Session 5 December 1998


FOTCM Member
December 5, 1998
Laura, Ark, Frank

Q: Hello.

A: Hello.

Q: And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Emorriha.

Q: And where do you transmit through?

A: Cassiopaea.

Q: I would like to start with one thing that I don't want to forget: last Friday, Ark's friend Moshe, died. Since, during one session several years ago, you brought up the name 'Moshe' in conjunction with a discussion of our past life in Germany, and later on there were some funny connections to Dijon, and Moshe was based in Dijon, and I once asked if there was something significant about Moshe, which led into some very significant remarks about Orion and this Rhineland business; and you mentioned Tel Aviv, and Moshe has just been buried in Tel Aviv; so, I would like to ask if there is any particular significance regarding the sudden death of Moshe?

A: Please be more specific!

Q: Is Moshe's death a marker of a reality shift?

A: Not really, in the sense that you are conceiving.

Q: I know that Sandra's death was like a marker in my life, and I had the feeling that many things changed after her death, and perhaps even as a result of her death.

A: It was a marker, as you chose to make it so.

Q: Is there any subliminal connection between Moshe and Ark, Moshe and me, Moshe and both of us, or Moshe and our lives?

A: Moshe transited as a result of a genetic line defect.

Q: What...

A: Weakened arterial walls. Soul counts, not body.

Q: Well, how is Moshe doing at the present time?

A: Fine, but there is no "present time."

Q: I know that, I'm sorry. Let me ask this: when you mentioned the name 'Moshe' at the time that Roxanne was present, was it this Moshe you were referring to?

A: There are so many Moshes, perhaps you should study the Hebrew root. [Mosheh: drawing out; to pull out; rescued.]

Q: Well, there were some funny things going on in that session where you mentioned it. But, we will drop it for now. Okay, regarding this Rennes-le-Chateau business, Mike asks: I would like to know what or who created this pattern of mountains?

A: Mountains are a natural construct.

Q: Then he asks: about the beehive huts in the area, to which you answered 'not germaine,' and he said 'yes, but I'm curious about the beehive huts.' Is there any symbolism to the beehive huts in the area? {Not to mention the funny spelling of the word “germane”.}

A: None.

Q: What were they used for?

A: Honey production!

Q: In what manner was this honey production accomplished?

A: Carefully, so as not to get stung!

Q: Very cute. Who was using these beehive huts for honey production?

A: 19th century agrarians.

Q: I thought they were supposed to be like really OLD! Do you mean A.D. or B.C.?

A: A.D.

Q: Okay, Mike asks further: The six mountains at Rennes-le-Chateau form a natural pentagon surrounded by a circle. This reminds me of ancient spell-casters surrounding themselves with a circle when summoning spirits or demons. Was this area set up as a giant gateway or place of summoning?

A: Gateways occur where the conditions are right.

Q: Is this area a gateway?

A: Window.

Q: If it is, do the five surrounding peaks contain or shield whatever...

A: Contain is o.k.

Q: So, he is right, it DOES contain. Does this have to do with Atlantean technology and energy production?

A: In an offhand way.

Q: Are there other significant natural formations that follow similar patterns that we should be looking for?

A: Yes, of course. And they are numerous. Monument Valley is but one example.

Q: Well, on the same subject: did Abbe Saunier put clues in the stations of the cross in the Church at Rennes-le-Chateau?

A: Some, but they are gilded.

Q: What do you mean by that?

A: You will see.

Q: Does the message involve all the stations of the cross?

A: Just look. Now folks, remember: Rennes-le-Chateau is a means, not an end. Sort of like unlocking the trunk, expecting to find the gold, and merely finding a map.

Q: So, when you said 'template, Templar,' you were possibly referring to the fact that what was going on here, the constructions, the name and word clues, and even the events and incidents may have been a model that we should look for in other places?

A: Temples too.

Q: What is the...

A: What is behind your temples?

Q: Behind, in a general sense? The creators, the instigators? The church?

A: Place your fingers upon...

Q: What do you put your fingers on that has to do with a temple? Place your fingers on your temple? On your head? What is behind your temple? Your brain...

A: Which part?

Q: Well, the TEMPORAL lobe... the part of the brain where magnetite is found.

A: Yes....

Q: So, what are you getting at here?

A: We are not, you will.

Q: So, the instructions or clues found in this place, may, in fact, apply to some other location? Is that it?

A: Or to a grid.

Q: Was Saunier aware of this grid?

A: It is not important, the grid is.

