Session 981114, Prime Numbers, the Pyramid, Dwelling of the mystics

hi forum,

there are a series of authors (richard heath, john michell and others) bringing back an amazing understanding of the use of prime numbers as used by ancient societies that are fundamentally implicated in their measurement systems and allowed those systems of measurement to elegantly harmonise with the natural movements of the sun, moon and earth. The quote below gives just a small taste of what they have laid out in various books. I especially recommend The Dimensions of Paradise by John Michell as a "primer" in this regard :)

Peruse their various blogs and articles to find other fascinating tidbits that are guaranteed to spark creative associations

The Metre's connection to the Moon

The Metre and the Moon were connected by someone in revolutionary France. Here we show how the numbers tell the story behind the creation of a unit that was designed to replace all of the ancient measures. It shows how a knowledge of metrology can revolutionise our knowledge of the past and reveal hidden secrets within artifacts and buildings.

In ancient metrology all of the units of length, and there were many, divided into each other through the use of only the first five prime numbers, 2, 3, 5, 7, and 11. They may not divide perfectly but only these primes will remain in any fractions of a foot after a division of one into another.

It is quite a surprise therefore that the Metre, a recent measure emanating from the time of the French Revolution, upsetting of the ancien regime, is commensurate with the English foot at all. The surprise comes from the fact that the Metre was created from a measurement of degrees of latitude and an estimate of the quadrant from Equator to Pole - the metre being defined as one ten millionth of the length of that quadrant. Since the measurements had significant errors, the final value was frozen at an incorrect value. So why should it, like an ancient measure, divide into the foot at all?

There are 10000 feet in 3048 metres, and 3048 is 24 times 127. Thus the metre has introduced a high prime into its relation to the foot yet has retained a rational relationship to the foot.

Why 3048? The answer might lie in the lunar orbit, for in a Metonic Period of 19 years the Sun, Moon and Stars all return to the same relative arrangement to a high accuracy.

There are 254 lunar orbital periods (LOPs) of 27.32166 days in a Metonic period and 12 times the Metonic yields 3048 LOPs.

Whilst there are numerous relationships in astronomy and other areas of the traditional arts, the Metonic is one of major significance in both prehistory and as a primary relationship between the Moon and the Sun, for the following reasons. To complete a Metonic period in only 19 years requires that the lunar month and orbital periods are both commensurate (will divide into) that period of 6939.60 days. 235 lunar months complete in 6939.69 days and 254 lunar orbits complete in 6939.79 days, the variance being 0.19 days or just 4.5 hours in 19 years.

The likelihood is that whoever was responsible for generating the metre knew that the value produced would be wrong, and would not be one ten millionth of the meridian length. The reasons were an incomplete and faulty set of measurements plus a wrong assumption that the average degree length was found at 45 degree. In reality it is the 51st degree has the average degree length, equal to a degree of the mean earth.

The standard metre was instead based upon something of interest to those involved in the project - it could be a single person or a group - and they chose to make it mean something astronomical. But there is no evidence of such astronomy in the ordinary scientific community. Only in the realms of esoteric knowledge could such a period be emblematic and meaningful. Multiplying the Metonic period by twelve reminds of the Zodiac of twelve signs and indeed 12-foldness is a characteristic emerging from the classical Greek culture who had 12 gods and are generally credited with the advent of the zodiac.

From a fresh perspective, the 12 times 19 year period could well be a genuine archaic time period of note since we know that the Metonic period was both well known and associated with Druidic and Metalithic ritual - the bluestone ellipse within Stonehenge carrying this symbolism. It was said that every 19 years Apollo would return to Hyperborea (probably Britain) where a circular temple to honour him had been built.

It is quite possible that multiples of the Metonic existed in ancient timekeeping and that one of these could have survived within one of the secret societies of that time. The alternative is of a very unusual creative act in which this period was dreamt up. Unlikely as this is it is not as unlikely as someone just creating this number, commensurate with the foot, out of a calculation or just out of thin air.
here is another elegant and "mystifying" numerical association of moon and earth

I couldn't get the pictures to copy and paste with the words below and some of the math equations aren't properly readable, would appreciate being told how that is can see them at this link:

Synchronicity of the Earth’s Rotation with
the Moon’s Orbital Cycles and Solar Year
by Richard Heath and Robin Heath

We find that the Earth’s rotational day divides the year according to the 18.62 year cycle of the Lunar Nodes. From this we conclude that the Earth’s orbit, the Moon’s orbital precession and the Earth’s rotational velocity are most probably interconnected. The tropical solar year in days is factorised almost exactly by 18.618 times 19.618 and the Moon travels one ten thousandth of its orbit in the time difference between sidereal and tropical days.

