Session 4 May 2002


FOTCM Member
May 4-2002

Laura, Ark, BT

Q: (L) Hello.

A: Hello.

Q: (L) And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) Alright, the first general question is - Is Vincent Bridges really planning on suing us as he claims and as Jay Weidner has suggested if we don't 'make a deal' and remove our report about him from the site?

A: Not able.

Q: (L) Why not?

A: No money.

Q: (L) What is Jay Weidner's motivation to try to mediate?

A: He is money hungry. Not to keep; to get; thus his reputation is on the line.

Q: (L) So I guess he figures that he's got to save Vincent Bridges to save his book. That's what he's trying to do.

A: Yes.

Q: (A) If VB has no money, he could not pay Weidner, so he could possibly go to jail, right? So Jay Weidner is lying.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So he's none of the things he claims he is, he's not an initiate, he has no tradition, he's just another con-artist like Bridges?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Well. So he suggested to us that we better play ball with him because if we don't, Storm Bear and Vincent Bridges are going to escalate things, and he doesn't even want to tell us how, it's so terrible. Aside from the fact that it is more or less coercion, or blackmail, in what way do they plan to escalate?

A: Get violent.

Q: (L) Physically violent?

A: It is possible.

Q: (B) Is that because they have diminished alternatives?

A: Yes.

Q: (A) I would like to recount: back at some point where we were looking for advice, advice was given that our only concern is for our copyright. Okay, so now it's over {the copyright issue was settle legally} so what would be the next good and general direction for us to follow, except of course with keeping what we are doing?

A: Keep on path.

Q: (L) Should we take all mention of Vincent Bridges off our site?

A: Goodbye to Vincent Bridges.

Q: (L) What does that mean-- 'Goodbye to VB?' Does that mean take all of him off our site?

A: Just keep on path.

Q: (B) Is that implying that VB as a mode of attack will be replaced?

A: No.

Q: (L) Well, keeping on our path means to not take...well, you know...(B) Yeah, to not cave into their demands. (L) Right.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So you're just avoiding to have to give advice? (A) Well, it is not a soft problem because if they are going to get violent we have to do something because we don't like this kind of...

A: They haven't shown much talent so far. What makes you think that will change?

Q: (L) In other words they'll botch it and it'll be good-bye Vincent Bridges - off to jail. (A) What means violent, physical violence? I still can't imagine.

A: Not hard. He may try physical stalking.

Q: (A) What is stalking? (B) Being parked around the corner keeping an eye on the place. (L) Following us around. Of course if he does that then he gets arrested for just doing it. There's nothing he can do to escalate except get physical. (A) Well, physical escalation can also mean violence against our server. (L) He can try hacking. (B) Yeah but they said physical stalking, not cyber-stalking.

A: He is getting blinder by the day.

Q: (B) Less rational by the day? (L) In other words he is going to do very stupid things and make very stupid mistakes and get himself into deep trouble. Well that is an assumption on my part.

A: Close.

Q: (L) Okay, what issues did you have BT? (B) Let's get the personal one out of the way first--Is there a pending portal of attack through the family of the school friend that my grandson plays with?

A: Keep a close watch on this situation. Bells are ringing.

Q: (B) Okay. Referring back to a session on 7-28-01, a reference was made in answer to a question where Laura said, 'Well okay, were going to move to France and do more work' and the answer was "You 5," question was 'Us and three kids?' and the answer was "8835 million hope and glory is coming close. Point the way to love and realms of light. Trust on it." One of the members did a search on the term U5 and came with the Comet C 1998 U5 Linear. Is this an avenue we should approach closer or investigate closer?

A: It is a code that will reveal itself soon.

Q: (B) Now, there was a discussion about psychopaths and seemingly being born that way, and a reference was made to mercury content in vaccines and Laura said that there is a distinct possibility that inoculations mentioned may directly affect the brains of infants and turn them into psychopaths. Is that a third area that needs to be pursued in our quest of learning about psychopaths?

A: Such inoculations are designed to make the nervous system more "appropriately tuned" to 4D STS "downloads" and manipulation.