Q: What I am trying to get at is, if he was aware of it, he might have put clues about it in his decorations in the church.

A: Who says?!

Q: He wrote across the doorway of the church: Terribilis locus est, or This is a Terrible Place...

A: And some have put: "Biohazard" where they store riches.

Q: What grid are we talking about? An EM grid...

A: Yes. Meridians...

Q: In response to your remark from last week, 'ever feel that you are dancing around in circles?' Mike wanted to know if this was a reference to crop circles?

A: No, not directly!

Q: Then, you also said: 'quite simply we would say, where is Arcadia?' Arcadia ...

A: You need to work on that one. The answers to these mysteries are not easily solved, but well worth it!

Q: The chief thing I noticed about Arcadia was, the Arcadians were the enemies of the Trojans, they were the creators of the Trojan Horse - a huge deception... and the Celts are supposed to be the descendants of the refugees from Troy. And, when Hitler came along, one of his ideals was to resurrect Arcadia, and that Germany was going to be the new Arcadia and destroy the 'old corrupt civilization,' which was Troy. Troy is 'three' and is connected to 'Ilium,' and I guess what my question is here is: just who's on first?

A: Who is on second?

Q: Who's on first, who's on second? Nope, not gonna touch that one! Very quickly: Kathy and Bob have been having some bizarre things going on. On December 1, Bob was having a 'fight' with 'Them,' during a sleep state. He said he had to struggle to get his body to move and his mind to come awake, and he heard someone telling him that he was not supposed to fight as he tried to yell. Kathy asked him who he thought it was, and he said 'the Grays.' Kathy was in the half sleep state and remembers thinking at one point 'they are here,' only when she opened her eyes, no one was in the room. She asks: 'Is this possible? We feel to some extent as if we have gone off the deep end. I do not like the way this feels. I know it has been said that this is not easy, and certainly that is correct. But I can't help thinking that our minds are making all this up, after all, the C's did say an abduction in our case did not occur. So, why would those guys be showing up now. We can hardly be any kind of threat, we are in kindergarten, for goodness sake.' She writes that she is concerned for her children, too. Her son mentioned a dream of being a baby where a 'ghost' was looking into his crib. He wondered if it was a dream or a memory. Kathy said that it reminded her of the 'little ghost people' from Bob's childhood. And she has heard that ghosts are often a screen memory of when the Grays have been around. What she really wanted to ask was about the pain in her left arm. She writes: 'I don't want to waste your time.'

A: Too many assumptions!! Best to investigate with an open mind. Something about a well, white wood frame homes.

Q: That's the clue she should follow?

A: "Kindergarten, ??!?" Why must we think our consciousness is thusly limited? Who knows of the content of the soul matrix if not adequately investigated?

Q: Anything else to help her out so that she doesn't feel like she is going off the deep end?

A: No.

Q: One final question: Martha Neyman has written back to say that she thinks this Rennes-le-Chateau is just a simple country village with a simple mystery, and there are no aliens, there is no conspiracy to control the world, and, therefore, she does not feel that any further communication on the matter is worthwhile. I, of course, agree. I spent too much time trying to point her in new and possibly fruitful directions, and she seemed only to want me to agree that she was so terribly clever with her naive symbolic interpretations. Do you have any comment on that?

A: No.

Q: Okay, I am done. (A) I want to ask about this grid business. I have this book with this 'sacred geometry' business, Bruce Cathie and all that. These people draw these grids with geometric shapes that differ from simple meridians. I would like to know how to find out what is the true geometry of this grid? Is it as complicated as they draw it, or is it as simple as longitude and latitude? Can I have some help with this?

A: Seek answers in the pyrotechnics.

Q: (L) Do you mean having to do with explosives or fireworks?

A: All that is related to the root. For example: lightning.

Q: (L) Yes, but what we are asking is how to SHAPE, to construct a correct grid! Is there a particular geometric figure that applies, and are there particular locations ...

A: No, no, no. You are assuming, and you are not being patient.

Q: (A) I don't understand what this pyrotechnics is about, but first question: at some point we were asking about this magnetic grid, and we were told that the grid lines are located about every 200 miles, and that it is a regular pattern of lines...

A: Yes, but those are primary. What happens at the poles?

Q: (A) At the poles, these lines converge, and the pattern becomes more complex, I suspect.

A: Convergence.

Q: (A) Okay, they converge at the poles, and probably go inside.

A: In atmosphere, there is undulation. At core, there is primary convergence, and that is also your doorway/bridge.

