Session 14 November 1998


FOTCM Member
November 14, 1998

Frank, Laura, Ark

Q: Hello.

A: Hello.

Q: And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Koorka.

Q: And where do you transmit through?

A: Cassiopaea.

Q: (A) I have a question that goes back more than a year ago when you were speaking about numbers 1, 2, 3; how important they are. You gave some examples: 1,1; 2,2; 3,3; 1,1,1; 2,2,2; 3,3,3; 1 over 2 or 3; 111, 222, 333; the point probably being that everything of significance is related or will come out to 1, 2, 3 or combinations thereof. However when I tried to understand this mathematically, I noticed that you never used zero. In math, any number system, uses zero. 101 is also a way to code something. Why did you omit zero? What was the reason?

A: The self-cancellation factor allows zero to appear in any sequence if needed. What does 0 represent?

Q: (A) In any number system, we use zero because any number system is based on zero and some digits. So, whenever we code numbers...

A: But what does it represent?

Q: (A) It tells us that, at any given place we have zero of the given unit. For instance, when I have 10, it means that I have one ten and zero ones. Without zero, ten would not exist.

A: But can one not insert 0 where one needs to?

Q: (A) Of course one can insert zero where one needs to the same as one can insert 3 or 1 or 2 when one needs to.

A: No. Zero is what?

Q: (A) Zero is one of the integer numbers. (L) Zero is not a number. (A) Zero is a number. (L) No it's not. (A) Yes. Zero is a number. Minus 1 is a number, plus 1 is a number... (L) But zero is not. (A) Zero is a number. (L) Zero represents 'not.' (A) When you subtract 1 minus 1, if you say zero is not a number... (L) But that is an example of self-cancellation!

A: Yes. When one subtracts one from one, one is left with nothing. Therefore, in real terms, zero is potentially evident everywhere.

Q: (A) How would I write 10 without using zero? Without using zero, 10 would be 1. (L) Or ten ones.

A: Or 9 + 1. 11 - 1.

Q: (A) But the point is that 11 - 1 is the same as 12 - 2, is the same as 13 - 3, and it is very silly to just pretend that it does not exist!

A: Nobody is pretending that it does not exist, it is everywhere. Another numerical system could represent "10" just as accurately by inventing another number to represent that quantity.

Q: (A) So, when you were using this 11, 22, 33, and so on, were you having in mind binary number system based on two numbers or ternary number system based on three numbers?

A: Either/or.

Q: (A) Could it have also been a decimal system?

A: Decimals represent the "floating factor."

Q: (A) I was asking whether you had in mind binary or ternary and you say either/or. So it's not so important, I understand, whether it is either. But, perhaps, when you say 'either/or' about my question, you could also say either/or about anything else. For instance, a number system based on 4 numbers.

A: Yes.

Q: (A) What's wrong with 4?

A: Because 4 is not prime.

Q: (A) I have another question. In a session from April, you made the following comment: 'four dimensional, fourth density, see?' So you related four dimensions to fourth density. I don't know a mathematical representation of density. I know how to represent four dimensions. This was the first time that you related dimension to density. Is there really a relation?

A: Yes, because 4th density is experienced in 4th dimensional reality.

Q: (A) Speaking now about 4 dimensional reality, is it four dimensional reality of the Kaluza-Klein type?

A: Visual spectrum.

Q: (A) Does that mean that the fourth dimension is NOT related to the fifth dimension of the Kaluza-Klein theory?

A: Yes.

Q: (A) Yes it is related?

A: No, yes it is not. There is a flaw in these theories, relating to prism. What does this tell you?

Q: (A) To prism?! Visual spectrum? I don't know what it tells me. I never came across any relation to prism. But, what is this 4th dimension? Is it an extra dimension beyond the three space dimensions, or is it a time dimension?

A: Not "time," re: Einstein. It is an added spatial reference. The term "dimension" is used simply to access the popular reference, relating to three dimensions. The added "dimension" allows one to visualize outwardly and inwardly simultaneously.

Q: (A) When you talk about this 4th dimension, what is the closest thing in currently understood physics that corresponds to this term? I cannot find anything that corresponds. It is not in relativity theory, it is not in Einstein, it is not in Kaluza-Klein...

A: Exactly, because it has not been hypothesized.