We have been considering a range of numerical coincidences present in arithmetical and geometrical analyses of astronomical cycles involving the Sun-Moon-Earth system. There is an apparently lawful relationship concerning the Earth, Sun and Moon, one that is most unusual.

The Earth ‘s rate of rotation is directly proportional to the ratio of angular velocities of the Sun and the Moon ~ orbital nodes; as seen from Earth.

The reason why this fact has been hidden is that we use the day or the degree to manipulate the data concerning these phenomena and since the day is implicated in the above law it obscures the relationship and the degree changes the numbers to further obscure it.

We now refer to the angle traveled by the sun on the ecliptic in one day as a DAY. If we convert the Moon’s average daily motion of 13.176 degrees per day to DAYs per day we obtain 13.368 DAYS per day. This is the sidereal frequency per year because DAYS per day is also revolutions per year. This shows the virtue of using DAYS over degrees.

As there is not a great deal of familiarity with the terms used in describing Sun and Moon phenomena, we will recap some terms (see Figure 1).

# The Moon crosses the Sun‘s path or ecliptic at two places, the lunar nodes.
# Full or new moons occuring near a node produce solar or lunar eclipse respectively.
# Whilst the Sun moves East day by day by about one degree, it precesses the Lunar Nodes in the opposite sense, i.e. retrograde. The Sun moves about 18.618 times faster than the precessing nodes.
# Whilst the Sun returns to the same place on the ecliptic after one Solar Year, it will return to a given node after a shorter period an Eclipse Year. In Earth days, a Solar Year is 365.242 units long whilst an Eclipse year is 346.620 units long.

The ratio of 1:-18.618 between the angular velocity of the Sun and the Nodes means that after 18.618 solar years, the Nodes will return to the same part of the sky, a period called the Draconic Period. This means that after 1 solar year, the nodes have traveled by 1 /18.618 of the ecliptic. During 18.618 solar years there are 18.618 + 1 eclipse years, the + 1 being due to the complete revolution of the nodes in that period. Because there are 19.618 eclipse years in a Draconic Period, then the nodes must move by 1 /19.618 of the ecliptic in an eclipse year, i.e. before the Sun again meets a given Node. When we draw the ecliptic geocentrically as a circle and place a Sun-Node conjunction at the "top", then the eclipse and solar year node movements can be shown as in Figure 2.

The question then arises: What is the proportion of the whole circle, shown δ, between the end of the eclipse year and the end of the solar year? It is,
1 /18.618 - 1 /19.618 which is 19.618 -18.618
18.618 x 19.618 or 1 /365.248 of a solar year!

In other words, the Nodes move in the excess of the solar year over eclipse year by the equivalent of one Earth DAY on the ecliptic. There are 365.2421 tropical days in a solar year. Thus we can state,

The solar year, in days, has the two factors 19.618 and 18.618 and both these numbers are generated by the Moon 's nodal motion with respect to the Sun.

The Earth’s rotation is the lowest common denominator in the numerosity generated and thus calibrates the cycles involved.

Because of the 18.618 ratio between Sun and Nodal motion, there must be 18.618 days difference between the eclipse and solar years. What also has to be true is that the eclipse year is (1 8.618)2 days long or 346.63 days, which is close to the 346.62 days given [Astrophysical Quantities, C.W. Allen, 1973]. We have come to refer to 18.618 days as a NODE DAY, the time it takes the nodes to move by one DAY on the ecliptic and a fundamental constant in Sun-Earth-Moon astronomy.

We therefore re-assert that,

The Earth ‘s rate of rotation is directly proportional to the ratio of angular velocities of the Sun and the Moon ‘s orbital nodes; as seen from Earth.


