Session 21 December 2024

Thank you Château & all for yet another session!

As always a lot to digest and think about.

Thinking that any action is irrelevant is the surest way to misinterpret reality around us.

The fact that we may not always see the relevance is not because we are stupid. It is because we simply do not yet posses the vocabulary and knowledge to decipher the meaning underneath.

Was the "jab campaign" a test? Perhaps. But it did achieve its intended goal on more than one level. Even those who refused to be jabbed got their share of spike protein from shedding, therefore can be "transmitted to" whatever signal way easier than before.
I said that "in a deep sense" the vaccine is irrelevant. The true meaning of this is that the accumulation of daily life is important, and to give one example, it is to look at all realities.
And those who couldn't do it were vaccinated, so the vaccine was a test.
It was a simple test that could be prevented just by knowing a little about the actual situation of politicians, as shown below.

“In the entire history of mankind there has never been a political elite sincerely concerned about the wellbeing of regular people. What makes any of us think that it is different now. - Christine Anderson European Parliament.”

Even if she didn't say this, it's clear to those who have been paying attention to reality, but there is value in what you did in public

There may be an impact from shedding, but the difference between those who hit and those who don't is clear. Also, here in Japan, there are still many people wearing masks. In terms of feeling, it's about 30% to 50%. I can't count on such people. If it's the case now, it will be the same in the future. The present creates the future.
In that sense, I said that vaccines have nothing to do with it, in a deep sense. Strictly speaking, it all relevant.

Thanks for the comment.
"(seek10) Can we ask why New Jersey is the spot?

A: Heavily programmed population there."

For what it is worth - I researched lightly, the area of the United States reaction to the Radio Broadcast of H.G. Wells' "War of the Worlds" . Ground zero for the storyline was the fictional town of Grovers Mill, New Jersey. So the human reaction of fear and panic happened in New Jersey (which is a frightfully small state - 8,279 sq miles or 13323.759 sq kilometers) and in New York City and Long Island, which geographically are linearly next to each other AND Montauk is on the far Eastern part of that line. October 30, 1938 was the broadcast date. So basically the C's saying that this area is "Heavily programmed" and probably have been for a long time. I lived in Jersey City for 10 years and indeed, the population is very weird and I had to move back to the Upper Central USA.

Additionally the Hindenburg exploded in Lakehurst, New Jersey in 1937. It was filled with flammable gas so an explosion was always possible, but the exact cause of the explosion hasn't really been nailed down to my mind and explanations seem more like speculations rather than being definite. That doesn't necessarily mean that there was any interference in and of itself, but it also doesn't totally discount the possibility.
Thanks for the interesting session!

Reading this session got me (again) thinking about what to do if/when the Earth moves into 4D. Given the many 'unknown unknowns', it may be silly to ask this, but do we – or should we – as forum members have a game plan of how to proceed once our reality starts to get really weird?

Other silly questions I've been thinking of: what should I tell my kids if/when things get weird (4D reality) and they get scared/freaked out? Should we stay put or go/move somewhere?

I got the impression that these types of questions/plans may have been discussed in the meditation and SRT groups, but since I haven't participated in those (mainly due to a hectic family life), I'm not aware of any details.

Maybe this could be discussed in a dedicated thread (or is there one already)?

Sorry for the alarmist tone, but as a dad of two kids I'm a bit worried. :-)
Just to echo replies provided by other members with an anecdotal example, my fiance and I moved into our house in Bulgaria on 31st December '24 after working on it for two years. I'm from the UK and she is from Bulgaria. For some time, I had considered emigrating due to various factors, some personal and some due to the concerns you expressed in this post.

