Session 14 January 2023

Thanks for sharing this interesting session that reveals very much how it is going to go down in general when it comes to alien question in more details, but it seemed obvious from prior sessions and discussions and some tv series gave good idea how it is going to go down with aliens as saviours and New Age as New religion, some warning beaming going on obviously. Never thought I will live to see it, that talk was going for decades but it seemed it will never come, but it is totaly different reality from everyday life and when those two merge many possibilities and realities open for the whole world I think because some blocages are moved at least for some open minded souls. I wonder how those atheist and far left crowd will accept New reality but when it comes to those type of creatures they will probably accept New religion of alien creators and technological marvels very easily. Hopefully I live to see it even if every day makes me less inclined to live here, disappointed with most people, even close ones having no basic morals, loyalty, integrity and any basic backbone anymore.
Super surprised to hear about the additive-free vape being better than organic tobacco. Any good suppliers of additive-free vape? Always been against vape till now.

Depends though, on how we interpret 'better'. The question wasn't phrased in terms of which is better, and what better means, but which one is less toxic and carcinogenic, and the C's said that vaping was slightly less. Slightly less could be interpreted as better, surely. But there are other benefits to tobacco other than a nicotine delivery system.
Working my way through the thread but wanted to stop and give you all my thanks and love for a very cool "let's see where this goes" session. I have to admit, I get caught up in this world at times and forget to just sit back, chill, and find humor in all that is unfolding. It is truly a good reminder to find this humor in the events happening. All work, no play, for I am guilty for and thank you all, as well as the C's for the reminder. As always, much love.
A: You are all doing well. We know it is difficult, but a bit more humor might help. Also do have some fun together! Goodbye.

(Pierre) We work too much.

(L) How are we supposed to have fun when we're all so DEPRESSED?! Aaaaaah! [laughter]
Don't fight depression, embrace it. Become one with depression. Let every inch in your body become depression. Be so depressed that when depression sees you she too gets depression. Let depression be your mother, your sister, your child, your lover (eww no i made a mistake please no stop i retract no stop please).
Only through depression you can reach the higher levels of understanding. The negative shall become positive. If you fold into -1 you can merge right into 4th density. Unlimited possibilities lie in depression. If you get depression you will give a good impression.
Depression is love. Depression is live. Depression is happiness. All there is, is depression, and nothing else.

Gallows humor is best humor. HANG IN THERE.
Laura and crew - Thank you for this session - so closely after the last, too. It's always fascinating to get the C's insight into our world and consider the answers they give. I read and re-read them.

Q: (Ryan) Are the majority of US Christians sympathetic to Russia?

A: Not majority, no. Many are as brainwashed as the "woke" people and the Neodarwinists.

I had been thinking about this lately - How many people here in the US have a grasp on what's happening in Russia - I figured it was a pretty small percent, maybe 10-20% max. Been feeling very alone both physically (permanent work from home) and mentally (My understand of reality is just so much different than people I know and meet). Funny that the forum member's name here is Ryan... because that is also my name!
Was thinking about how to resolve this and one possible way would be for there to be an announcement of some kind of 'remote contact' with an "extra-terrestrial intelligent source" via SETI or similar. That, if presented as legit by govts. etc., would allow for the generalized awareness of the existence of "aliens" without any *actual* aliens. After that, I suppose more 'contact' could be established and govts. or WEF type people might get some really great ideas from this "contact" to solve lots of problems. Still sounds loopy, but hey! things are already pretty loopy!
Interesting idea! I'd kinda forgotten about SETI. I think there have been several "astronomers find weird signal from space" type news stories lately. Although, the C's mention of possible dramatic displays of power via UFOs sounds a lot more immediate and "in your face" than just a remote contact.

Thinking about how They might reveal/present themselves... It seems fiddly.. Like is there a one-size-fits-all thing, that would work globally? I mean, a religion flavoured appearance of angels or something might work in some places (think of Fatima) but what about different countries with different religions, or large populations of non-religious people.. If They came down looking like all the religious figures of the world, saying "we are all one", it might be conflicting to people. Or if they came down like a galactic federation startrek type deal, and said, "It was us all along! All your gods were actually us." I don't think people would like that. So a more hands-off, strictly sciency approach does seem more likely to me yeah. The SETI type idea makes sense. Especially if the progression of the "contact" is over a large-ish timespan, like, years..