Q: (A) Core of the Earth?

A: Yes.

Q: (A) These lines that are being drawn, are they just one dimensional lines, or are they a plane that crosses the Earth along these lines?

A: Latter.

Q: (L) Are these points of locus denoted by these deposits of clay that adsorb tritium?

A: Off the track, and you, my dear, are in the "quiet chair."

Q: (L) Sorry! (A) Well, I wanted to make sure because, when we were directed to this place in Russia and the term 'magnetic meridian' was brought up, and we asked the question as to where the zero magnetic meridian was located, we were told that it was at about 90 degrees East longitude in the Western Pacific ocean. We checked the map and it is clearly the Indian Ocean and not the Western Pacific. Was this just a mistake?

A: No because all those lovely, shimmering oceans intersect around a lovely island with really inexpensive real estate!

Q: (A) They are joking! They act like they drank too much! I have no idea what that means! [Laura stops and gets the Atlas and examines the area in question.] (L) Okay, the only island I can see that those lovely shimmering oceans intersect around, in the terms in which you have expressed it, is Antarctica.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) In that sense... (A) Okay, this brings us to the question about the Piri Reis map. We wanted to know the origin of this map?

A: Complex, but the origin would date back to 14,000 B.C.

Q: (A) Atlantis?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Was this map drawn when Antarctica was NOT covered by ice?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Was Antarctica not covered by ice because the poles were in a different location?

A: No.

Q: (L) Was it not covered by ice because the entire planet was not covered by ice?

A: No.

Q: (L) Was it not covered by ice because it was in a different location itself?

A: No.

Q: (L) Why was it not covered by ice? (A) Because the climate was warmer.

A: Technologically achieved.

Q: (L) Why would somebody want to technologically warm Antarctica if the whole rest of the planet was available for use? What is so special about Antarctica?

A: The whole rest of the planet was available for use? Not hardly.

Q: (L) Why was the rest of the planet not available for use?

A: Ice.

Q: (L) So, the rest of the planet WAS covered by ice?

A: No.

Q: (L) There is something I am missing here. (A) Much of the planet was covered by ice, but not all.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, instead of using the areas that were NOT covered by ice, why, in particular, was Antarctica...

A: What?!?

Q: (L) What I am getting at is: why go to all the trouble to thaw out a whole big island if it might have been easier to have been somewhere else?

A: Well, first of all, we thought this was Ark's turn. But, since you have asked, is it not obvious by now? Magnetic power grid physics . EM utilization. Crystals, and the like. Seeking paths to the interior? The "Poles" know best!

Q: (A) ) Okay, now we have been brought to electromagnetism, and that was my next question. I got some very old papers by Whittaker...

A: EM generators usually employ a grid. 'Tis for field creation.

Q: (A) When you say this, you mean A grid, not THE grid?

A: Yes. Looks like a waffle iron.

Q: (A) You mean like a waffle iron that is used in transformers?

A: Okay. Why? To duplicate nature. Earth has a web, and so doeth thee!

Q: (A) Now, Earth's grid is just an imaginary grid related to field, or just a mathematic grid... no, it must really exist....

A: Yes.

Q: (A) If it really exists, is it a field of grid, or is it a grid made out of some matter, like these waffle irons? Just field, or matter?

A: The iron is attracted, not attractive.

Q: (A) I wanted to know if the grid is a material grid, or if it is just a grid of field and nothing more, or if there is something material in the earth relating to it?

A: Both.

Q: (A) We get a hint, but not an answer. The original question was about the Whittaker papers of 1903, about solutions of wave equations, and this relates to this Bearden who is making a lot of money on anti-gravity books and zero point energy devices. At some point, you told us that there was something in this. Bearden speculates that this Whittaker's ideas were useful for UFT. I obtained copies and I am studying them, and they are quite interesting.. Is this something that is worthwhile or another red herring?

A: No. They are worth it.

Q: (A) Recently, by a strange chance, I was pointed to a guy in Brazil who wrote some papers with Assis, and Assis was connected to Marinov, so this sort of closes a circle. This Rodriguez writes about superluminal waves. He writes a lot of papers about it... and he even says that he believes that superluminal waves can be used technologically pretty soon. Any comment this particular guy, if he is on the right track?

A: Yes.

Q: (A) What about quaternions? Lord Hamilton invented quaternions, and this Bearden tells us that Maxwell wrote his equation using these quaternions, and his original papers are hidden from us by the government; that Maxwell knew more than we are told. Is this really the case?