Q: (A) I want to ask about my experiment with prime numbers now. We were trying to put prime numbers into a pyramid to try to discover what you meant by the term 'pyramidal.' There are pyramidal numbers that relate to pyramids. So, we were putting these prime numbers into pyramids, into squares, all kinds of things; generating sounds with prime numbers, but nothing came of it, and I have no idea what to try next. What am I looking for? That is the question. What are we missing?

A: You are not missing. You simply have not reached the point of confluence.

Q: (A) What about these sounds? Producing sound; what is it supposed to do? Suppose we experiment with producing sound, what are we supposed to look for with these experiments?

A: We cannot tell you that! There would be no point in your quest.

Q: (L) One thing I noticed in one of the constructions Ark made, and I believe that it was started with 1 at the top and went around the pyramid, dropping down at the same point on each level, continuing around, filling the entire pyramid with primes; there were 100 levels, or layers, and one thing I noticed when moving this object around and viewing it from different perspectives, that there were some strange forms or configurations; at one point I could clearly see a spiral, and in some places there were clearly 'holes' that went all the way through the pyramid. Of this particular method, which I think is somewhere going in the right direction, would there be an advantage to devising a specific method of laying out the prime numbers? Would this bring better results, and if so, could you give us a clue as to the better way of laying out the numbers?

A: Try using magnets. Magnetic surface, combined with metal shavings.

Q: (L) If the metal shavings are supposed to represent the prime numbers, do the smaller numbers... (A) When you say to use magnets, would it be sufficient if I represent these magnets mathematically on the computer?

A: That would be a start. You want a three dimensional model.

Q: (A) Okay, I am done. (L) I have a couple of things from this past week that came up. It seems that Kathy (discussion group member) had a dream at about the same time we were having the session. It was rather reflective of what was going on here. She writes: "As I mentioned awhile back, we sleep a "broken" sleep...and this has been messing up my dream recall as I do not normally get to the dream state during the little "nap" we try to get from 12:00 AM to 1:15 AM before working. Since the later "real" sleeping is so deep, and I must hop out of bed at 2 or 3 PM and get busy, any dream memory is lost fast. Now the point of this background is yesterday morning after reading Mike's latest dream message I said to myself: "Self and anyone else around to assist me, I want you to communicate to me thru a dream and let me know what is up." Went to bed...nothing. Last night, though I had plenty of rest, I could not stay awake..fell asleep over an hour earlier than usual and just before I did I repeated the "Self" statement. This is what happened.... Bob and I were leaving the house in the same car ( not normal ) as we stepped outside, our yard had changed to a beachfront place of some sort. The sky was black and crystal clear with millions of stars shining and as we gazed up at them a "shooting star" streamed across the sky. Just after that one of the "star flickers" got brighter and brighter until it had the whole sky lit up so much we couldn't see any others. At this point I said "Bummer that star is messing up the sky." Then... We began driving to work...only work turns out to be garbage collecting..I am wondering why we have switched jobs and get out of the car, which has a trailer attached to the back, and retrieve the can in the driveway we have stopped at. I realize it has only a few recycled cans in it and Bob takes it for placement in the trailer. There is a man walking his dog coming down the road and as I watch him, Bob moves the car & trailer across the road and I notice for the first time that this is an old car we no longer own and he has parked it beside our new one, which had appeared out of nowhere. As I cross the street to discuss with Bob what is next to do in this new job, the old car begins to move out onto the street by itself and proceed down the road..we stand there rather dumbfounded watching..then it began to back up and go off the road into a swampy area until it started to sink, like a ship, into this swamp. I yell to Bob "Oh No, what am I going to drive now?" and he runs to try and save it. By now the motor has changed to a propeller of some sort and it is chopping at power lines and I am afraid they will fall and electrocute Bob so I begin running down the road, which has turned to an ankle deep waterway, to get help at the nearby house. The road is longer than before and I am sure those wires will get us the house a woman is home and I yell "Call 911, the wires!!" As I turn to see how Bob is doing I say "I bet he's in that water on the road"....and he was... hopping back and forth from the road waterway, to the grassy shoulder, toward me.... which point I woke up." (L) She wrote me later a bit that she had left out as insignificant, but then, when she realized the subject matter concerning my daughter, she thought it might be significant. She wrote: "Prior to leaving the house there was a quick "picture" of our daughter # 3, age 16, and a troubled friend of hers walking down the hallway of the house. Flash outside and son # 2, age 12, is there ever so briefly, before the stars in sky business. This is getting very strange you suppose I was "made" to go to that possible?" (L) So, it was funny that there were certain elements of her dream that related to the session, such as talking on the phone, talking about job versus career, BRH's mention of earth as a "swamp" or ball of mud, my discussion of my daughter, and so forth. There was the mention of vehicles by the C's when talking to BRH, and a relation to my previous dream of something exploding in the sky, and the beach image. She thought it was unusual that she went to sleep the way she did at the time she did. My first thought was that, it was almost as though she were here, present in some sense. Can you comment?