Q: (A) What inoculations? (L) Childhood vaccinations. (B) High mercury content in the 18 vaccinations that a kid gets now in infancy. Laura and I were talking earlier about thought packets and speech analysis. Is trying to analyze the speech pattern of psychopaths vs. non-psychopaths something that would prove fruitful?

A: It can be done. But there are easier ways.

Q: (L) What easier ways?

A: Observation coupled with instinct.

Q: (L) Once you know the program just plug it in. (B) Kind of what were doing? Mention was made in private correspondence about people that finance COINTELPRO operators, disinformation artists, that such financiers generally prefer not to take a risk and insist that legal action that might force this disclosure must never take place. Is there some validity to this in the VB/ JW thing?

A: Not in their case. They are truly "alien" agents with no consciousness of being controlled. Thus no human intermediary is needed. 4th density saves money this way!!

Q: (Laughter from all) (L) I want to ask about this book I was reading about this guy - T. Illion who traveled to Tibet and found this underground city and interacted with these strange beings, was this an actual trip this guy made in a traditional 3rd density sense?

A: It is a disguise for conveying truths of a spiritual nature as well as a depiction of 4th Density realities.

Q: (L) Did he physically travel to Tibet?

A: No.

Q: (B) Sounds like he gained some inner awareness and used a story to convey it. (L) Did he travel anywhere?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Did he travel somewhere else and get this information and then accurately portray it as being centered in Tibet?

A: Yes.

Q: (B) Were his travels in 3rd density?

A: Yes.

Q: (B) Is it important where he traveled?

A: Yes.

Q: (B) Well you know what the next question is (laughter). What would be his destination? Where did he travel?

A: Siberia.

Q: (B) Does it have anything to do with the spot in Siberia or Russian mountains that has the electromagnetic labs or whatever it was that they were discussing before?

A: Close.

Q: (A) Well still the question is: in the book he said he knew the Tibetan language.

A: He did.

Q: (A) In Siberia they don't use Tibetan language. (L) He didn't have to be using the Tibetan language. (A) What language is he using in Siberia, probably Russian. (L) I don't know. I've never been there. Well they didn't say he didn't know Russian. (A) That's true. (L) Was the place that he really traveled to a place that was positive that was telling about a place that was negative?

A: Yes.

Q: (B) When you answered 'close' to my question about the electromagnetic thing did you mean close physically or close in concept?

A: Both.

Q: (B) Both are linked then, are you saying there is a link between the two?

A: Vague.

Q: (B) I was thinking why Stone {word indecipherable} Does it have anything to do with the grid?

A: Partly.

Q: (L) Why did J hurt his back?

A: Over his ideal weight; first hit from karmic memory.

Q: (A) I want to come back to this Frank business because when we had this last session we asked about Frank and the answer was that he's not going to sign the agreement but then two days later he signs the agreement. So how should we understand this miss, so you say?

A: He would have held out had it not been for S***'s letter.

Q: (L) And what was it about S***'s letter that persuaded him?

A: He is not afraid of you because he thinks he can manipulate, but S*** was an unknown factor.

Q: (L) I had the feeling, when the remark was made, that it was intended to dissuade us from anticipating, thus blocking.

A: It helped him to sign when you did not expect it.

Q: (A) The problem is, all of these things seem to be designed to block the completion of {my book}. We are both busy dealing with all of these attack issues, and Laura has been stopped from work on {her book}.

A: Let her write what comes. {The book} will be finished at the proper time. Goodnight.

End of Session

Q: (A) In Siberia they don't use Tibetan language. (L) He didn't have to be using the Tibetan language. (A) What language is he using in Siberia, probably Russian. (L) I don't know. I've never been there. Well they didn't say he didn't know Russian. (A) That's true. (L) Was the place that he really traveled to a place that was positive that was telling about a place that was negative?

A: Yes.

I don't understand the question in bold. Any support is appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
jordifs said:

Q: (A) In Siberia they don't use Tibetan language. (L) He didn't have to be using the Tibetan language. (A) What language is he using in Siberia, probably Russian. (L) I don't know. I've never been there. Well they didn't say he didn't know Russian. (A) That's true. (L) Was the place that he really traveled to a place that was positive that was telling about a place that was negative?

