Some questions I have now after reading the session:
(Chu) But it's likely that after this, people are going to think that everything is going back to normal and their systems will be very weak. And then the real deal hits.
A: No
So, it would mean that the plague is not something that will happen just after this virus, but maybe next year?
Q: (Artemis) Are people being prepared to deal with the plague?
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) SOME people!
How do they already know ? Could it be planned in some way ?
(L) Okay, so is one of these factors that it was seen that this was a good opportunity to reset the economy?
A: Yes
That would be the April drop dead date then ?
Q: (L) Is another factor to reinforce their power to be able to lock down, impose restrictions, control people... Is that another part of it?
A: Yes but that too will backfire due to exposure.
So, some people will make revelations that will stop in some way the lock down. They say the lock down would last 2 months, so maybe it could stop because of some revelations.
Definition of "exposure" : "the revelation of something secret, especially something embarrassing or damaging."
(Andromeda) How long has it been circulating?
A: More than two years.
I had a cough one year ago which I couldn't get rid of (for maybe 2 weeks), which surprised me because I am never sick with the keto diet. I was wondering if it was another coronavirus strain.
So it has been circulating but is it another virus that the US soldiers brought to China ? Or is it the same ? Was China unaware of this virus before, if it was already circulating ?
Also : did China want to quarantine everyone knowing that the virus would have chaotic or beneficial effects (for us), or was it an innocent measure of health protection ?
Should one just passively accept the chip and wait out the NWO/4D STS invasion until it falls on its own sword?
A: Avoid if possible
So the chip will not be in the vaccine. And it's better to avoid the vaccine, but it's not that bad if we have it.
Are viruses from comets the main driver of evolution?
A: Yes
I guess we are only talking of mutations and not creation of life forms by 4D entities here, which would still be the main driver ?
Q: (Chu) Is it likely there will be food shortages, too?
A: Yes
Not sure if the food shortages are within 2 months or within 2 years here. I guess it's 2 months. So now, the best way to invest money would not be gold or silver, but food ?
Q: (L) Okay, I had a thought. Is it possible that this virus can infect some people and make them worse, as in make them bad people?
A: Yes
I was also wondering about the fact that the virus seemed to specially target politicians, deputies, public figures, mayors (Estrosi for example, mayor of Nice)...