The Earth rotates once, with respect to the Sun, in the time it takes the Sun, seen from Earth, to move by the amount the Lunar Nodes move in the excess of the solar year over the ed ipse year.

We found another calibrating factor when we moved to DAYs instead of degrees. When we divided 13.176 degrees per day by 360 degrees, we obtained the fraction of a lunar orbit per tropical day. The value is 0.0366009. The same calculation for the sidereal day yields 0.0365009, and both happen to be the number of days in a year of the other type of day, in 1 /10000 ths of a complete lunar orbit. The sidereal day is 365 ths and the tropical day is 366 1 /10000ths of a lunar orbit: the difference between the two is a calibration unit of 1 /10000th.

Therefore, we found that,

The Moon moves 1/10000th of its orbit in the time between one sidereal day and one tropical day. There are 365 such periods in a sidereal day and 366 in a tropical day.

The present understanding of the Earth-Moon system does not account for either of the above calibration effects.
Interesting data in the Solar System have been found by French theoretical physicist Jean-Maria Souriau:

There seems to the Golden Ratio in the design. Which would be not a surprise, because it is present in many natural phenomena, like in the spirals of the sunflowers. Yet one thing is to notice it and another thing is to have a complete understanding of the dynamics of these phenomena.
Interesting stuff on prime numbers and ulam spiral generators written in python

Interesting! Also interesting that some
things forgotten are restored again :)

Thanks for sharing!
From now I'll be posting about numbers&numerals here
As cass said universe consist only 1,2,3
But there is old saying "as below so above, and vice versa"
so we have 4,5,6 and 7 is all:1,2,3,4,5,6

We "wont" to be on 4 density (STS and STO) so 2*4 is the key for us.
For them is 1*4 end they go to top of pyramid-F3535353535 and stay locked,but go from 1,2,3 again

Be aware dear friends and wish you clear dreams.
We are God,all.And consortium can only win if we do nothing, so wake up warriors.

Number 3 is number of material knowledge ,and six is spiritual knowlwdge so go for 2(truth)*3

Thank you All, Thank you One
zdravinar said:
From now I'll be posting about numbers&numerals here
As cass said universe consist only 1,2,3
But there is old saying "as below so above, and vice versa"
so we have 4,5,6 and 7 is all:1,2,3,4,5,6

We "wont" to be on 4 density (STS and STO) so 2*4 is the key for us.
For them is 1*4 end they go to top of pyramid-F3535353535 and stay locked,but go from 1,2,3 again

Be aware dear friends and wish you clear dreams.
We are God,all.And consortium can only win if we do nothing, so wake up warriors.

Number 3 is number of material knowledge ,and six is spiritual knowlwdge so go for 2(truth)*3

Thank you All, Thank you One

Apologies, zdravinar, but this makes no sense. Can you please try to clarify, with data to back up your assertions?
I will but time is short,and is hard to understand, but maybe.

Lets talk about mind programming,and remember cass explanation of VISA,how it is 666

Cass said that 10 is number for total mind control.To seal it it must be 3 times so 3*10(we are still in Rome so it is XXX)
For deprogramming,to "kill" it it must go other way and double it for firs cipher.69 remember(mirroring,-left is right and up is down, and vice versa). so it must be 9*5,thesn 5 mirrored(or ''69ed'') becomes 2 so it is 9*2,than "69" number 9 and we have 6.Ultimately it is 6 times 2.Go for roman alphabet and that is F*B

from session 941016:
Q: (L) What is the meaning of the number 666 in the book
of Revelation?
A: Visa.
Q: (L) You mean as in credit card?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are credit cards the work of what 666 represents?
A: Yes?
Q: (L) Should we get rid of all credit cards?
A: Up to you.
Q: (L) Would it be more to our advantage than not to
disconnect ourselves from the credit system?
A: Isn't just credit also debit.
Q: (L) Is that an affirmative.
A: How are you going to do this?
Q: (L) Well, do you have any suggestions?
A: World will soon have nothing but credit and debit have
you not heard of this new visa debit cards this is the future of
money as controlled by the world banking system i.e. the
brotherhood i.e. Lizards i.e. antichrist.

Is it in any way clearer now?maybe more help is needed?

