Session 17 December 1994


FOTCM Member
December 17, 1994
Frank, Laura, V__, DM

{DM is the woman discussed in the previous two sessions who, under hypnosis, described being abducted by preying mantis beings who ate children. She was a science teacher at a local high school, divorced from a history professor at the University of South Florida, and had a rather wild teen-aged daughter who she obsessed over. We had earlier attended a reception at a New Agey bookstore – an alleged expert on Mayan cosmology and/or esoteric teachings. Liquor had been served and we had all had a couple of drinks which was unusual in the extreme for me.}

Q: (L) Hello.

A: Hello.

Q: (L) Celestial Dudes!

A: That was cute!

Q: (L) Who do we have with us tonight?

A: Porsonea.

Q: (L) I guess you were with us at the party tonight? {Talk about the speaker who was guest of honor at party.} What was his talk about?

A: Mayan, Laura.

Q: (L) Was our alcohol consumption bad for us?

A: Only if in excess.

Q: (L) Did I have too much?

A: Some.

Q: (L) We would like to ask what is the source of the warts D__ and EDDIE Page's wife have in various places on their bodies? {Eddie Page: alleged abductee doing the UFO speakers’ circuit. I thought he was a fraud, but DM was very taken by his nonsense. His wife was literally covered, all over the exposed parts of her body, with hundreds of warts. D’s warts were a more minor thing with only a dozen or so.}

A: Genes Oriented.

Q: (L) Does this mean warts are genetic?

A: Oriented.

Q: (L) Is it the same for both of them?

A: Not exactly.

Q: (L) How can warts be connected to genetics?

A: Progression to 4th density.

Q: (L) Why does it have to be so hard?

A: Many things are. Backaches, for example.

Q: (L) Backaches are one thing, but warts are very unpleasant.

A: Unpleasant is subjective.

Q: (L) How does D__ get rid of her warts?

A: Not the point.

Q: (L) What is the point.

A: Natural progression. Warts are not the issue. All have symptoms, but not all are the same.

Q: (DM) What can I do to get rid of the warts? They make me feel awful.

A: Adjust your feelings.

Q: (DM) Am I getting these warts because I am transitioning to 4th density?

A: All are headed to 4th density. So, what does it matter, remember, transformation is always accompanied by some difficulty.

Q: (L) Is there anything that can be done physically to help D__ with her warts?

A: Can be accomplished, try adjustment of mind and diet. You are missing potassium. You must also adjust your mind.

Q: (L) Adjust her mind in what way?

A: Anti stress measures.

Q: (L) Is this the same thing Mrs. Page needs to do?

A: Help, but not cure.

Q: (L) What will work for her?

A: Compresses.

Q: (L) What kind of compresses?

A: Mud nourished with minerals. Check with horticulturist.

Q: (L) How do we find a horticulturist? Network?

A: Always "Network". Networking is 4th Density STO concept seeping into 3rd density with upcoming realm border crossing.

Q: (DM) Networking is the way to get things done from 3rd level into 4th level?

A: Coming from 4th level into 3rd because of influence of wave.

Q: (DM) So, each of us has a skill that we develop and help each other. (L) We are all part of a body.

A: This is the way lives in STO! D__ on board, V__ write. V__ not to feel bad, will return. Please be patient. Hello, D__.

Q: (L) Who has EDDIE Page been abducted by that he says look like us?

A: 4th density Orion STS.

Q: (V) Well, he is under the impression that it is the Pleiadians. Why does he...

A: All can create false impression.

Q: (V) Well, he is planning in 6 months to leave his family and the planet and heading off toward the Pleiades.

A: Free will.

Q: (V) So, his free will is going to propel him into the Pleiades?

A: Your free will propels you always.

Q: (DM) The Pleiadian he talks of is his father, is this correct?

A: No.

Q: (DM) Are you saying that he is not a hybrid, is this correct?

A: If he chooses to be hybrid, then that is his choice.

Q: (L) Are you saying... (DM) How can be being a hybrid be a choice?

A: How can anything?

Q: (L) You mean it is a subjective choice to perceive that way? (DM) Is his father a Pleiadian?

A: No.

