Session 23 May 2020

The heart one has rougher edges in places and the heart symbol is--well--tacky. It lacks the elegance of the ones the Cs have said were the real deal. This one has a cartoonish face, which we didn't used to see in the ones verified by the Cs, although it does have a smoother appearance than the heart. The boarders are nearly identical, as if the makers had perfected that pattern and it was easier for them to repeat the same boarder effect than come up with a complex new pattern. And lastly, I know feelings are not facts and often lead me and others to inaccurate assumptions, but this one "feels" wrong--for me, it does not radiate that aura of power, elegance, and mystery as the ones ID by the Cs does IMHO.
When I said that both cities have a 'polis' in their name I had in mind this conversation about 'berries':

(Perceval) The other thing about the Missing 411 book is that the people who are disappeared and found again, it usually happens near berry bushes. I was wondering what the...

(Andromeda) Yeah, what's the connection with berries? They're either near berry bushes, or picking berries, or they reappear with berries.

(Galatea) Why berries?

A: Convenient markers for TDARM type technology due to sound frequency.

Q: (L) Sound frequency of the word "berries"?

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) That's how they mark places.

(Andromeda) Be careful how much you say it! [laughter]

(Scottie) "Put him back in the berry same place where you took him from!"

(L) That makes me think of Br'er Rabbit and Briar Patch story.

[See: Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby: From Brer Rabbit at]

(L) Yeah, there's that sound thing. There were several cases of spontaneous human combustion where they had name similarities. So, there's something about this transdimensional business locating itself via words or names which have frequency relating to sound or something.

(Galatea) Does it have something to do with numerology and the frequency?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So it's similar. It has to do with objects and sounds.

(Perceval) It's the location at that level... a locating device.

(L) It's a locator.

A: Yes.

If these riots are orchestrated from 4D perhaps they must follow some kind of universal laws of sound frequency. On the other hand, the question was, "Can you designate any of the areas where this violence may occur in the near future?" And the C's gave one example. So yeah, we have shootings in Indianapolis, but we also have them in many other cities in the US. So what is happening in Indianapolis might be just one example of what is now happening in other US cities, or perhaps even in other parts of the world in the future. Follow the sulphur smell and you will find the devil.
And, by the way, the book is finished. It's in editing right now, but it's done. Over 600 pages, too. Gads, I thought I'd never shut up.

Thank you so much for leading the way by daring to write what you discover. It's rich in feeling, rich in Truth.

Well, I've been working on that darn thing for 5 years now!

Each time I read or reread a session or a volume of L'Onde, all these texts exude perseverance, determination to find the truth, questioning concepts, the will to make the context clear by adding details so that the reader can grasp what has been hidden behind the scenes, confidence in the unknown to find the enigma... in a path of authenticity and awareness.

5 years! or hundreds of years 😉

Thanks Laura, Ark ...

N.B. I immerse myself in all of this to do the right thing and say the right thing to get past the uncomfortable areas, to question beliefs, to get my intentions right and to help others...
Along with the 'cart' tracks on Malta, the Chalk Horse at Uffington came to mind that was mentioned in the 7th of May, 1995 session.

View attachment 36562

This could also be an example of lightening or electromagnetic arcing or machining on the ground.


If you read that session there is nothing I could see that compares the horse to the Malta tracks. It describes the settlements of different groups as descendants of the Atlanteans who take their culture with them. I have been to the Serpent Mound in Ohio and it surely seems to be a man-made structure. I don't think lightning made the horse pattern at Uffington but that is just my opinion.

Q: (L) Who constructed the great serpent mound in Adams County, Ohio?

A: Armonan sect.

Q: (T) Who are the Armonans?

A: Atlantean descendants.

Q: (T) So, this was a long time ago?

A: (L) Is there anything about them we would be advised to know or learn?

A: "Puzzle pieces."

Q: (L) What period of time did they live in this area, from when to when?

A: See answers to Sumerian question.

Q: (L) Well, my opinion to this whole thing is that the Sumerians and the Armonans were Atlanteans who set up shop in their respective places when Atlantis went under.

A: Good, now go with that.

Q: (L) I would say that the same answer holds for the White Horse at Uffington, in England?

A: Yup.

If you read that session there is nothing I could see that compares the horse to the Malta tracks. It describes the settlements of different groups as descendants of the Atlanteans who take their culture with them. I have been to the Serpent Mound in Ohio and it surely seems to be a man-made structure. I don't think lightning made the horse pattern at Uffington but that is just my opinion.

I should have clarified the connection I was seeing. That doesn't mean there is anything to it, but I put it out there out of curiosity.