Thank you anart

Thank you One
zdravinar said:
Lets talk about mind programming

What did you do to debug your mind programming, besides maybe 'go other way and double it for firs cipher.'? What you write still makes little sense to me. What seems to be the case is that you are interpreting the transcripts out of context, through your personal nummerological lense, which is misleading to put it mildly. Have you read the wave or even forum guidelines?

where do the C's say that 10 is number for total mind control?
session 941016
Q: (L) The other parts of chapter 13... Verse one says, "I
stood on the sandy beach I saw a beast coming up out of the
sea with ten horns and seven heads. On his horns he had ten
royal crowns and blasphemous titles on his heads..." What
does this verse mean?
A: Many meanings. Monetary control. 10 represents
universal control of whole units of value.

You do nothing just be aware,and help will come.

11 33 etc are dwelling of the "mystics"(Rosencrusers ,masons etc)or better dark mystics,consortium watchers on 33 level(masonry) for quorum activity

Have you read the wave or even forum guidelines?
I have

Thank you,Thank you One
zdravinar said:
session 941016
Q: (L) The other parts of chapter 13... Verse one says, "I
stood on the sandy beach I saw a beast coming up out of the
sea with ten horns and seven heads. On his horns he had ten
royal crowns and blasphemous titles on his heads..." What
does this verse mean?
A: Many meanings. Monetary control. 10 represents
universal control of whole units of value.

You do nothing just be aware,and help will come.
Well, assertions like this may not help in understanding. so you equated "whole unit of Value" to mind. Mind can be part of it , but this type of interpretation is dangerous IMHO.
I recently finished reading "Pyramid Odyssey" by William Fix, on the suggestion of Laura in at least one article and forum post, and it was a fascinating read. What I found to be remarkable was the measurements he plays around with to see which standard measure fits organically into the pyramid. Had it not been for him tuning into Cayce's mir (mer?) cubit of "27 and a half" (27.48...) inches, the measurements may have not revealed similar correlations to numbers retrieved from the Tiahuanaco sun calendar. What jumped out at me were the measurements of the pyramid in mir/mer cubits: base=330, height=210, and apothem=274.
Again there's multiple of 11 found in those measurements; the height measurement is a little iffy since the cap is missing and where exactly the base begins is debatable.

Some past observations regarding multiple 11s, (skip past this quote if you've had enough of multiple 11's):

Skyfarmr said:
[...]Just Intonation tom Aldridge gives a brief history of tunings and temperaments
and is a great primer in understanding the "evolution" from Just Tuning to Pythagorean tuning to 12 equal temperament tuning, and some of the practical reasons it evolved.

A quote from this article describing the C major scale in Just Tuning (I'm assuming you've read this by now):
"This is as perfect and harmonious a major scale as we can get. And amazingly--as well as coincidentally--the frequencies themselves all turn out to be whole numbers of Hertz--with no fractions. Seems like "divine" intervention! If we had picked any A other than 440 in that region, we'd be having decimals in our scale--which is only an "on paper" phenomenon, of course (the intervals would sound just as pure)." (emphasis mine)
So, why 440? And what did they do for standardizing pitch before the discovery of cycles per second (c/s),the Hertz, and most interestingly the tuning fork (invented by Joseph Scheibler in 1830's, per WIKI)?

According to Wiki (Pitch):
"In 1939, an international conference recommended that the A above middle C be tuned to 440 Hz, now known as concert pitch. This standard was taken up by the International Organization for Standardization in 1955 (and was reaffirmed by them in 1975) as ISO 16. The difference between this and the diapason normal is due to confusion over which temperature the French standard should be measured at. The initial standard was A = 439 Hz (info), but this was superseded by A = 440 Hz after complaints that 439 Hz was difficult to reproduce in a laboratory owing to 439 being a prime number.[8]"

Prior to this however, there wasn't any standard concert pitch, as is detailed on the Wiki site on Pitch.

