Session 3 October 1998


FOTCM Member
October 3, 1998

Frank, Laura, Ark

Q: Hello.

A: Hello.

Q: And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Wonniea.

Q: And where do you transmit through?

A: Cassiopaea.

Q: How do you feel about this plexiglas cover over the board and the felt on the pointer?

A: Okay for now.

Q: Is there something that might work better?

A: If there is, you will find it.

Q: (A) I have one technical question and one non-technical question, so I will start with the non-technical one. I notice that, because of lack of time due to involvement in this programming, that I have neglected many things which I should not. I neglect gym, I neglect writing in the journal, I neglect getting enough sleep, I don't get up early in the morning or work on my web pages. I am not working on UFT and related things; work on the transcripts. So, the question is: how to get out of this situation? Will effort be enough, or do you have some advice?

A: When you are doing as you should, it is effortless. Let that be your guide. There is no such thing as "hard" work, unless one is going against the "grain."

Q: (A) Now, the technical question: in the physics news, it is reported that scientists have discovered long range acceleration towards the Sun in the observations of the path of Pioneer 10 which is now 70 AU from Earth, and they cannot explain this. The problem is that there are speculations that this may suggest there is something wrong with the theory of gravity, and that a new theory is necessary. What is the reason for this unusual behavior of Pioneer 10?

A: Wave emittance.

Q: (A) From where?

A: Cosmic energy is composed of particles misidentified.

Q: (L) As what?

A: Not "as," but of.

Q: (L) Of what?

A: Particles are...?

Q: (L) Tachyons?

A: Arkadiusz, please!

Q: (L) Alright, I'll shut up.

A: What do your scientists think about the matter-antimatter matrix?

Q: (A) Well, now you are leading me somewhere else. I asked about the anomalies in the path of Pioneer 10 and now you are talking about matter and anti-matter. The issue is the acceleration of Pioneer 10 TOWARDS the Sun.

A: Towards the Sun... Not from...

Q: (A) Well, I don't see any connection between this problem and this matrix you keep mentioning...

A: Yes, so now we see why one goes: "What?!?"

Q: (A) Okay, I will think about it and try to figure it out.

A: No, you will not escape that easily! We are trying to get you to put your "thinking cap" on and you won't even go near the hatrack!

Q: (A) Okay, as you repeatedly mention this 'matrix,' I want to know exactly what your definition of 'matrix' is?

A: Picture a perfectly symmetrical three dimensional parallelogram.

Q: (A) It's a cube.

A: Yes, now convert to 4 dimensions, and you have the mathematical representation of the matter-antimatter matrix.

Q: (A) In mathematics, by a matrix we understand a cube with slots to put numbers in. How many slots do we include?

A: Try inserting phi or an infinite number.

Q: (A) The number of slots must be an integer like one, two or three, not a decimal like phi.

A: Four dimensional, Arkadiusz, 4th Density, see?

Q: (A) Okay, I will think about it.

A: No, you will not. What is the square root of 13?

Q: (A) When you ask about the square root of 13, do you want me to use a decimal representation?

A: Yes, that would be fun for starters.

Q: (A) Okay, the square root of 13 is 3.6005551275. Do I see anything particular? No. But, it is a good start. Okay, what is so particular about the square root of 13 as opposed to the square root of 17?

A: Compare with the numerical representation of phi.

Q: (A) I believe that is one plus square root of five over two, which is 1.618033989. Now, compare. I don't see any particular relation between these numbers.

A: Subtract...

Q: (A) Okay, I subtract and we have 1.982521138 and so on. It's a number. I still do not see anything particular about this number, the result.

A: Now, if you can only reconcile your matrix numerically...

Q: (L) Using these numbers?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What do you mean by the term 'reconcile?'

A: What do you mean when you use it?

Q: (L) These three numbers are the three dimensions?

A: Play with them, see what you get. Will be better than Rubik's cube.

Q: (A) Okay, I will play with them. It's not clear to me how I should play with them, but I will... yes...

A: Computer.

