September 5, 1998
Frank, Laura, Ark
Q: Hello.
A: Hello.
Q: And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Vomaz.
Q: And where do you transmit through?
A: Cassiopaea.
Q: (A) My first question concerns a technical problem I have with my job. There is a device and the engineer detects vibrations in this device. I was looking for the reasons for this vibration, looking through all the software that generates the motion of this motor and was not able to find the place that was responsible for this particular vibration. It would be very nice if I could fix this problem. Perhaps you can give a hint as to where to look for the reason for this 2.5 hertz frequency?
A: Please, be more specific.
Q: (A) There is cooling machine, and this cooling machine is run by a linear motor, and this motor is run by a current that is controlled by a computer. This computer should generate a sinusoid of 58.6 megahertz. Ken, the engineer, finds that this motor has another vibration that it should not have, and this vibration cause problems with the detector. So, the problem is: where is the reason for this extra vibration?
A: 56.8 megahertz may be improper setting for natural flow as dictated by the function of design.
Q: (A) Okay, I will look...
A: But you need more than that... for example, should the setting be higher or lower? What are your thoughts on this. And why did engineers settle on that setting?
Q: (A) I don't know. I will ask. (L) Should it be set higher or lower? (A) I don't think that there is any particular reason why they set it at this frequency. They had to do something, and probably it could be set for a different frequency. I have to do research. It's a good point. Okay, next question: we have found this Novosibirtsk group. They apparently have some kind of detectors and some kinds of ideas according to this Russian guy Kozyrev, which enable them to measure instantaneous signals caused by some kind of irreversible events, such as when the comets hit Jupiter. I would like to know if the effect they have measured is a real, new effect?
A: Not "new" of course, but this is most interesting, because now we are dancing on the threshold of gravity waves, the very same thing we have been hinting at for so long, as you measure it in your linear perspective. The unusual condition that has arisen in Russia has created a bubble within the framework of the world power structure which has allowed some concussive "discoveries" to be occasionally leaked out into the open. This, of course, presents unique but potentially hazardous opportunities for you in your research.
Q: (A) What is hazardous, the contacting of these people?
A: No. It is the monitoring of your contacting.
Q: (L) Who is doing the monitoring?
A: Guess!
Q: (L) Is it third density or fourth density?
A: Both, as usual. In other words, proceed, yes, but tread carefully.
Q: (L) Well, you guys are the ones who gave us hints about this. Are you giving hints about things that will lead us into some dangerous situation?
A: It is dangerous only if handled with innocent or indiscreet zeal.
Q: (L) So, we must keep a low profile, inquire, read, do whatever, but don't go running out and telling anybody about it, which you don't do anyway...
A: But Laura is another story.
Q: (L) I swear! I will not breathe a word!
A: It matters not to us, we will love you eternally, in any density.
Q: (L) I.E. fifth density! (A) Now, the problem I found is that these people have effects, they have this very general idea of Kozyrev, but apparently they don't know what kind of mathematical structure, or geometrical structure is behind this phenomena, what kind of field is operating.
A: They do not know what you do.
Q: (A) I understand. Which means that I should not let them know what I know.
A: We suggest you contact them via internet in code. Contact in Russian, using words for "gravity" and "wave" separated innocently, or benignly in a key sentence.
Q: (A) Now, about this Guts. He is in Omsk and he wrote a few papers on this Kozyrev business and Kaluza-Klein theory, and he seems to be nice. Any comment about this guy. Should I take care, or is he friendly?
A: He is friendly.
Q: (A) Now, I think it was two weeks ago when you first mentioned this Russian link, that we should look for a Russian, and you mentioned a name 'Prokov.' Prokov doesn't seem to be a Russian name. But, I have found Frolov, which is similar to Prokov. He has a page on the internet and this page is entitle 'Time Machine.' He lists the following as subjects of his private research: chrono-technology, teleportation, change of rate of time, gravitational chrono-propulsion, free energy, over-unity, perpetuum mobile, cause-effect correlation, ether technologies, electro-gravitation, inertial propulsion, Biffeld-Brown effect, reactionless propulsion, Tesla's technologies, N. Kozyreve's technologies... Who is this guy? Is he a real researcher, or is he a spy, or both?
