulated puppets. (BT) Well, somebody has to be conscious of it, for this faction to be involved. When you were asking the question about Bush, the thought about Cheney just jumped to the fore. (L) Are any of these people in the government, those in the public eye, the decisions makers; are any of them consciously aware that they are furthering the agenda for the STS takeover of the planet? The main players.
A: No.
Q: (L) Bush is just a puppet. He's like Pinnochio. Every time he opens his mouth his nose just gets longer and longer. Pretty soon his nose will be so long he won't be able to walk across the room. (A) In Poland, we had this guy Jaruzelski, who introduced Martial Law. He was a general. Well, my mother was in favor of him. Because he was military. But I could see through him. (L) Well, it is easy to get upset with Bush until you realize that he is as much a dupe as anyone else. He seems to be going around in a fog. All the jokes that are made about him being so dull are true! How can you get mad at a complete puppet? I've never heard the guy say an intelligent thing that wasn't written down for him, and even then he sometimes manages to screw it up. (A) Yes, it seems so. Because those leaders who have proven NOT to be stupid in the past, have proved to be... (L) ...dead. (A) Or, they proved to be able to kill millions to stay alive. (L) Yup, seems to be so. (A) Yes, they can be stupid in a very intelligent way. (L) Are all of these people going to be exposed, caught, shown for what they are?
A: Ultimately.
Q: (BT) Yeah, and that can be part of the STS program anyway. Expose 'em and replace 'em with something worse. If everybody relies on the government to save us, and then find out that the government is not only not going to save us, but that they are guilty of harming us for manipulation, that is a manipulation of a higher order. (L) Yeah! And then who will the people cry for to be in charge? Aliens? (A) It's a "free" choice. {Laughter.} (L) Well, it's a terrible thing to feel that way about your president who is supposed to be the representative of your country. (A) I'm surprised that some Americans... (L) ...actually believe that he's doing a good job and telling the truth. (A) Yes. (L) I would like to know what is the REAL percentage of Americans who think that Bush is doing a good job. I know they put up the results of polls, but I have observed that polls are often published to sway public opinion, and are not an accurate representation of it. What is the real percentage?
A: 53 %.
Q: (L) Just a little over half. Well, even that figure is depressing. Are we in danger of Anthrax?
A: Most likely not or anything else.
Q: (L) Well, we ordered a micron filter for the air unit just in case! (A) I would like to ask about how this building collapsed and why. There is more and more discussion about it, and theories are flying. (L) Well, let's ask again just to be clear. Were the WTC buildings collapsed by internal sabotage, or simply as a result of being hit by jets?
A: Airplanes.
Q: (L) There was no internal sabotage?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What caused the buildings to collapse?
A: Structural weaknesses.
Q: (L) We watched one film that showed a strange, dark object, shooting down towards the ground. What was that?
A: 4th Density energy surge.
Q: (L) Where was it surging from and to?
A: Dome of destruction energy time lock to ground.
Q: (L) Are you saying that there was a dome of a time lock over this area? Do you mean that they put a "time lock" over this area so that they could "harvest" bodies or energy?
A: Close.
Q: (BT) Was there any other purpose besides harvest?
A: Gathering records, gold, soul extraction, he said.
Q: (L) What does "he said" mean?
A: Journeyman.
Q: (L) Who or what is a "journeyman?"
A: Informant.
Q: (L) So there is a "journeyman" who is the informant from whom you obtained the information regarding the question?
A: 4th Density STO observer.
Q: (L) What did they want the gold for?
A: 4th density uses gold for technology.
Q: (BT) Well, that is in many myths about the "gods" mining gold in antiquity. (L) Were they gathering records in the sense of material objects?
A: Partly.
Q: (L) Might these records also have been an extraction of "records" from people as they were dying?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) For what purpose did they intend to use the souls that were extracted?
A: Remolecularization.
Q: What will they used these remolecularized beings for?
A: Insert them back into building to escape and be rescued.
Q: (L) Are you saying that this was an opportunity used as a very traumatic screen event of a mass abduction, so to say?!
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What was done to these people who were abducted? Was there a specific reason for a mass abduction?
A: Turn on the programs.
Q: (TB) So, those who "escaped" are very likely programmed individuals turned loose in our society. People with programs set to make them run amok at some point?
A: Close.
Q: (A) Well, we still we have one problem: the problem involvement of Israel. We were worrying about what is going to happen in Israel. At present, all the anger is directed at the United States.
A: America may shift blame.
Q: (A) Well, there was a Russian journalist - a woman - whose husband was known to be Mossad, and they were known to be in Afghanistan and doing something there. Little things are emerging. (L) Okay, I wanted to ask a few things about the egroup. My idea has been that one of the main things that the group ought to be dealing with is how to learn to read when programs are activated around them. There are plenty of groups that can discuss politics and conspiracies and so on, but the real work on the self is quite a bit more difficult. I have been thinking that the most important thing we need to do is learn how to free our energy and increase our frequency thereby. Can you give any guidance about how to best go about this other than what we have already learned or what we are already doing? Any further guidance?
A: Help others to read programs in themselves.
Q: (L) Well, we just had one guy, J**, who had a definite program running. It was pointed out to him numerous times that he was manipulating and running some kind of energy sucking game in the group, and he accused Ark of running a "power program." My thought was that this guy was just simply not there to learn anything. Is that assessment correct?
A: Yes.
Q: Why did he join the group?
A: To subvert and confuse.
Q: (A) That suggests that he joined with a certain mission. The question is, who was pulling his strings?
A: 4th density STS.
Q: (A) Is there, at present, any person in the group who is dangerous for the mission of the group and who should be identified and removed?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Can you help us with suggestions as to what to look for to identify such persons and what kind of action to take? Our idea was to look at responses to our call for help and keep only those who responded... (L) Can we tell by those who responded as to whether or not they are in a true "network mode?"
A: Close. Help is STO.
Q: (L) And STO gives all to those who ask. (A) Well, that means that only about 20 people would be left. (L) Well, there are many who aren't there yet... but have potential. Of course, there were many who didn't respond at all. (A) It seems that those who don't respond must not have enough motivation to participate in the process. They have other cares that take precedence. (L) Okay, well, anything we should have asked that we didn't ask, consider it asked.
A: 762 no go.
Q: (L) What? (A) What is 762? 76 to no go? Is that about the group?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) 76 members to stay. (A) We only got about 30 responses. That means about 176 are not even reading. Anything else we need to know?
A: Patience.
Q: Goodnight.
A: Good night.