A: Yes.

I don't understand the question in bold. Any support is appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

I think Laura is asking, "Was the actual place he went to really a positive place, where the people were talking about and giving information about a different place that was in fact negative." But that's just the way I read it!
Approaching Infinity said:
jordifs said:

Q: (A) In Siberia they don't use Tibetan language. (L) He didn't have to be using the Tibetan language. (A) What language is he using in Siberia, probably Russian. (L) I don't know. I've never been there. Well they didn't say he didn't know Russian. (A) That's true. (L) Was the place that he really traveled to a place that was positive that was telling about a place that was negative?

A: Yes.

I don't understand the question in bold. Any support is appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

I think Laura is asking, "Was the actual place he went to really a positive place, where the people were talking about and giving information about a different place that was in fact negative." But that's just the way I read it!

That's it. Just demonstrates the issues of transcribing spoken language into written speech!
It also demonstrates the mind-trap people set for themselves by taking the raw transcripts and running with them on their own.

No wonder they often comes back around and some point and say, "No, Laura is wrong, what the C's were really saying was...!"
Approaching Infinity said:
I think Laura is asking, "Was the actual place he went to really a positive place, where the people were talking about and giving information about a different place that was in fact negative." But that's just the way I read it!

Thanks for quick replies. The fragment that confused me is the fragment "... a place that was negative".
Nonetheless using the script context, I believe one can understand what Laura is aiming at (the question). And the answer is quite clear: yes.

Thanks again.
"A: He is getting blinder by the day.

Q: (B) Less rational by the day? (L) In other words he is going to do very stupid things and make very stupid mistakes and get himself into deep trouble. Well that is an assumption on my part.

A: Close. "

Another excellent example of how STS exposes themselves and are their own worst enemy,due to their narrow, one track, tunnel vision minds, as the C's have hinted at many times, in the end they fail to see the 'bigger picture' , such as this VB character, his thirst for revenge is on such high amplitude, that he cannot see all the aspects of this situation and that getting 'physical' is the worst thing he can do to himself at this stage.
It would also be ironic that the very 'legal system' that the STS has created will be the ultimate undoing of this super-STS guy as far as you're all concerned, if he really does (or did already?) something stupid that gets him in trouble with his own side's 'laws'.

Even before knowing about the C material and their advice, I always thought that petty name calling and resorting to physical threats and in some cases actual violence was an STS-er's very last and futile effort to win. It always seems like the last missile in the arsenal, as all others have been already fired.
This Stalking thing seems to be a mind-set of Psychotic personality's that really believe that this is a legal way of scaring their target. Best way to combat this attack is to set them up. First: make Police report Second : work with Local/State Detectives to catch in the act... Next :Order of protection, and if it persists, lock up and jail time...My experience with Stalkers shows me they usually don't resort to violence unless cornerd or exposed, but don't take chances....Nip it in the bud...Hope its handled in France the same way.... Best regards Roger
I wish people could understand the magnitude of childhood inoculations. This infuriates me to know that they would put mercury in their vaccines, for all I know it could have happened to me. I had to take a bunch of vaccines when growing up and I absolutely hated going to get a shot of any kind. We here about the cases of autism in children growing and growing and they're blaming the MMR vaccine as a possible indicator of the cause. The sad part about this is when we do get it right, if ever, it'll probably be too late when you have things like the black plague coming roundabout 2 years from now found in the February 13Th 2011 transcript. It simply boggles my mind. So much information to take in and assimilate within our lives and then bam!

I really a not a doom an gloom type of individual because optimism are the realistic individuals and is good to stay positive but this one is tough. I say optimism is realistic because you try explaining to me how a pessimistic individual (who some would refer to as a realistic view) could create a sky scrapper. So bottom line we as people of the world must make a change but this almost seems like too little too late. Then again that is pessimistic.. yikes. Feedback is very much welcomed!
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