A: It is a reflection of an honorable project.

Q: (L) What is the honorable project?

A: Strife replaces oblivion.

Q: (L) Can you comment on any other part of it? I can't ask specific questions for her, but I think she would like to have some details analyzed.

A: Dreams represent goals sometimes and the realization of potential.

Q: (L) What was represented in the changing of jobs to garbage collecting?

A: Sifting for truth.

Q: (L) What was the man walking the dog, since it appeared in both their dreams?

A: Sidebar to unlock memory/screen memory.

Q: (L) Screen memory of what?

A: Animal replaces other type of living thing.

Q: (L) What other type of living thing?

A: Any.

Q: Such as Gray aliens?

A: No.

Q: (L) Well, what about the danger of the electrical lines in the water?

A: Danger is apparent to those who observe, yes?

Q: (L) Are you suggesting that these images represent that they were abducted?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is it possible that she was 'made to go to sleep' in order to be present here?

A: Yes, it is possible on an etheric level.

Q: (L) Was she, in fact, present with us at another level?

A: Maybe.

Q: (L) She says: " the man with the dog went by I noticed a woman coming from the opposite direction and they crossed paths.....she stopped at a big fat tree in the yard and was hidden from my view but I got the impression she was making a phone a phone booth was on the other side of that tree." (L)I thought this was strange since we were on the phone for a large part of the session. (K)"At the same time the man w/dog was being asked, a bit harshly, by another woman, who was in the house and talking out a window "Why are you passing by again so soon?" Next thing she's outside also, speaking quietly to the one on the phone and I'm wondering why it is neither one seems to realize I am there" (L) Any comment about the 'crossing paths' and the two women on the phone?

A: When you are aware, even those things hidden become unmasked.

Q: (L) Okay, her husband, Bob, had a similar dream. He writes: "I am walking down a road at night alone with a destination, though at first I don't know or think about where it is. There are a few cars passing me going only in the same direction, very slowly but I pay no attention to them. The road becomes a dirt road and then just a couple of ruts, but the worse it gets, the more cars are passing me. Then one car comes very close to me, and I think it bumps my arm. It is one of those little 3 wheel cars like you see in Europe, so this surprises me, but when I look behind it, there are a lot more just like it. When the car bumps me (didn't hurt) a piece falls off it and I think that I will help put it back on for them, but the piece rolls all the way to where the car pulls off the road. When I get to the car, a woman gets out and she is looking up at the sky, but I realize that her eyes are closed. She is walking around the car and I see that she is going to bump into me so I say, "Whups, careful, careful." She opens her eyes and looks at me and says, "Why do you have to make things harder?" I answer, "I'm not trying to make things harder on anyone, lady. I'm just trying to get home." I continue to walk and hear her saying something behind me, but I don't know what because a MAN AND A DOG are crossing to the other side of the road. (I think this guy got into the wrong dream) Our eyes meet but we don't say anything to each other. He is tall and thin with a salt and pepper beard and doesn't seem menacing. The dog just seems to be at the end of a leash, but I didn't really look at it and don't know what it looked like. They seem to be heading into the woods on the other side of the road and as I walk, the road turns left into a trail which runs parallel to the woods. I see the light from the man's flashlight(?) and I realize that he is trying to get ahead of me and this is a threat so I start running. Then my alarm goes off and I wake up hearing Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" playing although I had turned the radio down so low that it was just a whisper and shouldn't have wakened me at all." (L) So, any comments about this funny dream that Bob was having? Especially the man walking the dog...

A: The dog is your friendly representative from "alien central."

Q: (L) Are you saying that they were abducted and these dreams represent an abduction?