A: No, he is not a spy. He is more like a theorist looking for a place to land.
Q: (A) Can I contact him discreetly?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Now, I have here something from Australia. These people are talking about many things including this Kozyrev Time Machine. Also, they have something on what they call 'The Amazing Hieronymous Machine.' (L reads) “On 27th September, 1949 a very strange patent was granted, by the United States Patent Office, to one Dr. Thomas Hieronymous. It was for a device which was intended for the detection and analysis of minerals, using a previously undiscovered sensing method. The machine uses a sensing detector made of a coil of wire, an optical prism which is mounted on a rotating mechanism, a small electronic amplifier, and an output device known as a 'tactile sensor.' Sometime in early 1960 when I owned an electronics design laboratory a regular client wandered in with one of these devices. He had found instructions on how to build one in a popular science fiction magazine, and he wanted to see what I thought of it. Well, I can tell you now, I didn't think of it. The whole thing was ridiculous and was an insult to everything I had learned about electronics. The only problem I had was... it worked!! And it worked like this: the mineral sample was placed in front of the pickup coil and the prism rotated mechanically until a signal was detected at the output. And this is where my belief system was strained to its limit! The 'output' consisted of a flat coil of wire placed beneath a piece of glass. I was told to rub my finger lightly over the glass and tune the prism at the same time. At a critical point in the tuning process the contact between my finger and the glass suddenly felt 'tacky' as if someone had spilt orange juice on it. And this was the basis for the patent, a new form of detection... the Tactile Detector. All forms of detection in measuring equipment prior to this had been by sight or sound. That is, you could watch a voltmeter mover or you could hear a changing audio tone. but this new device worked by a 'change in feel/touch.' Since then this form of detection has been widely adopted for use in general 'radionics' devices which are used by a number of alternative medicine practitioners in Australia as a means of determining health problems. I have seen one of these machines demonstrated by a skilled operator and the accuracy is better than 90%. If the dial of a Hieronymous machine is calibrated to a certain mineral, any similar mineral placed by the pickup coil will produce a 'response' at exactly the same portion of the dial. By using advanced attenuating circuits the metallic ration in alloys can be accurately determined. Nobody has a clue how or why it works but then again, in the 19th century, nobody had a clue how electricity or magnetic fields worked, but plenty of people used these strange 'new' effects to make money. [...] A well known rocket engineer, Harry Stine, who was employed at the White Sands missile range, New Mexico, built one of these machines and tried it out on the other scientists and engineers on the base. He found that 80% could get it to work and even Dr. Clyde Tombaugh, the astronomer who discovered the planet Pluto in 1930, found he could make the machine work effectively. Stine was so dumbfounded with the possibilities that he has since devoted a fair portion of his life to investigating these and similar devices.” (A) I would like to ask why this machine works?
A: Transducer is crystalline in nature. Quartzine polymer collects ambient radiation through point of even balance.
Q: (A) I have here a catalog of books which I can get from Tesla Book Company. Some of these books look very interesting. I have an idea that I really have to order some of these books and study; especially those that deal with UFT. But there are hundreds of books! (L) Use a pendulum. (A) What if pendulum shows a hundred books?
A: Why not dowse, silly!
Q: (A) I am silly?
A: No, we were just having fun.
Q: (A) Okay, so I am supposed to dowse. Now we are together, we want to know about this meridian because we are confused.
A: Nikolai is the first name. Igorivich is middle name. Padritsyn, or Padritzhin is last name.
