Session 9 January 2005


FOTCM Member
Session 9th January 2005

Laura, Ark, Mr. Scott, Perceval, Galahad, Andromeda

Q: Hello

A: My Children

Q: Who do we have with us tonight?

A: Cassiopaea

Q: What happened to Rigel?

A: Zoom Out.

Q: What does that mean?

A: Interference no longer a problem so no relay needed

Q: (A) So what happened to supernova? (L) I guess when you are 6th density it only causes a problem in the period of the initial explosion.

A: You answered well enough.

Q: (A) I am suspicious... (L) Where do you transmit through or from?

A: Rigel.

Q: (L) So why do you say Cassiopaea?

A: For your identifier only.

Q: Wasn't Rigel meant to go supernova?

A: Rigel already went!

Q: When?

A: We already said look, listen and no dice!

Discussion on when we thought Rigel went supernova, around 1229, actual distance in light years is disputed however

A: R U playing horseshoes?

Q: (L) Regarding the recent earthquake and tsunami, there is a huge buzz on the net that this was not a natural phenomenon. Some say it could have been a meteor; others say it was a US nuke; others say it was India and Israel playing around in deep sea trenches. Then there is the speculation on an EM weapon of some description. The New agers are saying it was the start of the final 'Earth Changes". So what really caused this earthquake that happened one year minus one hour after the earthquake in Iran?

A: Pressure in earth. Not any of the proferred suggestions. But remember that the human cycle mirrors the cycle of catastrophe and human mass consciousness plays a part.

Q: In what way does mass consciousness play a part?

A: When those with higher centers are blocked from full manifestation of creative energy, that energy must go somewhere. If you cannot create "without" you create "within".

Q: (L) In other words the acts of the STS consortium in trying to suppress steal and control the creative energy from those with higher centers may be the cause of their own destruction because that energy is uncontrollable. (A) Yes but they bring it on everyone's head also. (Perceval) Maybe that is their plan, after all they want to destroy the planet. (L) Yes but I don't think that people like Bush and his cronies want to destroy the planet, but then they don't know much about what goes on anyway. So, anything else on that? (A) Well we have this idea that the US, UK, Russia and France all knew about the coming tsunami and failed to tell anyone. Well, we know from some concrete evidence that the US and UK knew, but what about France and Russia who also have these capabilities with satellites etc to detect such things?

A: Indeed it was known and suppressed and do not underestimate France and Russia.

Q: Is that related to technology or evil intentions?

A: Tech, though some "evil" as well. There is still some balance in France. In this case the "evildoers" happened to be in the know.

Q: Were there passengers and crew on both planes that hit the WTC?

A: Yes.

Q: Were any of the alleged hijackers on the planes?

A: No.

Q: If there were passengers and crew on the planes, were they conscious up until the time of impact?

A: No.

Q: Were the planes that struck the WTC being controlled by helicopters or other planes nearby?

A: Not even necessary. The onboard computer does it all.

Q: So how did the passengers and crew lose consciousness?

A: You have already speculated about gas released via onboard ventilation system.

Q: Is Barbara Olsen alive?

A: Now that is a very interesting question! Let us just say that she is busy making the bunker "homey" for the housewarming.

Q: Was there a second emergency landing at Cleveland after Delta 1989 landed?

A: No, that was just to confuse the issue.

Q: So it was just more of the intelligence agencies sowing disinformation in real time. Which would suggest that Flight 93 did crash in Pennsylvania?

A: Crash?

Q: Well, crashed after it was shot down. So, was it shot down?

A: Absolutely. You had it from the "horse's" mouth.

Q: If so, was it shot down because the passengers were getting ready to take control and that would have brought something to light that they didn't want to happen?

A: Yup.

Q: So why weren't these people gassed like the ones on the WTC flights?

A: Mechanical glitch. Wishful thinking will get you every time.

Q: So where was Flight 93 meant to be going?

A: White House. The fire was started in anticipation and had to be extinguished and covered up.