A: They could be a memory of one.

Q: (L) So, by becoming aware in a general sense, memories from the past may begin to surface? Even if it surfaces in these obscure ways?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Any other comment?

A: No.

Q: (L) Next, Mike (discussion group member) writes: "OK, the dream stuff is now approaching weird. I'm supposed to pay attention to coincidences. Well here's one: One of the guys I work with, who I get along with really well, but we don't usually get personal, out of the blue, yesterday, says to me, "Have you had any weird dreams lately?" I kinda went BOING! at that point. And told him I had. (We both live out in the country, and not too far from each other.) He then described this dream, which I will describe briefly. First he told me that, a while back, he found himself in a place where he felt a strong presence of evil (and this isn't a normal type of experience for him). He was planning on camping there, but after 2 hours, he couldn't take it anymore and left. (This was real, not a dream.) In his dream, he had that same feeling. We was helping a friend build a tripod, to haul an engine out of a car." This strikes me as odd because of Kathy's mention of the engine that turned into the whirling blades that cut power lines... so both were representations of engines with some sort of extension upward... He goes on: "They were going to use a rope to haul the engine out, when something told them they couldn't use THAT rope, because these two boys had hanged themselves with it. The rope became alive and was coiling away from them, and kinda vaporized. This is when he got the strong sense of evil. "Now, the 2 boys were the two teenage sons of a really close friend of his, and they are still very much alive. I'm kind of concerned about this dream, and so is Marc (the friend), since he doesn't usually remember his dreams, or care about them when he does, but this one really disturbed him. Are the 2 boys in any immediate physical danger from themselves, or other outside force? Is this dream, in any way significant to me? Any hints on the significance of the dream for Marc? I told Marc that I would ask you about the dream. He said it was ok. (I didn't actually mention the Cassiopaeans. I don't think he is ready for that. I said I had a friend who was into dream interpretation.) Do you have enough information to ask any questions? Can the Cassiopaeans 'connect' to Marc without additional info?" (L)So, can you answer any of these questions?

A: The evil place should ring some bells, eh?

Q: (L) So, in other words, when he went out camping, something happened to him there, and he, also, is remembering an abduction, is that it?

A: It might be this, but let us not jump to conclusions.

Q: (L) Okay, what was represented by the rope that evaporated?

A: Ask not of the rope, but where it leads.

Q: (L) Where did the rope lead?

A: Must analyze.

Q: (L) Where did the rope lead? To the place? The rope made him have the same feeling as the place? The 'evil place?'

A: He should explore this.

Q: (L) The camping trip, or the actual place?

A: Where the rope leads.

Q: (L) The rope led to the two boys, is that what you are getting at?

A: We are saying to ask him.

Q: (L) Does this dream indicate that these two boys are in danger?

A: Not really.

Q: (L) Are these two boys connected in some way to this dream?

A: Maybe.

Q: (L) Is there any significance to Mike in this dream; the fact that the guy brought it up out of the blue?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What was the significance to Mike?

A: It should be clear soon.

Q: (L) Any other clue about that?

A: No.

Q: (L) Mike also sent a list of questions. He asks: "Who has programmed my mind?"

A: Does he not know? All are programmed by input.

Q: (M) And who is warning me?

A: Spirit body/self.

Q: (M) Should I pursue RV as a means for answering questions, assisting in our 'Treasure Hunt' and for spiritual growth in general?

A: Yes.

Q: Why did the Cognitive Sciences Institute find that RV sessions were up to 60% better when conducted at 13:30 +/- 1 hour Local Sidereal Time? What is it about our alignment to the universe that would affect RV?

A: Strength of psychic resonance due to chemical/magnetic balance when in alignment.

Q: (M) I've had a series of dreams, lately, relating to each other and to, what I feel are experiences with aliens. My Dad has been in many of them, usually as someone I go to for advice. Does this have to do with the fact that we have been getting closer over the years, and he has become supportive of my 'quest?' Do I insert him into the dreams for comfort? Is there anything else about my father and these dreams?

A: Father is guide to repeating experience.

Q: (L) What experiences in particular?

A: Explore.

Q: (M) What do the staples represent?

A: Embedded silicon bead.

Q: (M) How did they get into my skin in the first place?

A: Projected.

Q: (L) By whom?