Q: (L) Why does he think is father is? (DM) Is he giving false information?

A: He believes what he is saying.

Q: (DM) So, what he is saying, he believes to be the truth?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) But, is it the truth?

A: It is, but on what level? That is the question.

Q: (L) On what level? (DM) Is this 5th density?

A: Okay, time to learn... {groans of dismay} The past and the future are all in the present!

Q: (DM) So, we are talking about different levels all at the same time...

A: But you know that by now, D__.

Q: (L) Okay, at some level... (DM) Are all of his levels together, now?

A: Integrating.

Q: (DM) So, he is integrating into one, is this correct?

A: Close enough.

Q: (DM) Does this mean that, as soon as he has integrated, that he will leave this planet?

A: If he chooses.

Q: (DM) And he will choose, is this correct?

A: Open.

Q: (L) Well, what worries me is that they are saying the STS guys have ahold of him and that's not good. (DM) Is EDDIE STS?

A: You all are still. You all are moving toward graduation to STO.

Q: (F) We all are still STS?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Well, I still don't understand about EDDIE... (DM) Would you please explain to me what service to others entails?

A: Complete lack of concern for self.

Q: (L) Well, that's a real tough one. (DM) It would be like being Mahatma Gandhi, is this correct?

A: Closer.

Q: (DM) Then there is no one that I know of that is going to make this?

A: Do you know anyone who is in 4th density?

Q: (L) Of course not. (DM) I'm not sure. (V) So, when we transition from 3rd density to 4th density we lose that need for service to self?

A: If you transition, you are ready to do so if you choose.

Q: (DM) So, it's like an instant thing? As soon as you are ready, you are gone!

A: No. Realm border crossing.

Q: (L) At the time of the realm border crossing those who are of the correct vibrational frequency to transition will do so, as it says in the Bible, in the twinkling of an eye. Almost instantaneously. We are getting ready... you have to be at least a certain level... it all has to do with the coming of this wave...

A: We ride the wave.

Q: (L) Who does EDDIE Page channel?

A: Many.

Q: (L) Many who are what? (DM) Does he channel his father?

A: Not in the sense you mean. All are "father" in some sense.

Q: (DM) So, when he talks to his father he is talking to many because many are the father? So then, are we speaking of his father as being a collection of DNA composite?

A: No. Collection of consciousness.

Q: (DM) The universal consciousness?

A: Close.

Q: (V) A male consciousness?

A: No.

Q: (L) Okay, you say it is not his father in the sense of being a genetic line, is that correct?

A: Okay.

Q: (L) Is EDDIE Page genetically mutated or altered in some way? {He claimed to have two hearts and black blood; however, he never provided any proof of this and when I asked for it, I was considered a heretic.}

A: No. Not in this space time.

Q: (L) So, in other words, what he may be tapping into is similar to what D__ was tapping into in her hypnosis as carnivorous preying mantis beings, another aspect of himself, and he is misinterpreting this aspect of himself as being who and what he is now?

A: Not misinterpreting.

Q: (L) Does he fully understand what is going on?

A: No. Neither do you.

Q: (DM) Will I be meeting some Pleiadians Tuesday night at 10 o'clock? Will they be coming to my house? {Eddie Page told her that the Pleiadians were going to visit her. She gave him a large donation after that!}

A: In a sense. Review concept.

Q: (L) In case you haven't figured it out, this whole operation is a learning process. The Cassiopaeans make us go through all kinds of hoops to get stuff.

A: If you review you learn. Knowledge protects.

Q: (DM) But, am I going to be visited by Pleiadians?

A: Bring D__ "up to speed."

Q: (DM) Okay, then what I can expect is a psychic connection with you if you are connected to the Pleiadians?

A: We only rarely appear as human.

Q: (DM) I am going to have humans come to me Tuesday night and they are going to be Pleiadians?

A: No.

Q: (DM) What is going to be at my house Tuesday night at 10 o'clock.

A: Nice people.

Q: (DM) But are they Pleiadians?

A: Review.

Q: (DM) Will I understand what is going to happen Tuesday when it happens?

A: Keep mind open.