Q: (A) Okay, so that's the person to look for. Okay, now this brown star business. We would like to have some more data to be able to do a computer simulation. This one more piece of information would be, for instance, WHEN this solar companion was last here?
A: We have been a little evasive about this, because perhaps you would be better served at this juncture by understanding more about the "Whats" rather than the "Whens."
Q: (F) What's wrong? (L) I am having a terrible stomach ache. (F) Now you? I hate to think what will happen to Ark next week! [Frank had to leave early the previous week due to a gallbladder attack.] (L) What is causing my intense tummy ache?
A: Contractions of a ductal nature.
Q: (A) Are you talking about my pancreas?
A: Close.
Q: (L) My gallbladder?
A: Not as close.
Q: (L) So, it is because of the grapes I ate, the insulin and all that business?
A: When you induce "sleep" of your pancreas, naturally, when you wake it up, it yawns and stretches and stumbles a bit before gaining balance, just as do you.
Q: (L) Well, it is certainly miserable. It is too low and centered to be gallbladder. It's insulin. (F) Has your pancreas been asleep? (L) Well, yes. I haven't had carbs in so long... (F) Well, naturally! (A) No more grapes!
A: It may not be wise to become too aggressive about avoiding carbohydrates.
Q: (L) I have determined that I am insulin resistant which then becomes hyperinsulinism, which then causes every single thing I eat to turn to fat. So, what is the solution?
A: That is more complicated than what you have read so far, but your RH factor is the key.
Q: (L) Anything else I should know on this to avoid any future suffering?
A: There is more, but remember it is a mosaic.
Q: (L) Okay. Let's take a short break.
Q: (L) Having done my homework on supernovas to some extent, and having discovered that either supergiant red stars are in the process of going supernova, or supergiant blue stars are getting ready to be ready to go supernova, as well as eruptions of massive interstellar clouds, I note that Betelgeuse, in the right shoulder of Orion, is a red supergiant, and Rigel, in the foot of Orion, is a blue supergiant, both of which could go supernova. Am I going in the right direction?
A: You have begun to trek down the right path.
Q: (L) We noticed that the supernova that occurred in Cassiopaea 300 years ago did not seem to have been widely noticed by people on earth. What is the reason for this?
A: Distance.
Q: (L) Now, formerly I asked about the 'two new stars in Cygnus and Serpentarius' that were written about in the Rosicrucian Manifesto of about this period of time, and you said they were talking about 'novae.' But, it seems that there are no new stars in either of these constellations. Yet, at approximately this time, was the supernova in Cassiopaea.
A: Yes, those with foreknowledge were looking.
Q: (L) Also, there was a supernova that became the Crab Nebula, which occurred 5,000 years ago, yet was not seen on earth, until 900 years ago, which happens to be exactly the time period I have been looking at as having been a turning point where seeds were planted that are now bearing fruit. Can you tell us if this supernova that was seen 900 years ago, were there effects from the Supernova that contributed to this state of affairs at the culmination of the Dark Ages, the creation of the Templars and so forth. What were the effects of this supernova that was seen 900 years ago?
A: Excitation of base liquid molecules.
Q: (L) Did this have a physiological effect, or genetic, DNA effect on people?
A: Slight.
Q: (L) What were the pronounced effects that one would have been able to note. That is microscopic...
A: Growth.
Q: (L) Growth in what sense? Growth and change in the size of people?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Growth in a psychological or mental sense?
A: Close.
Q: (L) What kind of growth specifically?
A: Both.
Q: (L) At the time of that particular supernova, 5,000 years ago, were there any superluminal effects that were felt instantly?
A: Maybe, research and correlate.
Q: (L) Was the Great Pyramid at Giza built and lined up to supernova?
A: Part of the picture.
Q: (L) Were these supernova that occurred at the time of the construction, or that were expected to occur at some point in the future?
A: Both.
Q: (L) Are supernova in any sense cyclical?
A: In a sense requiring higher senses.
Q: (L) Do supernova create portals to other universes?