What struck me when I saw the C scale(based on A=440 Hz) given with its sound frequency measurements(Hertz) for the Just Tuning (JT) was the differences between the different tones:
C - 264
D - 297
E - 330
F - 352
G - 396
A - 440
B - 495
C' - 528

Total from one octave to the next = 264 Hz, hmmm, we've seen this number before in regards to the Tiahuanaco Calendar and the number of degrees in their circle (rather than 360) and we see a similar relationship with multiples of 11!; see this forum post for the complete excerpt from SHOTW posted by Laura

I'm going to copy and paste what concerns this topic:
"A few more facts revealed in the calendar are both interesting and surprising. As indicated by an arrangement of “geometrical” elements we can ascertain that the Tiahuanacans divided the circle factually astronomically, (but certainly mathematically} into 264 degrees (rather than 360). Also, they determined (ages before Archimedes and the Egyptians) the ratio of pi, the most important ratio between the circumference of the circle and its diameter, as 22/7, or, in our notation, 3.14+. They could calculate squares (and hence, square roots). They knew trigonometry and the measuring of angles (30, 60, 90 degrees) and their functions. They could calculate and indicate fractions, but do not seem to have known the decimal system nor did they apparently ever employ the duodecimal system though they were aware of it. (For a still unknown reason, however, the number 11 and its multiples occur often.)"

AND some more math from yours truly...

"So after messing around with a little algebra to determine what the "proportional" angle of 30 degrees (base 360) would be in a base 264, I got the following:

15 degrees (1/24th of a circle) would equal 11 degrees of a 264 degree circular ;
30 degrees (1/12th of a circle) would equal 22 degrees of a circle with 264 degrees;
45 degrees (1/8th of a circle) would equal 33 degrees of a 264 degree circle;
60 degrees (1/6th of a circle) would equal 44 degrees of a 264 degree circle;
90 degrees(1/4th of a circle) would equal 66 degrees of a 264 degree circle.
(Incidently, 1/5th of a circle does NOT equal 55 degrees of a 264 circle, but does equal 72 (8 x 9) degrees of a 360 degree circle)

The mystery number 11 comes out in all its multiples."

Curiously, in Aldridge's article he mentions that one of the reasons for tweaking this "divine" intervention was due to the A to D interval, also known as the "wolf interval", he writes:
"But wait! Before we bask too long in this Nirvana, let's look a couple of intervals I've deliberately not discussed yet: What about the fifth A to D? The ratio is 440/297= 1.481481481…. Whoops! This one is unarguably flat from our expected 3/2 or 1.5. How flat is it? Well, the 3rd partial (or harmonic) of 297 is 297 x 3 = 891 and the 2nd partial of 440 is 880. So that interval is flat by 891 - 880 or 11 very audible beats per second! Not so perfect after all.
What about the minor 3rd F to D? Do the calculation: 352/297 = 1.185185185…. not the expected 6/5 or 1.2. But the beating harmonics here are so much higher and softer that the interval isn't nearly as distressing as D to A--which essentially "ruins" the scale for music, unless you can somehow avoid that interval ever being played. Very restrictive! This is where the first "practical" compromise had to be made. "

So let's do some more math for this "wolf interval" of A - D:
A-B= 55hz
B-C=33 hz
C-D=33 hz
Total for the interval = 121, which happens to be 11 squared!

This little revelation reminded me of the transcript included in The Wave, book 3 re: the number 33, etc. Here's a partial quote from the "This Will Bake Your Noodle" forum...seemed appropriate (and convenient)

