Session 7 August 2001


FOTCM Member
Laura, Ark

Q: Hello, hello, hello. Is anyone there?
A: Hello.
Q: You're supposed to watch, just to see what it does. (A) I will.
Do you have a name? Tell us your name.
A: Daohha.
Q: Did you ever have a body of your own?
A: No.
Q: What are you here for?
A: Cassiopaea.
Q: Are you the 6th density beings who transmit through Cassiopaea?
A: Yes.
Q: All right. What was behind ... what forces were behind Vincent's action? Were they simply 4th density manipulation?
A: Close.
A: Was there any Satanic cult activity behind his activities?
A: No.
Q: Was there any ... was he, in fact, loaded with attachments, as I saw him in the viewing?
A: Yes.
Q: What was the source of these attachments?
A: Rituals.
Q: All right. What is the motivating factor behind his pushing for me to discover where the "grail" is buried? Was it simply his own desire to discover it?
A: Yes.
Q: Was he programmed to ask this question or to seek this?
A: Yes.
Q: What would have been the consequences if he had been able to squeeze the answer out of me?
A: Death to you.
Q: Sh ... was he even remotely aware of that possibility?
A: Yes.
Q: Apparently he wasn't sufficiently aware of it to really believe it, I would think. He thinks it's still a game.
A: Yes.
Q: He doesn't really understand how serious it is, that if you really get close to the secret, you die.
A: Yes. Nor have you.
Q: So that's why you guys don't answer a lot of questions?
A: Yes.
Q: Well, that's a good enough reason, I reckon - to keep us alive. (A to L) Who gave the orders ... (L) Who gave the orders to Vincent? (A) Who is behind ... We know he was programmed. 4th density? (L) Let me ask this, since he was programmed, and that was the information he wanted to obtain, is it in fact true that 4th density STS either doesn't know or cannot access this secret?
A: Yes.
L: And they are as anxious for it to be discovered ... in fact, they are the MOST anxious?
A: Yes.
Q: Let me ask while I've got you here, some questions from a member of our group. He is reading some material that suggests that this planet is a breeding ground for aliens, and the life cycle of the aliens, as in the Reptilians or whatever, may mimic something, such as a preying mantis. It also alludes to the suggestion that the underground of the earth is kind of a dormant stage for the female, and it is the male that is returning or that does return at the end of each epoch, and that the focus of this appears to be the great pyramid, and that if we move to STO - it doesn't say those words but it's the same - much terror can be avoided, as the return of the male dragon will die for love for the female nymph. Okay. Is the earth a breeding round for some kind of aliens as suggested in this passage?
A: No.
Q: Hmm. So this stuff that this guy has made up about this is like right out of his darkest nightmares? I mean the worst possible spin that could be put on this? It's already bad enough. So we really ought to forget this and just get some sleep at night, huh?
A: Yes.
Q: What is the source of this type of material? I mean, what kind of energy is behind it?
A: STS mind control signal.
Q: What is it designed to do?
A: Reach those that are programmed to receive.
Q: Let me ask you this - If some of these STS programming signals that are going out ... I mean, I'm assuming that some of them come from 3rd density. Is that correct?
A: Yes.
Q: Do they actually have, like, some place on the planet where these guys read science fiction books and get these really crazy theories and stories that they put together with sort of fiendish glee, and then convert them via computer into the programming code that gets beamed out into people's heads, while they sit there and just - you know - fall down on the floor laughing at what they have just done? I mean, is this possibly something that is going on [meaning in secret mind control experiments]?
A: Yes.
Q: That's sick! I mean, just take a whole HP Lovecraft novel, convert it into the programming signal and beam it out - and people are saying, "My God, the aliens told me ... it's just like HP Lovecraft said. Oh, my God!" Can you imagine? (A) And it works. (L) Sure does, doesn't it? (A) And we see what this guy RC is telling us about this egroup, and it is... What he is telling us, I think is true ... they have these capabilities ... {Referring to mind control signals being utilized in rock music, rock concerts, etc} (L) Yeah. (A) Inducing these states, and it's coming, and there will be massive programming! (L) Yup. (A) And it's coming pretty soon. (L) What are Ophanic intelligences, as Vincent understands them? The ones he calls upon with his 30 calls to the aethyrs?
A: 4D STS.
Q: Hmm. Well. We recently had a major attack from a bunch of Zionists who were claiming that we were anti-Semitic because we didn't believe their religion, but we did believe they were special, which was kind of a weird twist to that whole thing. Ummm ... is this something that we should just back - I mean, you don't normally advise, but you know, I've been having thoughts about just simply pulling the material down off the site completely and just leaving the subject matter alone. This is what I've been thinking, and I would like to know if the future looks brighter with respect to ourselves if I do that.
A: Yes.
Q: I mean, I know it's courageous and all that, but it's not necessary. I mean, what's said is said on the site. (A) I had another idea, which I was checking, and we can put one or two pages out and put it on a different website that we have, which is not linked - not associated with Cassiopaea in any way - and we can just - instead of being on Cassiopaea, these pages will be on a different website. And you can always read the pages by clicking, going there, then come back, and it would give us a kind of legal advantage, so that in case someone decides to attack, it would be not on Cassiopaea pages. (L) Yeah, well, I think that discretion at this point is probably the better part of valor. (A) What do you mean "discretion"? (L) In other words, not telling everything you know. (A) Right.
A: Good idea.
L: Well, the thing was, I put it up ... {unfinished remark was "to help because of my deep sympathy for the Jews...}
A: Jews will be destroyed anyway.
L: Well, that's NOT friendly! So, it is better to pull it all down and leave them alone, let them fry in their own juices and do their own stupid things, and let them destroy themselves; because there's nothing anybody can do anyway? (A) Right. (L) I mean, there's no point in trying to ... (A) No gain. (L) There's no gain for us, no gain for them, and nothing we can do.
A: Yes.
Q: Well, anyway... That's pretty depressing. (to Ark) Have you got any questions about what you're working on that you were going to ask? I mean, we need to ask questions to groove or something. (A) Um-m. (L) I mean, just ... (A) Um hm. (L) I don't really have any. We need to keep the ... need to work this. (A) The thinking ... (L) Yeah. (A) Okay, we what we will do ... I don't have today questions. I didn't do my homework. We were so busy with these other matters and so on. So, okay, we should continue another night. So we will be coming back. (L) Yeah, I need to work.
A: Yes. Root is strong because of prior grooving.
Q: Okay. And we answered B's question, and I can't think of any particular thing. And I think I'll just go in and take that page down ... do it tonight. The whole Jewish thing.
A: Yes.
Q: All right then. Thank you very much. And, unless you have something that you know we need to know, or any questions that should have been asked that we haven't asked ... (A) Right. (L) That's important now, please tell us.
A: Hold on to me. Good Night.