A: The doors may be redirected.
Q: (L) Does any of this supernova business have anything to do with the constellation Leo?
A: In a way.
Q: (L) In what way?
A: Through geometric configuration.
Q: (L) What do you mean 'through geometric configuration?'
A: Status of Trine.
Q: (L) You mentioned the importance of the Horsehead Nebula in relation to the symbol of the Knight. What is the significance of the Horsehead Nebula?
A: Keep up your search, as you are near.
Q: (L) What would be the effect of cosmic rays emitted by a supernova that is in some proximity to the earth on the human body?
A: Genetic splice of strand.
Q: (L) How close would a supernova have to be to have this effect?
A: 2000 light years.
Q: (L) So that either of these stars in Orion that are potential supernova prospects could have this effect since they are approximately 1500 light years away?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Are we talking about effects that propagate with the speed of light, or effects that are superluminal and instantaneous?
A: Both, and slower as well.
Q: (L) What would be the effect that would be instantaneous?
A: Lesser.
Q: (A) Now this supernova that is supposed to explode soon, will it be soon in the sense of our SEEING it, that is the arrival of the light from this, or soon in the instantaneous sense?
A: Optically.
Q: (L) So, this supernova must have already occurred?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And where did this supernova take place?
A: No dice, baby!
Q: (L) What clue can I follow to determine which star it is?
A: Instincts.
Q: (A) But, if it already occurred, then this means that the instantaneous effects have already been felt, even if it was lesser than the optical effects. It must have been recorded by anomalous changes in genes? (L) Is that true?
A: Close.
Q: (L) So what, in the records, should we be looking for?
A: Sign of struggle out of sequence with pre-ordained activities of Royal Blood Lines.
Q: (L) In other words, the usurpation of the blood lines?
A: Close.
Q: (L) What is aphelion of the companion star of our solar system?
A: Not yet, as you need more understanding of those cycles that you so keenly allude to. And on that note, good night.
End of Session
Frank, Laura, Ark
Q: Hello.
A: Hello.
Q: And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Vomaz.
Q: And where do you transmit through?
A: Cassiopaea.
Q: (A) My first question concerns a technical problem I have with my job. There is a device and the engineer detects vibrations in this device. I was looking for the reasons for this vibration, looking through all the software that generates the motion of this motor and was not able to find the place that was responsible for this particular vibration. It would be very nice if I could fix this problem. Perhaps you can give a hint as to where to look for the reason for this 2.5 hertz frequency?
A: Please, be more specific.
Q: (A) There is cooling machine, and this cooling machine is run by a linear motor, and this motor is run by a current that is controlled by a computer. This computer should generate a sinusoid of 58.6 megahertz. Ken, the engineer, finds that this motor has another vibration that it should not have, and this vibration cause problems with the detector. So, the problem is: where is the reason for this extra vibration?
A: 56.8 megahertz may be improper setting for natural flow as dictated by the function of design.
Q: (A) Okay, I will look...
A: But you need more than that... for example, should the setting be higher or lower? What are your thoughts on this. And why did engineers settle on that setting?
Q: (A) I don't know. I will ask. (L) Should it be set higher or lower? (A) I don't think that there is any particular reason why they set it at this frequency. They had to do something, and probably it could be set for a different frequency. I have to do research. It's a good point. Okay, next question: we have found this Novosibirtsk group. They apparently have some kind of detectors and some kinds of ideas according to this Russian guy Kozyrev, which enable them to measure instantaneous signals caused by some kind of irreversible events, such as when the comets hit Jupiter. I would like to know if the effect they have measured is a real, new effect?
A: Not "new" of course, but this is most interesting, because now we are dancing on the threshold of gravity waves, the very same thing we have been hinting at for so long, as you measure it in your linear perspective. The unusual condition that has arisen in Russia has created a bubble within the framework of the world power structure which has allowed some concussive "discoveries" to be occasionally leaked out into the open. This, of course, presents unique but potentially hazardous opportunities for you in your research.