A: 4th density STS.

Q: (L) When?

A: Three times, starting at age six.

Q: (M) Did the pressure points classes trigger these dreams?

A: No.

Q: (M) Specifically the dreams about my left arm? What was the object I was holding against my stomach, that the aliens were trying to take away?

A: Quartz.

Q: (M) Why was it so important to me?

A: Communication link.

Q: (L) To who or what?

A: You know.

Q: (M) I find that I don't experience the slow sluggish feeling during my dreams that many people experience. Is this because of my martial arts training?

A: No.

Q: (M) Will my training help me in sorting out what is happening (in these new experiences with aliens, 6th density beings, upcoming cataclysms, etc.)??

A: Wait and see.

Q: (L) Okay, in regards to the session, he commented about careers and jobs,'I think the old Zen saying may apply here: Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water.' He then remarked about the answer you gave about contacting you directly: 'Holy Transformation, Batman! Did you hear what they just said? That Ark is bringing us to 4th density. Wow! So, we have as much time as it takes for Ark to figure out what he's doing! It could be an interesting ride!' Could you comment on that?

A: It needs no further comment.

Q: (L) So, Mike's comment WAS the comment?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Okay, I want to ask: what is the relationship between Neormm and Odiem?

A: Take the two and look for hidden words.

Q: (L) Are the two similar in nature as stated, even before one looks for hidden words?

A: ?

Q: (L) That is not helpful! Okay, you notice that we have the psychomantium up. Do you have any suggestions for improvement of this marvel of engineering?

A: Try it.

Q: (L) Well, of course we are. Are we supposed to do it all together, or what? What's the deal on this thing?

A: When needed.

Q: (L) What would be the clue that one needs it?

A: Pangs of psychic hunger.

Q: (L) I had a couple of dreams in the past week also. In one, there was a phone booth that was like a concert hall on the inside. People were coming to us to 'audition' for something, and we were outside this phone booth listening to these auditions thinking that we would find someone with a voice that would produce anti-gravity. The next part of the dream, I was dancing the 'Sugar Plum Fairy' en pointe! I was hearing the music and watching my feet. In the dream I woke up and Ark said to me: 'see Honey! It's working! Look at your legs!' And there was something about my legs. The only thing that I have noticed in real life is that my legs have REALLY been hurting a great deal. It is hard to walk sometimes.

A: My dear Laura, we do not wish to appear to be scolding in your delivery, but, please do not attempt to turn this forum into "Dream Analysis Central." Remember, some dreams, no matter how profound they may seem, are really just subconscious gobbledy-gook!

Q: (L) Alright, I also dreamed the following night about being on the seashore and a dog that was chained up, and I went back to unchain the dog, and my brother and sister-in-law were getting divorced and he saved the dog. I mean, you DID tell us to pay attention to our dreams, that we would be having interesting ones and visions as well. So, I have been paying attention!

A: Yes, but you can already differentiate.

Q: (L) Okay, forget that. Now, I am reading this book called "The Jesus Conspiracy" about the Shroud of Turin. Now, we once asked about this and you said that the image was of a Roman worker. Apparently this worker was crucified. Was this individual who was crucified, done so in the specific manner as was described for Jesus, with deliberate intent to create the illusion that the image on the Shroud HAD to be of Jesus, since Jesus was the only person who could have possibly suffered all these exact wounds as described in the Gospels?

A: No. Crucifiction was once a "popular" punishment method.

Q: (L) Can you tell us approximately what year this Roman worker was crucified who left his image on this shroud?

A: 399 A.D.

Q: (L) Okay, it has been tested and said that this individual had type AB blood, which has then led a lot of people to say that Jesus's blood type was AB...

A: But it is not.

Q: (L) Well, the science of histology has shown that type AB did not even EXIST at the time of Jesus... Let me insert another question here. If part of the use of this psychomantium is to bring the earth to the point of 4th density transitional adjustment, is part of that project also an opening of a doorway for Jesus, who is in the state of suspended animation as you have previously described, to re-emerge into the world?

A: Or re-emerge into the consciousness.

Q: (L) Of who or what?

A: All 4th density inductees.

Q: (L) Well, you once said that he was actually in a flesh body in this 'time warp' in a state of suspended animation, so to speak, or a place of no time...