I met my fiance and one thing led to another and here we are, but there is no way I could have carefully planned it in advance or willed it into being. A chain of events, the beginning of which was meeting and falling in love with a Bulgarian, was required, and I guess the 'time was right' for me to move.
the biggest ufo wave we know of (despite area 51, the skinwalker ranch and other places where it is or was kinda default) was called in late 1980s in belgium. as we all know, belgium is considered to be (official-unofficial) capital of the eu. in the late 80s, the single european act (sea) was confirmed, but it would be of speculation if one relates to another
but, as a matter of fact, if new jersey is the new ufo wave magnet, while they have overall a progressive, democratic society
ukraine was of course mentioned as another field of fight, literally and visionary, as it was told there's portals transmitting... what? thought forms? negativity? and it was also told we could destroy such protals using 3d technology we never invented
since the belgians officially admitted that they checked exactly what ufos are and couldn't find an answer, but stated that they are definitely not any known terrestrial aircraft, and recently it seems that the pentagon office admitted the same (previously it was pretended that there was no issue), i can assume that the americans and others (as part of the 60% of events in the sky that are not ufos in the common sense while being considered so) - that they are trying to interact with ufos in some way and counteract them using current secret technology, but without success
i think it's common on earth, from the perspective of seti, nasa (maybe faking it) and most humans: talking about ufo, the fermi paradox, even space travel and some wormholes, no one really considers they could be hyperdymensional, time machines or hyperdensial (cause people aren't familiar with that concept anyway)
i think that if you think about dimension, density, etc. in this context, the behavior of ufos starts to make sense immediately. but thinking about it in the context of space-time itself, newtonian physics, etc. - we are not able to even intuitively understand it, and treating them as "outsiders" is taking a bit of a wrong path, because in this sense, orion would be uninhabitable. and if you can live in higher densities on the sun or jupiter, the existence of aliens would have a completely different nature.
theoretically we can think that since ufo "hangs around" democratic, progressive societies, etc. these societies are the most manipulated. but that doesn't mean that the initial ideas were bad. it would rather mean that aliens (assuming they are bad) are messing with our future. maybe they are strengthening both these and "conservative" factions - both towards mutual hostility, broadly understood fascism. which would generally agree with the political map of the world and the form these ideas have commonly taken. we can explain it with genetics, but character traits (at least according to leonidans). although we are still talking about some balance. e.g. the vaccine was supposed to worsen certain things (not only health, but in terms of, say, emotional health) in some, but strengthen "positive" in others. generally it still means polarization, and according to the horseshoe theory, extremes meet. i don't know what your experience is, but based on what i see around me, certain social and economic ideas have turned into "left-wing" or "right-wing" fascisms. at least in europe. so it's possible that the negative impact is simply felt by all those who are susceptible
if aliens act evolutionarily - develop us in some direction, they must of course manipulate (on the genetic level in the laboratory sense, or as the cassiopaeans said directly on the "soul", or through implemented ideas, e.g. health, nutrition, but also simply thought forms, i.e. emotions and views, as well as existence, death or mixing of specific cultures) - both previously formed "conservative" societies (let's say societies of the "past") and progressive ones (let's say societies of the "present"), in fact spoiling both for us. maybe we have reached such a level that the world would go in the right direction, but it has been changed? or maybe earlier the world could stay as it was, but it has also been changed
of course, in the official version, Ukraine is part of the ideological war - some want the "progressive West", some are "conservative", so this pattern as a distinctive one in the world in the context of ufos would still be the same. I will not talk about other regions of the world where similar crises are taking place, based basically on the same basis, because I do not know to what extent this concerns ufo activity. and it seems to me that in addition to globalization, conscious actions of hidden political, ideological and economic spheres, the whole thing can simply be intensified, accelerated and simplified by ufos. so that what normally would happen in 100 years happens in 100 years. we could always assume that we invented computers, the internet, that apart from radio and television, it influenced globalization, just like global travel, that mass food led to certain defects in generally available nutrition, that the actions of services and chance, or simple human greed and oversights created such and such vaccines... generally speaking, that it is the effect of human activity and natural changes, only that the presence of ufos is a fact. are they pacifists, demonstrating superiority, or is it simply a side effect, e.g. by disconnecting nuclear silos? I rather think that it would be about the psychological influence on people - superficial, and probably this is how a more profound effect manifests itself
in this sense, sto (also as the land of our origin) is some objective, helpful factor helping us find our way in this chaos. or, as they said, "we can always return home", because regardless of the situation, omnipresent manipulation, allusions, etc., this factor is present. (unless it also depends on the planetary arrangement, but from what i know, "pleiadians", "cassiopaeans", "leonidians", etc. migrate so that we can have this view)
i don't feel like we're dealing with an official alien reveal, which sometimes is wondered about, but i don't want to say it "at a bad time." they're just very secretive creatures. and if this reveal were to happen (which we know from legends, maybe), it would probably be in a form far from the truth (although not revealing intentions is not physically lying)... and i don't know if, strangely enough, such "revelations" didn't take place before the end of some civilizations (perhaps because of this "secert nature" - which can have several causes, such as the very fact of originating from other dimensions or densities requiring such forms of action, of course "deep state" in the meaning of manipulating the population, which would include everything else - implying views, emotions, but we know that treating people as "vessels" does not really come down to views, but rather genetics, possibly creating appropriate social foundations, as if we were to become a "mixed" society, where cosmic dna could mix with the human in a more direct form... though these are speculations bordering on science fiction, from 3d perspective. i used to think that since time doesn't exist, our reality in the fourth density, which we supposedly aren't in yet, already exists. and what's happening here is just a kind of emanation of what's happening in the fourth density. that it's somehow simultaneous. that our bodies are already in the fourth density. but the cassiopaeans spoke rather of the 5d self. and of the manifestations of the war of the worlds from the sixth density, if i remember correctly. however, this thinking runs from the specific - societies, countries, services and events in the sky and conclusions drawn from them - to the more speculative, using assumptions and hints from the channelings)
i apologize for any mistakes in my statement, but i think it will be understandable
Same feeling here. I feel revolted and outraged at this world we live in. It's just a big s-hole frankly. I've always had this feeling that things could be completely different on this planet if... or at least, that there are some people somewhere else in this universe who are experiencing a completely different reality, in a way more positive and beautiful way.
If not already done, you will likely find food for thought, and peace of mind, in this thread discussing this frustration that can arise in us, and why not succumbing to it. Such is part of our work.