Q: (V) What is it that is supposed to happen Tuesday night at your house? (DM) EDDIE Page told me the Pleiadians were going to visit me.

A: Wait and see.

Q: (DM) Okay, that's cool. (F) Well, it said to keep your mind open and wait and see. (DM) But they are not saying no!

A: Mind is not currently open.

Q: (DM) Why?

A: Expectations are influenced by various sources.

Q: (DM) Then, EDDIE is one of these sources, is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Should she be surprised if nothing happens at all?

A: Up to D__.

Q: (DM) I don't think I am going to be surprised. But why isn't my mind open? (L) Maybe because you decided to believe what EDDIE told you, is that it?

A: Open.

Q: (DM) Well, somebody's going to come to my house Tuesday! (L) Well, I am really confused about EDDIE. You say he is being abducted by Orion STS guys. What level of beings are doing this abducting?

A: Has been.

Q: (L) Has he been abducted by other groups?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What other groups?

A: Grays.

Q: (V) Well, he thinks the Grays are just hunky-dory friendly fellows. (DM) Are the Grays STO?

A: No. Cybergenetic.

Q: (L) Who has told EDDIE that the Grays are good, why is he convinced of this?

A: Many.

Q: (DM) Am I channelling this?

A: Starting to.

Q: (DM) Have I been channelling the questions too?

A: S__ is okay.

Q: (DM) I have been wanting to ask questions about S__.

A: On your mind. Ease up.

Q: (DM) Am I being too controlling?

A: Yes and too concerned.

Q: (DM) Is her boyfriend into drugs?

A: Has been.

Q: (DM) Is she into drugs?

A: Not at the moment.

Q: (L) Is it true that this is S__'s choice and S__'s lessons?

A: As with all.

Q: (DM) Is her father influencing her actions?

A: No.

Q: (DM) Does he have any intentions of doing that?

A: Intentions are transitory.

Q: (DM) Are there any actions I can take that will be beneficial for S__?

A: Open. Free will.

Q: (DM) Am I going to have a problem with her father before October?

A: Okay now. Worry no more.

Q: (L) Can we ask about J__ Reed?

A: Why so much interest in individual students?

Q: (L) He is a student?

A: All are. Us too.

Q: (DM) Everyone has a creator.

A: We are not creator any more than you are. We are all creator!

Q: (L) D__ was telling me on the ride over about EDDIE Page telling her about an event that happened to her when she was a child. She perceived this as a demonstration of psychic ability and therefore goodness. Can you tell me how, if he is being influenced by the STS guys, how he can have this psychic ability?

A: All have ability, it just depends on how it is used.

Q: (L) Was EDDIE Page killed in battle? {In Viet Nam – his claim to fame; that he died and was saved by aliens.}

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Was he revived by aliens?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Who revived him?

A: Orion STS.

Q: (L) What was their purpose in reviving him and restoring him to life?

A: Purpose already determined.

Q: (L) And that is...

A: Many faceted.

Q: (L) What is the primary purpose?

A: Complex.

Q: (L) We know it is complex, give us one...

A: Very important for all to review, what happens at realm border crossing?

Q: (L) We transition to 4th density, is that correct?

A: Partly.

Q: (L) We either choose to transition as STS or STO, is that correct?

A: Partly.

Q: (L) And we do this based upon knowledge, is that correct?

A: Partly.

Q: (L) And EDDIE Page has been given a certain...

A: What do STS 4th Density intend to do?

Q: (L) The 4th level STS beings intend to set things up so that they can rule us and feed off of us in 4th density. They want to bring everybody over to their way of thinking and their domination so that we will give them our energy and give up our free will... (DM) So, we are being set up. (F) Well, that is part of it. Don't you remember the battle that is supposed to ensue that has already begun at some level, and this will determine, in part, whether we will be STS or STO, which also is known at some level... (L) Has EDDIE Page been subverted and programed to lead people astray?

A: No.

Q: (L) Well, then I don't understand.

A: You are reading into situation.

Q: (DM) What is it that she is reading into the situation that isn't there?

A: Page is experiencer, you are witnesses, that is all!

Q: (L) What is he experiencing?

A: We have told you already.