I was reminded of the Uffington horse as I was watching the video on cosmic lightening and remembered that the Uffington horse had been mentioned in a session, so linked the session. If you have a look at the video that rrraven posted here and the depiction of the patterns that the cosmic lightening leaves on the ground, the Uffington horse looks more of a random pattern that appears horse like in comparison to other chalk images in the UK that seem like planned art. So I thought maybe the Uffington horse was created by electromagnetic phenomena or is a result of electro machining.

thank you for this new session

that sounds a lot like what Ben Davidson talks about here

If something has happened globally along the lines of cosmic lightening as depicted in the video, then I doubt that the Malta cart tracks, if they are indeed an example, would be the only example of traces left by that so I was also wondering about other examples may be left as depictions of the phenomena. That's another reason why the Uffington horse come to mind.

As you say, maybe there's no connection.
@Persephone, I think I'm referring to my mom being an unconscious vector of attack that I feel as a tentacule feelings piercing through my protective cocoon. And inserting 'virus' or poison, in me. And it really feel like an entity behind a curtain 'manipulating' things. I think this type of attacks is illusory in nature and once one is conscious it is not to be bothering, but I'm not as conscious as I should be.

Is that clearer?
I just wanted to tell that my mom was like that when I was a teenager, I realized I was more competent person when I was 5 then when 17 because of how hurt I felt. Lately I just got it that there are people, it doesn't mean they are bad, but are not capable of taking care of themselves properly not to mention their kids. I wanted to go to college but I think my mom wanted me to get a job and scramble :-) . You know what my mom still does when I come in houseguest? She searches for those small fluffy stuff on clothes( I don't know how to say it in English) and she cleans me, like some cat and I'm supposed to be normal?:lol::lol::lol:
Exactly so.

What I have noticed, though, is that it sometimes takes repeating a sequence a certain number of times for it to become an automatic reaction. And even then, sometimes situations can be so far out of control - and emotions - that we need a little help from our friends to nudge us back on track. That's the beauty of a network.

And, by the way, the book is finished. It's in editing right now, but it's done. Over 600 pages, too. Gads, I thought I'd never shut up.

Hurrah! :clap:And thank you. I'm looking forward reading Your book. In case of internet getting down (God forbid) would there be other options to get a book? Not in the head of course:lol:
I will sound really weird but when I don't have a time to eat I just eat a spoon of lard, it keeps you full for hours and its cheap
Thanks for the tip, Martina :-)

I have seen it in the store, but to be honest I don't think I will be able to just take a spoon and eat it. I see that it's quite popular here for some of the older generations to eat it on a piece of bread for example.

My "go too" food when I have to eat and I'm in a hurry is a banana, but I don't know how healthy that is. It is said to be rich in potassium so that is my excuse.
Wow, two sessions in one month! Thank you for sharing! So much to unpack and ruminate over in this one. Some initial thoughts:

A: Soon astronomical phenomena.

Sounds like an astronomical wake up call is on the way for many people! I remember the C's mentioning in a previous session that those of us will soon need to be there for others which sounds right around the corner. I hope to be able to help although there's also the saying that people don't ask they demand. So, kinda of feeling stuck between a rock and a hard place. Trying not to be cynical even though we all make our own bed in the end... :-(

Q: (L) Remember that the devil is supposed to be accompanied by the smell of sulfur... and Bigfoot!

(Niall) And window fallers.

(Joe) It's a chemical byproduct of trans-density movement?

A: Yes

I also recall the mention of a chlorine-like smell in the transcripts. I haven't had a chance to verify, but it may have been in reference to drachomonoids. Also, recall sulfur being associated with earthquakes. So the mention of LA makes a lot of sense.

Q: (L) They never counted on their satellites getting fried.

(Pierre) And other electronic equipment through which they monitor, control, and influence populations. It's a failing of the electronic control system.

A: Level playing field eventually. Just wait for the current to begin to flow!
Frightening as I could see this fry all cloud services and communications further isolating communities yet the look on all those technocrat's faces will be priceless :jawdrop:Also, the C's phrasing of "...the current to begin to flow" sounds a lot like the wave here. :huh:

Q: (Pierre) They're talking of electromachining of the surface of the planet...

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Electromachining means basically arcing...

(Joe) Moving lightning along the ground.

(Pierre) Long-lasting moving lightning.

(Joe) Chasing people!

Also terrifying and reminds me in some ways with the end of 'Raiders of the Lost Arc.' Many people are so 'plugged into the system' they're going to get fried! So, I guess try not to look into the light and don't be plugged in?? Glad I bought some grounding socks and plenty of rolled tobacco. :cool2:
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