Also, Laura wrote an inspired, and inspiring, passage in her article :
If a true, free, intelligent science, supported and encouraged by all of society, had actually been the norm since its inception, not the exception, we would live in a world where our very existence was not a shame to the planet that gave us birth. We would have free, clean energy. We would not have vast numbers of human beings living in poverty or starving. We would have no over-population problems. Health issues that dominate Western society and are bringing it to its knees would not be a problem because there would be plenty of nourishing food for all. There would be no wars because scientific anthropology and social psychology would have figured out what is the best of all possible forms of social structure that allows for the widest expression of human types to flourish in harmony. Children would not be medicated at ever younger ages because cognitive science would have established the best way to rear and educate them, and couples would be able to attend classes on infant care and parenting that were actually effective. The best forms of education would be known so that the widest variety of options would be available to the varied human types and levels of intelligence and skill so that each individual would progress into a life of satisfaction doing what they really enjoy and are best at doing, and society would benefit by not wasting its most precious resource: human beings. Consciousness – and non-material spirit – would be understood and the proper reverence for Nature and the Cosmos would be a natural part of the lives of all, and the well-known religious feelings in human beings would be directed toward compassion and empathy, not used by manipulative leaders to incite anger, aggression and death. Free will, rather than being outright denied in science and philosophy as well as in very real terms politically, would be respected as the sacred principle that it is. In short, humankind would know how to live in harmony not only with each other, but with the world in which they are born.
I haven't read all the comments. Sorry if someone has already talked about this.

If we are heading towards main stream alien discloser, having all the drones in the sky is one way to go about it, but it needs to start showing above more cities around the world, before more and more people start to ask the bigger questions. Biggest concern is how out of control will it get. Will the governments try and provoke fear that either a nation or unknown force is at work. Their could be global attacks as the people want to feel safe., and they will use their control over the population to do so, just like CV.

How will the positive ETs overcome this? With anything unusual, their will always be people who are spooked and get scared easily. You will get people who say it is a AI fake video and try to debunk it. I then start to blame Hollywood movies and religion programming people to think lights in the sky means either we are under attack or its a alien invasion. We all know that STS being will try to turn this into their favor so they can stay in control of Earth until the very end. But how will the STO beings start to get more involved as most of them are generically invested, while the others want as many to evolve to the higher dimensions.

But I know we do have secret alien tech in the military, just hope it doesn't escalate into a full blown situation, but I do hope some version of wide spread first contact is on the cards. As I do think slowly each day people do open up to the idea we are not alone in the galaxy. Yes, people's believe systems will get broken, but its 1 step forward in self awareness.
I haven't read all the comments. Sorry if someone has already talked about this.