Q: (L) What he is experiencing is... (DM) We are watching him put himself all together. (L) Is this what we are witnessing, him integrating?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) He is integrating, we are witnessing. He is integrating.... (DM) He is putting himself together at all the different levels... there isn't anything more. (L) Is this true?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Well, in another session we were told that a lot of what EDDIE Page is saying is disinformation designed to take people in, is that true?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And what is the source of that disinformation?

A: Orion STS.

Q: (L) Are they trying to, to put this in plain terms, are they trying to "take his soul?"

A: No.

Q: (L) Are they trying to win the battle in terms of dominating him in 4th density?

A: And you and all others.

Q: (L) Well that is pleasant...

A: We have told you this before, knowledge protects, ignorance endangers.

Q: (L) How does one...

A: All knowledge is good.

Q: (L) How can one, such as EDDIE, defend himself against beings of such superior capabilities of mind control, that they can literally put thoughts in his head; I mean, what chance is there for anybody?

A: He has participated in process.

Q: (L) So, at some level he has chosen the STS pathway, is that what you are saying here?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And part of this STS pathway is just going off and leaving his family, is that it?

A: Close. But please don't read into situation. Open your mind.

Q: (DM) Is this just something that we are going to have to see in the future?

A: Okay. Get to know Page.

Q: (DM) In what respect.

A: Open your minds. He is experiencing, you are witnessing. Just watch and see. Look, listen and learn.

Q: (L) Okay, thank you and good night.

A: Good night.

End of Session
Q: (L) Is there anything that can be done physically to help DM with her warts?

A: Can be accomplished, try adjustment of mind and diet. You are missing potassium. You must also adjust your mind.

Q: (L) Adjust her mind in what way?

A: Anti stress measures.

Wow in 1994 they were telling about EE, diet, minerals.
It is funny reading this and just see Bigger and bigger picture
Q: (L) Well, I still don't understand about Eddie... (DM) Would you please explain to me what service to others entails?

A: Complete lack of concern for self.

This is interesting and also confusing because the forum has things in place discussing diet and what is and isn't good for us so is being concerned about our diet and acquiring knowledge not a concern for self? Or if it is does that mean that we're all STS to some degree until the realm border crossing occurs and those least STS may be ready to choose to be STO?
FrankM4326754 said:
Q: (L) Well, I still don't understand about Eddie... (DM) Would you please explain to me what service to others entails?

A: Complete lack of concern for self.

This is interesting and also confusing because the forum has things in place discussing diet and what is and isn't good for us so is being concerned about our diet and acquiring knowledge not a concern for self? Or if it is does that mean that we're all STS to some degree until the realm border crossing occurs and those least STS may be ready to choose to be STO?

Yes, we're all STS. This is an STS realm. The most we can do at this point is become STO candidates. If you've not yet had a chance to read the Wave, you really should - it clarifies a lot.
i have a little bit of an issue with the following sentence:

A: This is the way lives in STO! D__ on board, V__ write. V__ not to feel bad, will return. Please be patient. Hello, D__.

it doesn't sound like proper english to me. but then i'm not a natural born english speaker, so maybe i'm not understanding it.
but i think they did that sort of thing before - in the beginning. when the channel was being grooved ... ? and obviously the message is clear: i guess what they mean is something like: this is the way to live in STO, or this is the way lives are in STO - or something similar. but it might be a transcription glitch ... so just checking here. if i'm nitpicking - please, disregard this posting ... :cool:
Q: (L) Is there anything that can be done physically to help D__ with her warts?

not sure what type of warts we're talking about here ... but if it is the type that is based on a virus as they say and that pops up mostly on feet and hands ... i used to have a number of some really painful ones in my life and i got rid of them by drinking 1 - 3 cups of stinging nettle tea. after 1 - 2 weeks of drinking the tea they turn soft, then they get smaller, and finally they completely disappear ...
Thank you for sharing.
It was kind of difficult to read those questions from DM.
It is what just came to my mind,
I want to add that i dont want to offend this woman, i just share thoughts that came to my mind.
I went to sleep yesterday, after reading this session, and the whole day, i was thinking about this post, lt feels like that i made smth wrong by posting.
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