Q: (L) Play with them on the computer. (A) I will. I am done. (L) Okay now, we received this e-mail from the fellow who was at Leonard's meeting, and he asked Billy Meier if he has knowledge of the Cassiopaeans. Billy said, and I quote: "I heard before that a contact group says it is in contact with the Cassiopaeans. Now I asked Ptaah for more detailed information. The result of the inquiries is as follows: 1) The spiritual leaders of the Plejares did not have any knowledge about Cassiopaeans who are in contact with a human group on earth 2) I asked also if the Plejares are in contact with some beings in the Orion or Cassiopaean star constellation. Such a contact does not exist was the answer. 3) After the research of Ptaah and of Florena (daughter of Ptaah visiting the earth often in her spaceship) on earth are the Cassiopaean contacters stealing materials from other sources and a lot originates in their own phantasy. 4) Ptaah told me that no beings on their planet Erra or on one of the surrounding planets have any contact to Cassiopaean beings in physical or spiritual existence 5) It was also told to me that no beings neither in spiritual nor in physical bodies are now coming for contacts to our earth. 6) The Cassiopaean contact group - as many others - distributes the products of their own phantasies. That is the pronouncement of the 'Great Billy Meier.' Comment please.

A: Comment?

Q: (L) Well, yes! Who are the Plejares?

A: Those who originate from Plejar.

Q: (L) And where is Plejar?

A: Near Margaritaville.

Q: [Laughter] (L) I see. In other words, a Jimmy Buffet alcohol inspired fantasy. Who is this Ptaah that Billy talks to?

A: We do not suggest you pursue confrontational controversy. It serves no purpose. And it would be wise to remember that there is a great potential Armada of those who would equally doubt the validity of Cassiopaeans, Pleiadeans, Orions, Zeta Reticulans, etc. Any way. So what is the point?

Q: (L) Well, I know that. But, I would just like to know what is the energy behind the Billy Meier contacts?

A: As we have so stated, Meier had legitimate contact in the beginning, but has since become the Swiss version of J.Z. Knight.

Q: (L) Okay, enough on that. Moving along. Mike asked about the cutting of the Elm at Gisors. Can you comment on the meaning of the 'Cutting of the Elm?'

A: No.

Q: (L) Well, that was short and sweet. Mike also asks: 'I wonder if the quest that we are on, working with the C's is distracting us too much from learning about our true nature, and preparing us for 4th density?

A: Not unless one assumes such a posture.

Q: (L) He also asks: 'I would like, at some time, to ask the C's what we could each do to best develop ourselves to be ready for the transition. [...] Maybe the question is: what do each of us, individually and/or as a group, need to do to ensure that we are candidates for 4th density during the transition, and can we help friends and loved ones?'

A: Not correct concept.

Q: (L) What IS the correct concept?

A: If one embarks upon a journey, what does one do to prepare?

Q: (L) Well, I guess that if one is not really sure of the route or destination that one tries to have as much of a variety of clothing and necessary essentials and packs the suitcase and gets ready to leave, yes?

A: Does one concern one's self with the proper texture of the suitcase?

Q: (L) Not usually. If it is big enough and strong enough to hold what might be needed, that is all that matters. Are you comparing the suitcase to the body?

A: No.

Q: (L) Then I don't understand the analogy.

A: If one walks down a street, does one choose the color of one's socks based on what one expects to arise during the walk?

Q: (L) No, that would be an utterly trivial concern. And you pick your socks based on what you have, what you like and what feels good. You don't pick your socks based on where you are going to walk!

A: Yes, so?

Q: (L) He further writes: 'I'm not sure what constitutes the requirements for transition to 4th density. I would have thought spiritual enlightenment and commitment to STO, and related attributes would have been high on the list. But the Lizards are on 4th density, and they are certainly not all that nice to us and are not STO, as a rule. How did they get to 4th density?' I already suggested that he need to read the Ra Material.

A: He needs a better understanding in general, and this is a natural process, there is no preparation.

Q: (L) Okay, Bill B__ writes in response to Mike: 'There is evidence for the case that mankind is devolving rather than evolving. We have descended from our forebears, not ascended from some ape-hybrid.

A: Devolving?!?

Q: (L) Okay, he further writes: 'Seems that there were indeed many civilizations that were on the planet with far superior inner resources to which we compare as grade school kids...

A: You are jumping ahead way too fast!

Q: (L) He writes...

A: No, no, no.

Q: (L) You don't want me to continue this line?

A: We want to take one step at a time.

Q: (L) Well, this was what Bill said back to Mike...