Q: (A) What is hazardous, the contacting of these people?
A: No. It is the monitoring of your contacting.
Q: (L) Who is doing the monitoring?
A: Guess!
Q: (L) Is it third density or fourth density?
A: Both, as usual. In other words, proceed, yes, but tread carefully.
Q: (L) Well, you guys are the ones who gave us hints about this. Are you giving hints about things that will lead us into some dangerous situation?
A: It is dangerous only if handled with innocent or indiscreet zeal.
Q: (L) So, we must keep a low profile, inquire, read, do whatever, but don't go running out and telling anybody about it, which you don't do anyway...
A: But Laura is another story.
Q: (L) I swear! I will not breathe a word!
A: It matters not to us, we will love you eternally, in any density.
Q: (L) I.E. fifth density! (A) Now, the problem I found is that these people have effects, they have this very general idea of Kozyrev, but apparently they don't know what kind of mathematical structure, or geometrical structure is behind this phenomena, what kind of field is operating.
A: They do not know what you do.
Q: (A) I understand. Which means that I should not let them know what I know.
A: We suggest you contact them via internet in code. Contact in Russian, using words for "gravity" and "wave" separated innocently, or benignly in a key sentence.
Q: (A) Now, about this Guts. He is in Omsk and he wrote a few papers on this Kozyrev business and Kaluza-Klein theory, and he seems to be nice. Any comment about this guy. Should I take care, or is he friendly?
A: He is friendly.
Q: (A) Now, I think it was two weeks ago when you first mentioned this Russian link, that we should look for a Russian, and you mentioned a name 'Prokov.' Prokov doesn't seem to be a Russian name. But, I have found Frolov, which is similar to Prokov. He has a page on the internet and this page is entitle 'Time Machine.' He lists the following as subjects of his private research: chrono-technology, teleportation, change of rate of time, gravitational chrono-propulsion, free energy, over-unity, perpetuum mobile, cause-effect correlation, ether technologies, electro-gravitation, inertial propulsion, Biffeld-Brown effect, reactionless propulsion, Tesla's technologies, N. Kozyreve's technologies... Who is this guy? Is he a real researcher, or is he a spy, or both?
A: No, he is not a spy. He is more like a theorist looking for a place to land.
Q: (A) Can I contact him discreetly?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Now, I have here something from Australia. These people are talking about many things including this Kozyrev Time Machine. Also, they have something on what they call 'The Amazing Hieronymous Machine.' (L reads) “On 27th September, 1949 a very strange patent was granted, by the United States Patent Office, to one Dr. Thomas Hieronymous. It was for a device which was intended for the detection and analysis of minerals, using a previously undiscovered sensing method. The machine uses a sensing detector made of a coil of wire, an optical prism which is mounted on a rotating mechanism, a small electronic amplifier, and an output device known as a 'tactile sensor.' Sometime in early 1960 when I owned an electronics design laboratory a regular client wandered in with one of these devices. He had found instructions on how to build one in a popular science fiction magazine, and he wanted to see what I thought of it. Well, I can tell you now, I didn't think of it. The whole thing was ridiculous and was an insult to everything I had learned about electronics. The only problem I had was... it worked!! And it worked like this: the mineral sample was placed in front of the pickup coil and the prism rotated mechanically until a signal was detected at the output. And this is where my belief system was strained to its limit! The 'output' consisted of a flat coil of wire placed beneath a piece of glass. I was told to rub my finger lightly over the glass and tune the prism at the same time. At a critical point in the tuning process the contact between my finger and the glass suddenly felt 'tacky' as if someone had spilt orange juice on it. And this was the basis for the patent, a new form of detection... the Tactile Detector. All forms of detection in measuring equipment prior to this had been by sight or sound. That is, you could watch a voltmeter mover or you could hear a changing audio tone. but this new device worked by a 'change in feel/touch.' Since then this form of detection has been widely adopted for use in general 'radionics' devices which are used by a number of alternative medicine practitioners in Australia as a means of determining health problems. I have seen one of these machines demonstrated by a skilled operator and the accuracy is better than 90%. If the dial of a Hieronymous machine is calibrated to a certain mineral, any similar mineral placed by the pickup coil will produce a 'response' at exactly the same portion of the dial. By using advanced attenuating circuits the metallic ration in alloys can be accurately determined. Nobody has a clue how or why it works but then again, in the 19th century, nobody had a clue how electricity or magnetic fields worked, but plenty of people used these strange 'new' effects to make money. [...] A well known rocket engineer, Harry Stine, who was employed at the White Sands missile range, New Mexico, built one of these machines and tried it out on the other scientists and engineers on the base. He found that 80% could get it to work and even Dr. Clyde Tombaugh, the astronomer who discovered the planet Pluto in 1930, found he could make the machine work effectively. Stine was so dumbfounded with the possibilities that he has since devoted a fair portion of his life to investigating these and similar devices.” (A) I would like to ask why this machine works?
