Session 7 May 2016

There are a lot of these pill holders made of aluminum, which is energeticly a problem. I found some made of stainless steel, like:
Pill Holder Medicine ID Bottle Key Chain
Height is 1.75" by 1.00" thick

Steel Container Case by Zippo
Outside width about 1 inch ( 3 centimeter). Inside length about 2.5 inch ( 5.5 centimeter), inside is plastic.

You can both wear around your neck. Question is: do these containers effect the energy quality of the stones?
FWIW I dont think its a good idea to trap crystals in a metal box, regardless of type of metal.

I noticed that my crystals "like" to interact with light, especially with sunlight they become more 'bubbly" and "talkative". Just an impression I got.
This small navy blue leather pouch look just right, but the string size is question.
Laura said:
We'll get the broken crystals replaced after this next batch is charged. That will be another week at least.

Merci Laura pour ce nouveau Crystal Personnel qui arrivera bientôt...
Merci aussi pour tous vos bienfaits et bons conseils et ce travail magnifique que vous nous offrez...
Merci aux vôtres et aux Cassiopéens...

Laura thank you for this new Crystal Staff will happen soon. . .
also thank you for all your kindness and good advice and this magnificent work that you offer us. . .
Thank you to yours and C's. . .
Merci à tous pour vos commentaires et les liens très intéressants...
Merci tout particulièrement à mariowil7pour son partage...

Thank you all for your comments and interesting links. . .
Thank you especially to mariowil7pour its shares. . .
Kay Kim said:
Z said:
FWIW I dont think its a good idea to trap crystals in a metal box, regardless of type of metal.

I am totally agree with Z.

Yes, i also agree. In that case you actually have Faraday cage,


which will cancel all electrical interaction of the environment with the crystal. We dont know how exactly crystal works energetically , but its probably some kind of an electromagnetic field, and if you put the crystal in a metal box i'm sure it will interact and disrupt the connection of the crystal with the environment.
I was thinking a bit around crystals breaking, apparently due to lack of attention and automatically labelled by the mind as misshappening. Actually, the possibility of losing or breaking these crystals was one of the first thought I had as soon as I knew all of us would receive this inordinary gift.

The conclusion I´m coming up with after reminding similar scenarios showing up during my life in one or another area could be due to self-sabotage. Actually, there could be many subconscious reasons accounting for these unfortunate "accidents", like unworthiness or lack of assertiveness and self-esteem, which in turn leads to being easily distracted in daily life. I can attest to the fact that whenever I am under the grip of such chaotic states, my most cherished aims, or objects in this case, will find their way to confirm my real subconscious intent in that moment.

The gift of these precious celestial crystals also implies one is seriously taking his life in his hands, which clearly means one will have to abandonate his comfort zone, thereby creating resistance in the backyard of the mind who enters in conflict because it fears any changes. I then think that in this case attacks may not necessarily be involved whenever crystals break apart and may just be a repeating mind pattern that should catch our attention. In the end it rather would depend on the level of our awareness in the first place.

Well, sure there are more in depth explanations for this phenomena and maybe others want to add their own views.
I just received my Cassiopaean Crystal Connection package! Wow, what a gift of beauty and grace! Ever grateful to the chateau crew for their service to others that keeps on giving. I can't wait to sing In the Garden of the Universe at 8PM! Oh, and the C's gave such specific personal attention to each person's needs going by the instruction booklet (some receiving more than one personal crystal or already fitted with gold mount as the C's intend that it should be worn rather than carried in the pocket).
A little late here, but, Thanks so much for the session Laura and Chateau Crew! Huge thanks also for all the effort to make this all happen.