A: No, no, no, no, no, no! You did not answer our question!!!! You just ignored it. How do you expect this discussion to progress?

Q: (L) Okay, your question was 'devolving.' I was talking about what he was saying. Are you saying that 'devolving' is not an accurate way of describing this process?

A: Of course not!!

Q: (L) So, devolving is not accurate. What would be an accurate way to describe man's present state...

A: Devolving does not exist!

Q: (A) The question is, does Evolving exist?

A: No.

Q: (L) That's not the question. Does evolving exist?

A: No.

Q: (L) So all just exists and IS, is that it?

A: Yes. All there is is lessons.

Q: (L) Well, we are talking about the obvious evidence for higher and more advanced civilizations of the past. My thought would be...

A: That is not devolving. If your great grandchildren wind up tossing spears, that is 'evolution' too.

Q: (L) So, it is the spiritual matters that count and not the technological state of the civilization?

A: Close.

Q: (L) So, a highly advanced civilization could be not as highly evolved, spiritually speaking, as a less advanced civilization in terms of spirit?

A: No matter what, it is still "evolution."

Q: (L) Does it have to do with the fact that time is variable and selective, and all actually exists simultaneously?

A: Somewhat.

Q: (L) So, it is just cycles?

A: No, you are missing the point. There is no such thing as devolvement. All experiences are rich with lessons. Many in your realm need to move beyond this superiority/ inferiority kick.

Q: (L) Anyway, speaking of these ancient civilizations, he says: 'Yet they all met the same decisive end. They failed to graduate. Cataclysms overtook them all...'

A: Who says they failed to graduate? This gentleman proposes to know what constitutes graduation?!? How does he know this?

Q: (L) I guess it is an assumption that the state of the material civilization, or what happens to it, is a measure of the possible/probable graduation of the members of that civilization in whole or part. He says that we must 'rediscover what was known before. I personally believe that it was a failure to prepare for the transition to 4th density.' He says: 'The 4th density, as I understand it, is one where the thoughts of the heart can actually generate external reality almost instantaneously. Can you imagine the devastation if one is not prepared for that. Preparation, it seems to me, would consist of honestly coming to grips with those demons within us and purging them through a variety of means until the water of Spirit runs clear from our intentions.

A: Preparation consists of merely being there!

Q: (L) I think that the issue is, what these two guys are trying to get to is that they want to transition to 4th density, they don't want to be hanging out on a post- cataclysmic world where everything is all messed up, they don't want to go back to square one and do third density all over again and suffer, and they want to know how or why or what to do to ensure that they make this transition?

A: You cannot honestly entertain such nonsense, can you?

Q: (L) Well, I have tried to explain to them that it doesn't matter where you are or any preparations that you have made along this line, but it is important as to WHO you are and what you SEE. And, seeing is based on awareness, and awareness is based on knowledge. Therefore, it seems to me that the only thing one should be occupying oneself doing is gathering and gaining knowledge.

A: Closer.

Q: (L) Can we get closer than that?

A: No.

Q: (L) Okay. Let's move right along here. Bill also says that what he thinks is part of the preparation for 4th density is an extensive effort toward the methods of creating our own reality in the sense of using visualizations toward a desired end with enough consistent emotional intensity as to manifest the phenomenon in the physical.'

A: Also, three cups of sugar, mixed with quinine and eye of gnute. Be sure to shake it three times over your head in a burlap sack while wearing an amulet depicting King George backwards over your left nipple. Say 14 oooms while shaking your left ankle 5 times, throw in some monoatomic gold... [at this point we are becoming aware of what is being said and laughing so hard that it is difficult to call out the letters.]

Q: (L) I think I get the point. You are saying that all of this stuff that people are doing is, where they think they are doing something to get them somewhere, is simply a waste of time?

A: Oh no, not at all, we have forgotten to mention the sage, salt and the unleavened bread!

Q: (L) The bottom line that I have on the subject is that anybody who does this or that WITH THE INTENT of achieving 4th density, is following the STS mode because they EXPECT SOME RESULT or reward, and that is Servicing Self...

A: Yes, and they are missing the point. By the way, when does the next flight leave for North Carolina?

Q: (L) So, wanting to DO anything other than to just BE as fully as you can be in the here and now constitutes...

A: STS and... 3rd density thought.

