Konstantin said:Today morning I received my crystals.
This time they arrived in one week.
I felt very excited, and I still am
The personal crystal is quite a big one and I put it in my pocket. My hands were shaking when I opened the box with the crystals.Now I feel a nice warm feeling under the area in my pocket where the crystal is.
I also have a few questions:
1. In order to sing to them and to read the prayers to them, do I have to put all the crystals on one place in front of me so I can do that, or i can do that but the crystals could be at different places. For example, my personal crystal in my pocket, the dream crystal in the bedroom, water crystal in the glass of water in the kitchen and room protection crystal in the living room and I in some other room. Can I read and sing to them as they are on their positions or I have to put them in one place close to me in order to do that?
The reading must be loud , or I can read or recite the prayers quietly inside me ?
2. Is the water charged from crystal only for me or some other can drink that water, I mean will that water be healing for other person or just for me ?
Thank you very much for the crystals
Great news Konstantin, glad to hear that crystals finaly arrived :)
About the questions i can tell about how is feeling right to me.
When I sing to them and read the prayers, I just gather them together in my hands, I sing and recite the prayer aloud
About the water, in my opinion that it certainly does not hurt anyone. My son drinks it, and same is with my friends who kept visiting me, im also watering my flower which became more greener and alive :)