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is something going to happen where this singular individual, Jesus, is going to...

A: No need for that.

Q: (L) So, at the point of this 4th density transitional adjustment, what will Jesus, in his state of suspended animation be doing? Will he continue in that state forever, or will he make some shift of his own?

A: The shift is yours. Afterwards, you can see that which you cannot yet see.

Q: (L) Sure! But, the big problem seems to be getting to the point of that shift! That seems to be the mission, the quest, the objective of all of this... or am I off base here?

A: Not "objective," just is.

Q: (L) Why does it seem that you indicate from time to time that the three of us here, and perhaps others, play some sort of role in this activity? Is that not true for many people?

A: Not true for most.

Q: (L) Is there something about our activities that relate to this supernova business?

A: No.

Q: (L) Why did you urge us to investigate supernovae?

A: To be informed, to enlarge knowledge base.

Q: (L) Do supernovae play any part in this 4th density transitional adjustment?

A: Maybe.

Q: (L) Then, do our activities here on Earth affect the far reaches of the universe in a significant way?

A: For those sensitive to such things.

Q: (A) I wanted to ask if there was a capstone on the Great Pyramid?

A: Yes.

Q: (A) What shape?

A: Pyramidal at 20 percent positive displacement to base.

Q: (L) What was it constructed of?

A: Limestone sheath.

Q: (A) Was it removed?

A: Fell off.

Q: (L) When?

A: 2809 B.C. as you measure it.

Q: (L) What caused it to fall off?

A: Old age.

Q: (L) If you use a magnet and the iron filings principle to arrange prime numbers in a pyramidal shape, where do you place the magnet, the king's chamber or the queen's chamber?

A: King's.

Q: (L) How is it supposed to be oriented? Regular north/south orientation?

A: Yes. Magnetic, not polar.

Q: (L) In my little quest with my maps, I have come across the suggestion that the cities, Laon, Lyon, and Luxemburg are three cities named from the root of light. Also, there is Leiden. These four cities form an interesting geometric shape when related to one another, particularly the first three. My question would be: once one has constructed this arrow type triangle, what does one then do with it?

A: Place upon the valley of the clover dale.

Q: (L) Okay, in reading through the atlas looking for names with funny connections, the only thing I came across was 'Hot Springs, Arkansas.' Can you comment?

A: No.

Q: (L) Well, as you know, I have already found the funny connections to the Plain of San Augustin where the purported Roswell crash occurred, closely linked to Magdalena, Socorro, and the similarities of these names to places in Egypt and the Canaries... such as RosTau and Saqqare, and the image of St. Augustine being replaced by St. Anthony in the Grail stories, and the celebratory day being January 17th, which is also the day of Janus, guardian of the door, and Augustus was the named ruler at the time of the purported birth of Jesus, as well the name being of the one who supposedly "created" the church dogma and who attacked the Gnostics so vigorously. So, all these names are THERE, but no method of sorting seems to ring a bell in my head...

A: No, not yet, my dear, not yet!!! So, for now, goodnight.

End of Session
Thank you for the session.

But, what is this 4th dimension? Is it an extra dimension beyond the three space dimensions, or is it a time dimension?

A: Not "time," re: Einstein. It is an added spatial reference. The term "dimension" is used simply to access the popular reference, relating to three dimensions. The added "dimension" allows one to visualize outwardly and inwardly simultaneously.
The 4th added spatial dimension brings to mind TDARM and Missing 411.
(Andromeda) I want to ask about this David Paulides Missing 411 book. There's this weird thing where when a lot of the missing people are actually found, they're found missing shoes and socks. Why?

A: Glitches in transdimensional transference. Recall that this process includes something like flipping backwards and inside out through the realm curtain. Sometimes the trailing parts do not reassemble completely or correctly.
The 4th added spatial dimension brings to mind TDARM and Missing 411.
Well spotted! I have an idea that strongly psychic Bigfoot - as a bi-density creature - is able to warp 3D space at will and spatially cause a twisted 3thD-4thD environment to be created. This is why people get confused there, I think. Easier for Bigfoot to abduct people in a confusing [warped space] environment, where Bigfoot feels at home. Would also explain why abducted kids and people disappear so fast "in moments" without a trace, as if have fallen into a "wormhole". Certainly this appearing or created extra spatial dimension / this 4th-dimensional apple-surface peel merging temporarily with our 3D-space could be responsible for the missing 411.

