Session 7 November 1998


FOTCM Member
November 7, 1998

Frank, Ark, Laura (later, BRH via telephone)

Q: Hello.

A: Hello.

Q: And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Ammiliwae.

Q: And where do you transmit through?

A: Cassiopaea.

Q: We will be having a guest later on, but before we do that, I want to ask about my daughter, A. You said that I should not ask her to find her own place, and I didn't, but she decided to do it against my wishes. Is she going to be alright?

A: Which makes you less liable.

Q: Makes me less liable, for what or to what?

A: "Abandonment."

Q: Is she going to be alright?

A: What is your definition of "alright?"

Q: I don't want to have to bury my child, and I don't want her to be maimed or crippled or physically hurt, and I don't want her to be maimed or crippled or hurt emotionally.

A: Some of those have already happened.

Q: Obviously she is emotionally or psychologically crippled in some way. Can you tell me what's the cause? What did I do wrong?

A: Do you believe you did wrong?

Q: I KNOW I've done wrong. I am NOT a perfect person. I have been in all kinds of states of mind during the past 20 years. I know I've done wrong.

A: Do you subscribe to the notion that parents "shape" their children?

Q: No, I do NOT subscribe to that notion. I think that they are who they are and they either... what's at the root of her problem?

A: Well, certainly past lifetimes reflect there. Also, you yourself know where the "electra complex" resided. Hormonally driven desires to be "loved" drive some to extremes... Remember to pay attention to the words we place into quotes, you have been "slipping" there lately.

Q: Well, I didn't think I had. I always pay attention to the words in quotes. So, you are suggesting that some of this has to do with L?

A: In an offhand way.

Q: In anything else you can tell me? I have been really upset. I need to know something here to help clarify things in my mind.

A: Expect return visits. Avoid the urge to scold.

Q: Is there anything else I could or should do where she is concerned that would help the situation?

A: Vague.

Q: Why did she become such a liar? At what age did she make the decision that she had to lie?

A: That is a habit from observance.

Q: Observance of what?

A: Whom.

Q: Observance of whom?

A: Who else lies?

Q: Well, L lied continuously to everyone including himself. And the bad thing was, he was not even conscious of lying!

A: And we have as always, the genetics factor to consider.

Q: My impression was, and it is breaking my heart, that she was just born STS in her soul configuration and that she is just manifesting it more fully now that she is older.

A: You are all born STS configured...

Q: Anything I can do to help her, aside from avoiding scolding?

A: Lessons learned are those which include no preacher.

Q: (A) Did I learn my lesson, or did I make some mistake in my approach to her?

A: Not significant.

Q: Why did she call the police before? What was her objective consciously or subconsciously?

A: Influenced by?

Q: Well, my other daughter, I guess.

A: Yes.

Q: Why does SHE hate me so much?

A: Not hate, jealousy.

Q: Why is she jealous of me?

A: You have accomplished plenty.

Q: I'm her MOTHER, for goodness sake!

A: So.

Q: Okay, let's move on. (A) You mentioned the term 'pyramidal' and I thought about putting prime numbers along a pyramid, around, higher and higher, but then, today, we discoverd that Ulam was putting prime numbers along a spiral and there were funny patterns arising. So, I thought that maybe we should do something similar, but three dimensional rather than two. Is this the right track?

A: In prime numbers, you will find resonance.

Q: Resonance in prime numbers? Can you please elaborate a little bit on that?

A: Elaboration is not needed because the answers are there for you already in the texts, as with so much else. One needs only listen to the "music to your ears."

Q: Why didn't you answer my question about putting prime numbers around a pyramid?

A: Mathematics converts to sound in geometric measurements. Why do you think the pyramid became a pyramid?

Q: (A) It became a pyramid because it is a simple shape to build. (L) Did it become a pyramid because a sound shaped it? Determined its shape?

A: Closer.

Q: (L) And, what was the origin of this sound?

A: Those who heard it knew.

Q: (L) Who were those who heard it?

A: Those who knew how to convert math to sound. Why would the mystics reside there? Yahoo!