But since the C's talked about the in-person meetings of the elite with aliens (in 10th of December session) I figure if there will be some *actual* apparent aliens, they'd use the same method. Pretty, Nordic human lookin' ambassadors.. They're here to help.. ;)
What do we think people with this kind of psychological substratum will think of a revelation about the existence of "aliens". Btw, the Cs have often used quotes around that word: "aliens". I think we all need to start thinking of "aliens" as other people, because I'd say its highly likely that is the way they will appear to us, even if they really are "aliens", although as time progresses, I'm less and less inclined to think of them as such, at least not in the Hollywood stereotype way. Hollywood has a lot to answer for in terms of programming the human population, everything from "aliens" to "disasters" etc. etc.

When I see this type of behavior I think of the parable of the prodigal son. I think it’s clear that we live in a virtual pig sty and those with eyes to see must be contemplating returning home.

I replied after reading this and if someone has already said this I apologize as I haven’t caught up yet.
You can probably see that I was trying to get the 'real deal' in these questions, but, as usual, "no dice". BUT, that doesn't mean we can't speculate. So, how to reconcile these apparently opposing ideas of NO overt "alien invasion", but instead "via proxies", BUT there still being a generalized awareness of aliens (i.e. not proxies alone) AND "dramatic displays of power and control"?

So, what might it look like, taking into consideration that it appears it would be relatively "seemless", to us, like a "natural evolution" from one thing to the next until it's all out there and everyone takes it as relatively normal?

One idea: A small group of beings, human enough not to frighten us, bearing “tidings of joy” amid difficult/ catastrophic conditions (who may themselves be proxies, tho not human); who possess great power to solve problems, to better lives, to reassure; who are welcomed by governments, if govts retain any credibility; who are angelic, as I believe Chu suggested, and generally here to help as Laura said.

As a thought experiment, what might be the general reception to a scenario of mass recognition of aliens as described? My second speculation: as with the vax (or other “narrative” operations) some will smell the rat and see right through it while others will worship at the feet of our “saviours”.

But will enough people be on to the game by then to SEE? I cant help thinking that here is the critical importance of current events to awaken people in greater numbers. Or maybe it’s too late, I dont know. I do have hope. Some.

Thanks to all for the session. Joe, this is more than you asked for…
Hi Seek10, am I correct in my understanding that your question above about a move from cow eating to cow worship (and no cow eating) by the Brahmans, was designed as a push back against Buddhists who, I presume, supported cow eating,
Buddhists have no preference in eating or not eating meat. Their policy is no unnecessary violence towards animals or humans. Brahmins are heavy supporters of animal sacrifices for appeasing gods before the switch. Here are some quotes The Untouchables Who were they.

The killing of cow for the guest had grown to such an extent that the guest came to be called ‘Go-ghna’ which means the killer of the cow. To avoid this slaughter of the cows the Ashvateyana Grahya Sutra (1.24.25) suggests that the cow should be let loose when the guest comes so as to escape the rule of etiquette. Thirdly, reference may be made to the ritual relating to disposal of the dead to counter the testimony of the Apastamba Dharma Sutra. The Sutra says102:– 1. He should then put the following (sacrificial) implements (on the dead body)
From the above passage quoted from the Ashvalayan Grahya Sutra it is clear that among the ancient Indo-Aryans when a person died, an animal had to be killed and the parts of the animal were placed on the appropriate parts of the dead body before the dead body was burned.
That the Hindus at one time did kill cows and did eat beef is proved abundantly by the description of the Yajnas given in the Buddhist Sutras which relate to periods much later than the Vedas and the Brahmanas. The scale on which the slaughter of cows and animals took place was collosal. It is not possible to give a total of such slaughter on all accounts committed by the Brahmins in the name of religion. Some idea of the extent of this slaughter can however be had from references to it in the Buddhist literature.