End of Session
L: And they are as anxious for it to be discovered ... in fact, they are the MOST anxious?
A: Yes.

First, I certainly hope you find the grail before they do and whatever it purpose may be that you can use it for positive externalities!

L: Well, the thing was, I put it up ... {unfinished remark was "to help because of my deep sympathy for the Jews...}
A: Jews will be destroyed anyway.

Second, Mel Gibson got into a heap of trouble blaming everything on the Jews. I only know this because a relative saw it in a magazine. But the above statement really stands out as a karmic balancing. I suppose this makes sense if they were in fact responsible for Atlantis.
FrankM4326754 said:
L: And they are as anxious for it to be discovered ... in fact, they are the MOST anxious?
A: Yes.

First, I certainly hope you find the grail before they do and whatever it purpose may be that you can use it for positive externalities!

Maybe things have changed a bit since this session, but the main point about the grail is that if it was discovered, whoever discovered it will be killed.

Q: What would have been the consequences if he had been able to squeeze the answer out of me?
A: Death to you.
Q: Sh ... was he even remotely aware of that possibility?
A: Yes.
Q: Apparently he wasn't sufficiently aware of it to really believe it, I would think. He thinks it's still a game.
A: Yes.
Q: He doesn't really understand how serious it is, that if you really get close to the secret, you die.
A: Yes. Nor have you.

FrankM4326754 said:
L: Well, the thing was, I put it up ... {unfinished remark was "to help because of my deep sympathy for the Jews...}
A: Jews will be destroyed anyway.

Second, Mel Gibson got into a heap of trouble blaming everything on the Jews. I only know this because a relative saw it in a magazine. But the above statement really stands out as a karmic balancing. I suppose this makes sense if they were in fact responsible for Atlantis.

I don't think the Jews as we know were responsible for Atlantis. Read this thread Atlantis in particular the part about karmic inheritance. Although the semites played a major role in the downfall of Atlantis, we don't know to what degree, and as Shijing stated in that thread, are not the same as Jews of today.
DanielS said:
FrankM4326754 said:
L: And they are as anxious for it to be discovered ... in fact, they are the MOST anxious?
A: Yes.

First, I certainly hope you find the grail before they do and whatever it purpose may be that you can use it for positive externalities!

Maybe things have changed a bit since this session, but the main point about the grail is that if it was discovered, whoever discovered it will be killed.

Q: What would have been the consequences if he had been able to squeeze the answer out of me?
A: Death to you.
Q: Sh ... was he even remotely aware of that possibility?
A: Yes.
Q: Apparently he wasn't sufficiently aware of it to really believe it, I would think. He thinks it's still a game.
A: Yes.
Q: He doesn't really understand how serious it is, that if you really get close to the secret, you die.
A: Yes. Nor have you.

FrankM4326754 said:
L: Well, the thing was, I put it up ... {unfinished remark was "to help because of my deep sympathy for the Jews...}
A: Jews will be destroyed anyway.

Second, Mel Gibson got into a heap of trouble blaming everything on the Jews. I only know this because a relative saw it in a magazine. But the above statement really stands out as a karmic balancing. I suppose this makes sense if they were in fact responsible for Atlantis.

I don't think the Jews as we know were responsible for Atlantis. Read this thread Atlantis in particular the part about karmic inheritance. Although the semites played a major role in the downfall of Atlantis, we don't know to what degree, and as Shijing stated in that thread, are not the same as Jews of today.

Tanks Laura for the transcript =). DanielS thanks for the Atlantis link =)
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