If we are heading towards main stream alien discloser, having all the drones in the sky is one way to go about it, but it needs to start showing above more cities around the world, before more and more people start to ask the bigger questions. Biggest concern is how out of control will it get. Will the governments try and provoke fear that either a nation or unknown force is at work. Their could be global attacks as the people want to feel safe., and they will use their control over the population to do so, just like CV.

How will the positive ETs overcome this? With anything unusual, their will always be people who are spooked and get scared easily. You will get people who say it is a AI fake video and try to debunk it. I then start to blame Hollywood movies and religion programming people to think lights in the sky means either we are under attack or its a alien invasion. We all know that STS being will try to turn this into their favor so they can stay in control of Earth until the very end. But how will the STO beings start to get more involved as most of them are generically invested, while the others want as many to evolve to the higher dimensions.

But I know we do have secret alien tech in the military, just hope it doesn't escalate into a full blown situation, but I do hope some version of wide spread first contact is on the cards. As I do think slowly each day people do open up to the idea we are not alone in the galaxy. Yes, people's believe systems will get broken, but its 1 step forward in self awareness.
I guess free will is imperative to the positives ones, in this way they will only present themselves openly if called by a majority of us. otherwise they'll help behind the curtains in a soft way to counterweight the negatives that are "weighing the hand"
I haven't read all the comments. Sorry if someone has already talked about this.

If we are heading towards main stream alien discloser, having all the drones in the sky is one way to go about it, but it needs to start showing above more cities around the world, before more and more people start to ask the bigger questions. Biggest concern is how out of control will it get. Will the governments try and provoke fear that either a nation or unknown force is at work. Their could be global attacks as the people want to feel safe., and they will use their control over the population to do so, just like CV.

How will the positive ETs overcome this? With anything unusual, their will always be people who are spooked and get scared easily. You will get people who say it is a AI fake video and try to debunk it. I then start to blame Hollywood movies and religion programming people to think lights in the sky means either we are under attack or its a alien invasion. We all know that STS being will try to turn this into their favor so they can stay in control of Earth until the very end. But how will the STO beings start to get more involved as most of them are generically invested, while the others want as many to evolve to the higher dimensions.

But I know we do have secret alien tech in the military, just hope it doesn't escalate into a full blown situation, but I do hope some version of wide spread first contact is on the cards. As I do think slowly each day people do open up to the idea we are not alone in the galaxy. Yes, people's believe systems will get broken, but its 1 step forward in self awareness.

Another way of thinking about it is if we are fractal souls, existing at all levels of density all at once, then the help we are waiting for is actually ourselves, not someone else, an external saviour or positive ET.

Laura has written that the way we access this help, or access our higher selves, is by making the best possible choices here in this world. That often means intentional suffering. These choices to suffer on behalf of ourselves (an also on behalf of a better future for all) are made by developing our spiritual perception. This Seeing allows us to read the clues in our environment, as well as in our own thinking, feeling, and way of Being. We learn to read dangers and opportunities. As such, growing in Knowledge and keeping in a constant state of awareness are paramount - as well as the courage to make difficult choices. All this opens up the conduit for our higher selves to come through.

So yeah, my thinking these days is that the most empowering way of interpreting the C's frequent saying that 'help is on the way' is the WE are the help - we can learn help ourselves, and of course, help each other through the network.
If we are heading towards main stream alien discloser, having all the drones in the sky is one way to go about it, but it needs to start showing above more cities around the world, before more and more people start to ask the bigger questions. Biggest concern is how out of control will it get. Will the governments try and provoke fear that either a nation or unknown force is at work. Their could be global attacks as the people want to feel safe., and they will use their control over the population to do so, just like CV.

How will the positive ETs overcome this? With anything unusual, their will always be people who are spooked and get scared easily. You will get people who say it is a AI fake video and try to debunk it. I then start to blame Hollywood movies and religion programming people to think lights in the sky means either we are under attack or its a alien invasion. We all know that STS being will try to turn this into their favor so they can stay in control of Earth until the very end. But how will the STO beings start to get more involved as most of them are generically invested, while the others want as many to evolve to the higher dimensions.

You might find this useful:

(Gaby) Recently in the news it was reported that there have been over 350 reports mostly coming from military personnel, mostly within the past 2 years or so.

(Andromeda) UFO reports.

