Session 23 May 1998


FOTCM Member
May 23, 1998

Frank, Ark, Laura

Q: Hello.

A: Hello.

Q: And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Eilannah.

Q: And where do you transmit through?

A: Cassiopaea.

Q: Now, I have just finished reading this book about the Mayans and it says that the Mayan calendar began with the birth of Venus on 13 August 3114 B.C. What event were the Mayans describing when talking about the birth of Venus?

A: How do you know that the book is an accurate representation?

Q: Well, you're right. That's why I am asking. They have established the mathematics of the importance of this date, that this was the beginning of the cycle of this last world age of the Mayans. They say it began with the birth of Venus. I would like to know what they ARE talking about here? If it is not the birth of Venus, or if it is not the beginning of the cycle, what is the mathematical significance of this calendar cycle that the Mayans placed so much emphasis on it?

A: The Mayans have little or no ability to accurately reflect upon the roots of their culture.

Q: Well, that still does not answer my question. What is the significance of the 1,872,000 days that repeatedly comes up on these carvings?

A: Do you know how long that is?

Q: Yes, about 5,000 years - from 3114 B.C. to 2012 A.D. - 5,000 and change years.

A: Do numerology.

Q: Well, 2012 added to 3114 is 5126. That is a 5 in numerology.

A: What does 5 signify?

Q: Fifth house, sign of Leo, August, Perseid Meteor shower, physical expression of love, children, creativity...

A: In numerology, not astrology.

Q: In numerology 5 is cosmic energy, Kali-Ma.

A: Creative redistribution.

Q: Well, somehow we are going off in funny directions here when I just really wanted to know...

A: No, we are "going off" in the right direction.

Q: Alright, there was another thing in this book that was talked about. This guy says that this number struck him as being extremely interesting because it also happened to be the same number of days of a solar cycle - a sun spot cycle maximum that occurs every 5,000 years. Is this in some way related to the activity of the sun as this guy suggests?

A: In some way.

Q: Another thing that he mentioned in passing was that the solar activity of 1989, when we all saw the Aurora Borealis here in Florida and everything was really strange because of this huge solar flare, that this was the most activity we have had since 1952, the year I was born. I was surprised to learn that the year of my birth was the last really big year of solar activity until then. He then goes on to propose that solar activity is the real cause of astrological personality types, that it has to do with the electromagnetic energy and rays emitted by the sun in the twisting and turning of its belts and quadrants of positive and negative energy, and shifting its poles and all of that. It is very complicated. Now, having said all of that, is there anything significant about these years of intense solar activity?

A: Solar activity does cause changes in the magnetic field surrounding earth, thus changing or altering frequency resonance vibrations. This is why the Maya believed in their "ages" and their transformations.

Q: Is there any significance to the intense EM activity from the sun in 1952?

A: What happened then?

Q: Well 1952 was an interesting year. Number one, I was born in the early part of the year, and also that was the year of one of the biggest UFO flaps ever. They were seen over Washington, D.C. They were photographed over the capitol. I don't think that there has been so dramatic a flap since then. I think it was in July of 1952 when the major deal happened, though it went on for months. Is this relating to what we are talking about, that maybe it opened a door or changed the frequency?

A: Yes.

Q: Next: On the Mayan calendar there is a depiction of the god Tonatiuh, and Tonatha is a variation on this name. That was the name that you gave as being the biological father of Jesus. Nevertheless, this is what is depicted in the center of the Mayan calendar. He is represented with his tongue out. In Tibet, the standard form of greeting is to stick out the tongue. I am a little curious as to what is the origin of this strange custom found on two different sides of the globe, of sticking out the tongue? What is the idea or concept behind the sticking out of the tongue? Is it represented for the same reasons in both these cultures?

A: No real significance.

Q: That is a pretty interesting thing to say since they make such a big deal out of it there. They would even make their tongues bleed! Come on! There has gotta be something going on with that!

A: What is going on with the handshake?

Q: Well, that is one thing in Tibet where they stick their tongues out in greeting and something else in the image of the god with his tongue sticking out!

A: See previous response.

Q: I mentioned to my mail group that I was getting ready to make the trip to Gainesville. So, one of them responded that I should imagine an angel at each corner of the vehicle and invite them to fly along with me and everything will be fine. I wish I believed in this simplistic way, that I could just invite angels along and not worry about a thing when I drive. Can it be that easy?

A: No.

Q: Why can't I ask angels to fly along with me and protect me?

A: That promotes ignorance; is ritualistic and counterproductive. It is knowledge that protects you. Shutting down your thinking center does not!!!!