Q: At the time there were reports of fire at the Pentagon before the plane hit, was this the same thing as at the White House?

A: Yes.

Q: Did Flight 77 land at Reagan Airport in Washington DC as Dick Eastman suggests?

A: Try Wright Patterson.

Q: Did it go on anywhere else after WP?

A: Only piecemeal.

Q: But wasn't it said in a previous session that Flight 77 landed at Denver and that this might well be the source of the Denver airport scandal? [Discussion of what "piecemeal" means. Conclusion is that plane and passengers were "taken apart" and plane pieces were moved somewhere else - possibly Denver]

A: So, see?

Q: Were there any other plane crashes that day that the public was not told about?

A: You can research this and find conflicting info. But, no.

Q: Was the strike on the Pentagon for the purpose of taking out the people involved in legitimate training exercises who would have known the truth of the events of that day?

A: Now, another interesting question! What is up with the Navy?

Q: What is up with the navy?

A: Maybe they know things they don't tell. Maybe what they know gives them a certain respect for "nature" and a hesitancy to meddle.

Q: Can you clarify?

A: Let's just say that the navy wouldn't play with the bullies because they know about bigger bullies. The navy learned a lot from the Philadelphia experiment. George Bush senior tried to get all the data about the things he heard and saw, but failed.

Q: What is the navy doing now?

A: Flying under the radar and waiting.

Q: Was there some sort of double-cross involved in the 9/11 attacks where one party of the plans attempted to blackmail another?

A: Indeed, though there were glitches.

Q: So if the Denver airport scandal is going to expose the government; is the government going to be deliberately exposed by some other party?

A: We have already said that airports are used by both STS and STO.

Q: Is there in-fighting among those in high levels over how to proceed?

A: At various levels, yes. But you know the old saying about incompetency seeking its own level like water.

Q: What does this mean?

A: Those at the top are there because of an agenda that each is concealing. They are waiting for the opportunity to act to influence. However they are learning that Bush is becoming more difficult to manage.

Q: How many people saw the Pentagon strike Flash presentation?

A: 300 million.

Q: Should we expect some fireworks when it comes out in Arabic?

A: Maybe.

Q: Was there any symbolic meaning to the death of Arafat at Percy Hospital, with the number 11 appearing at the time

A: Like Diana, a marker.

Q: What are the origins of the Belicena book?

A: Belicena origins; researches of Aryan types exiled to South America.

Q: Was this house we are living in once a monastery?

A: Yes.

Q: Is there anything of import buried under the mound? Or anywhere else on the property (church ruins, pond, etc.)?

A: No.

Q: Is there a tunnel between the chateau, or the old chateau, and the abbey?

A: No.

Q: How did the nuts on the car wheel become loose?

A: Warning.

Q: Was it the same group as in the market?

A: Yes.

Q: What was the warning about?

A: Camera, tyre: progression.

Q: What can we expect next?

A: Maybe nothing if you are aware.

Q: What is the most accurate book describing the events of the war between Atlantis and "Athens" and the subsequent catastrophe?

A: Velikovsky's interpretation of the plagues, though not Venus. For social constructs just observe the current state of the world.

Q: Is the US economy likely to collapse this year?

A: Wait and see.

Q: Is investing in physical gold still a good idea?

A: Yes.

Q: What were the two lights in the night sky I saw over the past few nights?

A: Precursors. There are a lot of them lately.

Q: (L) Ok, anything else or is that it? (A) What about my dream of something happening on the 19th?

A: Didn't you already figure this one out??? A harbinger indeed!!

Q: What about Seville, is it a good idea to go?

A: Go when the time is right, not when it is the "right time."

Q: Was there a "coup de palais" as described by Meyssan? Did some people have the nuclear codes and were they threatening Bush over this, and did he spend the day negotiating with these people?

A: Not exactly.

Q: (L) Ok, do you have any comments for us, any advice or encouragement?

A: You are doing well. Stay vigilant and network. Goodnight.