A: Transducer is crystalline in nature. Quartzine polymer collects ambient radiation through point of even balance.
Q: (A) I have here a catalog of books which I can get from Tesla Book Company. Some of these books look very interesting. I have an idea that I really have to order some of these books and study; especially those that deal with UFT. But there are hundreds of books! (L) Use a pendulum. (A) What if pendulum shows a hundred books?
A: Why not dowse, silly!
Q: (A) I am silly?
A: No, we were just having fun.
Q: (A) Okay, so I am supposed to dowse. Now we are together, we want to know about this meridian because we are confused.
A: Nikolai is the first name. Igorivich is middle name. Padritsyn, or Padritzhin is last name.
Q: (A) Okay, so that's the person to look for. Okay, now this brown star business. We would like to have some more data to be able to do a computer simulation. This one more piece of information would be, for instance, WHEN this solar companion was last here?
A: We have been a little evasive about this, because perhaps you would be better served at this juncture by understanding more about the "Whats" rather than the "Whens."
Q: (F) What's wrong? (L) I am having a terrible stomach ache. (F) Now you? I hate to think what will happen to Ark next week! [Frank had to leave early the previous week due to a gallbladder attack.] (L) What is causing my intense tummy ache?
A: Contractions of a ductal nature.
Q: (A) Are you talking about my pancreas?
A: Close.
Q: (L) My gallbladder?
A: Not as close.
Q: (L) So, it is because of the grapes I ate, the insulin and all that business?
A: When you induce "sleep" of your pancreas, naturally, when you wake it up, it yawns and stretches and stumbles a bit before gaining balance, just as do you.
Q: (L) Well, it is certainly miserable. It is too low and centered to be gallbladder. It's insulin. (F) Has your pancreas been asleep? (L) Well, yes. I haven't had carbs in so long... (F) Well, naturally! (A) No more grapes!
A: It may not be wise to become too aggressive about avoiding carbohydrates.
Q: (L) I have determined that I am insulin resistant which then becomes hyperinsulinism, which then causes every single thing I eat to turn to fat. So, what is the solution?
A: That is more complicated than what you have read so far, but your RH factor is the key.
Q: (L) Anything else I should know on this to avoid any future suffering?
A: There is more, but remember it is a mosaic.
Q: (L) Okay. Let's take a short break.
Q: (L) Having done my homework on supernovas to some extent, and having discovered that either supergiant red stars are in the process of going supernova, or supergiant blue stars are getting ready to be ready to go supernova, as well as eruptions of massive interstellar clouds, I note that Betelgeuse, in the right shoulder of Orion, is a red supergiant, and Rigel, in the foot of Orion, is a blue supergiant, both of which could go supernova. Am I going in the right direction?