I have received my crystals and they are amazing. So appreciated! Experience so far - Immediately I felt a sense of calm in their presence. I have noticed with the personal crystal that ear ringing is much less with it on my person and also a greater sense of ease, calm out in public. With water crystal it does make the water taste "sweeter" to me. Dream crystal has given dreams back and I 'm happy to say they have been pleasant verses nonexistent or, when happened chaotic. Home also has much easier feel. Still trying to sing as I cannot carry a tune!
I haven't received my crystals yet but think much about them.
Reading the thread, I was considering some things about C’s crystals and how to work with them. Caring for them to maintain their energy, like singing to them (In the gardem) or reciting the psalm of protection ... I guess. But would it be necessary to do more?.

I've been considering other things:
Is it possible to transfer or expand this energy or vibration to other crystals we have? Sometimes I put a grid of crystals and stones in front of a photo of mine, intuitively and with the intention to maintain purpose near me ( I do’nt know if this works).
Could we thus enhance other protection stones around the house?
Does this just occur with the mere presence of C’s crystals received?
Could this happen with proximity, contact or otherwise, a conductive crystal?
Would it be appropriate to do so?
Should we avoid contact with other stones to look after our crystal?
Maybe I missed some information related to this
just stumble upon this article about crystal abilities to hold oxygen - _

here I am pasting complete article, it is quite short, but if that is really possible it is amazing:

"A crystal that enables you to breathe underwater without the need for oxygen"

"Say goodbye to bulky oxygen tanks and selfie-unfriendly face masks when you dive – one day soon. With the creation of the Aquaman Crystal, you can get your oxygen supply underwater as it filters and concentrates oxygen from the surrounding air or water. I could tell you its proper name, except I don’t know how : [{(bpbp)Co2II(NO3)}2(NH2bdc)](NO3)2 * 2H2O.
A few grains is enough to provide oxygen for one breath, and just 11 litres of them can absorb all the oxygen of an entire room. As the crystal absorbs oxygen from the water around the diver and supplies the diver with it, the diver will only need to carry a few grains during each dive.

The crystal is sponge-like and uses cobalt bound in an organic molecule. It is able to absorb oxygen from air or water, because cobalt gives it the precise molecular and electronic structural combination that enables it to absorb oxygen from its surroundings.

Note: You can’t grab a crystal right now and breathe with it underwater, forever. The crystal compound that could one day lead to this kind of world has been synthesised by scientists in Denmark. It’s not right to say: the technology is currently available, which isn’t what we’re claiming. ..."

and thank you all for sharing your experiences with "charged" crystals ... it is all just amazing! :cool2:
Ariadna said:
I haven't received my crystals yet but think much about them.
Reading the thread, I was considering some things about C’s crystals and how to work with them. Caring for them to maintain their energy, like singing to them (In the gardem) or reciting the psalm of protection ... I guess. But would it be necessary to do more?.

I've been considering other things:
Is it possible to transfer or expand this energy or vibration to other crystals we have? Sometimes I put a grid of crystals and stones in front of a photo of mine, intuitively and with the intention to maintain purpose near me ( I do’nt know if this works).
Could we thus enhance other protection stones around the house?
Does this just occur with the mere presence of C’s crystals received?
Could this happen with proximity, contact or otherwise, a conductive crystal?
Would it be appropriate to do so?
Should we avoid contact with other stones to look after our crystal?
Maybe I missed some information related to this

Hello Ariadna,

I didn't receive my crystals yet, but read from other members post, we will have instruction pamphlet.
So, we just need to follow it.
The crystals contain full potential characteristic program that will be activated by instructions.
So, we don't need to do any extra other method of work.

And I think C's crystals are absolutely unique special beings.
So, I don't like to mixed with any other crystals/rocks.
Actually I have only one crystal that size of my fist or bit bigger, but a few days ago I took out to back yard and buried in the ground next to mulberry tree, and asked the crystal to take good care of that tree.