(Joe) Like an increase - a flap.

(Niall) Just in the last 2 years - since March 2021.

(L) A military UFO flap...

A: Main prep should be psychological and spiritual. As to appearance, nothing like what you would expect. Most will be done via proxies as invaders do not fit earth's FRV. [Review of answer] Some dramatic displays of power and control are possible.

(Joe) Who are the proxies most likely to be from our perspective?

A: Heads of government who are "plugged in" or replacements.

(Joe) The dramatic displays of power and control that are possible, who would they come from? I mean, who would be giving these dramatic displays of power and control?

(L) Dramatic displays coming from UFOs?


(Joe) They said most of it will be done by proxies, i.e. human beings, and there'll be dramatic displays of power and control.

(L) Yeah, but then we read the answer and then they threw that last part in afterwards. So, it was like an additional note on the topic. Well, people who've researched it know that they've turned off all the missiles at some place in Montana or somewhere years and years ago.

(Joe) Does that imply a generalized awareness of aliens among the human population at some point?


(L) Can you imagine what that's gonna be like? Even all of us sitting here, we've all been reading about it, thinking about it, and talking about it for 25-30 years. And yet, if and when they ever actually came out and said, "Hi guys! Here we are!" We'd probably all go into some kind of panic attack.

(Joe) I'd be gettin' my gun!

(L) Well, I mean, c'mon! We've been programmed all our lives to think such things don't exist. It's all just a conspiracy theory. But all the conspiracy theories have been coming true! OMG!

(Andromeda) I know. And even when you know about them, it's still jaw-dropping.

(Joe) But they said as well that it would be nothing like what you would expect. So, what we're expecting is like Hollywood: Independence Day, the mothership in the sky, that kind of thing. Probably it's not going to be like that. So, how would it manifest?

(L) Why would it not be like that?

A: Overt violation of free will thus generating sharp and inclusive opposition.

(L) So in other words, if they came out and announced they were invading, all the people would be upset and they'd unite together. Their unification would be sufficient to fend off or reject or otherwise negate the aliens' ability to enter our reality? Is that what you're saying?


(Joe) People wouldn't be receptive to them.

(L) So it's all gotta be done by stealth.

(Joe) How do you get around it then? How do you introduce the idea of the existence of aliens without presenting yourself...?

(Chu) By not making it look like an invasion.

(L) Here to help. Displays of power by stopping warlike activity, being the saviors of humankind or something like that...


(Joe) They'll present themselves as benevolent. It wasn't even that they were gonna be aggressive... It's more like how do they present themselves? Is it a ship?

(L) Well they can present themselves without presenting an invasion.

(Chu) Like miracles in the past or something like that? Angels?

A: Yes

(Joe) We'll just have to wait and see.

A: Weather and geological activity also involved.

(Chu) That one wouldn't grow awareness in aliens. People would just think it's a weather event.

(Scottie) Unless they come and save us from weather or geological events...

(L) So we have no idea what we're facing. And you can't help us out any more there?

A: To do so would violate learning directive. It is good that you know that prominent figures are already preparing the ground. Such as Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab.

Q: (L) So, it's up to us to exercise our brains and our networking to put the picture together and to be aware that these people are not acting in our best interests. They may be hooked up with evil aliens who plan to take over our planet and who definitely want to reduce the population by a large number, they want to starve us, freeze us... All the things that we've been seeing that they're doing: they're just sweeping ahead with no concern whatsoever for what the human population wants or thinks. That in itself is peculiar.

(Joe) What was it about?

(L) About how the alien presence would be gradually introduced, and so forth?

(Joe) As aliens?

(L) Well, no, not necessarily as aliens.

(Joe) No. As what?

(L) Well, they said that they would be like survivors of a cataclysm that have lived underground, and are now coming out to save humanity.

(Joe) That's just as bad. I don't know how that's going to happen, but...

Q: (Keit) Do they require more people believing in them? Do they need more people believing in them?

A: Better to not believe.

(L) So in other words, their true nature still needs to be concealed.


Q: (Joe) Are they going to reveal themselves as some kind of descendants of a former civilization on planet Earth that went to some other planet and inhabited it hundreds of thousand years ago and now they're coming back? So they're technically humans.