Q: (A) Somehow I have problems with following your clues, and I really don't know what is my problem...

A: The problem is impatience with the digestion phase.

Q: (A) How long can a digestion phase last? We don't have much time!

A: However long it takes. And who says you do not have much "time?" Answer, my Arkady, answer!!

Q: (A) Well, I agree that I am impatient. But, the point is that I feel that if I would have a little bit more of a clue, I could do much more, and for now...

A: Our words sing to you. Let them ring.

Q: (A) What is the difference between singing and ringing? (L) I don't think that's the point. (A) Ring is to awake? Probably. You mean I am not taking your words seriously enough?

A: No. We meant to let it sink in rejoice. Exult!

Q: (L) Would it help...

A: Listen to Ludwig's 9th. Combine with the prime numbers, and what do you have?

Q: (L) Hmmm... musical notation that relates to prime numbers?

A: Why not bring the ninth in here now for inspiration?!?

[We put the ninth on and crank up the volume so that it can be heard.]

Q: (L) Okay, now we can hear it, but not too loudly.

[Turned sound down.]

A: That is good.

Q: (L) Now my question is: if you translate numbers into musical sequence or notation, does this accomplish the deed?

A: You are certainly on your way!

Q: (A) What can I do as a mathematician, or what SHOULD I do?

A: Let the pathway lead you. It has not yet failed Lolly. [Laughter at the use of Laura's nickname.] So you insinuate failure for yourself? Tsk tsk, my boy. Faith in this enterprise takes one places. Look where it has taken you so far!!

Q: (L) I think that they just mean that you need to be more patient, and do what occurs to you to do, try different things that inspire you and something will come out of it. It always does! And, sometimes, the most bizarre things... you will have an urge to do something, to read something, and something happens that hits you like a ton of bricks... and you KNOW it! It has happened over and over again! You are impatient! Yet, sometimes you are incredibly patient... You are impatient with yourself. Okay, I want to ask a question about Mike's dream. He had several events happen to him in the dream and he thinks that it could be a screen memory of an abduction. Was this, in fact, an abduction?

A: Events of the dream represent mind programming.

Q: Does this mean he has experienced mind programming?

A: Maybe it is more of a warning. Knowledge protects.

Q: Any specific comments about his dream or anything that he could be doing in terms of his quest for knowledge?

A: He is on the quest already and seems to be progressing okay to us for his purposes.

Q: What are his purposes?

A: Purposes equate to pathway.

Q: Okay, what happened with his arm? What is the deal here?

A: Withheld at this juncture.

Q: You are withholding that information at this juncture?

A: Yes.

Q: Can you say what these things that appeared as staples or sharp things in his skin represented?

A: We could, but...

Q: Well, I am just trying to help him out here and I don't know exactly what to ask...

A: Exactly!!

Q: So, I don't know what to ask, so I will skip over the rest of the dream. He says, "Sorry to bore you with this, but something must be going on or changing in my life. The dreams are getting intense. Another one last night. I have a strong sense that they are related. I can still feel my arm where I was cutting it. I even looked for a scar, but didn't find one, thank God. That would have sent me over the edge. The dream I had last night was quite foreboding. I was on a beach with family and friends, and someone was calling everyone off the beach to the treed parking area. I immediately got a bad feeling about that and tried to keep my family and friends from that area. I noticed some people's eyes glazing over as they got closer to the parking area. My son was heading over for a lollipop but I ran over and got him and we all got the heck out of there. There was a major brainwashing episode going on." So, I guess this was what you were talking about, the mind programming.

A: Yes.

Q: So, he is becoming aware of mind-programming...

A: He must ask when he has inquiries. We will be happy to answer. Then later, as consciousness rises and expands, others will also inquire about thoughts they have of a broader importance. Then the knowledge base expands exponentially!!

Q: Okay, I talked about my dream about the explosion in the sky and the sky being full of UFOs and the guy coming out of the woods in the jeep...

A: Sort of like George Bush's "thousand points of light," yes?

