Session 21 December 2024


lilly said: reply 239:
-The current thinning of the veil is due to the Wave. In general, think of the merging of 3D with 4D.

The WAVE is not only a Word per se/by itself, It is something much more. If the waves of the seas can be powerful, imagine the waves that are produced in the Universe, they are much more powerful when they are produced/connected with the thoughts, actions, product of the behavior of human beings in general. We must never forget that people of the Third Dimension have great potential; I say Even though some are asleep, others are awake, they are still more important than they seem and can face the factual “powers”; I should not put powers with capital letters because there are many fake politicians who say they have it as if they were DRONES with supposed power.

And, yes, Awareness and vigilance protect.
I would record multiple signals/frequencies in the specified range and combine them as tracks into a single audio file,

There are online tone generators - no need to buy new hardware!
I created this file combining 7 random frequencies (133Hz, 266, 440, 500, 700, 800, 999) and then I added a tone sweeps from 100Hz to 1000Hz and from 1000Hz to 100Hz

It is in OneDrive: Seven-freq-plus-up-and-down-sweeps.mp3
It sounds like an air raid sirens combined with public emergency alert tone, though :)

It can be enhanced by limiting the range to the suggested values:
Q: (A) We need to know the range. (TK) Can you tell us what frequency range?
A: Yes. 549 hz to 832 hz.

The next step is less clear - to bombard a quartz crystal with these audio frequencies and hope it will create a protective shield and stops monitoring for good...
Q: (Gaby) Well, I have a question about the lunar cycle. Is the next major lunar standstill on March 22, 2025 when we could potentially channel some positive energies through gravitational forces?

A: Yes!

Q: (L) So we should make a plan for the lunar standstill in March. Keep that in mind, everybody!
In the thread discussion, @Gaby quoted a passage that mentions dances.
Below, I underscored the word to distinguish it from the original highlights
From Secret History of the World:

And this brings us to a further revelation of Diodorus regarding the Hyperboreans:
"And there is also on the island both a magnificent sacred precinct of Apollo and a notable temple, which is adorned with many votive offerings and is spherical in shape. Furthermore, a city is there which is sacred to this god, and the majority of its inhabitants are players on the cithara; and these continually play on this instrument in the temple and sing hymns of praise to the god, glorifying his deeds… They say also that the moon, as viewed from this island, appears to be but a little distance from the earth and to have upon it prominences, like those of the earth, which are visible to the eye. The account is also given that the god visits the island every nineteen years, the period in which the return of the stars to the same place in the heavens is accomplished, and for this reason the Greeks call the nineteen-year period the “year of Meton”. At the time of this appearance of the god he both plays on the cithara and dances continuously the night through from the vernal equinox until the rising of the Pleiades, expressing in this manner his delight in his successes. And the kings of this city and the supervisors of the sacred precinct are called Boreades, since they are descendants of Boreas, and the succession to these positions is always kept in their family."194
The following may have relevance:
Dancing aligned power cells.
Session 29 July 2006
Q: (Atriedes) Did the people from Kantek bring a martial art with them?

A: Of course, how do you think they destroyed their planet?

Q: (Atriedes) is this the martial art that eventually made it to China?

A: Not china, further back than that. You are on the right track with dances.

Q: (Atriedes) is there a way to construct these dances from examples?

A: You can see a close replica in Celtic dances.

Q: (Atriedes) (something like “were these dances then used for some kind of martial art?)

A: Dancing aligned power cells.

Q: (discussion that the dances provided the power and then you could do whatever you wanted with that power, some used it for one thing, some for another)

A: All so called “martial arts” are attempts to do physically via “techniques” what was once done by pure energy mastery.
The effect of the dancing would probably depend on the people dancing, their predominant orientation and connections to higher realms.
In the thread discussion, @Gaby quoted a passage that mentions dances.
Below, I underscored the word to distinguish it from the original highlights

The following may have relevance:
Dancing aligned power cells.
Session 29 July 2006

The effect of the dancing would probably depend on the people dancing, their predominant orientation and connections to higher realms.

That's such an odd coincidence. I recently picked up doing qigong, a lot of which for foundations is just standing still in the zhen zhaung pose in nature. From my own limited practice and the inquiry with my teacher, the goal overall of those specific poses was to retrain the tissues of the body to piezoelectrically conduct qi/information up from the earth, into tissues and spaces where that information would be transformed and refined further. Elaborations on stances involved learning to have minimal necessary tension for maintaining the posture, so qi/information flows unobstructed, as well as to sort of create vessels and spaces in the body where qi/information can be stored like a battery (the most common example is the dantian below the navel).