Q: (L) As we say, "I love a sixth density light being with a sense of humor!" Now, the main thing I wanted to ask about is the references I come across in tons of reading, that the number 33 is somehow significant. Could you tell us the significance, in esoteric terms, or in terms of secret societies, of the number 33. There is the cipher of Roger Bacon, based on the number 33, the 33rd degree masons...
A: As usual, we do not just give you the answers, we help you to teach yourself!! Now, take 11 and contemplate...
Q: (L) Well, three times eleven is thirty-three.
A: Yes, but what about 11?
Q: (L) Well, eleven is supposed to be one of the prime, or divine power numbers. In Kaballah, 11 is the power number...
A: Yes...
Q: (L) Eleven is 10 plus 1; it is divisible only by itself and by 1. I can't think of anything else. In numerology, I am a an 11 in numerology... I am also a 22. What else is there to the number 11?
A: Astrology.
Q: (L) Well, in astrology, the eleventh sign is Aquarius, my name is an eleven, my birthday is a 22 which is twice eleven, and I am an Aquarian. The eleventh house is friends, hopes, dreams and wishes, and also adopted children. Aquarius the Waterbearer, the dispenser of knowledge. Does 11 have something to do with dispensing of knowledge?
A: Now, 3rd house.
Q: (L) Gemini. Okay. Gemini and Aquarius. Third house is how the mind works, communication, relations with neighbors and siblings, education, local travel, how one speaks. Gemini is known as the "consummate man." Somewhat shallow and interested in the things of material life. It is also the divine number of creation. So, what's the connection here?
A: Matrix.
Q: (L) Is there something about this in the Matrix material?
A: No.
Q: (L) This IS a matrix. The third house and the eleventh house create a matrix?
A: Foundation.
Q: (L) In terms of cosmic things, Gemini is in June, Aquarius is in February... (S) Isn't the third house also about teaching? And, we are friends here and we are being taught...
A: This is not about you.
Q: (L) Okay. This is not about us. I am just trying to relate it. Gemini is in June, Aquarius is in February.Gemini is the physical man, and Aquarius is the spiritual man?
A: Yin Yang.
Q: (L) So Gemini is the physical man and Aquarius is the spiritual man... yin yang... is that the...
A: Yes...
Q: (L) So 33 could represent the transformation of the physical man to the divine man through the action of secret or hidden teachings... and those who have gone through this process represent themselves with the number 33, which means that they started out oriented to the flesh and then became...
A: Medusa 11.
Q: (L) Medusa 11? What does Medusa have to do with it? (S) What about spinning 33 times? (L) Please tell me how Medusa relates here?
A: Heads.
Q: (L) Heads. Medusa. 11. Were there eleven snakes on the head of Medusa or eleven heads? This is really obscure... you need to help me out here.
A: We are.
Q: (L) Do I need to read the Medusa legend to understand?
A: No.
Q: (L) Medusa. Heads. 11. Is there something about the mythical Medusa that we need to see here?
A: 11 squared divided by phi.
Q: (L) By pi. 11 squared divided by pi. What does this result bring us to?
A: 33.infinity.
Q: (L) Well, we don't get 33 out of this... we get 3.3166 etc if we divide the square root of 11 by pi. Divided by phi... what in the heck is phi? Okay, if we divide pi into 11, we get 3.5infinity, but not 33.
A: 1 times 1
Q: (L) Oh. You weren't saying 11 times 11, you were saying 1 times 1.
A: No.
Q: (L) 1 times 1 is what? 1.
A: 5 minus 3.
Q: (L) Okay, that's 2.
A: 2 minus 1.
Q: (L) Okay, that's 1. I don't get it. A math genius I am NOT. What is the concept here?
A: Look: 353535.
Q: (L) What is the 35 sequence?
A: 5 minus 3.
Q: (L) Okay, we have strange math. But, you can do anything with numbers because they correspond to the universe at deep levels...
A: Is code.
Q: (L) What does this code relate to? Is it letters or some written work?
A: Infinite power.
Q: (L) How is infinite power acquired by knowing this code? If you don't know the correspondences, how can you use a numerical code?
A: Lord of Serpent promises its followers infinite power which they must seek infinite knowledge to gain, for which they pledge allegiance infinitely for which they possess for all eternity, so long as they find infinite wisdom, for which they search for all infinity.
Q: (L) Well, that is a round robin... a circle you can't get out of!
A: And therein you have the deception! Remember, those who seek to serve self with supreme power, are doomed only to serve others who seek to serve self, and can only see that which they want to see.
Q: (L) The thought that occurs to me, as we are talking here, is that the STS pathway consists of an individual who wants to serve themselves - they are selfish and egocentric -they want to impel others to serve them; they want to enslave others; and they find ways to manipulate others to serve them. But, they end up being impelled by some higher being than they are. Because they have been tricked into believing that by so doing, they are actually drawing power to themselves through the teachings, including the popular religions which promote being "saved" by simply believing and giving up your power. And, then, you have a whole pyramid of people TAKING by trickery and deception, from others. The taker gets taken from in the end. A pyramid where all those on the bottom, the majority, have no one to take from, so they get absorbed into the next level higher, until you get to the apex and everything disappears. In the STO mode, you have those who only give. And, if they are involved with other STO persons, everyone has and no one is at the bottom or at the top, in a void. In the end, it seems like everyone ends up serving someone else anyway, and the principle is the INTENT. But in STO, it is more like a circle, a balance, no one is left without.
A: Balance, yin-yang.
Q: (L) Obviously the 33 represents the Serpent, the Medusa, and so forth...
A: You mentioned pyramid, interesting... And what is the geometric one-dimensional figure that corresponds?
Q: (L) Well, the triangle. And, if you have a triangle point up you have 3, joined to a triangle pointing down, you have 3, you have a 33. Is that something like what we are getting at here?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is there a connection between the number 33 and the Great Pyramid in Egypt?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And what is that connection? Is it that the builders of the pyramid participated in this secret society activity?
A: Yes. And what symbol did you see in "Matrix," for Serpents and Grays?
Q: (L) You are talking about the triangle with the Serpent's head in it?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are we talking in terms of this 33 relating to a group of "aliens," or a group of humans with advanced knowledge and abilities?
A: Either/or.
Q: (L) Is this what has been referred to in the Bramley book as the Brotherhood of the Serpent or Snake?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is this also what you have referred to as the Quorum?
A: Close.
Q: (L) So, we have a bunch of people who are playing with mathematics, and playing with higher knowledge, basically as a keep busy activity to distract them at the human level from the fact that they are being manipulated at a higher level. Is this what is going on? Or, do they consciously know what they are doing? Is it a distraction or a conscious choice?
A: Both.

