Session 7 November 1998

I'd like to add another slice of pizza to the communal table. From my years of research.
The 9th Symphony has a healing effect on the body, it is the medicine of the future, wave medicine. I think this is how one is treated in a sanitarium after the Soul's transition into 5D. ;)
What I will say next - you will not find in textbooks.
The tonality in which the 9th Symphony is written influences the brain, the central nervous system, peripheral nerves, stimulates the lymphatic system, cures...teeth. ;) The effects of this tonality are similar to what you call biofeedback.
You can use this "medicine" for hand paresthesia, peripheral nerve damage, tunnel syndrome, chronic parotitis, and parotid gland damage.
I'd like to add another slice of pizza to the communal table. From my years of research.
The 9th Symphony has a healing effect on the body, it is the medicine of the future, wave medicine. I think this is how one is treated in a sanitarium after the Soul's transition into 5D. ;)
What I will say next - you will not find in textbooks.
The tonality in which the 9th Symphony is written influences the brain, the central nervous system, peripheral nerves, stimulates the lymphatic system, cures...teeth. ;) The effects of this tonality are similar to what you call biofeedback.
You can use this "medicine" for hand paresthesia, peripheral nerve damage, tunnel syndrome, chronic parotitis, and parotid gland damage.
The 9th isn’t the only piece of music that uses that particular key arrangement. Beethoven was building on the musical language of the earlier Classical period of which his early works reflect. Hayden and Mozart were influential in Beethoven’s early development.

Many years back there was research done that showed, listening to the music of Mozart increased I.Q. Mozart effect - Wikipedia

As for the healing effect; I find that not only Beethoven and Mozart, but the music Brahms, Ravel, Debussy, Walton, Stravinsky, Prokofiev, Britten, as well as groups such as YES, Enerson Lake & Palmer, Gentle Giant, Kansas, all create that same effect. When I’m doing chemotherapy treatments I listen to a wide variety of music and find that it helps ease the side effects considerably! Osit…
@PopHistorian That is very cool, thanks! My two favorite Genesis tunes from that period are; The Chamber of 32 Doors, and, Robbery, Assault, and Battery. I get goose bumps, when in the latter, they head into; "He’s leaving by the roof…". My other favorite, and a goosebump causer is; The Lady Lies.

You also reminded me that I left Genesis out, as well as Bach! (Blasphemy!)
A: Mathematics converts to sound in geometric measurements. Why do you think the pyramid became a pyramid?
Shape oscillation of a levitated drop in an acoustic field
The number of points on the 'star drop' corresponds to the harmonic being matched.

...all the way to polygons!

Sound and geometry... blending together!

Session 5 February 2000
Q: Wait, I asked what is the second loop. The second loop is included but not inclusive?

A: Remember, you do have cycles but that does not necessarily mean cyclical. 3 Dimensional depiction of loop, seek hexagon for more. Geometric theory provides answers for key. Look to stellar windows. Octagon, hexagon, pentagon.

Q: Are those the different levels of density?

A: No, but it relates. Geometry gets you there, algebra sets you "free."
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Also, in the musical mix are gongs and singing bowls. I think they may have some healing qualities as well as other sound tools.

I just remembered saving some gong information. Here is one group experimenting with sound as a healing modality (maybe in some cases New Age is Old age):

Tone of Life

Also the Tibetan singing bowls are interesting I think.

These are just some examples. I am sure there are many more.
I just remembered saving some gong information. Here is one group experimenting with sound as a healing modality (maybe in some cases New Age is Old age):

After reviewing the gong videos I think this group is a New Age group trying to capitalize on instruments that are old and exotic but probably do not have a clue about how they really work. Sorry for the distraction from the main topic. They may be interesting but may not be that useful.

I do think the singing bowls may have some therapeutic value and some use gongs together with the bowls which is a different and older use.
After reviewing the gong videos I think this group is a New Age group trying to capitalize on instruments that are old and exotic but probably do not have a clue about how they really work. Sorry for the distraction from the main topic. They may be interesting but may not be that useful.

I do think the singing bowls may have some therapeutic value and some use gongs together with the bowls which is a different and older use.
I want to thank you for the video of the Tibetan bowls.

I have converted it to mp3 format (audio only) and I listen to it while reading.

I don't know if the sound will be healing, but I really like it.
Since the overtones are an intrinsic part of the fundamental and, are all sounding simultaneously, what happens when all of the geometric shapes are combined?
The circle can be viewed as an infinitely sided polygon, i.e. the shape of all shapes.1701968363679.png
The number 1 is contained in all natural numbers (1,2,3,4,5,..).
1 = 1
2 = 1 + 1
3 = 1 + 1 + 1
...and so on.
Q: (L) Is there only one ultimate creator of the universe
A: All is one. And one is all.
Q: (L) What is it that limits our awareness?
A: Your environment. And it is the environment that you have chosen. By your level of progress. And that is what limits everything. As you rise to higher levels of density, limitations are removed.

Q: (L) What creates this environment of limitation?
A: It is the grand illusion which is there for the purpose of learning.

Q: (L) And who put the illusion into place?
A: The Creator who is also the Created. Which is also you and us and all. As we have told you, we are you and vice versa. And so is everything else.

Q: (L) Is the key that it is all illusion?
A: Basically, yes.
When we write numbers as 1,2,3,4,5,... we think of them as increasing infinitely, but they can also be considered as subdivisions of the number 1. In that sense, unity would be split up infinitely many times. So there is a concept of "going far away" and "coming right back," which like a closed structure allowing infinitely many things to happen and infinitely many perspectives to arise, yet there is a "binding" mechanism holding (balancing!) everything into place!
Q: (L) In terms of this scenario, is there some lesson that we can learn about what may or may not occur through this book I have mentioned?
A: Maybe, but suggest you learn to blend mosaic consciousness.