End of Session
If, like me you have forget who is Barbara Olsen :
The former Fox News TV commentator and Independent Women's Forum activist was said to have called her husband Theodore Olsen from her plane to seek help in countering hijackers who had allegedly taken over American flight 77 which the Bush administration said was crashed into the Pentagon- although the impact only left an opening approximately 18 feet across.
Laura said:
Q: Was the strike on the Pentagon for the purpose of taking out the people involved in legitimate training exercises who would have known the truth of the events of that day?

A: Now, another interesting question! What is up with the Navy?

Q: What is up with the navy?

A: Maybe they know things they don't tell. Maybe what they know gives them a certain respect for "nature" and a hesitancy to meddle.

Q: Can you clarify?

A: Let's just say that the navy wouldn't play with the bullies because they know about bigger bullies. The navy learned a lot from the Philadelphia experiment. George Bush senior tried to get all the data about the things he heard and saw, but failed.

Q: What is the navy doing now?

A: Flying under the radar and waiting.

Q: Was there some sort of double-cross involved in the 9/11 attacks where one party of the plans attempted to blackmail another?

A: Indeed, though there were glitches.

When the C's talk about "bigger bullies", are they referring to "nature" or to another group or even to 4D beings? It's interesting that they mention the Philadelphia Experiment; was the technology used in 9/11 of such a high level?
Eboard10 said:
Laura said:
Q: Was the strike on the Pentagon for the purpose of taking out the people involved in legitimate training exercises who would have known the truth of the events of that day?

A: Now, another interesting question! What is up with the Navy?

Q: What is up with the navy?

A: Maybe they know things they don't tell. Maybe what they know gives them a certain respect for "nature" and a hesitancy to meddle.

Q: Can you clarify?

A: Let's just say that the navy wouldn't play with the bullies because they know about bigger bullies. The navy learned a lot from the Philadelphia experiment. George Bush senior tried to get all the data about the things he heard and saw, but failed.

Q: What is the navy doing now?

A: Flying under the radar and waiting.

Q: Was there some sort of double-cross involved in the 9/11 attacks where one party of the plans attempted to blackmail another?

A: Indeed, though there were glitches.

When the C's talk about "bigger bullies", are they referring to "nature" or to another group or even to 4D beings? It's interesting that they mention the Philadelphia Experiment; was the technology used in 9/11 of such a high level?

I'm thinking that the C's are talking about hyperdimensional bullies (4D STS), especially since they reference the Philadelphia experiment.
It is shocking, though not surprising that some parties, as mentioned in this session, knew the tsunami in late 2004 was on the way, and did exactly nothing, except perhaps later ask for more money, and more sensors so they could prepare better in the future.
Q: (L) Regarding the recent earthquake and tsunami, there is a huge buzz on the net that this was not a natural phenomenon. Some say it could have been a meteor; others say it was a US nuke; others say it was India and Israel playing around in deep sea trenches. Then there is the speculation on an EM weapon of some description. The New agers are saying it was the start of the final 'Earth Changes". So what really caused this earthquake that happened one year minus one hour after the earthquake in Iran?

A: Pressure in earth. Not any of the proferred suggestions. But remember that the human cycle mirrors the cycle of catastrophe and human mass consciousness plays a part.

Q: In what way does mass consciousness play a part?

A: When those with higher centers are blocked from full manifestation of creative energy, that energy must go somewhere. If you cannot create "without" you create "within".

Q: (L) In other words the acts of the STS consortium in trying to suppress steal and control the creative energy from those with higher centers may be the cause of their own destruction because that energy is uncontrollable. (A) Yes but they bring it on everyone's head also. (Perceval) Maybe that is their plan, after all they want to destroy the planet. (L) Yes but I don't think that people like Bush and his cronies want to destroy the planet, but then they don't know much about what goes on anyway. So, anything else on that? (A) Well we have this idea that the US, UK, Russia and France all knew about the coming tsunami and failed to tell anyone. Well, we know from some concrete evidence that the US and UK knew, but what about France and Russia who also have these capabilities with satellites etc to detect such things?