Q: So, you mean that my thousands of little space craft...

A: Yes.

Q: So, George Bush's Thousand Points of Light are connected to a space invasion... One thing I noticed about these beings in these space craft, was that they could not respond to anything that was not in their program... and that this was their weakness. Was that an accurate assessment?

A: Yes when one is really a programmed biocyberprobe.

Q: What was the key to the guy who was off in the woods drinking and hunting and missed the whole programming thing? What made him immune to programming?

A: Altered reality. Also, alcohol removes fear, intimidation, and inhibition.

Q: Any other key from that dream?

A: No.

Q: Alright: 'mathematics converts to sound in geometric measurements.' When we set up these figures...

A: Imagine an interlocking triangular mosaic in three dimensions.

Q: When one wishes to apply this, does one somehow... Is the sound inside one?

A: It is all around and through you.

Q: Is it a sound that can be perceived with the physical ears?

A: Yes.

Q: What frequency?

A: Not issue. Tone.

Q: Tone and...

A: Vibratory pitch.

Q: Well, if that is the case... is the tone something that is produced by a series of tones at 'mathematical distances' from one another that relate to prime numbers... chords, that is?

A: Best to reach when graspable.

Q: If these tones are produced either in sequence or in conjunction, are they based on the musical scale with which we are familiar?

A: See last response.

Q: (A) There are infinitely many prime numbers. How many of these frequencies do we have to produce so that the sound will act in a certain way? One, two, three... one hundred...

A: Variable, according to environs.

Q: Environs in what sense?

A: All senses.

Q: When you say 'environs,' do you mean indoors, outdoors, in the mountains, in the valley, by the sea, in the city... what?

A: All.

Q: (A) If I want to use the computer to produce such a composite sound based on a series of prime numbers, how many of them should I take and, from where? It is important whether it is ten or one hundred, or one thousand.

A: Okay, so start with 10. But, do not limit yourself. The pathway leads...

Q: Just a little while ago, we looked at the image of the prime number designs that were like interlocking pieces of...

A: Flattened pyramids.

Q: That's exactly what they looked like. Okay, if you take your series of sound from those that form a three dimensional pyramid by the proximity based on the flattened pyramids... it really doesn't matter where you start? You pick one, and take the ones that are connected, is that the idea?

A: Close. But, you will not discover the answer tonight. For example: you have already seen that we sometimes employ anagrams...

Q: (A) What about 'zuber' and this 'bezu' mentioned in this book, The Horse of God? Was it an anagram?

A: Oh now, it may just have been.

Q: (L) Well, it freaked ME out, coming the next day after last week's session... with the mention of 'chevin' and the funny numbers representing the Golden ratio and all that... it was amazing, even if the woman does not have a clue of what she is talking about!

A: Learning is such fun. Ludwig put words to his music.

Q: (L) Yes... the poetry of Wolfgang Schiller. His Ode to Joy.

A: What does Schiller, or Schoeller mean?

Q: Now that you brought this up! This is a VERY strange thing because this guy wrote a bunch of cosmic poems to someone named Laura, and they were about universes and gravity and the music of the spheres, and reincarnation, time and time warps, a bunch of funny stuff. He even wrote one that begins: 'I was in Arcadia born...' He hung out with Von Eckarthausen and I think he was an alchemist...

A: Was he zuber?

Q: (A) Zauber, in German, means 'magic.' (L) Close enough! (A) Does this mean he was a magician?

A: Other close one... Zeuber?

[Blue Resonant Human connects via telephone]

Q: (BRH) What is it about my present situation that I am not seeing or that I am unable to see?

A: These are vague directives, but to begin, D___ can look to a paternal block for some clues. We see the same cycle of intense effort coupled with anger borne of the frustration caused by trying too hard. Careful not to slip into the pattern of being hurtful to those near to you during periods of frustrative oblivion! Pensiveness... somnolence... striving, driving accidents... neglecting closely held duties... no, we know better, do we not?

Q: (L) I would say that this might be in the way of a warning...