Thus, now I am practicing song "In The Garden Of The Universe," and cleared house to receive my crystals.
I think we should avoid contact our crystals to any other stones.
But this is just my opinion,
Maybe other members have different ideas.
J'ai chez moi des cristaux très beaux et depuis plusieurs années et aucun de cassé... Je les ai tous mis dans mon salon où je vais très peu étant à 98% de mon temps dans ma chambre...
Les Cristaux de Laura sont installés dans ma chambre : Le Cristal des rêves sous mon oreiller, le Cristal protection maison sur ma table de nuit, le Cristal d'eau dans une bouteille d'eau en plastique dans mon réfrigérateur puis sur ma table de nuit et enfin mon Cristal Personnel brisé en deux au 2/3 en permanence sur moi, nuit et jour... Je le garde sur moi aussi si je dois sortire de chez moi par exemple pour sortir mes deux petits Yorks...

I have at home of beautiful crystals and for several years and no broken. . . I have them all put in my living room where I will be very little to 98% of my time in my room. . .
Laura crystals settled in my room Cristal dreams under my pillow, Cristal protection house on my night table, the crystal water in a water bottle plastic in my refrigerator and on my night table and finally my staff Cristal broke in two 2/3 constantly on me night and day. . . I keep it on me as if I have sortire from my example to get my two little Yorks. . .
Divide By Zero said:
Tapes and vinyl strip frequencies, and they are also not fully accurate even in the mid range, depending on the condition of the media. How would they capture more than digital?

Also, keep in mind that there is an encoding process with analog too, it's never like the true sound is direct to tape/vinyl.

With digital, let's say 44,100 hz (samples per second), a mid range tone of 5000 hz would have 10 samples... lower the frequency, even more samples. Between the samples of the wave, yes you miss out info. The dac would just average out in between to make a smooth line. But I really doubt that a normal physical instrument would have jumps within those 2 samples anyway.

In terms of the acoustics of the room, I do find that the music of the 70s most interesting with that. When stereo became big, they manged to make the sound surround you. It felt like you were "in the song" sometimes.
Stereo these days is more tweaked around to create effects instead. Sometimes they get lazy and put a single instrument on one channel, to sound "cool". It feels imbalanced, because in a real performance, while the guitar may be on one side, it still has a sound that echoes through the room. I guess the mastering is key when it comes to the issues of digital these days.

It's like comparing old school movie special effects to computer graphics (cgi). The old school effects sometimes looked almost real, where CGI looks "too real" (I think they could make it better but they try too hard to make it perfect, which reality is not).

Indeed vinyl and tape strips out the higher frequencies, often rolling off around 13kHz. What I've found though is that they capture the interaction of the instrument with the acoustics of the room, as well as the various distortions of the signal along an analog signal path, the parts which create the content within the waveform that the interpolating digital sample points do not capture.

There is a lot more research that needs to be done in this area, but audio researchers have largely moved on from this topic. Besides, if we can even agree that more research needs to be done, that is likely enough (as it is a very mysterious topic where digital audio theorists say one thing, but many many people still inherently say they can feel a difference in analog music, even if they can't prove why). The real intention was to simply use this as a starting point to provide some insight into what the C's may have meant by that point, something which is fascinating to me - and something I have been spending the weeks contemplating.

Analog reflects the real world with all of its imperfections - the signal degradation, the seeming infinite resolution of the real world. Digital seems like it is another world entirely, the seeming perfection of smooth waveforms by simply making the rules about which points a waveform should travel between - and how this provides the gateway to beyond.

There is a particular way of combining the "best" aspects of both analog and digital waveform generation and reproduction in order to affect a kind of bridge between these two worlds. Rather than opposing them against one another "analog is better! no, digital is better!", instead, combine them in a way that takes the best aspects of each.

It is part of a great mystery of solving a long standing question that was envisioned even 100 years ago, but could not have been solved with the technology available at the time. Now we can do it.

While I suppose the transcript thread is not the best place to initiate such a discussion, the topic will be transferred over to its own thread soon when an initial introduction to the topic has been constructed. A little more preparatory thought is needed in the meantime.

It will be a kind of summary of the research I do and how it will make fairly deliberate use of the C's advice!
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