A: Yes.

Q: (A) Are these quaternions useful?

A: Partly, but there is a missing link.

Q: (A) Sure. Now, I was thinking today about this Whittaker discovery, and whether I should work on linking it to the pentagons and hexagons. Is it the missing link? Or, did you mean another missing link?

A: Well, linking the geometric factors you speak of is wise, but there are other links missing as well.

Q: (A) Okay... that is all for tonight. (L) I would like to know if my back pain is linked to some subliminal message?

A: No.

Q: (L) Why is it so bad?

A: Posture.

Q: (L) What about the clay and the montmorillonite, and the connection of the clay TO the montmorillonite, and what you once said about trace minerals unlocking secrets in some way?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Yes what? (A) How much should we drink?

A: No.

Q: (L) We shouldn't drink it?

A: Be vague, we vague.

Q: (L) Is this montmorillonite the objective of the clues about tritium? The fact that tritium pointed to this clay, and that this clay is situated in the Rhineland, among other select sites, and alfalfa possibly grows there. Is this where the clue was supposed to lead us?

A: The question is about the mind, spirit and body, and what happens hence.

Q: (L) Well, what I am trying to get to here is: is it useful for us to ingest this montmorillonite? Will it assist in this mind/body/spirit connection?

A: What is more to the point is who was assisted before, how and why.

Q: (L) I don't get it. Maybe it is because I am so tired, but I am hitting a blank on that.

A: You must be, as the obvious is quite oblivious!

Q: (A) We are not getting anything about this mineral... who was assisted before, how and why... (F) I can figure that out! (L) Well, go ahead! (F) If this clay is in Germany, and if the implication is that the mineral causes some sort of beneficial effect, perhaps, in antiquity, somebody was using it for that reason. (L) Is Frank right on this?

A: Yes, he is.

Q: (L) One last question that just occurred to me: why did the Druids cut mistletoe in such a ceremonial way?

A: No, that is too complicated for now. Good night.

Q: (L) Okay, we will ask it next week. Good night.

End of Session 1 3
This was an absolutely fantastic session:
A: Just look. Now folks, remember: Rennes-le-Chateau is a means, not an end. Sort of like unlocking the trunk, expecting to find the gold, and merely finding a map.
gotta love their humor, it teaches so succinctly, had a very good chuckle at this.
Q: So, when you said 'template, Templar,' you were possibly referring to the fact that what was going on here, the constructions, the name and word clues, and even the events and incidents may have been a model that we should look for in other places?
A: Temples too.

Q: What is the...
A: What is behind your temples?

Q: Behind, in a general sense? The creators, the instigators? The church?
A: Place your fingers upon...

Q: What do you put your fingers on that has to do with a temple? Place your fingers on your temple? On your head? What is behind your temple? Your brain...
A: Which part?

Q: Well, the TEMPORAL lobe... the part of the brain where magnetite is found.
A: Yes....
When they first answered "Temples too." i immediately went to the temples of the head, don't know why. But temporal lobe, temporal - dealing with time, ohh the clues really are everywhere. Learning is Fun. :D
I read in them Seth books (By Jane Roberts) that there are these co-ordinate points which have this mi-nute distortion of gravity around them. It says that these co-ordinate points are actually dimensional intersections and when you hit a certain emotional level (regardless of the emotion) while you're in their vicinity the emotion will continue to build up and up, and if you hold a mental picture while this is going on you can actually create the image in real life (it becomes real). It also says that that is how reality is created in the first place. I mention this in relation to the grid stuff (also I wanna get my Jedi status up :P).

In regards to the quaternions, there are these things called octonians which have 7 'imaginary' parts instead of 3. Since I heard of quaternions and octonians I've thought that they have something to do with the 3 dimensions of reality and 1 of time, but I dunno.
Chickenmales said:
I I mention this in relation to the grid stuff (also I wanna get my Jedi status up :P).


While we encourage posting and participation in various discussion threads, we do discourage posting anything that comes into one's head, just to get one's status up to a certain level.

Just sayin' :)
Mrs. Peel said:
Chickenmales said:
I I mention this in relation to the grid stuff (also I wanna get my Jedi status up :P).


While we encourage posting and participation in various discussion threads, we do discourage posting anything that comes into one's head, just to get one's status up to a certain level.

Just sayin' :)
Master yoda would say not quantity, but quality matters most. ;)
Yeah I've been told to keep the noise down already, seems I'm disrupting the forum's jive :-[.
About pyrotechnics...