A: Better to let D___ elaborate. If he wishes to have advice, he will recognize. Career? Family? Repeat mistakes of paternal one? Now, we think the "food for thought" should elicit some interesting inquiries from the Blue Resonant Human.

Q: (BRH) What is this 'paternal block' you refer to?

A: What is it??!! If you have no clue as of yet, we ain't the Cassiopaeans! Sojourns lead one to yearn.

Q: (L) A trip or a journey? (BRH) The trip to Egypt?

A: C'mon, D___, you know better than to let your physical self to interfere with your striving for spiritual progress. Splitting oneself down the middle always leads to separation. Now, let's hear a specific question, for goodness sake!

Q: (BRH) After 20 years, I am going through a very painful divorce, I am filing chapter 7, and losing every (expletive) thing. What is up with that?

A: Losing is gaining if viewed in proper perspective. What is more important to you? Your quest, or the material bonds that have always objected or obstructed anyway? When one is on the right pathway, the livelihood and the quest merge beautifully.

Q: (L) [To BRH] You are describing your wife as a 'thorn in the flesh?' How about a 'burr under the saddle?' Yes... a veritable cornucopia of cliches! My situation was very similar. When people think they have fallen in love and decide to form a relationship, in most cases it is a programmed response in them. Not only that, it is also programmed into the chemistry. What happens is, this other person literally sends out like little psychic fishhooks which bury in your body, your mind, your psyche, and getting away from a person who is taking you to pieces, even tiny bit at a time, pulling these psychic hooks out of your flesh is excruciatingly painful. It is a question of habit, propinquity, chemicals, the psychic hooks. And, there is the mind programming... you fluctuate between thinking 'I gotta get away...' and 'it wasn't so bad... not as bad as being ALONE!' And this way, you compromise and sell yourself out. When you are around a certain person for a long period of time, the chemistry goes into a self-perpetuating cycle, and when that person is no longer there to emit the pheromones or whatever it is that keeps YOUR chemicals going, it is like going through drug withdrawal! The C's have said that people can be 'vectors of frequency.' If you are coupled with a person who is one of the 'vectors of frequency,' and the frequency is designed to keep you off balance or to limit you or confuse you or drain you, for some reason, when they are gone, and you can begin to think clearly for a change, you are so used to your usual state of numbness and confusion, that you think that this clear state of mind is abnormal! You plunge into despair... Sandra said to me before she died: 'make your list and read it every time you think it wasn't so bad. Never forget why you are doing what you are doing!' Let's get back to the questions... (BRH) I see doors open all over the place, so where to now?

A: Oh D___, what is your Quest? We mentioned before about career. And we mentioned family. When one is engaged in going against the grain, never the twain shall meet. You have seen that by now. Now please recognize that your interests should direct your life from here. To be engaged in unsatisfactory endeavors has led you to this point. Please follow your instinctual objectives. This is what will lead from the gloom into the Glorious Light.

Q: (BRH) I have always considered a career to be a dirty job, but a necessary evil on this blob of mud, this swamp we call planet earth. I have always resented it. My quest for spiritual matters has always been contaminated by the mundane matter of having to make a living and survive in the material world. Many years ago I was on the verge of suicide and I sensed and felt the presence of God, and heard a voice, at this very intense turning point. The word was: 'Don't worry, I have a job for you.' I was completely enraged! So, is there a place for me in Vegas?

A: D___, your ideas about career are distorted. A job is just that: a job. A career is your life's work. You have always invested too much energy in your quest to hold down a "job." Why not consolidate, my boy? Life would be so much easier.

Q: (BRH) The pursuit of money is the antithesis of my quest, or so it appears.

A: When one worries first about money, the trap is set. When one pursues one's passion, all else falls into place. What you do not yet allow yourself to understand is that this principle never, ever fails. But you certainly are not alone. The 4th density STS programmers relish the thought.

Q: (BRH) I have a health problem that has plagued me for quite a number of years and I can't get on top of it and don't know what to do about it.

