Session 21 March 2015

Kika said:
(L) Well, that's the problem! Nobody has any questions. [laughter]
I noticed and wondered. What? Do they have already learned everything, or they only surrendered? :huh:

It helps to place it within the proper context: The peeps at the chateau are usually pretty busy so iy may be that no one has had a spare moment to formulate any questions. And formulating questions is important, not just anything will do!

Questions we can most likely answer ourselves are better served by doing the work ourselves to answer them, so those are off the list. Questions already answered are better served by going back and reviewing what has already been given, so those are off the list too. Questions of a personal nature that are not of interest/service/benefit to all, again those are off the list. Questions that are too vague or too many thoughts at once, are not generally answered by the Cs, those those are off the list too!

Given the above, as you can imagine if people have been super-busy and are suddenly faced with a ‘anybody got any questions?’, it can be quite hard to think of something on the spot!
Alada said:
Kika said:
(L) Well, that's the problem! Nobody has any questions. [laughter]
I noticed and wondered. What? Do they have already learned everything, or they only surrendered? :huh:

It helps to place it within the proper context: The peeps at the chateau are usually pretty busy so iy may be that no one has had a spare moment to formulate any questions. And formulating questions is important, not just anything will do!

Questions we can most likely answer ourselves are better served by doing the work ourselves to answer them, so those are off the list. Questions already answered are better served by going back and reviewing what has already been given, so those are off the list too. Questions of a personal nature that are not of interest/service/benefit to all, again those are off the list. Questions that are too vague or too many thoughts at once, are not generally answered by the Cs, those those are off the list too!

Given the above, as you can imagine if people have been super-busy and are suddenly faced with a ‘anybody got any questions?’, it can be quite hard to think of something on the spot!

Well, to be honest, there is very little of real importance that we can't figure out ourselves based on information already given. That is why we have trouble coming up with universally important or interesting questions. We've seen it time and again where people submit questions and the answers are already in the published material.
Thorn said:
What I thought they might have meant was to talk about things on the forum, to vent/ express how they feel maybe, but in the safety of the network so feedback can be given and feelings can be known...

I think it refers mostly to members who meet up with each other regularly or live with each other. This is where that kind of 'vectoring' can take place more easily. Someone may be feeling depressed and bad about themselves and lacking faith in the process or about the state of the world etc. They then project that feeling onto the group etc. and do a bit of bitching and try to bring others with whom they have direct contact into that dynamic. It turns into a distrusting/negativity party about the process and the future.

Bad idea. What is going on also becomes pretty obvious to all, pretty quickly. Like the Cs said, best to air it out honestly without projection or narrative making. Just be honest with others (in person or here on the forum) about how YOU are feeling and own those feelings rather than create theories and narratives and engage in projection.
m said:
And if any of you haven't seen snow as deep as you are tall, rest assured it is not pleasant to move through - it's extremely difficult. I don't need skis at the moment, but I'm gonna get some, and ski skins, and snow shoes. Just in case that becomes the only way to travel any distance past the front porch.

I can confirm that it is extremely difficult and if you are alone, you can not go very far away.

The snow shoes are a good idea.
Just after the session with Caesar I posted some questions that we could ask him, though they were just my personal curiosity. However, hopefully if Laura was serious about getting Ark down for a future session with our hero perhaps peeps could think of pertinent questions as it is not every day that you can have Julius in your living room! Ha ha.

I would love to here his take on how our Putin is managing and what advice he would give him under these circumstances!
Also are empires really necessary? Is it possible to have a world where such greed is kept in check and there are no borders as such on our planet.
Would and 'ethical' form of socialism over our planet be viable and be successful?
is the planet just as it is for learning purposes and forever will be in the cycle/time loop?

Just a few thoughts....
Peam said:
Thank you Laura and the team for another session so soon!

mkrnhr said:
GAIA said:
Wow, fantastic! Once again I want to thank Laura and the crew for another amazing session!
A: How good are you at skiing?

Q: (Data) I'm good at skiing! [laughter]

(L) What kind of question is that?

A: You may need such skills soon.

Q: (L) What's that supposed to mean?

A: Wait and see!

Well I'm curious to what this means!!

Lots of snow may be one possibility.

Another possibility is there may be an unplanned trip to the Swiss Alps or something. I hope they're not suggesting a lot of snow in your location the middle of summer. :shock:

Thoughts on skiing: What are the general characteristics of skiing and the skills involved?