Q: Okay, I am done. (A) I want to ask about this grid business. I have this book with this 'sacred geometry' business, Bruce Cathie and all that. These people draw these grids with geometric shapes that differ from simple meridians. I would like to know how to find out what is the true geometry of this grid? Is it as complicated as they draw it, or is it as simple as longitude and latitude? Can I have some help with this?

A: Seek answers in the pyrotechnics.

Q: (L) Do you mean having to do with explosives or fireworks?

A: All that is related to the root. For example: lightning.

Pyro is related to fire

before vowels pyr-, word-forming element form meaning "fire," from Greek pyro-, combining form of pyr (genitive pyros) "fire, funeral fire," also symbolic of terrible things, rages, "rarely as an image of warmth and comfort" [Liddell & Scott]; see fire (n.). Pyriphlegethon, literally "fire-blazing," was one of the rivers of Hell.

Pyro, pure, to purify.

Technos like "art, skill, craft"

word-forming element meaning "art, craft, skill," later "technical, technology," from Latinized form of Greek tekhno-, combining form of tekhne "art, skill, craft in work; method, system, an art, a system or method of making or doing," from PIE *teks-na- "craft" (of weaving or fabricating), from suffixed form of root *teks- "to weave, fabricate, make"

So pyrotechnics could simply mean "the art of purification".
Wonder if this is yet, another cover for a case of possible bleed-through! :huh:

Monument Valley closed due to ‘cult activity’
November 30, 2018 NAVAJO TIMES
Monument Valley Tribal Park has closed after a fellowship was filming without a filming permit, leading to a demonstration, according to law enforcement.

The fellowship was ousted while filming for “Witness in the Desert,” a project led by Derek Broes, a “gnostic luciferian,” better known as “Global Witness.”

Broes describes his Witness in the Desert project as a “YouTube event like any other in history. Multiple channel hosts that represent more than 2 million subscribers will participate in a live event that will be broadcast live from multiple locations in the ancient locations of tribal lands in and around Monument Valley, Arizona.”

Navajo Parks and Recreation authorized the closure of the park today (Nov. 29) until further notice.

“We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused for all visitors and community members,” the agency posted on its Facebook page.

“Your understanding and cooperation are very much appreciated.”

Oljato Chapter President James F. Adakai told the Navajo Times that due to high level of potential threat to the health and safety of the public in the the chapter is seeking the assistance of law enforcement to escort Broes and his group out of tribal lands.

“Further, we are very concerned that this type of escalating movement or riot may potentially cause unrest disorder or disharmony or may even cause violence or harm to the community,” Adakai wrote in a memo to the Navajo Nation Public Safety Department and local sheriff’s departments. “The local authorities of (the tribal park) and local Oljato officials … have learned that the … group … is carrying out an unauthorized cult-related activity.”

Law enforcement agencies at the scene reported that at least 50 individuals protested against the closure saying doomsday is near, but many were delighted to have spent time in the park before it closed.

“One lady was walking in the middle of the road with a baby and a Bible and was yelling, ‘God forgives you!’” one officer, who did not want to be named, told the Times.

“It, seems they have shut down the entire park to prevent us from going in” Broes said in his latest video on his YouTube channel Global Witness. “We’ve been told that we cannot go into the park. In fact, they didn’t just shut it down for us, but they shut it down for everybody. People going to the hotel, you name it. So, it’s been quite an adventure.”

Broes went on to say that his group is not a cult.

“We are not here to worship any demons, we are not bringing any demons. We are only here to learn what secrets of the earth holds of our past, of our ancient past,” he explained. “Obviously, the monuments here have an ancient history. And the ancient peoples here … obviously have some of those things. They’ve written about these extensively throughout their prophecies. So, that’s all we’re here for.”

Q: Okay, Mike asks further: The six mountains at Rennes-le-Chateau form a natural pentagon surrounded by a circle. This reminds me of ancient spell-casters surrounding themselves with a circle when summoning spirits or demons. Was this area set up as a giant gateway or place of summoning?

A: Gateways occur where the conditions are right.

Q: Is this area a gateway?

A: Window.

Q: If it is, do the five surrounding peaks contain or shield whatever...

A: Contain is o.k.

Q: So, he is right, it DOES contain. Does this have to do with Atlantean technology and energy production?

A: In an offhand way.

Q: Are there other significant natural formations that follow similar patterns that we should be looking for?

A: Yes, of course. And they are numerous.
Monument Valley is but one example.

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