A: The health is directly related to the psyche. When one is operating at cross purposes necessarily, the physical realm is chronically affected. When this is resolved, the physical problem is solved. We need not repeat the sins of the father where alcohol is concerned either, by the way!

Q: (L) I would suggest that you look into the blood type diet as was suggested to us, if you have a health issue. Frank was absolutely ready for surgery and seems to have completely recovered on this diet. (BRH) What about Phil?

A: Try not to be mislead.

A: (BRH) I mean more specifically about his alleged interstitial hoodlums.

A: "Hoodlums" are not leading, they are led.

Q: (BRH) Anything you can tell me about Ron, John and Victoria and Dr. V that would be good for me to know?

A: We see one with a plight. One secretly holds the light. Why not run with his program? Because it is missing some data. But, who supplies the data? Someone reaches out, but if this one grasps your hand, they will not let go.

Q: (L) I will suggest that these 'clues' will become quite clear at some point. Apparently one of these people has a problem. One is a good guy but doesn't have the right data, I guess... (BRH) Concerning my children in this situation, what is your advice?

A: The children shall always remain close to you especially the young female of about 8 years. The separation will only be temporary. So fear not about this.

Q: (L) I rather suspect that this means you may get custody eventually...

A: No comments, please.

Q: (L) Okay, I'll shut up! (BRH) Is there any way I can contact you guys directly?

A: Well, D___, only if you present yourself into the presence of these 3rd densities here. Remember, their request was hard earned, and one of them has been channeling throughout this incarnation, much to his detriment. Those neighborhood kids usually do not respond favorably to psychic awareness, now do they? Another one here has literally turned the world upside down in search of the greatest truths for all of humanity, much to her potential peril. And the third one here had to endure almost unimaginable hardships and tests of stamina in order to realize his destined path of bringing your 3rd density realm to the brink of 4th density transitional adjustment. So, the path is open to you. Wanna follow?!?

End of Session
[Blue Resonant Human connects via telephone]

Q: (BRH) What is it about my present situation that I am not seeing or that I am unable to see?

A: These are vague directives, but to begin, D___ can look to a paternal block for some clues. We see the same cycle of intense effort coupled with anger borne of the frustration caused by trying too hard. Careful not to slip into the pattern of being hurtful to those near to you during periods of frustrative oblivion! Pensiveness... somnolence... striving, driving accidents... neglecting closely held duties... no, we know better, do we not?

Q: (L) I would say that this might be in the way of a warning...

A: Better to let D___ elaborate. If he wishes to have advice, he will recognize. Career? Family? Repeat mistakes of paternal one? Now, we think the "food for thought" should elicit some interesting inquiries from the Blue Resonant Human.

Q: (BRH) What is this 'paternal block' you refer to?

A: What is it??!! If you have no clue as of yet, we ain't the Cassiopaeans! Sojourns lead one to yearn.

Q: (L) A trip or a journey? (BRH) The trip to Egypt?

A: C'mon, D___, you know better than to let your physical self to interfere with your striving for spiritual progress. Splitting oneself down the middle always leads to separation. Now, let's hear a specific question, for goodness sake!

Q: (BRH) After 20 years, I am going through a very painful divorce, I am filing chapter 7, and losing every (expletive) thing. What is up with that?

A: Losing is gaining if viewed in proper perspective. What is more important to you? Your quest, or the material bonds that have always objected or obstructed anyway? When one is on the right pathway, the livelihood and the quest merge beautifully.