As an illustration reference may be made to the Kutadanta Sutta in which Buddha preached against the performance of animal sacrifices to Brahmin Kutadanta. Buddha, though speaking in a tone of sarcastic travesty, gives a good idea of the practices and rituals of the Vedic sacrifices when he said: “And further, O Brahmin, at that sacrifice neither were any oxen slain, neither goats, nor fowls, nor fatted pigs, nor were any kind of living creatures put to death. No trees were cut down to be used as posts, no Darbha grasses mown to stress around the sacrificial spot. And the slaves and messengers and workmen there employed were driven neither by rods nor fear, nor carried on their work weeping with tears upon their faces.” Kutadanta on the other hand in thanking Buddha for his conversion gives an idea of the magnitude of the slaughter of animals which took place at such sacrifices when he says :- “I, even I betake myself to the venerable Gotama as my guide, to the Doctrine and the Order. May the venerable One accept me as a disciple, as one who, from this day forth, as long as life endures, has taken him as his guide. And I myself, 0, Gotama, will have the seven hundred bulls, and the seven hundred steers, and the seven hundred heifers, and the seven hundred goats, and the seven hundred rams set free. To them I grant their life. Let them eat grass and drink fresh water and may cool breezes waft around them.”

In the Samyuta Nikaya (111,1-9) we have another description of a Yajna performed by Pasenadi, king of Kosala. It is said that five hundred bulls, five hundred calves and many heifers, goats and rams were led to the pillar to be sacrificed.

and that your idea was that the move towards a more veggie diet by the Brahmans weakened the populations and made them more susceptible to the Black Death virus?
I looked but couldn't find any proof of black death in India. But, North Indian kingdoms became very fragmented after Guptan period ( 4-6 century CE). but South India was not impacted. I thought, may be there is some effect from the cosmic event that created black death in the West reached North India in a diluted form and animals got effected first.

This is more related to religious politics between Brahmins and Buddhists.

To my mind, it was strategy which made the Brahmins give up beef-eating and start worshipping the cow. The clue to the worship of the cow is to be found in the struggle between Buddhism and Brahmanism and the means adopted by Brahmanism to establish its supremacy over Buddhism. The strife between Buddhism and Brahmanism is a crucial fact in Indian history. Without the realisation of this fact, it is impossible to explain some of the features of Hinduism. Unfortunately students of Indian history have entirely missed the importance of this strife. They knew there was Brahmanism. But they seem to be entirely unaware of the struggle for supremacy in which these creeds were engaged and that their struggle, which extended for 400 years has left some indelible marks on religion, society and politics of India. This is not the place for describing the full story of the struggle. All one can do is to mention a few salient points.

Buddhism was at one time the religion of the majority of the people of India. It continued to be the religion of the masses for hundreds of years. It attacked Brahmanism on all sides as no religion had done before. Brahmanism was on the wane and if not on the wane, it was certainly on the defensive. As a result of the spread of Buddhism, the Brahmins had lost all power and prestige at the Royal Court and among the people. They were smarting under the defeat they had suffered at the hands of Buddhism and were making all possible efforts to regain their power and prestige. Buddhism had made so deep an impression on the minds of the masses and had taken such a hold of them that it was absolutely impossible for the Brahmins to fight the Buddhists except by accepting their ways and means and practising the Buddhist creed in its extreme form. After the death of Buddha his followers started setting up the images of the Buddha and building stupas. The Brahmins followed it. They, in their turn, built temples and installed in them images of Shiva, Vishnu and Ram and Krishna etc.,-all with the object of drawing away the crowd that was attracted by the image worship of Buddha. That is how temples and images which had no place in Brahmanism came into Hinduism.

The Buddhists rejected the Brahmanic religion which consisted of Yajna and animal sacrifice, particularly of the cow. The objection to the sacrifice of the cow had taken a strong hold of the minds of the masses especially as they were an agricultural population and the cow was a very useful animal. The Brahmins in all probability had come to be hated as the killer of cows in the same way as the guest had come to be hated as Gognha, the killer of the cow by the householder, because whenever he came a cow had to be killed in his honour. That being the case, the Brahmins could do nothing to improve their position against the Buddhists except by giving up the Yajna as a form of worship and the sacrifice of the cow. That the object of the Brahmins in giving up beef-eating was to snatch away from the Buddhist Bhikshus the supremacy they had acquired is evidenced by the adoption of vegetarianism by Brahmins.