End of Session
thanks for the transcripts laura.

i wonder what the background was on certain members responding and some not? Was this a call for help which only few responded to...
Laura said:
Q: (BT) Was there any other purpose besides harvest?
A: Gathering records, gold, soul extraction, he said.


Q: (L) What did they want the gold for?
A: 4th density uses gold for technology.
Q: (BT) Well, that is in many myths about the "gods" mining gold in antiquity. (L) Were they gathering records in the sense of material objects?
A: Partly.
Q: (L) Might these records also have been an extraction of "records" from people as they were dying?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) For what purpose did they intend to use the souls that were extracted?
A: Remolecularization.
Q: What will they used these remolecularized beings for?
A: Insert them back into building to escape and be rescued.

After reading these sections, I was immediately reminded of all the "surprise mineral discoveries" recently in Afghanistan. Perhaps there is a connection?

U.S. Identifies Vast Riches of Minerals in Afghanistan
Washington "Discovers" $1 Trillion Afghanistan Mineral Wealth
and also
$260 Billion Gold Mines Going for a Song, Behind Closed Doors
Q: (L) And who are these opposing forces? Are there good guys, or is it just like another "gang," as in global gang wars? Using "gangs" metaphorically here.
A: 4th density STO will manifest help for some 3rd Density groups.
Q: (L) Do any of those 3rd density groups that are going to be helped include us? {Laughter.}
A: Close.

Does this include all of the "forum" members, or just "the group", as in all who are in France?
moksha said:
thanks for the transcripts Laura.

i wonder what the background was on certain members responding and some not? Was this a call for help which only few responded to...

I think is about the commitment they made with the group and how they worked as a team, lets remember this session was in 2001, when the work was done in a different fashion that now.
Thank you Laura for the transcripts :)
davey72 said:
Q: (L) And who are these opposing forces? Are there good guys, or is it just like another "gang," as in global gang wars? Using "gangs" metaphorically here.
A: 4th density STO will manifest help for some 3rd Density groups.
Q: (L) Do any of those 3rd density groups that are going to be helped include us? {Laughter.}
A: Close.

Does this include all of the "forum" members, or just "the group", as in all who are in France?

If you sincerely know what you are worth, do not fear and stay on course. :flowers:
Q: [..] (B) Will the primary harm to people be psychological?
A: Partly but also real strictures.
Q: (L) Do you mean greater control and loss of freedoms? Is this stricture going to be physical, or a stricture on our freedoms, or a combination of both?
A: Both.
Q: (L) Is there going to be a witch hunt in this country for people who the government wishes to identify as being potential terrorists, or anti-American, like the McCarthy era?
A: First there will be controls by laws. Then more force.
Q: (L) Is all of this going to culminate in some plan that is being activated at the present time? Is this all directed to a specific outcome by the powers that be, so to speak?
A: Mostly; but unexpected twists and turns from opposing forces.
Q: (L) And who are these opposing forces? Are there good guys, or is it just like another "gang," as in global gang wars? Using "gangs" metaphorically here.
A: 4th density STO will manifest help for some 3rd Density groups.
Interesting to re-read this based after the events of the last 18 months regarding the coronavirus. I wonder if perhaps one of the "unexpected twists and turns" was Trump being elected in 2016? If so, interesting to consider that he may have had 4D STO help in some way.
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