Q: (L) [To BRH] You are describing your wife as a 'thorn in the flesh?' How about a 'burr under the saddle?' Yes... a veritable cornucopia of cliches! My situation was very similar. When people think they have fallen in love and decide to form a relationship, in most cases it is a programmed response in them. Not only that, it is also programmed into the chemistry. What happens is, this other person literally sends out like little psychic fishhooks which bury in your body, your mind, your psyche, and getting away from a person who is taking you to pieces, even tiny bit at a time, pulling these psychic hooks out of your flesh is excruciatingly painful. It is a question of habit, propinquity, chemicals, the psychic hooks. And, there is the mind programming... you fluctuate between thinking 'I gotta get away...' and 'it wasn't so bad... not as bad as being ALONE!' And this way, you compromise and sell yourself out. When you are around a certain person for a long period of time, the chemistry goes into a self-perpetuating cycle, and when that person is no longer there to emit the pheromones or whatever it is that keeps YOUR chemicals going, it is like going through drug withdrawal! The C's have said that people can be 'vectors of frequency.' If you are coupled with a person who is one of the 'vectors of frequency,' and the frequency is designed to keep you off balance or to limit you or confuse you or drain you, for some reason, when they are gone, and you can begin to think clearly for a change, you are so used to your usual state of numbness and confusion, that you think that this clear state of mind is abnormal! You plunge into despair... Sandra said to me before she died: 'make your list and read it every time you think it wasn't so bad. Never forget why you are doing what you are doing!' Let's get back to the questions... (BRH) I see doors open all over the place, so where to now?

A: Oh D___, what is your Quest? We mentioned before about career. And we mentioned family. When one is engaged in going against the grain, never the twain shall meet. You have seen that by now. Now please recognize that your interests should direct your life from here. To be engaged in unsatisfactory endeavors has led you to this point. Please follow your instinctual objectives. This is what will lead from the gloom into the Glorious Light.

Q: (BRH) I have always considered a career to be a dirty job, but a necessary evil on this blob of mud, this swamp we call planet earth. I have always resented it. My quest for spiritual matters has always been contaminated by the mundane matter of having to make a living and survive in the material world. Many years ago I was on the verge of suicide and I sensed and felt the presence of God, and heard a voice, at this very intense turning point. The word was: 'Don't worry, I have a job for you.' I was completely enraged! So, is there a place for me in Vegas?

A: D___, your ideas about career are distorted. A job is just that: a job. A career is your life's work. You have always invested too much energy in your quest to hold down a "job." Why not consolidate, my boy? Life would be so much easier.

Q: (BRH) The pursuit of money is the antithesis of my quest, or so it appears.

A: When one worries first about money, the trap is set. When one pursues one's passion, all else falls into place. What you do not yet allow yourself to understand is that this principle never, ever fails. But you certainly are not alone. The 4th density STS programmers relish the thought.

Q: (BRH) I have a health problem that has plagued me for quite a number of years and I can't get on top of it and don't know what to do about it.

A: The health is directly related to the psyche. When one is operating at cross purposes necessarily, the physical realm is chronically affected. When this is resolved, the physical problem is solved. We need not repeat the sins of the father where alcohol is concerned either, by the way!
Fantastic session, thank you @Laura for posting! It strikes me how personal is this session for me. I've lost my job recently, so I'm in an "all doors are open" situation and my primary motivation for searching for another one is money because I'm paying off my "thorn in a flesh" wife's debts. This session made me rethink my approach and motives.
C's always give the best attitudes-changing advices

A: When one worries first about money, the trap is set. When one pursues one's passion, all else falls into place. What you do not yet allow yourself to understand is that this principle never, ever fails. But you certainly are not alone. The 4th density STS programmers relish the thought.

A: The health is directly related to the psyche. When one is operating at cross purposes necessarily, the physical realm is chronically affected. When this is resolved, the physical problem is solved. We need not repeat the sins of the father where alcohol is concerned either, by the way!

A: D___, your ideas about career are distorted. A job is just that: a job. A career is your life's work. You have always invested too much energy in your quest to hold down a "job." Why not consolidate, my boy? Life would be so much easier.

A: Oh D___, what is your Quest? We mentioned before about career. And we mentioned family. When one is engaged in going against the grain, never the twain shall meet. You have seen that by now. Now please recognize that your interests should direct your life from here. To be engaged in unsatisfactory endeavors has led you to this point. Please follow your instinctual objectives. This is what will lead from the gloom into the Glorious Light.

A: Losing is gaining if viewed in proper perspective. What is more important to you? Your quest, or the material bonds that have always objected or obstructed anyway? When one is on the right pathway, the livelihood and the quest merge beautifully.

Thanks for the session.

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