Q: (L) Alright. I think that covers that! Now, let's move onto Falun Dafa. He says: 'Falun are intelligent Entities. They are cultivated by practicing Buddha law and by the movement exercises which look like Tai Chi. The emphasis is on the practice of Zhen Shan Reng, or Truthfulness, Benevolence, and Tolerance, the supreme characteristics of the universe. You gather a Falun and place it in the Dan Tien, the navel, and it revolves there, and continues your cultivation for you. [...] What I am most interested in is the idea of Falun as intelligent entities. What or who are they?'

A: This is still not germane.

Q: (L) Well, the most important issue to him is, do they exist as described by this Master Li.

A: Okay, so they do.

Q: (L) Can you gather them and cultivate them and achieve 10,000 supernormal powers?

A: Yes, we suppose. But first, contact your broker, secure the credit cards, remember to turn off the computer and unplug the microwave. Also, the Maple dining room set should get a fresh dose of Lemon Pledge, so as to give the authentic maple that "see your reflection shine!"

Q: (L) What?! Why are you being so sarcastic? All of these people know about as much as we did when we started!

A: Because you already know how to counsel them on such issues.

Q: (L) I know that! But, when I say it, it's not the same. They want YOU to tell them in specific!

A: Okay, we have.

Q: (L) Okay, in reading these various books relating to elements of the 'quest,' we find a lot of bearded white men running around dispensing knowledge and a close association between them and serpents, though there has not emerged yet a reference between the Serpent and the Templars and Christ. I suggested that I thought that were 'good guys' and 'bad guys' and that something that seems benevolent could also be otherwise upon closer examination. Mike agrees except for the mention of the 'smoking mirror' god which brought back the sacrifice. So, there seems to be the association of the benevolent guys with the 'serpent of wisdom.' Can you comment?

A: Many stories stemming from your history or antiquity are confused or corrupted.

Q: (L) Are the bearded white guys running around dispensing knowledge associated with the serpent?

A: No.

Q: (L) So, the bearded white guys are in opposition to the serpent.

A: Confused with.

Q: (L) What was the 'smoking mirror god' spoken of by the Maya?

A: Something like Castaneda's description.

Q: (L) So, it was an unfriendly 4th density dude. Now, he quotes from John Keel's book 'Our Haunted Planet.' It says: 'The parahuman Serpent People of the past are still among us. They were probably worshipped by the builders of Stonehenge and the forgotten ridge-making cultures of South America.' Were the Serpent People worshipped by the builders of Stonehenge?

A: No.

Q: (L) Who was worshipped by the people who built Stonehenge?

A: Complicated.

Q: (L) Give me some key words to work it out.

A: Spirit, stars, energy.

Q: (L) Keel also talks about Serpent people integrated in our society with holographic images superimposed over their faces. Is this ever the case?

A: Maybe.

Q: (L) As in Men in Black?

A: Maybe.

Q: (L) Mike further asks: 'How do we maximize our efforts? Maybe, once we get up to speed, we can split up and hunt on different paths. Maybe the C's can suggest a plan of action.' Can you?

A: Gather knowledge at your own pace; network.

Q: (L) Let me quickly ask about this: I read the book about Spindletop and wrote to the author with some questions, and the guy sort of blew off my questions. The question now becomes: is there ANY validity to any Meadows claim to the income from this oil field.

A: Wait and see.

Q: (L) Why did Rosine McFaddin murder her boyfriend after he had been reported to have been talking to the professional genealogist in Salt Lake City?

A: Fit of jealousy.

Q: (L) Was there any concern about something the boyfriend may have told the genealogist?

A: No.

Q: (L) Then why did she go to visit the genealogist, risking being put back in jail for jumping bail?

A: Love of sorts.

Q: (L) So, she was just a whacked out menopausal woman. Now, when I asked previously about the carriers of this significant bloodline that I am supposed to be tracking, you said to follow the trail from Morocco to Spain to France and included the Canary Islands. Also, that the bloodline was carried by those most capable. Now, I have thought that this might be the Arab connection via the Moors to the noble houses of Spain and then into France. Is this, in fact, the case?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Okay, you said that the artefacts provide the key. I had a dream the other night that the artefacts in question were the major arcana of the Tarot deck, that they could be used to discover the mystery. Was this a legitimate clue in my dream?