From 09 June 2009:

(L) Well, if you think about a group of people who are setting up these massive stones like they were pieces of styrofoam. The stones collect energy and information. They then transduce the energy or amplify it. These people know things about movement, dances or spinning or something, that enables them to behave in concert with the stones so that they all become part of a grand machine that does things! All of the legends talk about stylized dances and the oldest things about Stonehenge say that it was the Temple of Apollo and that Apollo danced there all night at certain periods of time. Every 19 years, I believe. When you think about that, and the other places Apollo appeared, the inversions and redactions of the legends, and we come to these magical stones that produce things. Then we come to the head of Bran the Blessed which supposedly produced endless supplies of bread and fish or whatever else was desired. Bran's head was the giver of all good things. But more than that, it was an oracle. It could speak. And here we have the idea of a similar function for Stonehenge: both an oracle as well as a giver of blessings and bounty. Anything you wanted or needed it provided for you. If you wanted to go somewhere, it transported you as in the legends of the flying carpets. It was magic transportation. All of these things are associated, when you track them back far enough, with a stone. The stones did everything.

So, there is a connection between the stones storing energy for the transduction of higher-order information from higher realms, and dances or arts which had the practice of building up a similar charge of energy in our own bodies. Of course, with our intentions and knowledge and awareness acting as the tuners.

If people intend to utilize the 19 year lunar cycle to conduct creative energies, maybe it would be beneficial to do some wuji/zhen zhaung first to build up the information in their bodies further and improve the transduction of higher information?
Also , (natural ) silk.

Session 2 December 2000 :

Q: (L) The alchemists say that to protect the body from outside frequencies, one should wear silk. I know that sounds crazy, but that's what they said and did. Silk is a heck of an insulator. (TK) If we shielded the area with a silk tent, or wear silk clothing... (A) Silk by itself might not work, or it probably only works when in contact with the body. (TK) A copper mesh around the area would help.

A: Yes.

Q: (TK) RAM would help?

A: Yes.

Q: (TK) Silk would help?

A: Yes.

Q: (TK) Would all three in combination be necessary?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Well, you are talking some big bux there. (TK) Is there another way to do this that isn't quite so involved? Does it require this degree of protection?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What we have figured out is that if we produce a canceling frequency, all they will do is change the frequency. That could go on, tit for tat, endlessly. (A) They have standard monitors. They can tune it a little bit differently, but they cannot do much without continuously planting new devices. There is a limit to the changing of frequencies, perhaps. So, if we know how to tune our device to their device, we can do it. (TK) I don't know if what we are needing is so complicated a device. Probably just a frequency generator. A simple device hooked to a crystal. Is that going in the right direction?

A: Yes.

Q: (A) Our zapper, for instance, is a very simple device. It operates on a single integrated circuit. (TK) A frequency generator can be cheap. You hook it to a crystal for amplification.

A: Plot many frequencies.

Q: (A) We need to know the range. (TK) Can you tell us what frequency range?

A: Yes. 549 hz to 832 hz.
Hello, I was following the thread of this topic and taking the advice of having a device with variable frequency with the presence of stones such as quartz to amplify the signal, I had the idea of building this device that works with a rechargeable lithium battery. Any suggestion is welcome, if you need I can build it and send it to whoever wants, good things come from working as a team.


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Just to add to the above, an interesting podcast I found on these arts is Damo Mitchel,
Hello, I was following the thread of this topic and taking the advice of having a device with variable frequency with the presence of stones such as quartz to amplify the signal, I had the idea of building this device that works with a rechargeable lithium battery. Any suggestion is welcome, if you need I can build it and send it to whoever wants, good things come from working as a team.
I’d definitely be interested in a thread where you share the theory behind it, design schematics, assembly steps, and instructions for use. 😁

I would be interested in a thread on this topic too :)
I'm going to make a video that shows all the parts that are required and how to build it, today I discovered that the frequency is induced in the body, by placing a multimeter on my skin and taking the terminals with my hands, the multimeter shows the same frequency as mark the device, this should have some effect in the short or medium term.
I'm going to make a video that shows all the parts that are required and how to build it, today I discovered that the frequency is induced in the body, by placing a multimeter on my skin and taking the terminals with my hands, the multimeter shows the same frequency as mark the device, this should have some effect in the short or medium term.
I think, what you have in mind, could be better presented and explained in a thread of its own. There you can describe your theory and concept behind to be discussed by other forumites. OSIT.
The idea of a battery losing its charge due to it energy getting drawn out of 3D to another dimension is interesting. Interesting because in some Missing 411 accounts- the missing person heads outdoors (we presume their phone is charged sufficiently for the outing); but they tend to make a last phone call (right before going missing) -to which they give a surprise account of the sudden battery drain to their phone.
Here's another interesting thought: if you can drain batteries this way, you can also recharge them (and if overdone, make them explode).

And since 4D entities coming into 3D siphons energy into 4D, then perhaps 3D going into 4D would reverse that (to 4D entities detriment, like suddenly not having enough energy to stay hidden from us).

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