Q: (L) What is mosaic consciousness?
A: Thinking in internally spherical terms, rather than using linear "point blank" approach. The whole picture is seen by seeing the whole scene.

Q: (L) Well, I guess that is why I get into so many thought patterns...
A: Picture yourself as being at the center of a mosaic.
Q: My first question: Is there any chance that actions will be taken against Ark before he leaves by the scheduled itinerary?

A: You must realize that actions have already been taken against Arkadiusz, continue to be taken against Arkadiusz, and will be taken Arkadiusz, as has been determined and has been in process for an eternity. Remember, all events as you perceive them are merely from the standpoint of your perception. There is no past or future. All is one.
Q: (F) Does that answer the question satisfactorily? That's like saying: "Oh, that's an interesting store, what's in there?" (L) Well, if none of the figures science has come up with is correct, what is the correct definition of the age of the universe?
A: Quasi-quantum possibilities.

Q: (L) What does that mean? {Laughter.} (J) Anybody's guess?! (L) Well, I think they are going to tell us something here.
A: Discover.

Q: (J) Thanks a lot! (T) That is certainly new to me! (S) Its probably a lot of gazillion years old! (T) What does quasi mean? (L) Partly, half-way... (F) And what does quantum mean? (L) Well, a quanta is a unit of measure... (T) All possible units of measurement... (F) Is that what that would... (L) Come on and help us out here guys? (T) In there time, which is no time, it exists at all times and not time, in our time, that would be infinity. (L) Okay. (T) So, the age of the universe is infinite in our time limit, but they way they perceive it is it doesn't... it exists until it doesn't... it does and then it does not... (L) Okay, let's ask this another way... help me out here... (J) Go for it! (F) You got yourself in the woods, keep looking for the crumbs to find your way out! (L) What do you mean by quasi-quantum possibilities?
A: Closed circle.

Q: (L) Okay, if you select any one point on the circle, and hold that point, and then measure around to the point again, where on that circle are we? Arbitrarily?
A: Not correct concept.

Q: (L) Okay, well help me out here. If there is a closed circle, that means that there is no point that you can arbitrarily designate? (J) Yes.
A: Yes.
It's the same thing with light...and sound...and sonoluminescence!
Q: (A) Should I look into sonoluminescence? Are there causal time loops?
A: Q1: Yes. Q2: On the right track, now blend or unify. No polarities, please.
A: What role do waves play in third level understanding of physics?

Q: (RS) Transverse oscillation of the ether... the medium that fills up the entire universe. No wave can exist unless there is a medium to propagate it. Transverse oscillations fill up the entire universe.

A: Light, gravity, optics, atomic particles, matter, anti- matter... unify, please.
All are manifestations of The One. 😉
Q: (L) But, just a clue: how does thought become matter?
A: Bilaterally.

Q: (L) What do you mean by "bilaterally?"
A: Dual emergence.

Q: (L) Emergence into what and what?
A: Not "into what and what," but rather, "from what and to what."

Q: (L) What emerges from what?
A: The beginning emerges from the end, and vice versa.

Q: (L) And what is the beginning and what is the end?
A: Union with the One.

Q: (L) What is the One?
A: 7th density, i.e.: all that is, and is not.
Thank you for this session. I will be honest, I focused on the responses to personal questions and guidance given as it is incredibly valuable for my current self-inflicted situation and majort missteps of recently.

Thanks @Odin as it was your post in another thread that lead me here.
Q: Why didn't you answer my question about putting prime numbers around a pyramid?
A: Mathematics converts to sound in geometric measurements. Why do you think the pyramid became a pyramid?

Q: (A) It became a pyramid because it is a simple shape to build. (L) Did it become a pyramid because a sound shaped it? Determined its shape?
A: Closer.
The scientific world is slowing catching up to reality...
More than 50 years ago Polish-American mathematician Mark Kac popularized a zany but mathematically deep question in his 1966 paper “Can One Hear the Shape of a Drum?” In other words, if you hear someone beat a drum, and you know the frequencies of the sounds it makes, can you work backward to figure out the shape of the drum that created those sounds? Or can more than one drum shape create the exact same set of frequencies?
It turns out you can hear the shape of a triangle, a result first proved in Catherine Durso’s 1988 doctoral thesis for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. You can also hear the shape of parallelograms and acute trapezoids, according to a 2015 paper by Rowlett and Zhiqin Lu, a mathematician at the University of California, Irvine. Both shapes produce unique sounds. And that paper yielded additional interesting findings, Rowlett explains.
“Let’s say you’re making quadrilateral drums, so four straight edges,” she says. “You would be able to hear a square one. It would sound special. And the same thing for triangle drums: an equilateral triangle drum would sound special, not like any of the others.” Moreover, for any regular polygonal drum—a shape with equal side lengths and equal interior angles—“you would always be able to hear it amongst the others. And I like to think it would sound particularly nice,” Rowlett says.
In the late 1800s, when Schuster mused about the immense challenge of determining the shape of a bell by the sounds it emits, microphones were a new technology. More than 130 years later a team of researchers used microphones in a way that might have shocked Schuster. They employed them to show that you can, in a sense, hear the shapes of rooms—specifically convex, polyhedral ones.

Using a few microphones arranged in an arbitrary setup, the researchers’ computer algorithm “reconstructs the full 3D geometry of the room from a single sound emission,” they wrote in a 2013 paper.
The scientists noted that their findings could be applied to problems in architectural acoustics, virtual reality, audio forensics, and more.
And it gets even more interesting as we unlock untraveled paths!
Q: (Mr. Scott) Alright then. (Galaxia) I have a question. They mentioned us having powers in 4 D and being able to hear colors. Is one of these powers being able to taste music?

A: Yes
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