A: You have begun to trek down the right path.
Q: (L) We noticed that the supernova that occurred in Cassiopaea 300 years ago did not seem to have been widely noticed by people on earth. What is the reason for this?
A: Distance.
Q: (L) Now, formerly I asked about the 'two new stars in Cygnus and Serpentarius' that were written about in the Rosicrucian Manifesto of about this period of time, and you said they were talking about 'novae.' But, it seems that there are no new stars in either of these constellations. Yet, at approximately this time, was the supernova in Cassiopaea.
A: Yes, those with foreknowledge were looking.
Q: (L) Also, there was a supernova that became the Crab Nebula, which occurred 5,000 years ago, yet was not seen on earth, until 900 years ago, which happens to be exactly the time period I have been looking at as having been a turning point where seeds were planted that are now bearing fruit. Can you tell us if this supernova that was seen 900 years ago, were there effects from the Supernova that contributed to this state of affairs at the culmination of the Dark Ages, the creation of the Templars and so forth. What were the effects of this supernova that was seen 900 years ago?
A: Excitation of base liquid molecules.
Q: (L) Did this have a physiological effect, or genetic, DNA effect on people?
A: Slight.
Q: (L) What were the pronounced effects that one would have been able to note. That is microscopic...
A: Growth.
Q: (L) Growth in what sense? Growth and change in the size of people?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Growth in a psychological or mental sense?
A: Close.
Q: (L) What kind of growth specifically?
A: Both.
Q: (L) At the time of that particular supernova, 5,000 years ago, were there any superluminal effects that were felt instantly?
A: Maybe, research and correlate.
Q: (L) Was the Great Pyramid at Giza built and lined up to supernova?
A: Part of the picture.
Q: (L) Were these supernova that occurred at the time of the construction, or that were expected to occur at some point in the future?
A: Both.
Q: (L) Are supernova in any sense cyclical?
A: In a sense requiring higher senses.
Q: (L) Do supernova create portals to other universes?
A: The doors may be redirected.
Q: (L) Does any of this supernova business have anything to do with the constellation Leo?
A: In a way.
Q: (L) In what way?
A: Through geometric configuration.
Q: (L) What do you mean 'through geometric configuration?'
A: Status of Trine.
Q: (L) You mentioned the importance of the Horsehead Nebula in relation to the symbol of the Knight. What is the significance of the Horsehead Nebula?
A: Keep up your search, as you are near.
Q: (L) What would be the effect of cosmic rays emitted by a supernova that is in some proximity to the earth on the human body?
A: Genetic splice of strand.
Q: (L) How close would a supernova have to be to have this effect?
A: 2000 light years.
Q: (L) So that either of these stars in Orion that are potential supernova prospects could have this effect since they are approximately 1500 light years away?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Are we talking about effects that propagate with the speed of light, or effects that are superluminal and instantaneous?
A: Both, and slower as well.
Q: (L) What would be the effect that would be instantaneous?
A: Lesser.
Q: (A) Now this supernova that is supposed to explode soon, will it be soon in the sense of our SEEING it, that is the arrival of the light from this, or soon in the instantaneous sense?
A: Optically.
Q: (L) So, this supernova must have already occurred?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And where did this supernova take place?
A: No dice, baby!
Q: (L) What clue can I follow to determine which star it is?
A: Instincts.
Q: (A) But, if it already occurred, then this means that the instantaneous effects have already been felt, even if it was lesser than the optical effects. It must have been recorded by anomalous changes in genes? (L) Is that true?
A: Close.
Q: (L) So what, in the records, should we be looking for?
A: Sign of struggle out of sequence with pre-ordained activities of Royal Blood Lines.
Q: (L) In other words, the usurpation of the blood lines?
A: Close.
Q: (L) What is aphelion of the companion star of our solar system?
A: Not yet, as you need more understanding of those cycles that you so keenly allude to. And on that note, good night.
End of Session