(L) All right. So, is the fact that this is coming out now indicative of the fact that there is some impending human-ultraterrestrial dynamic that's gonna play out?

A: Sooner than you might expect!

(Joe) What might you expect?

(L) Well, I would figure two, three years or something like that. I was putting it off a little bit...

(Joe) Yeah. I think it has to at least break into the public consciousness in terms of it being a real thing. And at some point you can just have general acceptance of the idea that we're not alone. And then over a longer period, the details.

(L) Well, are ultraterrestrials or hyperdimensional beings that control our planet and our society and so forth, are they pretty much responsible for all the mass chaos that's going on in the world today?

A: Mostly, but certainly some is sheer human stupidity. Let the cleansing begin!

Q: (Joe) Does that mean the stupid people will be cleansed?

(L) God, one hopes...

A: Ultimately there will be a major transformation in consciousness.

Q: (L) So when that transformation in consciousness comes, does that mean that the stupid people will get some smarts by propinquity or association or osmosis or something?

A: Close.

Q: (Andromeda) Did we ever ask about what kind of form these aliens are gonna take when they present themselves? They did say something about trying to pretend that they're here to save the planet.

(Joe) But I think human as well.


(Joe) A bunch of Swedes?

(L) Well, if they're Nordics, that's not gonna go over well in a society that is being set up to hate anything white.

(Niall) But, diversity! [laughter]

(Joe) Will all the African people be very disappointed that there's no African representation amongst the aliens? [laughter]

(L) Geez... Okay. JEEP wants to know if the aliens are going to get introduced this year. JEEP, you know they're not gonna answer that question.

(Andromeda) Nice try!

(L) You're just trying to be tricky, aren't you? [laughter] Okay. Are aliens going to be introduced this year?

A: As far as we can see, they have already been introduced, just the people are not paying attention.
Lots of material to think about and reflect on in this session.

(seek10) Can we ask why New Jersey is the spot?

A: Heavily programmed population there.
(Saman) Can we know a bit more in general layman terms how this stage of the Wave cycle is causing the thinning of the veil that normally hides hyperdimensional activity from 3D STS beings?

A: There are no specific layman terms. But in general just think of 3D merging into 4D.
(Chu) It could be different types of winds too. Some that affect animals, some that affect people.

(Ark) Yeah.

(Ark) I wonder if we are in energy anomaly special zone. I remember these cars crashing nearby for no reason, you know? No one there and weren't there three? Three accidents.

(Andromeda) I think they said it was because there was a bubble over us here.

(Joe) A bubble of protection, yeah.

(Gaby) Does the current thinning of the veil that's going on now have anything to do with the 19-year lunar cycle in some sense?
A: No
Q: (L) Can the 19-year lunar cycle be associated with a thinning of the veil?
A: Yes
Q: (L) But not necessarily always. Can the 19-year lunar cycle be utilized in some way to open portals into our reality and that sort of thing?
A: Yes indeed!

Q: (Andromeda) So what is the current thinning of the veil due to?
A: Wave.

Q: (Gaby) Well, I have a question about the lunar cycle. Is the next major lunar standstill on March 22, 2025 when we could potentially channel some positive energies through gravitational forces?
A: Yes!
Something interesting happened before reading this session.

When Gaby asked the question about ‘’ The 19-year lunar cycle’’, I was thinking about starting to read the book: MAYAN CALENDAR. THE SACRED COUNT OF TIME. This book deals with related topics.
Thanks for the sessIon.
[..](Niall) Falcor started yelping like he was in pain.
(Joe) Well, he ran into something. Something hit him.
(Andromeda) Something hit him. [..]
Q: (Joe) Was it kind of like a wind that something he ran into or some kind of a...?
A: Yes
Telekinetic winds. Must be one reason why birds and their song is missing from 4thD: other would be changed magnetic poles environment, 3D birds - accidentally crossing over - would probably lose their geomagnetic navigation sense immediately and possibly experience same dizziness, nausea, disorientation just as people do, when abducted by UFO / Bigfoot.

So when the widely reported phenomenon occurs like:
- Suddenly everything got weirdly silent!
That must be a tell-tale sign of temporary density change: bad news! After this I wouldn't be too surprised if 4thD villages would be established in wind-proof areas: canyons, valleys, caves, mountainsides, sturdy vegetation etc.. that serve as windbreakers.
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