Well, great, we've discovered all of these multiples of 11, now what? As Ark will probably point out it has alot to do with the base 60 of our clocks and how we measure time and the degrees of our 360 degree circle, as well as Hertz, which is a function of time... our 3D shackle.Enjoy!


I know it may appear that I may be obsessing about 11 multiples, but when they keep appearing I can't help but pull on the thread. I started checking out numbers in different bases and literally stumbled upon something that may just help whack the head off of Medusa....or maybe this just provides a mirror to look at her symbolically.

The website explains base 6 numeral system (heximal). The author claims it is "useful in the study of prime numbers".

An interesting link on Shackite's website leads to information about the Ndom language, spoken in Papua New Guinea. They also use a base 6 counting system (finger counting), there word for 6...Mer!
As in mer cubit, meridian, Merovingian, etc.

"Briefly, base six (or "heximal") is a number system that uses the number symbols 0 through 5 in each digit rather than 0 through 9. So the number that would be expressed as 6 in base ten[decimal] is expressed as 10 in base six. We count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, and so on."

heximal 11 (6x1+1) = decimal 7
heximal 22 (6x2+2) = decimal 14
and so on,
heximal multiples of 11 equal decimal multiples of 7
7 11, incidentally is the ratio of height to base of the Giza pyramid according to Fix.
Also, 11/7 is one half of pi.

In SHOTW, pg281, Laura quotes Albert Pike:
"I do not understand why the 7 should be called Minerva, or the cube, Neptune..."
Included in this section of the book is the discussion of Pythagoras and his symbolism.

if Minerva was associated with 7, which would = heximal 11, and Minerva according to Webster: " Roman myth the goddess of wisdom, technical skill, and invention; identified with the Greek Athena" ie. intellectual control? wasn't Athena the one who condemned Medusa to be a Gorgon,?

Neptune, the cube (6?), would "decode" to heximal 10. Webster defines Neptune: "Roman myth the god of the sea; identified with the Greek Poseidon". Cayce identified Poseidia with Atlantis (Atlanteans). ie. monetary control?

One more thing about 7 and 11; the ancient Roman calendar had September as the 7th month (Septa=7), since March (the month of the Spring Equinox) was the beginning of the year, makes a lot of sense. This would've made September 11, 7/11 rather than 9/11 under the Roman calendar. Interesting.

Am I just playing with numbers, here?... what the C's called a distraction? or could this be a way to decode masonic/biblical symbolism?

OK this is just weird. I was just reading the 432Hz thread right now and opened a search for the "pyramid odyssey" book. Distraction or clue, it's too much for a coincidence!
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