Why did the Brahmins become vegetarian? The answer is that without becoming vegetarian the Brahmins could not have recovered the ground they had lost to their rival namely Buddhism. In this connection it must be remembered that there was one aspect in which Brahmanism suffered in public esteem as compared to Buddhism. That was the practice of animal sacrifice which was the essence of Brahmanism and to which Buddhism was deadly opposed. That in an agricultural population there should be respect for Buddhism and revulsion against Brahmanism which involved slaughter of animals including cows and bullocks is only natural. What could the Brahmins do to recover the lost ground? To go one better than the Buddhist Bhikshus not only to give up meat-eating but to become vegetarians- which they did. That this was the object of the Brahmins in becoming vegetarians can be proved in various ways

I wrote it in this thread in little more detailed way.

The discussion surrounding a possible alien invasion; how and in what ways it could unfold, was highly interesting. As a personal side note, it was only a week ago i started to dig up the old TV-Series "V" from 1983-84 - which in hindsight after the Plandemic and general, massive subversions and violations / lies at all levels of society, seems even more interesting to re-watch - because the parallels really start hitting you in the face.

I remember watching the original V series back in the 80s when I was a kid. The series was aired on channel 5 in Mexico, which is basically a children's channel, and the series was aired at night. I don't remember at what time of the night the series was broadcasted, but I had the habit (and in fact my whole family) of going to sleep after 18:00 pm, but for some reason I was the only one in my family that watched the series. My family did not understand my fascination with the V series.


I have also been fascinated by everything about WWII since I was a child. It may have been the analogy between V and the Nazi regime that caught my attention so powerfully. I remember telling my parents and siblings that this was going to be the future, one where "aliens" would first offer us help and then enslave us in concentration camps.

By the way, in Mexico and Latin America the V series was called "invasion extraterrestre".

A: Main prep should be psychological and spiritual. As to appearance, nothing like what you would expect. Most will be done via proxies as invaders do not fit earth's FRV. [Review of answer] Some dramatic displays of power and control are possible.
It is curious how the plot of the V series shows us how the aliens arrive offering help, but they also target young people to start disintegrating families through the ideological indoctrination of the youngest, which reminds us of the Hitlerjugend (Hitler Youth) for example.

"V"" THE VISITS 1983 8X10 Photo 11 Prop Poster Reproductions / Classic Sci Fi TV."
@seek10 uses the word "scarcity" which would indicate scarcity of cows and push by the brahmins to consolidate the herds to themselves. Likely the cometary (or volcanic?) event was decimating the domesticated animals too. Note: there are a few ancient tales about cows being a brahmin property, having descended from the heaven and given to the chief priest etc to then feed the masses with milk and ghee (butter).
Look at this in the sense of religious politics rather than cosmic events. Brahmins switched from heavy animal sacrifices ( of their clients/farmers to appease gods on the behalf of the clients) to Vegetarians ( 412 AD). How ?

Ambedkar's thesis is Hinduism is in decline due to these unpopularity of sacrifices Brahmins are demanding. So Brahmins abandoned animal sacrifices. To get additional advantages, they switched to vegetarianism and influenced kings to make it a law.

My thought is Brahmins didn't abandon animal sacrifices (meat eating) voluntarily, instead Cosmic event created the scarcity of the cows/animals. Cow/Buffalo is special significance to the farmers as they are farm animals. To make best out of situation, they switched to vegetarianism and influenced kings to make it a law as if they are better than Buddhists. In order to explain plasma shapes in the sky, they introduced all these new Gods ( Ganesh, Kumara Swamy etc.) who were not in the vedas, added more incarnations to Vishnu and so on in Puranas that were created during this time.

What's confusing to me is that they had to be aware of the benefit of cow's meat in order to prohibit its use to the budhhists to inflict more diseases and poor health, in turn, consuming the meat themselves secretly to keep their good health but there's no concrete evidence of that. So, likely they were scared to kill cows themselves, being brainwashed by "the event" similar to the jews being brainwashed by a comet god. OSIT.
In this context, beef eating is good or not, is NOT the point. It is pure politics.
Thank you all for the new session!

I wonder if the alien invasion includes 'holographic inserts' as discussed in the book, The Bringers of the Dawn. It was reading others posts here in this thread today about this topic that made me think of what was written in that book.
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