A: Tools. So are astrological charts.

Q: (L) In doing this bloodline tracking, I came across this fellow who was the Gallo-Roman Senator named Tonantius Ferreolus. Is this individual descended from Jesus/Jesinavarah?

A: This is certainly a possibility.

Q: (L) You said that Jesinavarah had three children with three Roman women. I never asked if they were male or female children. Were they male or female?

A: Vella? What would you suppose?

Q: (L) The names Vella, Rafae and Alicia were given as the names of the three women who were the mothers. Was I mistaken and did I garble it when it was really the names of the children?

A: Sometimes, one follows another.

Q: (L) What were the names of the children of Jesus?

A: You have the clues, and your quest has been admirable so far, why stop now?

Q: (L) So, I will find them! Okay.

A: Could be like the Holy Grail.

Q: (L) What could be like the Holy Grail?

A: Chalice.

Q: (L) What does the chalice represent?

A: What is its root?

Q: (L) Okay, why are dogs represented in the Egyptian mythology as the 'opener of the way?'

A: Guards, guides.

Q: (L) What is the point of this quest? I know it is something that utterly fascinates me and I want to solve it...

A: Keep going.

Q: (L) It's not a waste of time? I mean, it's not gonna get me to 4th density, I'm just doing it because I like it, I guess.

A: If you did not do it, what would you do?

Q: (L) Well, I can't think of any puzzle that is more fascinating or interesting except maybe building a time machine, and I am of the opinion that the answer to this puzzle will lead to a time machine.

A: Maybe...

Q: (L) Okay, I have been hearing funny popping and crackling sounds in the psychomantium at night. The other night I even saw an Egyptian guy walking back toward the mirror along the side of the bed where I was. He looked exactly like one of those carved images with the funny perspective. It seemed that he must have come out of the mirror, interacted with me in some way, and I was awakened by his presence as he was going back... We have been sleeping regularly in the psychomantium and there is a HUGE increase in frequency and clarity of dreams. There is an interesting energy in the tent. Who or what was this being I encountered?

A: Find out.

Q: (L) Is there anything we can do to enhance this process? We sleep in it and are trying to just be used to it being there without expectation.

A: Good.

Q: (L) Is it a doorway that can be used while we are sleeping?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Do we use it while we are sleeping?

A: Probably.

Q: (L) Anything you want to add about the psychomantium?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is everything progressing as it ought to?

A: Oh, Laura!

Q: (L) What does that mean? Are you just frustrated with me for asking a silly question?

A: Close. Good night.

End of Session
Thank you for the session.

Some gems here.
A: When you are doing as you should, it is effortless. Let that be your guide. There is no such thing as "hard" work, unless one is going against the "grain."
Q: (L) So, wanting to DO anything other than to just BE as fully as you can be in the here and now constitutes...

A: STS and... 3rd density thought.
A: Gather knowledge at your own pace; network.
Some interesting sessions posted (this one and 19 September 1998), thank you!

Sometimes the Cs are simply hilarious:

A: Also, three cups of sugar, mixed with quinine and eye of gnute. Be sure to shake it three times over your head in a burlap sack while wearing an amulet depicting King George backwards over your left nipple. Say 14 oooms while shaking your left ankle 5 times, throw in some monoatomic gold... [at this point we are becoming aware of what is being said and laughing so hard that it is difficult to call out the letters.]
A: Yes, we suppose. But first, contact your broker, secure the credit cards, remember to turn off the computer and unplug the microwave. Also, the Maple dining room set should get a fresh dose of Lemon Pledge, so as to give the authentic maple that "see your reflection shine!"


The Cs were certainly letting it out that night.

A: When you are doing as you should, it is effortless. Let that be your guide. There is no such thing as "hard" work, unless one is going against the "grain."

Reminds one of:
> Minimizing Importance <
a la Reality Transurfing

Gravity also means "severity"

Matter is also used to indicate importance / severity i.e. "What is the matter ?"

I believe there is now a veritable lesson in minimizing (self) importance

The above no doubt means different things for different ppl / groups
Thank you for making this great session available to us!
This particularly rings true with me:

A: When you are doing as you should, it is effortless. Let that be your guide. There is no such thing as "hard" work, unless one is going against the "grain."
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