Gravity gives speed; balance is key; zigging back and forth; quick thinking; looking ahead; choosing a good path; avoiding obstacles and pitfalls.

Mod edit: fixed quote boxes – please give attention to retaining the [ quote ] boxes when you post please peeps! Put your comments after the final closing [ /quote ] box.
happyliza said:
I would love to here his take on how our Putin is managing and what advice he would give him under these circumstances!
Also are empires really necessary? Is it possible to have a world where such greed is kept in check and there are no borders as such on our planet.
Would and 'ethical' form of socialism over our planet be viable and be successful?
is the planet just as it is for learning purposes and forever will be in the cycle/time loop?

Just a few thoughts....

Regarding the question in bold, I think Laura's words from another session may be of interest:

Laura said:
Q: (L) Well, I dunno. I suppose we'll find out! Okay, next thing that's on my mind: This afternoon I was responding to a post on the forum and the post was in the Political Ponerology book thread. As I was writing, it suddenly occurred to me that a problem that has been occupying my mind for many years suddenly became clear. The answer became clear. And the problem was this issue of communism vs. socialism vs. capitalism; the issue of which is best? Because of course I grew up in a capitalist system, but I see all the terrible things about it that have come to pass. I live now in a country that is largely socialist, and I see a lot of problems that exist in socialism. I've read a great deal about communistic systems, and I see that what happened in the communist countries didn't turn out too well. And I've read a lot of sociology, and I understand that without some kind of communism, early man would not have survived and evolved, so there’s a problem with how it was done in those communist countries. Even the early “Jesus people” practiced a form of communism, though fundies nowadays seem to have forgotten that. So, I've had this ongoing thing in my mind: Which part of which system to take and put together to make a so to say as close to perfect, benevolent system of economics and law that would serve humanity in the best way.

And it suddenly was clear to me that it depends on scale. I thought that what you need is at the family tribal level - and I say more tribal because it's like extended family, close friends, etc. and people who are bound to each other by bonds of friendship and affection - should function in the communistic pattern.

The next level would be the local community, or the town or whatever, which should function at the capitalistic level. Let's face it, there are things about capitalism that are very useful. People can go out from their homes and they make money for their families by work, there can be shops or factories or whatever that produce products that are then traded or bought/sold with other shops; then communities buy or sell or exchange with other communities, import, export, etc. The members of a family/tribe that work make money, bring it home and share equally all around, and several members of a family can work and take care of the whole family, including children, elderly, disabled.

So we've got communism at the family level or the tribal level, capitalism at the community level where communities interact with other communities, and then at the higher government level it should be socialism because then socialism can be a policy-making body. It should be a body that collects a certain amount of funds in the form of a wealth tax and a small poll tax to ensure that everybody has free water, electricity, healthcare, that there are roads, that there is garbage collection, clean air, clean water... In other words, if the wealth tax and poll tax goes to an overarching government, then that government would provide these services to all the communities. And also, there would be local militias supported by these collected funds. So it seems to me that if you have these three different systems operating at different levels – the three scales - I mean, does anybody see any flaw in this?
Thank you for this session. I am not good at skiing, but it sounds like there may be opportunities to practice in the not too distant future.
Thank you for this session. It has inspired me and strengthened my resolve and faith.
I am pretty happy to see the last few lines.
Thoughts on skiing: What are the general characteristics of skiing and the skills involved?

Gravity gives speed; balance is key; zigging back and forth; quick thinking; looking ahead; choosing a good path; avoiding obstacles and pitfalls.

Interesting !

I would add :

to be concentrated
do no stiffen
facing slope
alternate weight
Heh i was pondering giving away my snowboarding equipment... guess that's a subtle suggestion I should keep it.

Great session, really informative and useful advice! Inspiring as well. Props and thanks! :wizard:
Puck said:
Heh i was pondering giving away my snowboarding equipment... guess that's a subtle suggestion I should keep it.

Great session, really informative and useful advice! Inspiring as well. Props and thanks! :wizard:

I'd say keep the clothes and boots, ditch the board and get some basic skis. Something like these that aren't expensive

Perceval said:
Puck said:
Heh i was pondering giving away my snowboarding equipment... guess that's a subtle suggestion I should keep it.

Great session, really informative and useful advice! Inspiring as well. Props and thanks! :wizard:

I'd say keep the clothes and boots, ditch the board and get some basic skis. Something like these that aren't expensive

The C's were speaking in literal terms about skis?!?
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