Q: Well, there seem to be a lot of people who claim that they believe in their angels and it works for them. Why can't it work for me?

A: They have been fortunate. You only hear from those who have not met with disaster while not paying attention and employing knowledge. What about all the others?

Q: This little mailing list is a little bit curious and I am curious about this Ernie K___ fellow. When I told him a little bit about my impressions of the past life in Germany, he got all emotional and said this was very amazing that I was telling him all this because he, too, had had a past life in Germany and he also had found his soulmate from this past life who happened to be this gal over in Washington State. They have never actually met because he is perfectly content not to meet her. The story I have from the two of them, and she claims to have channeled this, is that they were Jewish and they had a son who was some sort of special child with powers and the Nazis wanted their son to use his powers and they were trying to run and hide their son and somehow they all got killed and it was a big mess. Can you tell me if these people were, in fact...

A: Open.

Q: Okay, you aren't going to tell me that? Were the Nazis searching for Jewish children who could be psychic projectors or clairvoyant under any circumstances?

A: The Nazis were searching for Jewish children they believed to be good subjects for the laboratory.

Q: Well, my feeling is, that the whole thing is, that you have to figure out how to get out of this density through knowledge and awareness, and that nobody is going to do any of it for you.

A: Yes.

Q: And that no angels are going to help you no matter how much you pray and ask...

A: Angels have indeed helped, and in extraordinarily rare instances, may "save" individuals, but they cannot be engineered to act in this way.

Q: Well, from the way some of these people talk, they have four angels to fly at each corner of their vehicle, they have one that goes ahead and keeps dogs off the road, like angels have nothing better to do... flocks of angels...

A: Do you believe this?!?

Q: Well, of course I don't believe it! I mean, I was thinking all kinds of lovey dovey stuff on several occasions when I almost got killed! I learned the hard way that if you start relaxing into this fluffy stuff, you die! Every single time I was in la-la land! So!

A: There is only one protection: knowledge!

Q: Alrighty then! Is this material that Ernie is passing around, this stuff on the subject of imprinting as explicated by Timothy Leary, is this descriptive of the spiritual imprinting process? They are talking about being able to use instants of spiritual development as the moments when something can be imprinted as a means of unlocking DNA. Is this useful in this respect?

A: More of a distraction.

Q: (A) Is there anything on this list which is not a distraction?

A: List?

Q: It only consists of five people.

A: Yes.

Q: (A) I don't see anything of value.

A: If you extricate you will.

Q: Extricate from what?

A: The material from the mailing group.

Q: (F) Well, after all, when you're talking about angels at the four corners of your car, you know you are heading in the wrong direction! (L) I couldn't even answer that! If they can let that one go by without knowing that you are in dead city... (F) I think I have met some of these people on the road from the way they drive! (L) I want to ask about Ark's swollen glands in his throat. What does he have?

A: Bacterial infection from the staph family.

Q: Where did he get this? Is he going to need antibiotics, or is the peroxide, zapper and goldenseal going to take care of it?

A: Most often, potent bacteria need or require aggressive intervention, in part due to carelessness in the environment in your culture.

Q: Well, we have been going after it sort of aggressively, just not using antibiotics.

A: Not enough, will lead to worsening!! Possible result: encephalitis.

Q: You start antibiotics! How many days have you had it? (A) 2?

A: 5. Should note your experience prior to, then after intervention with keflex.

Q: Anything else?

A: Well...

Q: Well, my experience prior to with the other antibiotic was that it got worse and worse and it was painful and miserable, and then I took the Keflex and almost by the next day I felt it going away. In 24 hours I felt a huge difference.

A: Antibiotics, when used properly, and not abused as Americans are wont to do, are quite literally a "godsend!"

Q: Anything else?

A: No, Good Night.

End of Session
I have though of angels like something created in one’s mind, but what’s to be considered an angel? Is it a 5D resident being? Or a thought form?
I don't know why but I assumed that angel was another name for 6D being.
Yep: Angels and Prayer
Q: (L) Are these 4th density STO individuals what is currently being talked about in many circles as “angels?”
A: Incorrect.
Q: (L) Are there, as is being talked about widely, such beings as “angels?”
A: Yes, but they are not of the 4th density.
Q: (L) What is an angel?
A: Sixth density light being in service to others.
Q: (L) Do they appear as humans?
A: May appear as a human projection.
Q: (L) Is it possible for other density STS beings to appear as and project themselves as angels and to be misnamed or mistaken for angels?
A: Certainly.

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