Also notice there is always a very disturbed weather system forming stopping any search & rescue efforts by helicopter and on the ground causing hail + mud. Which weather change phenomenon - as I already documented in the weather thread with my projects A & B - are simply evidence/proof for a strong psychic [reality]-Weather-Warping activity, I think. What I reported when having experienced the result of my [messing with the] weather-warping/changing activity in winter and in the summer is that the Work-Taste / Feel-Vibe of a created new weather environment is that of a completely new reality-presence: this feels electrically charged, tickles / prickles the skin and refreshes the mind / aura.

The newly created weather environment [especially after such artificially caused summer storms] has a raw-electric skin-prickling invigorating feeling causing colors to become vibrant and the "air" to become raw-fresh filled with vitality. Feels as a completely new environment of reality that I can only describe having the vibe/aura of a "miracle". Because it is so unusual and sudden!

So if Jesus and others had done similar reality changes in the past - healings, fishes & loaves, etc.. -, for the people with limited awareness of those times the change must have definitely felt / could be translated / understood as a "miracle". Because peeps already forgot - I think - how it was in ancient times, when we did these reality-changes casually - calling down manna from Heaven, food arriving in baskets, causing fatal wounds be closed / bleeding stoppage by laying hands on the wounds, teleportings [which are rather wormhole-tunneling really], etc.. etc..
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Q: (L) Well, as you know, I have already found the funny connections to the Plain of San Augustin where the purported Roswell crash occurred, closely linked to Magdalena, Socorro, and the similarities of these names to places in Egypt and the Canaries... such as RosTau and Saqqare, and the image of St. Augustine being replaced by St. Anthony in the Grail stories, and the celebratory day being January 17th, which is also the day of Janus, guardian of the door, and Augustus was the named ruler at the time of the purported birth of Jesus, as well the name being of the one who supposedly "created" the church dogma and who attacked the Gnostics so vigorously. So, all these names are THERE, but no method of sorting seems to ring a bell in my head...
This session, the Kaluza-Klein theory (just looked it up quickly), and the types of research that lead to the questions asked in the quote above at end of the session, are mind boggling. Where did I go wrong, I know so little! I love the range of discussion in this session. It is humbling, but door-opening too. Thank you all from back then till now, for doing the research, and to the C's.

Am working toward sending another donation to support the group. Just wanted to mention that, another kind of thank you.
Thanks for posting !

A: The self-cancellation factor allows zero to appear in any sequence if needed. What does 0 represent?

Q: (A) In any number system, we use zero because any number system is based on zero and some digits. So, whenever we code numbers...

A: But what does it represent?

Q: (A) It tells us that, at any given place we have zero of the given unit. For instance, when I have 10, it means that I have one ten and zero ones. Without zero, ten would not exist.

A: But can one not insert 0 where one needs to?

Q: (A) Of course one can insert zero where one needs to the same as one can insert 3 or 1 or 2 when one needs to.

A: No. Zero is what?

The C's seem to be quite persistent in getting us to think about what zero represents ..

It reminds me of this post - I know it's a baked noodles thread but I think @Raoulfrkannon explains it well :

The C's seem to be quite persistent in getting us to think about what zero represents ..
Probably because "The self-cancellation factor" represents Anti-Life 4thD-6thD STS embedded in all existence. C's by nature appear to show an example here that it is possible to live without the Zero-System, to do everything to avoid it. Then finally they give the answer:
A: Yes. When one subtracts one from one, one is left with nothing. Therefore, in real terms, zero is potentially evident everywhere.
Zero. The Alchemical Symbol of Ouroboros. The snake eating its own tail. What are its fruits? The Lizzies. Look at them: Unable to procreate, thus their race is dying.


A bountiful, Pro-Life, Life-Affirming existence aligned with STO. Living in tribal societies, who built their math & technology on non-zeroes number systems. Imagine entire STO planetary systems avoiding the zero number pattern by conscious principle and developing an independent technology, not based on zeroes, but recognizing it and avoiding it. Acknowledging STS existence and their favorite the Zero, doesn't mean one have to use it, when one builds his-her own math for UFT.