A: Indeed it was known and suppressed and do not underestimate France and Russia.

Q: Is that related to technology or evil intentions?

A: Tech, though some "evil" as well. There is still some balance in France. In this case the "evildoers" happened to be in the know.
A few governments knew, but some people registered something on the radar that works through dreams, like this story in a biography by Judith Bourque:
The Tsunami dream is a fascinating example. I had planned a trip to India in December 2003 but rebooked my ticket in order to spend Christmas with my son, his partner, her older son and my little granddaughter of one and a half years who were spending the winter in Thailand. The new ticket turned out to be horribly uncomfortable and would mean flying in five different airplanes over three days with no single night on the ground. I doubted I would have the physical stamina to make that trip, and asked for spiritual guidance as I fell asleep. That night I had a dream that there would soon be an earthquake and that water levels would rise. I woke up in a cold sweat, knowing not exactly when or exactly where, but I did know that it was going to be soon and somewhere where I had planned to go. This warning helped me make up my mind. If something terrible was going to happen, I wanted our family to be together, not apart! With new motivation I made the grueling trip, falling asleep in the fifth airport. Someone who worked for the airlines woke me up and dragged me out to the last plane. The wave came a day and a half later and my granddaughter was in the ocean with her mother just fifteen minutes before. Obviously we all survived, and I was so grateful to be there to help my children with a number of practical issues as we were rushed off to safety by the hotel personnel. Experiences like this are the reason I pay such close attention to my dreams.
There is a much that can be watched: the sky, the Earth environment, the world of human affairs, and also the inner spaces of our minds. Observing the world of human affairs, we would perhaps only wonder if something was up based on how some powerful actors change their signals, their rhetoric, their focus or act nervously or unexpected.
In light of the protests in Melbourne, the police state tactics on the population and then a big earthquake 130km from Melbourne, the above session brings this message home again.
So what really caused this earthquake that happened one year minus one hour after the earthquake in Iran?

A: Pressure in earth. Not any of the proferred suggestions. But remember that the human cycle mirrors the cycle of catastrophe and human mass consciousness plays a part.

Q: In what way does mass consciousness play a part?

A: When those with higher centers are blocked from full manifestation of creative energy, that energy must go somewhere. If you cannot create "without" you create "within".

Q: (L) In other words the acts of the STS consortium in trying to suppress steal and control the creative energy from those with higher centers may be the cause of their own destruction because that energy is uncontrollable. (A) Yes but they bring it on everyone's head also. (Perceval) Maybe that is their plan, after all they want to destroy the planet. (L) Yes but I don't think that people like Bush and his cronies want to destroy the planet, but then they don't know much about what goes on anyway. So, anything else on that? (A) Well we have this idea that the US, UK, Russia and France all knew about the coming tsunami and failed to tell anyone. Well, we know from some concrete evidence that the US and UK knew, but what about France and Russia who also have these capabilities with satellites etc to detect such things?
This is also what has been understood in the past with the human-cosmic connection, the Mandate of Heaven etc. which Pierre has laid out in his book, "Earth changes and the Human-cosmic connection."
Q: But wasn't it said in a previous session that Flight 77 landed at Denver and that this might well be the source of the Denver airport scandal? [Discussion of what "piecemeal" means. Conclusion is that plane and passengers were "taken apart" and plane pieces were moved somewhere else - possibly Denver]
knowing the C's the bodies were eaten or consumed as nutrient baths as in 'pieces' as a 'meal'.
A few governments knew, but some people registered something on the radar that works through dreams, like this story in a biography by Judith Bourque:
Some might interpret the dream as a warning NOT to go. But he went, and with the intense intent to serve others, emboldened by the dream, succeeded in doing so. There are no fixed outcomes. Acting with prejudice on what may seem to be inevitable often writes the script for our downfall. This is how higher density STO guidance outsmarts STS; by unexpected turns contrary to all programmed logic.
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