Apparently there are entire soul tribes having built up their civilizations working around zero. Of course the zero value is recognizable everywhere. But you don't have to use it. I think that's what the C's are trying to show here. Our mathematics is too infested with the Zero-System. Therefore we are unmovable. Literally corrupted in theory of mathematics. Dragged down. Too heavy. Ark was rightfully complaining the system he is looking for cannot be found anywhere. Gee, we don't wonder anymore, why. As the Lizzies love to destroy All Real Knowledge - the libraries and oratory - leaving only useless knowledge perfect for the slave races. Leading knowhere only to chase our tails. [sorry]
We won't be able to fly in thought, unless we discover the Non-Zero System. It appears the C's were attempting to show us just that. Key to freedom.

Math-experts will have to change their way of thinking, how they were taught by Lizzie-influenced academia. There was a rumor, coming from Deep State circles, remember, that real physicists / mathematicians said you have to unlearn everything and then learn real mathematics to be able to use real physics on which UFO tech is based on.

A change, which appears to be painful, mind-boggling. "The Truth will set you free." Yeah, its just supremely hard.
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Things that came to my mind about zero:
-Zero is a place holder in the decimal system.

-Also to me represents balance.

-It can also be a coordinate as a zero vector, this coordinate being the origin from which everything else is created.

-So zero seems to me that which was before the Big Bang.

-Or divine cosmos before it became a mind. Which developed awareness and by my child-like understanding at the moment of awareness realised its lonely state. Then blew apart into a gazillion pieces to have something to do and some company.
Zero can't be "nothing". In mathematics, zero is "uncertainty", potential. 10 is greater than 1 to any degree. Much more!
20 is greater than 2 to the 4th degree, etc.
Any number in zero degree is equal to one. And our favorite 10 to the 0th degree is again 1. And it's not "nothing". Try to visualize this simple transformation of a number.
Zero is greater than any negative number. What if you visualize it in space instead of in a notebook?
You can look at modular arithmetic, where zero can be a degree of a number. And where 0 to the power of 0 equals 1.
Or the zero of a function. It's not "nothing!" It's an axis, a huge plane, the size of the universe, that the function intersects with.
It's a marvelous thing to behold! ))
Other specific properties of the zeros of complex functions are expressed in various theorems: Rouché's theorem, Marden's theorem,
Gauss-Lucke's theorem
Zero can't be "nothing".
Q: (A) Zero is one of the integer numbers. (L) Zero is not a number. (A) Zero is a number. (L) No it's not. (A) Yes. Zero is a number. Minus 1 is a number, plus 1 is a number... (L) But zero is not. (A) Zero is a number. (L) Zero represents 'not.' (A) When you subtract 1 minus 1, if you say zero is not a number... (L) But that is an example of self-cancellation!

A: Yes. When one subtracts one from one, one is left with nothing. Therefore, in real terms, zero is potentially evident everywhere.
I'm going to go with Laura and the Cs.
So I’m in bed this morning and found myself pondering, of all things, zero… It started with the musical aspect. When counting from any pitch to any other pitch, the starting pitch/point is termed 0. If counting from C to G, I.e C C# D D# E F F# G, C is 0 and the semitone between each pitch is considered. C=0 C#=1 D=2 D#=3 E=4 F=5 F#=6 G=7. Choosing to measure from C to E gives 0 1 2 3 4, and then measuring from E to G, E now becomes the starting pitch/point and gives E=0 F=1 F#=2 G=3. It seems as if zero represents a resting point in this case.

Then I thought about myself as the resting point. If I’m laying in bed and reach for the light switch, my hand is at rest/zero point, and must move (approx. 18") in order to flip the switch. When my hand reaches the switch my hand is now at a new zero point. When I move from my bedroom to the bathroom, the bedroom becomes the starting point or zero. Upon reaching the bathroom, it becomes the zero point.

It then struck me that no matter where "we" are, our physical/conscious being always represents a zero point. Everything around us is at a distance from us and requires movement/measurement to reach the next point. Once that point is reached we are at a new zero point.

With that being said it seems movement is measured, I.e. one inch, eleven feet, 23 kilometers, etc. while stillness, resting, lack of movement is represented by zero. If I recall correctly none of this existence is real and consciousness belays stillness… osit 🤔

A: Yes. When one subtracts one from one, one is left with nothing. Therefore, in real terms, zero is potentially evident everywhere.
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